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If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing! VIDEO WAS CENSORED!

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posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by Eliad

If you don't know how to read it (it's in French) then you should probably go and learn more about this conflict before posting aimlessly...

Ahhh, so I need to learn French to figure out why Israel is allowed to get away with genocide...
That explains it to me, thanks for that....

All along I thought it was Israel making up it's own rules..

(face plant in palm) Now I know its because its all written in French !!!

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 09:26 PM


posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 04:21 AM

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 04:27 AM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
reply to post by Thepreye

A suicide attack (also known as suicide bombing, homicide bombing, or "kamikaze") is an attack intended to kill others and inflict widespread damage, in which the attacker expects or intends to die in the process.

Surely that's just choosing to give a Suicide Bomber a different name to try and manipulate peoples minds, weak as dude.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 04:43 AM
reply to post by gravitational

and other information regarding the unilateral moves made by Israel in a two minutes search?

It wasn't unilateral and here is why:

I didn't see them make any unilateral moves before the violence started, hence they continued the occupation and continue the expansion of Jewish settlements:

In between the time of the Oslo Accord and the 2nd intifada:

When Yasser Arafat and Yitzak Rabin shook hands on the White House lawn in September 1993 there were about 115,000 Jewish settlers in West Bank and Gaza. By the time of the second intifada seven years later there were more than 200,000 of them. Reports suggest another 1,500 families (17,000 people) have been added to this total during 2001, more than the 400 settler families that have moved back to Israel under the impact of the intifada.

You get what I mean right?

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 05:03 AM

Originally posted by Eliad
reply to post by gravitational

In all fairness, they did do a lot to stop terror- Not on Hamas's side, but rather on the West Bank's side.

With respect,

That is because – among other things – they fear Hamas more than the fear Israel, and for a good reaosn.
Suffice to look at how Hamas treated Phatah members after they took control in Gaza. Shooting and throwing them from roof tops was a common practice.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 05:06 AM
Hi People,

Can we keep the discussions focussed on the posts and not the posters...attack the topic and not eachother please...


posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by oozyism

The first stage was 'Gaza and Jerico first'/
Israel withdraw, Palestinians escalated terror.

So go.
Second line.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 05:28 AM
reply to post by gravitational

Gaza was taken by force, after the second intifada. What did the Palestinians get before the second intifada? I can't find anything but occupation and settlement expansions, and bulldozers, move or shoot attitude..

Israel is still expanding its settlement towards the Fatah controlled areas, but can't towards Gaza, why?

Violence kinda works against Hypocrite, backward terrorists states.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by oozyism

Ha...say what?
Where in Gods name do you take your information from?
Gaza was taken from EYGPT in 1967...remember? The six days war?
Second intifada was when? 2000 ?
Or did you mean it was taken by force of Hamas. Jeee , and I thought it was democratic elections.

Twist and twist all you want. That still won't change the basic facts. That still won't change your sympathy to terrorist who DELIBERETLY target Innocent civilians.

Didn't you open a thread the other day saying: “ I was brainwashed” ?

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by gravitational

Nothing you said countered my point, that non of the Israeli actions were unilateral as you claimed previously, hence before violence, Palestinians didn't gain anything, but after intifada, and when the violence started, Palestinians gained Gaza, stopped settlement expansions in Gaza and exposed the Zionist regime to the world, where the hatred towards this terroristic regime is growing by the day.

Long live the Palestinian resistance.

Here is a cool solution, if you don't want Palestinians targeting aimlessly lol, then you should maybe ask Israel to give them some guided missiles, so they can hit their target accurately (military bases), or some drones, so they can pin point and hit their target (military bases), or maybe some Jets, and satellites for co-ordination blablabla. You get what I mean?

Ohh na, you don't, I don't expect you to, but I do expect you to explain why you think the Israeli pull out was unilateral lol

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by oozyism

Unilateral = Israel withdraw from Gaza and Jericho

Oozysim Unilateral = Bilateral = Israel withdraw from Gaza and Jericho – Palestinians increase violence.

I get it, say no more. I rest my case.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by oozyism

What do you mean, america knows what they are doing, they are on the same side, part of the collective.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by Thepreye

Surely that's just choosing to give a Suicide Bomber a different name to try and manipulate peoples minds, weak as dude.

And calling them Suicide bombers does the same thing by not mentioning they are scattering the limbs and organs of others around as well.

words are used to manipulate peoples' minds. weak has nothing to do with it outside of those who's only known recourse left in their fight is the option to blow themselves up in the effort of blowing as many other people up as they can.

Homicide bomber, Suicide bomber.

one labe acknowledges and recognizes the vicitims of the assault, one makes no mention of them and insinuates and focusses on one individual, not the multiple deaths incurred.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher

Originally posted by Thepreye

Surely that's just choosing to give a Suicide Bomber a different name to try and manipulate peoples minds, weak as dude.

And calling them Suicide bombers does the same thing by not mentioning they are scattering the limbs and organs of others around as well.

I just thought the Bomber part of the name implied the carnage, Homicide adds nothing to the picture as it's a given, I don't think Suicide Bomber adds any kudos to the bomber he is after all just a delivery vehicle, no more a martyr than a guy who dies after a gun fight, not that I give any respect to any religious concept such as martyrdom, but at least suicide is apt.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by oozyism

My friend, do you know what unilateral means? It means one sided.
So when Israel does something without asking for anything back it's unilateral.
Do you understand now?

And anyways, where do you get off saying there was no violence with the Palestinians before 1987? Where can you find any news sources that have anything on them from before 1990 anyway?
There's always been violence.

So you think terror got them everything they've got? Let's look at the West Bank with terror and without-
With- Closed roads, Israeli check posts, Israeli control, no police, no development, no funds.
Without terror- No check posts, full control of their territories, 10s of millions of dollars every month from the state of Israel, an efficient police force, a functioning (Yet somewhat corrupt) government, development, stability....

If Gaza stops the violence now, what do you think would happen? Do you think Israel would start making settlements again?
Gaza, more than the West Bank, has everything to lose from using violence, and NOTHING MORE TO GAIN!..

I mean, consider the facts- Israel is dealing with making peace with the West Bank, and the Gaza people have no Israeli presence in their lands, so what are they still fighting for?

And why are you advocating murder? If they had guided rockets they wouldn't have aimed them at military targets, they would have aimed them at civilians..

I've got to say, you're running out of arguments, and you're starting to sound stupid, no offence.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 07:22 PM
Both Isreali military and Muslim extremists commit atrocities.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by Eliad

My friend, do you know what unilateral means? It means one sided.
So when Israel does something without asking for anything back it's unilateral.
Do you understand now?

Exactly, it wasn't one sided, Israel withdrew from Gaza because of violence, in the hope that Palestinians would stop violence against the oppressive Zionist regime harbored and supplied by the US.

Once again, tell me, why didn't the Zionist scum bags didn't stop settlement expansions? It was only when Gaza was taken through violence, did the settlement expansions towards Gaza stopped. The Fatah controlled areas, that is another story, hence Zionists are still expanding Jewish settlements towards Gaza controlled areas.

The fact that Israel won't allow Palestinians to build a state of their own has much to say, because we all know what those Zionist scum bags want, they want to push Palestinians out and occupy the whole of Israel for themselves, the Biblical Israel, so they can force their prophecy.

Wow, I can't wait until that prophecy is successful, then I can say, yo, look, it is the prophecy I was talking about in 2010, see it came true, because I freaken told you they want it forcefully.

Two state solution is the only way to go.

Here is what Fatah leader said lol:

Frantic efforts to persuade Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to extend a moratorium on new settlements in the West Bank appear to have failed, putting at risk the future of fledgling peace talks with the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas.

This is what Fatah leader says lol, and this is what the resistance is all about, but deny it all you want, who cares, because the Zionists terrorists got more advanced weapons:

"Israel is a country that is above the law - destroys homes, expands settlements, erects a racist fence, makes arrests and oppresses. East Jerusalem is the capital of independent Palestine. The Israeli measures are illegal."

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by oozyism

Exactly, you are making exactly my point-
There were no guarantees that the violence would stop, this was not an agreement, this, at best, was a gesture of good will- We are getting out, we have no agreements with you, we don't know if you're going to stop, but we're making the first move anyway, without getting anything in return. We hope that in the future this will help us get peace.

In the end it didn't, but it's still unilateral, because Israel did not get anything in return.
If you're saying we did it for reasons other than good will you are also so right, we were losing soldiers there, we were losing lives there, and we don't need these territories.
But it doesn't change the fact that it was unilateral.

Originally posted by oozyism
reply to post by Eliad

Exactly, it wasn't one sided, Israel withdrew from Gaza because of violence, in the hope that Palestinians would stop violence against the oppressive Zionist regime harbored and supplied by the US.

Once again, tell me, why didn't the Zionist scum bags didn't stop settlement expansions? It was only when Gaza was taken through violence, did the settlement expansions towards Gaza stopped. The Fatah controlled areas, that is another story, hence Zionists are still expanding Jewish settlements towards Gaza controlled areas.

The fact that Israel won't allow Palestinians to build a state of their own has much to say, because we all know what those Zionist scum bags want, they want to push Palestinians out and occupy the whole of Israel for themselves, the Biblical Israel, so they can force their prophecy.

They way you choose to present your arguments is shameful, disrespectful and inappropriate, this should be a debate, not an argument, or a fight.

Israel is allowing the Palestinians to build a state, even more than that- Israel gives the West Bank millions of dollars every month, it gives Gaza medicine, food, and electricity.
Your statement is wrong.

And who is "We all"? Why are you using weasel words? Israel is out of Gaza, and is going to be out of the West Bank, there's no biblical Israel.. The biblical Israel included Jordan, are you suggesting that we're going to get them too?

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by Eliad

Exactly, you are making exactly my point-
There were no guarantees that the violence would stop, this was not an agreement, this, at best, was a gesture of good will- We are getting out, we have no agreements with you, we don't know if you're going to stop, but we're making the first move anyway, without getting anything in return. We hope that in the future this will help us get peace.

I get your point, but you don't get my point, still not expecting you to:

My point is simple, that the violence started for a reason, the violence started because of the Zionist actions in the first place.

So when the Zionists gave up Gaza, that was because of violence, in order for peace to be achieved, they need to give everything back, they need to give Palestinians what they want, because that is the soul reason why the violence started. So if the Zionists want the resistance to stop, they need to give Palestinians their state, based on the UN charter, give stop the settlement expansions, destroy the wall blablablabla...

These are all the wrongs the Zionists have done, which needs to be undone for the violence to stop.

Giving them a little bit is not enough lol..

The biblical Israel included Jordan, are you suggesting that we're going to get them too?

Once the Zionists give Palestinians a state, that is when I will be in a position to say the Zionists are not gonna capture and occupy Jordan.

I don't see the Zionists doing that, infact I see them expanding their settlements, that kinda doesn't help does it? That was like one of the main reasons why the violence started.

edit on 26-9-2010 by oozyism because: (no reason given)

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