posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 02:14 PM
My cousin was stationed for severl years at Minot AFB in Minot, North Dakota. They are the largest Nuclear ICBM sites that the USAF has and are our
main defense. Twice, did my cousin call to tell of what had happened, each time someone else came on the phone, that I could not hear and told him to
be silent and then he would change the subject and the conversation would be over.
One of the incidents included the siting of a ship hovering over the silo he was working at during that particular set of days. He said that they
could not see it, just stars overhead at night that night, not a cloud in site, but they lost launch capability after a few of the local farmers had
called to ask about the bright lights over the base...of which they could not see from below...they saw through whatever there was above them. He said
the air felt dense...more than normal and the air was still and damp even deep down inside the silo several stories down.
The other event had to do with a bear that had gotten inside one of the perimeter fences. The fences, he said, were something like 18' high and
topped with razor wire. Well the bear set off the motion sensors and a humvee was dispatched to the spot to assess the animal. When they arrived, they
noticed it looked a bit 'different', and called in a tranquilizer team so that they could follow protocol and tranq/relocate the animal. When the
secondary team arrived on the spot, the animal stood up on its hind legs and jumped the fence, running into the darkness. He said the radio was full
of chatter from above, as he was down inside the silo. The airmen topside, were describing a 12-15' tall man, covered in long fur, that ran like a
person does. No shots were fired, but his CO told them to silence the radio chatter and forget it happened.
Both were interesting and I believe both 100%. My cousin is a Texas Republican and is very conservative. He never believed anything like that when we
were kids until something flew over his house when we were shook the house so hard that things were falling off the walls and our legos were
bouncing all over, it was silent, then a light filled the house for a split second and as it faded it got extremely loud. We ran outside to see
neighbors doing the same wondering what the heck it was. Now this happened in Houston, before Bush Int'l was built...the planes did always fly over,
but whatever this was, was at tree tops at best as loud and bright as it was.
Those are mine for now...regarding my cousin.