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Is this 9/11 nonsense going to ever go away? ZERO eveidence but still pushing on!

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posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 05:02 PM
See what I mean...regarding a minimal of research required to begin to understand 911 truth.


Say it to yourself quietly three times...




We are no longer scared of you and your tactics.

We could argue with you all day. literally ALL FREAKIN DAY online here and you would not change your mind. because you have not done the research.

If you have then carefully expand ON EACH POINT OF THE 250 plus anamolies regarding 911.


I was an OS story believer like you...until i did the RESEARCH.

And your claims of internet youtube posts not being reliable will not work here.

If your are seriously talking about CREDIBLE sources and referring to CORPORATE CONTROLLED MEDIA then we already know where you stand.

You see, in AMerica you hve been cut off from truth for many decades now by the media.

If you are waiting for the news to tell your the truth then you are already *snip*

Get it.

How can you look at events unfolding around the world and not understand how information is shaped and regionalized by the vested interests in each region.

How can you come here and so baltantly expose your ignorance each day to millions of people.







Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

edit on 20-9-2010 by GAOTU789 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 05:03 PM
The reason there is no evidence is because the evidence cannot be tested. there pictures of steel that was melted, debunkers claim it is aluminium or something else, but it cannot be proven or disproven eigher way, because no one can test it. Common sense tells me that if you have a steel beam and something melted at the end of it, its that steel beam, can I prove it...nope. can you prove it is something else...nope.

common sense can tell you alot of things about why 9/11 is an inside job, but cannot be tested or proven. but the OS is even more sketchy and also cannot be tested or proven. So this is why the conspiracy will never be debunked and the OS will never be proven. TPTB did their job well.

I can prove NIST is wrong about why building 7 went down... i posted this in another thread.

Originally posted by ohhwataloser

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
C)A ccording to NIST, the fires caused column 79 to overheat and expand, and becuase the steel was vertical and couldn't expand up or down, it expanded sideways, pushing the horizontal girder between columns 79 and 44 and causing floor 13 to collapse. The NIST report go into all of that so I'm not going to waste my time repeating it here to satisfy this weird little game playing of yours.

so thats what caused wtc 7 to come down? hmmm.... now my first question is why wouldn't the steel expand inward, instead of outward against the girders which would obviously have more resistance but we can ignore that

also how much did the steel expand?

lets assume worst case, I couldn't find any info on how thick the steel was for wtc 7, but wtc 1 and 2 used 5 inch thick steal for their columns at the base, which would be way over kill for wtc 7 at floor 13, but lets just use 5 inches.

how much did the steel get heated? I have no idea but, lets assume the steel is normally at zero degrees why not? and it got heated to 2500 degrees which would melt it, but lets just use some numbers

0.00000645in*in*deg F - forumla for steel expansion

0.00000645in*5*2500F = 0.080625 n. which obviously it would of been alot less.

so .08in was enough to cause a grider to fail?

or are we going to assume that the entire column expanded in the direction of column 44 and in no other direction? biggest column I could find is again from wtc1 and 2 so would be way oversized for wtc 7, is 52inx22in. so ill assume the same thing as above and that all 52 inches expanded in the direction of column 44.

0.00000645in*52*2500F = 0.8385 so even at an impossible amount of expansion, you think less than an inch caused a grider to fail? and mind you the amont of expansion would obviously be alot less.

So NIST is wrong and I submited this to them. I will never get a response back and nothing will ever come of this. we stay at this standstill. other people can prove other parts of the OS wrong with science and math, but we still stay at this standstill. this is why the conspiracy exists, forever and ever.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by L1U2C3I4F5E6R

This just made me laugh my socks off.

OP tactics as follows: Distract, ridicule, raise tensions, talk rubbish, play the big ego, side with the OS, garner support from disinfo agents and naive people, slap bang wallop, a few points for the OS and disinfo guys. SHOUT IN CAPITALS to make a point. (scary)

Ignore evidence of manipulated media cover. Ignore the mass attacks against those who question the OP in the media. Ignore evidence of government inaction/ complicity. Ignore evidence that the 'Dancing Israelis' knew before time that this would happen. Ignore evidence that no plane crashed at the Pentagon. Ignore the blatant evidence PLANT wherein the passport of a 'hijacker' survived the crash but none of the three black boxes did.

Ignore algorithm-generated CGI vicsims? That one's controversial, but scary when you look into it.

Et cetera. Luckily, no-one with half a brain will take this thread seriously. It's pure incitement & distraction.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by FlyInTheOintment

well said ....i would ask you something...would you give this a read through and see if it is completely of i would like to solve this as a crime rather than fighting over the results...your remarks are well presented on the OP's tactics....thanks for that.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 05:22 PM
If the US hadn't instantly become involved in not one, but two wars, against an adversary residing in countries very wealthy in Natural Resources, with nary a standing army or single plane or Ship in which to fight against I personally would feel totally different about 9/11.

If people can be paid to kill one another, How difficult would it be to pay some crazies to fly into buildings anyway ?
Especially if by using brainwashing ala MK ULTRA they would do it for FREE ?

Think outside of the box and look at the bigger picture my friend.

The Truth Shall Set You Free.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by FlyInTheOintment

Im sorry you feel this way. But you are doing what someone does when they deflect. The passport that survived is completely reasonable. Quite oftne when a car bomb explodes pieces of paper from that car are scattered everywhere. But the passenger seat is completely destroyed and non existent.

HArdware is often destroyed as it is "nailed down and there for is exposed to the central point of a balst far more than lose flappy pieces of paper or passports, a collection of flappy papers. The lighter and less secure an item the more likely it will survive the tremendous blast of a bomb. I'm sure that other pieces of hand luggage were found that day but where not as significant as a passport of a terrorist.

Remember, the government did have something to hide. Incompetence of letting something like this happen. Again your theories are just that. Everyone has come up with what would happen if a airliner hit the twin towers but nothing in science can fully explain all occurrences. Nothing is purely text book when it comes to science. The slightest additional bit if wind, a change in direction, a beam that was more dense than the rest can all have an effect that could not be accounted for. Whatever happens is pure chance to some degree. So the passport surviving is rather shallow proof of anything.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by Freedom is Key

Does this guy know anything about 1,200 plus architects and engineers saying is was an inside job?

I'ts 1,300 plus now, and growing.

The scores of anomolies aside, the Official Conspiracy Theory doesn't even make sense...

What terrorist in his right mind would plan an operation that contained as a crucial element the malfunction of the multi-trillion dollar US Air Defense System?
If the Air Defence System was functioning normally on 9/11 the 'terrorist operation' would have failed.

How could bin Laden possibly know that Air Defence would fail that day, which is something that *had to happen for his plan to succeed?

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by seti_starr

Well I'll give you an A for effort, but all that stuff that was posted there has already been answered many times in the past. And I'm sorry but none of what they say, (And I saw this exact same stuff years ago back when I for a short time was a "truther" ) kicks starts my imagination into the "inside job" aspect. In fact, it just shows me how far they are stuck in a completely ignorant mindset where they WANT to believe that nonsense they posted, even if it means suspending reality and ignoring actual facts. I'd love to go through with you every one of those points, but to be honest, its been done countless times here on ATS by myself and many others who are just as tired as seeing these TM "facts" cropping up and though they are true, when in reality, they are all based on A) innuendo, B) lies, C) misunderstanding of reality, D) connect the dots in any way you see fit style, E) ignorance of actual facts and truths, E) twisting and taking out of context quotes/comments/eyewitness accounts, and G) very little to zero understanding of complex engineering/fire/physical/etc etc etc matters.

I still cannot believe they still believe that Silverstein actually said to "pull" down WTC7, when in the quote they use themselevs, he says no such thing! I mean come on! READING COMPREHENSION people! When a group of people who are claming they are looking for the truth and trying to expose the lies, I'd expect for them to be able to at least have decent reading comprehenion skills and some critical thinking skills. I'm sorry, but if that is how they try to sucker you in, I do not believe for a second they have actual intrest in the truth in mind.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by Nonchalant
reply to post by GoldenFleece

haha excellent work now we got a devil-worshipper telling us to just accept the official story of 9/11 and move on..

Great stuff

QFT, you took the words right outta my mouth.

A follower of Lucifer wants me to eat the OS and shut up?

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by nh_ee

If the US hadn't instantly become involved in not one, but two wars, against an adversary residing in countries very wealthy in Natural Resources, with nary a standing army or single plane or Ship in which to fight against I personally would feel totally different about 9/11.

If people can be paid to kill one another, How difficult would it be to pay some crazies to fly into buildings anyway ?
Especially if by using brainwashing ala MK ULTRA they would do it for FREE ?

Think outside of the box and look at the bigger picture my friend.

The Truth Shall Set You Free.

Again possible. But again you have ZERO proof just mindful fantasy. Suggestion is not proof. Its merely guess work and speculation. What is up with this type of thinking. Why do truthers always say think outside the box. You can't just go round making stuff up cause it is possible and using it as the story. I could say little mice planned and carried out this attack. Its a story and possible in the realm of make believe. But i cant prove it so it becomes just more theory. Theories are that until ACTUAL evidence gives them proof positive.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 05:27 PM
An actual reason why? schizophrenia seems to be spreading like wildfire, and not in the cool "pretty picture" way. As you might already be fully aware, alot of people tend to make things up in thier head, or hear voices in thier head (how they get thier "intel")

The world is full of gulible idiots and schizophrenics, lucky there is a third party "logic" not too many people fall under logic, some pretend to have such a feature in thier mind, while others think the voices in thier head is "logic"

Logic comes from intellgent and in my opinion intellgence comes from a large gene pool (open opinion/debate)
It is also well known that many people have (sadly) a small gene pool, which comes from genetic malformations, and imbreding.

So it doesn't really suprise me that many people are not willing to listen to logic, because to them logic is the scary side of the world they never want to see, because it involes them leaving thier delusional fantasy land, built entirely within thier mind. Like a movie a place of nonstop entertainment, i suppose. So when a dose of the real world comes into play, they don't want it simply because it does not appeal to them, does not entertain them, merely boring in thier eyes.

So when will the 9/11 truthers stop? perhaps a few generations from now, or maybe untill we are dead, merely replaced by our desendants whom hopfully have logic in thier daily lives.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 05:29 PM
I'm rather sick of the shaky evidence myself. While I do believe there was some level of interior involvement I'm tired of the same anecdotal evidence being rehashed. Maybe when some new evidence comes out I'll change my tune, but in the mean time I'm sick of the same record playing on repeat.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 05:29 PM
OP is a genius troll.


posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by aethron

Can you point to me in the NORAD mission objective where the Air Defence Network is specifically inclined to track and target civilian airliners within its own airspace? That is a common misconception of the reality of how an Air Defence system works.

This was not the Cold War USA of 1956 where we had bombers and fighter interceptors on round the clock ground alert readiness, with engines running on the tarmac on five minute alert where they can be wheels up in five minutes of recieving the "go-code" to intercept Soviet bombers coming over the North Pole or off the coasts of Atlantic and Pacific. The Air Defence mission is to track and intercept aircraft from OUTSIDE our airspace. Not inside our airspace.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by GenRadek
reply to post by GoldenFleece

Ah and what exactly is the offical story? Have you truthers ever made a consensus on that yet? As far as I know the only offical story is that radical Islam terrorists hijacked 4 airliners, smashing three into buildings and a fourth going down into a field. Two buildings collapsed from the resulting damage and fires together, while a third collapsed as collateral from damage and fires which were unchallenged for hours after the collapses.

Yeah, as far as you know. Other than the fact that your "hijackers" weren't on any initial passenger manifests (no, the manifests aren't "victims lists"), MSM organizations like the BBC reported that several of the "hijackers" were still alive (now reportedly 7), FBI claims "problems with identification" but never revises list, the WTC towers were designed and constructed to withstand impact from a similar size, weight and speed 707 (INCLUDING any resulting fires), the WTC towers were the first and last steel-frame high-rise buildings to collapse due to fire), there was NO identifiable 757 wreckage at the Pentagon, NO identifiable Shanksville wreckage at crash site (spread out over 8 miles), NO photos or videos of a plane impacting the Pentagon, NO black boxes recovered from the WTC wreckage (another aviation first), NO significant damage or fires at WTC 7, known laws of physics-defying free-fall speeds for all three towers and numerous "secondary explosions" heard by dozens if not hundreds of people. The crazy anomalies, inconsistencies and cover-ups go on and on.

Yeah, so much for your "official story" which is not only impossible but laughable.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by L1U2C3I4F5E6R

Twenty minutes of "manipulated footage"??? WTF?

I thought the OP's post was satire until I read on and found "Holy crap this person is for real".

"NOT ONE shred of evidence"????????

Wow...I've MOUNTAINS... and not the usual stuff that gets thrown around by the truthy truth kids who comment on YouTube and that's their extent of research.

It's so bizarre because from where I stand, the Official Story is no where NEAR being possible as explained.

Then you concede that even if it WAS an inside job, we should "get over it". LMAO

No statute of limitation on murder. I'm sure if your family was involved you wouldn't just "get over it".

Other than that your attack OP is just a personal rant with no substance or data itself. You basically just PUKED on the interwebs and got stars for it while proving or disproving nothing.

Are you done? Do you feel better now? Feel relieved?

Good, because we're NOT going anywhere until the FACTS of that day see the light. So get used to us and eat more cake.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 05:39 PM
I don't know whats sadder,

this OP or the fact that it got 24 flags

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 05:40 PM

Why has no one involved in this mass destruction come forward publically to support the truthers and say they helped plan and carry it out?

I lol'ed hard when I read this over and over.

Why DON'T people admit it when they commit crimes against humanity? Surely there must be a reason. Maybe something to do with consequences?

inb4 trolls trolling trolls

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 05:43 PM
And it's so hilarious how the 'skeptics' (not true skeptics at all) claim that anyone who believes (knows) the facts about 9/11 have been covered up, manipulated, white "craaaaaazy". We're all "schizophrenic". Yep

I guess it's easy to just debate something by saying :

"Hey, that guy's crazy, don't listen to him because I'm logical...Did you hear me...I'm LOGICAL!!! I'm a "skeptic" it says so on my name tag. I'm the expert of all things're a denier because you're on the opposite fence as me and I'm the LOGICAL one so you must be crazy...."

It hasn't worked for years guys. You're playing a ROLE. So stay in character guys, it means nothing in the end.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by GoldenFleece

Oh boy, are you STILL reading the same manuscript word for word from the truther sites? The same one that has been addressed and debunked hundreds of times over?

Ok, well to start, the hijackers WERE on the flight's passenger list, they were NOT on the victim's list. They WERE identified through process of elimination. You can find that info here on ATS in no time.

The hijackers are alive nonsense has also been addressed and debunked. Apparently, the truthers didnt know that many of the hijacker's names are also very popular and common. Just go look in a telephone book and see how many John Smiths there are. Or Michael Jordan. Anyways, here is the BBC on that:

Everything else there that you posted is nothing more than the same old rehash of garbage that has been debunked ad nasuem. Just because you repost the same dead horse and clame its alive, doesnt make it so. The debris, it was all there. Black boxes, recovered. No free fall of the towers, (hint, it was the debris goldenfleece. I thought at least THAT would have been obvious).
Oh geeze and the "secondary explosions" bit. Lordy lord. two 767s impacted two 110 floor office buildings. gee what wont go boom in a fire like that!
Its the same old nonsense that just wont quit because apparently, the answers dont fit the preconcieved notions.

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