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Is this 9/11 nonsense going to ever go away? ZERO eveidence but still pushing on!

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posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by trey85
reply to post by skeptic_al

So I guess becuase he was a Wrestler at one time that cancles out that he was a Governer and a demolition expert. ooooooooooook

I Intentionally left that part off, I wanted to see who would pick that up.
So you think being a Governor, he must be in the Inner Circle and access to special
Inner Circle Top Secret stuff. They why he is asking the same things, he should already
know. All these people regardless of Occupation, have access to exactly the same Books, Videos and YouTube and suprisingly that's the source of all Evidence for the Books and Videos. YouTube.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by jfj123

Originally posted by plube
reply to post by jfj123

well you better decide which side of the fence your on cause the OFFICIAL fema report says it fell onto it's own footprint so i guess your a truther now cause you don't believe the official story now...WOW


The official FEMA report states: "The collapse of WTC 7 had a small debris field as the facade was pulled downward, suggesting an internal failure and implosion...

Demolishing the building so that it collapses straight down into its own footprint requires such skill that only a handful of demolition companies in the world will attempt it."


I was referring to WTC 1 & 2 but thanks for playing.
Line 2 just for fun
I can understand Plube for not getting it right, since your reference was to "it" not them. While on the subject of WT7, this picture IS a big fire and no collapso,

I hope Golden Fleece doesn't mind my showing it.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by jfj123

Originally posted by VitriolAndAngst
How can people "Move On" when the attack on the middle class -- and the continuous resource wars are still going on?

Whatever you think about 9/11 -- it ENABLED the Patriot Act, Domestic Spying, ending of international treaties against torture, Constitutional Protections and such.


These are the things we should be focusing our energies on stopping.
For example, obama promised that he would look into prosecuting war crimes during the bush regime but he's since dropped that. WE THE PEOPLE should tell him if he would like to be re-elected, he will investigate.

>> I think that the TRUTHER MOVEMENT -- needs to be called the "TRANSPARENCY MOVEMENT."

We've got less than 50 "al Qaeda" in Afghanistan according to the CIA -- and every report gives the idea that the "threat from them is exaggerated."

>> So what is the compelling "national security" that requires all these secrets? Forget about 9/11 for a second. Since Bush took office -- there has been a "show us yours and we'll tell you what to think about ours" mentality from on high in Washington. Obama has taken over -- but the policy is still in place. They'll let us know I suppose, if anything WRONG takes place.

When we LOOK UNDER ROCKS: we see that the Fed cannot track it's money. The Pentagon loses billions on Iraq and Trillions at home. That Oil Companies lobbyists are having orgies with the government agency overseeing them. Then they almost kill an entire ocean. We get the CIA and Homeland security running SOME KIND OF OPERATION at the Watergate Hotel involving Poker and Prostitutes (no mention as to what KIND of sex worker however). We may all be dead and broke before some spooky foreign enemy has their way with us.

Meanwhile, we've got top politicians working for foreign governments. You've got dual loyalties with our security in Washington and the Mossad. You've got Saudi lobbyists, and Turkish, and Chinese buying up or getting dirt on our politicians.

Forget the CONSPIRACY -- GE is building weapons plants in China. What the Hell do we even have a military for?

Meanwhile, back in Afghanistan, Blackwater mercenaries are caught trading drugs with Taliban groups,... and a gallon of gas costs the taxpayers $450 -- why don't we just smuggle it in? It's got to be cheaper than the Opium doesn't it?

Did you know that Wachovia got into trouble for $150 Million on laundered drug money in Mexico? I'm guessing it's not newsworthy. Actually $450 Billion of the transactions Don't HAVE RECEIPTS!

Oh, and the Koch family and other Economic Royalists are busy paying for propaganda, shills and lobbyists so that they can keep taxes and tariffs low and shove the burden more and more on the Middle Class while our infrastructure crumbles.

>> We NEED a TRANSPARENCY MOVEMENT!. We need to have accountability. This nonsense about a need to spy on "al Qaeda" when you've got half the radio shows and News stations doing everything they can to piss off Conservatives and cause an uprising.

This country has a Fifth Column at work in it. And the CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER, is the secrecy of the government and corporations. Do we know some company can't just BUY nuclear weapons -- I mean, it's a private company that makes them now? Since we have many defense contractors outsourcing to China -- what exactly have is the reason we even have Battleships, Bombers and Tanks? Who are they for?

Does anyone know for sure, if all the militaries and all the governments of the world, aren't just for show -- and the REAL enemy, is and always has been, the Wealthy and Powerful who own these props? People get too prosperous and in control in a country and you have to have something go "boom!" and then you have to spend all the money on DEFENSE! and INVASIONS!

>> You will of course "cough" and think "how silly." But can you PROVE IT? The Lusitania and Gulf of Tonkin and Spanish American war -- all based on False Flags. You look under a rock and you see a lie, and the next rock and the next rock -- but the ROCKS you are NOT ALLOWED TO TURN OVER -- well, they all cover up the truth, right?

How stupid is everybody if they are OK with "let's just move on... it's too complicated... trust us?" If the government was working for our interests on 9/10 and 9/12/2001 -- then they should have nothing to worry about by showing us absolutely everything. Whatever SECRETS the Government needs to protect us -- is NOT greater in importance than in earning the Public Trust. Their secrets DID NOT STOP 9.11.

So the Pentagon should give me my money back -- if they want to "lose a trillion" and tell me "oops!" If you want secrets, then PAY ME you fascists.

The BP and Shell are back in Iraq, and we get a Trillion Dollar bill. Hey, if we stole 80% of Iraq's oil -- where is my FREE Gasoline you SOBs? A bigger conspiracy is why is BP and Goldman Sacks not giving me money every week? -- they certainly used my tax dollars for their benefit.

Since 9/11 -- it's been OK to say; "I may have failed completely, but you need to give us more funds and power and less oversight or things are going to get bad." And of course, if we AUDIT THE FED -- they've threatened to crash the banking system -- not in so simple of terms,... they just warn that it's of course the result of "looking" at the flow of money.

The people with power, and our voting system, and our economic system and the REASONS bad things happen -- it's all a Black Box now. And everything about you is laid bare. And with the internal spying -- anyone who steps out of line can have the most minute issue brought to light.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by GoldenFleece

Originally posted by L1U2C3I4F5E6R
You keep asking me to prove it was doens by terrorists. MY proof is that the OS says it was. I need NO further proof as I am not seeking change to it.

There you have it. Lucy's "proof" is that the "OS says it was."

Instead of denying ignorance, let's not disturb anyone's OS.

Wait -- what?

I need NO further proof as I am not seeking change to it.

>> You know, people do that when they put Gawd's word in some book and then start a religion.... immediately, the path to heaven and Gawd's good graces requires money in a collection plate.

Let's say that again;
I need NO further proof as I am not seeking change to it.

>> This from the group who wanted to know if the Obama healthcare plan had Death Panels? Since when in a DEMOCRACY, do we just accept something? The corporations, which have benefitted greatly from Washington -- go over every policy with a fine tooth comb. You'd think after all those parties, drinks, hookers and favors, they'd be TRUSTING their rented representatives more.

The Original Story, is "Adam and Eve bit an Apple." or it might be something about a fire causing a steel building to collapse WITH NO RESISTANCE for most of the "implosion." I don't know -- but my standard is; "IF YOU ARE COMING UP WITH A PHENOMENON THAT HAS NEVER EXISTED BEFORE -- PLEASE AT LEAST GIVE US THE NEW PHYSICS TO EXPLAIN IT."

>> The Burden of proof is ON THE GOVERNMENT. Or it used to be.
Did you know, that way back in the year 2000, the government couldn't just throw anyone in jail and deprive them of Life or Liberty without PROVING IT.

Back when we had the first WTC attack -- the Blind Sheik who masterminded it, had to be tried IN A COURT OF LAW.

I've seen no trial. I have not seen independent inspections of "evidence". There are still videotapes that are not released and black boxes that only PARTS can be seen -- that's not how it works.

And, after all this; HOW CAN THERE NOT BE A FLIGHT MANIFEST WITH THE HIJACKERS ON BOARD? Yeah, I know, you WERE TOLD there was a flight manifest -- but it was a FAXED copy to a trial and it got thrown out of court -- because FAXES are not documents. How can there not be a manifest? How did Al Qaeda take that?

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by VitriolAndAngst

>> So, the first model showed the answer they wanted -- and the facts changed it. So what "COLLAPSE MODEL" is going to jibe with the new reality?

And what physics model explains a pancake collapse without resistance? None.

Well we know that buildings can be imploded using explosives and the way buildings are imploded is to cause a global structural failure. We've all seen this happen on youtube I'm sure. So in other words, something acts on a building which causes global structural failure. So why can't other types of damage cause the same/similar global structural failure that explosives can cause?

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by L1U2C3I4F5E6R

Afraid to address my previous post at all including the questions within it I see. Why am I not surprised, you don't want to look bad when your explanations fall apart like a house of cards.

Operation Gladio is a fact. The creation of secret stay behind armies in western Europe after WW2 by the U.S. and NATO is a fact. OBL writing with his right hand in the Dec 2001 video is a fact. His associate in that video getting amnesty by Saudi Arabia is a fact.

You think people are attacking your religion and imply that you would not do the same while you make veiled threats of people coming to bad ends if they do not drop this topic. What is worse making accusations against a religion or making thinly veiled threats that if people don't shut up they will be murdered?

Does your religion condone violating peoples unalienable rights like "your body, your property, your choice"? Yes or No.

What exactly means absolute proof to you?

The OS is not proof of anything. It is the official government explanation, nothing more.

As far as making progress in the world, the answers have been available to the elite for a long long time and they have sat on them. That is a good indicator that they do not give a crap about this "progress" that you speak of. Gene Roddenbury gave us all the answer: the replicator.

If humankind built such a machine with human designed templates for things like buildings, clothing, medicine, food, that once designed would be built by automated machines, the suffering of this world would end. Machines are the only thing capable of exponential growth.

If one could design a building replicator that could make one 550 unit apartment building in one month along with 1 replicator in that same month it would take a mere 30 months to house the entire populace of the world due to the exponential growth of the building replicators.

I think it is obvious to many you are a troll and are here trolling. I do not think you will ever give a detailed reply to my previous post or this one.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by L1U2C3I4F5E6R

Originally posted by playswithmachines
reply to post by L1U2C3I4F5E6R

I agree with Cynical, you can't just label everyone 'truthers' like it's some kind of dirty word.
Why does anyone visit ATS?

This is something I agree with. I should not of Labelled everyone a truther. Some people have been unfairly tarnished with that Brush. However, I used the truther for ease and for the purpose of covering those truthers and not miss anyone out. Truthers though have a one track mind. They refuse to listen to reason and are quite similar in terms of thinking to how obsessives think. This often develops into something far more sinister. I would imagine that this is being kept under close scrutiny even as we speak.

>> "Obsessive."
I don't understand why the NEW NORMAL is acting like a cow and ignoring the trucks leaving with Hamburgers.

Seriously -- if the house is on fire -- you GET OUT and call the fire department.

You go from "get over it" to then explaining that Obama is a puppet -- like all our OTHER Presidents. Fine. But should that lend comfort?

If the buildings fell down because they were poorly constructed -- why all the coverup and prevention of investigation? Why would Dick Cheney be conducting drills ON THAT DAY. And why did the head of security for the FAA destroy the RADAR tapes?

Regardless of culpability -- we had a crew in Washington that was embarrassingly incompetent. Then they invaded Iraq -- which was easy. Then they let it fall a part and fall into civil war.

>> The fricken' house is on fire -- why should we be CALM ABOUT THAT? Letting this stuff go -- is only going to lead to more STUFF.

George Bush and Dick Cheney should stand trial, with a couple hundred other BushCo insiders -- THAT should be the precedent. They should stand trial for INCOMPETENCE. Not because it's fair -- but because we need a deterrent to appointing your friend from College to the head of FEMA and letting a city drowned for a week. Let them prove their innocence in a court of law and then I WILL LET IT GO.

But of course -- none of these judges that have been compromised with "C" Street. I mean -- everywhere we turn, there is what looks like corruption being explained by Incompetence and we should just LET IT GO.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 06:55 PM
Originally posted by VitriolAndAngst:
Whatever you think about 9/11 -- it ENABLED the Patriot Act, Domestic Spying, ending of international treaties against torture, Constitutional Protections and such.

Originally posted by jfj123

So what conclusions can be drawn when many believe the 800-page "Patriot Act" was written before 9/11, (it was ready 4 days after 9/11), anthrax letters (military grade anthrax) were sent to the two Senators who voiced concerns about the "Patriot Act", and according to Ron Paul, copies of it weren't even available before it was voted on?

October 2, 2001: Patriot Act Is Introduced to Congress

The “anti-terrorism” Patriot Act is introduced in Congress. The act is technically known as The USA PATRIOT Act, which stands for “Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001.” [US Congress, 10/2/2001] The legislation was ready four days after the 9/11 attacks, in what Attorney General John Ashcroft called a “full-blown legislative proposal” ready to submit to Congress. The proposal is actually a revamping and enlargement of the Clinton-era antiterrorism legislation first proposed after the Oklahoma City terrorist bombing (see April 25, 1996).

October 2-4, 2001: Senators Daschle and Leahy Raise Concerns about Newly Introduced Patriot Act

The “anti-terrorism” Patriot Act is introduced in Congress on October 2, 2001 (see October 2, 2001), but it is not well received by all. [US Congress, 10/2/2001] One day later, Senate Majority Leader and future anthrax target Tom Daschle (D) says he doubts the Senate will take up this bill in the one week timetable the administration wants. As head of the Senate, Daschle has great power to block or slow passage of the bill. Attorney General John Ashcroft accuses Senate Democrats of dragging their feet. [Washington Post, 10/3/2001] On October 4, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman and future anthrax target Patrick Leahy (D) accuses the Bush administration of reneging on an agreement on the bill. Leahy is in a key position to block or slow the bill. Some warn that “lawmakers are overlooking constitutional flaws in their rush to meet the administration’s timetable.” Two days later, Ashcroft complains about “the rather slow pace…over his request for law enforcement powers… Hard feelings remain.” [Washington Post, 10/4/2001] The anthrax letters to Daschle and Leahy are sent out between October 6-9 as difficulties in passing the Patriot Act continue (see October 6-9, 2001).

October 24, 2001: House and Senate Pass Patriot Act Without Reading It

The House of Representatives passes the final version of the Patriot Act and other previously unpopular Bush administration projects: Alaska oil drilling, $25 billion in tax cuts for corporations, taps into Social Security funds, and cuts in education. [CNN, 10/25/2001] Republican Congressman Ron Paul states: “It’s my understanding the bill wasn’t printed before the vote—at least I couldn’t get it. They played all kinds of games, kept the House in session all night, and it was a very complicated bill. Maybe a handful of staffers actually read it, but the bill definitely was not available to members before the vote.” It is later found that only two copies of the bill were made available in the hours before its passage, and most House members admit they voted for the act without actually reading it first. [Insight, 11/9/2001] Two days later, the Senate will pass the final version of the Patriot Act. Anthrax targets Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy (see October 15, 2001) now support the bill. President Bush signs it into law the same day (see October 26, 2001). [Fox News, 10/26/2001]

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by L1U2C3I4F5E6R

and you said: "People need to move on from this. Whoever committed these acts are TERRORISTS. Whether it was the Muslims, the US gov or the JEWS ir a collusion of 2 ie US gov and Jews, it make no difference because should be old news and there IS NO PROOF that its was anything but Muslim terrorists."

Whoever committed these acts are TERRORISTS??? Whether it was the Muslims, the US gov. or the Jews? I'm wondering what kind of formal education you've had. Even common sense streets smarts will tell you that we NEED TO FIND OUT WHO MURDERED over 3000 people here in the U.S. AND ON TOP OF IT... it has given our Gov. a free ticket to go attack whomever they choose!!! Iraq and Iran and afgan. NONE OF THOSE PEOPLE WERE INVOLVED!!

Yes my fine little friend... we need to find out who DUN it... they need to be punished therefore hopefully stopping them from doing this again!! I'm quite sure if it was your family member you would be screaming the loudest... but because it was NOT your family... you've done little homework investigating the facts and what the victims have had to say including the folks within our Gov. that investigated 911. They're questions are still going unanswered within the Bush/Cheney Admin.

A lot of hot air on your part with no facts to back a thing up!! If you think that I'm going to sit here and do your homework for you... wrong. I've spent the last 7years investigating 911....

In conclusion... we need to bring charges against those that murdered so many innocent lives on 911 and after... for what? The riches of the middleeast. makes me sick!

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by L1U2C3I4F5E6R

If you believe the official storey, I truly feel sorry for you as you truely are brainwashed.

No need for a second line.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by VitriolAndAngst

>> I think that the TRUTHER MOVEMENT -- needs to be called the "TRANSPARENCY MOVEMENT."

I'm all for government transparency. I have no problems with that at all. I don't have problems with anyone who questions the government because they should be questioned. We the people are responsible for ensuring OUR government is run the way WE require it to be run. If it's not, WE THE PEOPLE, are also responsible for fixing it.

We've got less than 50 "al Qaeda" in Afghanistan according to the CIA -- and every report gives the idea that the "threat from them is exaggerated."

I think we all know why we're still in afghanistan.
1. Not many al queda but how many taliban?
2. We're trying to create muslim allies who run a democratic government.
3. Most importantly, we need a staging ground for pakistan.

Since Bush took office -- there has been a "show us yours and we'll tell you what to think about ours" mentality from on high in Washington. Obama has taken over -- but the policy is still in place. They'll let us know I suppose, if anything WRONG takes place.

It's our responsibility to make sure the government is run the way WE want. WE THE PEOPLE have forgotten we control the government. Instead we've ALLOWED politicians to control it.

Meanwhile, back in Afghanistan, Blackwater mercenaries are caught trading drugs with Taliban groups,... and a gallon of gas costs the taxpayers $450 -- why don't we just smuggle it in? It's got to be cheaper than the Opium doesn't it?

The reason this is happening is because WE THE PEOPLE have forgotten who runs the country. This mess is OUR fault and it can only be fixed by US.

This country has a Fifth Column at work in it.

Yes, rush limbough, hannity, glenn beck and FOX news are at the heart.

How stupid is everybody if they are OK with "let's just move on... it's too complicated... trust us?" If the government was working for our interests on 9/10 and 9/12/2001 -- then they should have nothing to worry about by showing us absolutely everything. Whatever SECRETS the Government needs to protect us -- is NOT greater in importance than in earning the Public Trust. Their secrets DID NOT STOP 9.11.

Please understand I have a deep distrust of anyone who wields huge amounts of power. That being said, if I thought the government was involved in 9/11, I would say so. I've looked at all the supposed evidence and found nothing to suggest that 9/11 was orchestrated by the US government. Is the supposed "official story" 100% true? Of course not. I have my thoughts based on my particular knowledge and skill sets that lead me to believe there is some dishonesty going on about 9/11 but I've seen no evidence to suggest holographic planes hit the WTC's, lasers were used, explosives were used, etc...
Is there a cover up? YES. A cover up of incompetence.
But not a cover up of a massive attack orchestrated by our own government.

If you don't like what's going on VOTE. If you don't want to vote for anyone, run yourself.
It's OUR job to fix what's broken. It's the politicians job to break the things in the first place.

"Politicians are like diapers; they need to be changed often and for the same reason."
— Mark Twain

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by GoldenFleece

You're missing my point.
I'm not saying our government is great, forthright and honest.
I'm saying in this case, they are not guilty of orchestrating 9/11.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:14 PM
It will go away the day people like you stop antagonizing it. You are no better, no worse, no different. Just an inverted view of those you disagree with. Two sides to the same face.

Does being adamant you're correct make you correct? Or merely help you believe you are correct.

The simple reality is, the American public were not fully made aware of the events that day. Fill in the pieces however you wish, it still lacks truth. Which is the real underlying issue. Not whether it was an inside job or not.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:18 PM
Most of the claims of the "truthers" have been refuted. Unfortunately, as with any conspiracy theory, as time goes by, "facts" become blurred, as well as memories. Frequently repeated false reports become "fact", and third-hand rumors become first-hand witness reports.
For me, the biggest reason to deny the majority of these 911 rumors is a simple fact. If such a conspiracy involving our government did exist, so many people would have to have been involved, that for EVERY one of them to remain quiet to this day, would be impossible.
I certainly don't deny that conspiracies exist, but when more than a few people are involved, the truth almost always comes out. One only look at the Business Plot of 1933 to see how less than 2 dozen people were involved, but one general blew the whistle before it became reality.
A plot to send passenger planes into the world trade center and the Pentagon (as well as the intended target of the WH) certainly would have had one person so repulsed by that supposed plot, that he or she would have come forward and expose it.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

Yeah, and theres also simple physics the truthers discuss which can't be refuted. Refuting some insane theories, does not refute them all. Nor is one conspiracy representative of a "movement".

You simply wish to lump all dissenters up into one gigantic stereotypical group to easily avoid having to rebut all the issues presented.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by jfj123
Please understand I have a deep distrust of anyone who wields huge amounts of power. That being said, if I thought the government was involved in 9/11, I would say so. I've looked at all the supposed evidence and found nothing to suggest that 9/11 was orchestrated by the US government.

Then all I can say is, you're either not looking very hard or you're purposefully ignoring a literal mountain of overwhelming and incontrovertible evidence. That "Patriot Act" timeline above should be enough to give you pause.

And BTW, it wasn't the entire U.S. government -- just the PNAC neocon cabal that Reagan administration 'Star Wars' director Lt. Col. Robert Bowman says they've been planning since he attended the U of Chicago with Wolfowitz, Feith and other neocons in the 60s.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by L1U2C3I4F5E6R
When is this so called "truth" movement and conspiracy talk going to end?

Truthers seem rather sanctimonious and believe in the fact that 9/11 was an inside job.

I think it is a bit insane to draw absurd conclusions with only 20 mins of manipulated footage to support these claims. For every poorly constructed theory I have heard or seen and even read here on ATS (yes I read all the stuff on ATS about 9/11 before commenting) I have not heard one piece of ACTUAL EVIDENCE.

NO EVIDENCE. I keep hearing and seeing the same bits of footage being passed around as actual proof. This is ridiculous. There is no possible way to know what really happened by watching some silly footage of the towers collapsing. There are too many variables to consider.

Agree. The "Truthers" use shadows, reflections, odd angles of videos, but the claim no plane hit the twin towers.


I lost a friend that day...

And the whole Thermite Crap is that ... Crap. Thermite is NOT used to bring down buildings, and the Video Footage shows the upper floors breaking away, NO syncronized explosions like in a Purposefully brought down building.

Some folks are Idiots, and the more I read ATS, the more I see.


edit on 22-9-2010 by mw451 because: ATS not taking comments

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by triplescorpio

No offense taken, really. I'm just trying to get to the bottom of everything myself. Because there are so many doors closed to us, the general public, it's very hard to get the facts.

But we do have a lot of credible info out there from experts like engineers who understand how infrastructures react to extreme conditions. We have physicists who have demonstrated through science, that the WTC building were brought down by demolition. We have test samples from the site that show evidence of a bomb...etc etc.

Then there are other strange events leading up to the moment of attack. NORAD war games on the same day, lack of response, short selling on the market..etc. etc.

Then shortly after the attack: 5 dancing israelis, Bin Laden stating on video that he did NOT have anything to do with it, news channel talking about the collapse of Building 7 while it's still clearly standing in the background on live TV broadcast, the removal of the debris immediately after the event. Now mind you, this is the MOST important crime scene and the hugest event in our history. Really, they trucked out the debris immediately. (And dead body parts all over the place, but it looked like the debris was more important.) And while we're on the subject... almost a decade later and still no memorial there.)

Even if ONE of these things were true, it would be worth much MORE investigation.

It doesn't matter what everyone's theories are regarding 9/11. The most important fact here is that so so many people are reacting to their INSTINCTS that something wasn't right about 9/11. They are asking questions, researching and trying to understand. Finally, people are not waiting to be spoon-fed the truth by media and government.

I would trust my own instincts over anything the media says. Sometimes it's clearer when you listen to what they are NOT telling you.

Thanks for your response.
-Seti Starr

edit on 22-9-2010 by Seti_Starr because: Typo ... oops

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by mryanbrown

Yeah, and theres also simple physics the truthers discuss which can't be refuted.

Yes, and that is the problem. Most of the complexities of physics involve far more than the average person understands. I have seen many of those "claims" and virtually all of them involve false data, false reports, and a complete lack of understanding of physics.

You simply wish to lump all dissenters up into one gigantic stereotypical group to easily avoid having to rebut all the issues presented.

Actually, rebutting rumors, half-truths, and misrepresentations of evidence is a complete waste of my time. Furthermore, the OP topic involves responding to whether this topic will ever go away. I believe that people such as yourself believe it will not. Actually, I agree that it won't go away, when there are people who wish to continue to fan the fires of this ridiculous myth of US government conspiracy regarding 911.

Find one credible person who was involved in this so-called conspiracy, and who can prove it with incontravertible evidence. It's been 9 years, and no one has turned up. That is good enough for me.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by GoldenFleece
Then all I can say is, you're either not looking very hard or you're purposefully ignoring a literal mountain of overwhelming and incontrovertible evidence. That "Patriot Act" timeline above should be enough to give you pause.

You say there is "a literal mountain of overwhelming and incontrovertible evidence" but that is simply not true. If it were, people would be in jail. This is one of the problems you "truthers" face. You simply make statements like this that don't hold water and expect them to be treated as fact.

And BTW, it wasn't the entire U.S. government -- just the PNAC neocon cabal that Reagan administration 'Star Wars' director Lt. Col. Robert Bowman says they've been planning since he attended the U of Chicago with Wolfowitz, Feith and other neocons in the 60s.

So you're saying that massive amounts of personnel have been planning this for 50 plus years and not one person has spoke up? Not one person has said the wrong thing? Not one photo has slipped out? Not one invoice popped up? This makes your story even more absurd sounding than before.

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