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Is this 9/11 nonsense going to ever go away? ZERO eveidence but still pushing on!

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posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by L1U2C3I4F5E6R

Please, you have to be joking, insane or unbelievably ignorant. The 9-11 truther movement isn't going away because there are still people out here who know that there are laws of physics which cannot be broken. Thats only a small part of it, but suffice to say, if one knows that the O.S. cannot possibly be true, then theres a very different truth out there. And we want it exposed and out in the open, so that those guilty can be brought to justice. There is PLENTY of evidence, physical evidence in support of the movement to attain the truth.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by Section31
reply to post by illumin8ed

I want proof. If you are going to make such a claim, you need to provide us with some sort of proof.

Instead of proving me wrong, you are deflecting the question entirely.

You are lying.

Stop calling me a liar you pathetic troll.

I already asked you, what proof do you want? I can give you nothing that will satisfy you. You can just deny it all. I wasn't born yesterday, I know your pathetic tactics... deny deny deny....

Like I said, how do I prove I am related to a 9/11 survivor? You want a family tree? You want proof that my family member just got done with a business meeting in WTC2? How can I prove he was there? We don't have pictures. I live in California and he lives in NYC.

You are so pathetic. Get a clue, there were people who heard explosions BEFORE the jet's hit. Sorry that doesn't fit in your pathetic little world view.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by jfj123

I'm pretty sure no one in the truth movement would ever say we don't need constitutional rights, so at least that's not something to worry about...however, the people in government do often say we don't need constitutional rights, kind of like after 9/11 with the patriot act. So...who's the real threat to the constitution? Independent investigators or Bush who said the constitution was a g-d piece of paper?

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by jfj123

if there were no evidence of inside job, that theory would go away, since it hasn't, what does that tell you? It means there is evidence. Simple logic.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by Banjamin Jefferson Madiso
reply to post by L1U2C3I4F5E6R

Please, you have to be joking, insane or unbelievably ignorant. There is PLENTY of evidence, physical evidence in support of the movement to attain the truth.

Well thank you for your insight. I am neither ignorant nor insane (ask my psychiatrist). Secondly, you state with authority that there is plenty of Evidence. What evidence are you referring to? Mind you i am talking about real actual evidence. Not some video clip of a building falling. Like someone said. The buildings are gone. The video tape is most likely destroyed and the truther experts are hardly convincing right now. So where is YOUR evidence my friend. Have you any original work of your own to back up your statement. No because all the work was done by a few people on each side of this fence. The rest just use it believing it to be true. However, no Laws of Physics have been broken. And you have no proof they have.

edit on 093030p://f50Monday by L1U2C3I4F5E6R because: spelling

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by L1U2C3I4F5E6R

you are the new ATS audience.....yes...looks like the cosmetic changes to the ATS body hasn't changed the quality of the engine at all....*sarcasm*....


P.S)prediction - hottest topic in 5 weeks from now "why even read its like sooooo not cool"

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by GenRadek
Ah so I take it that all explosions = and only = bombs correct?

You failed.... you didn't even read my post. If you aren't going to read my posts and just blindly reply with ignorance, I suggest you just stop posting or I will make you look like a fool.

I said the explosions can be fuel tanks from generators, transformer explosions, they could be high explosives... ANYTHING.. but..... nobody has any solid proof of what they were exactly, that was my point. You can guess all you want, but that is not TRUTH. You need to investigate to find the TRUTH. Guessing is not TRUTH.

I can turn your same argument around back at you...

"Ah so I take it that all explosions = and only = not bombs correct?"

Originally posted by GenRadek
I see, and so when people hear explosions, secondary explosions, in say, a large warehouse fire, or a highrise fire, or a car fire, or a plane fire, then we should automatically suspect bombs in them as well? We should ignore the most probable and jump into the least probable correct? I hope you do not become a professional fire investigator with that outlook.

Your pathetic lack of reading comprehension is hilarious.

When there is a TERRORIST ATTACK in a place where BOMBS ONCE WERE USED BY TERRORISTS you should at least do SOME investigation into claims of explosions. But no, "the plane, the plane, the plane, it was just a plane!". Just let the slight of hand distract you why don't you.

No guessing, no "most probable", none of that IGNORANT B.S., just freaking investigate and find out what it actually was!

If you were in your house and you heard an explosion outside... would you go investigate to find out what it was?? Or would you sit your lazy butt on a couch and run through all the "most probable" explanations without even searching for the TRUTH? You would sit there and be happy with your GUESSES and do no investigating right? Who cares about the TRUTH when you can just GUESS and be happy with your ignorant guess.... that is your mindset right?

Originally posted by GenRadek
No, I'm sorry, it is ingorance when instead of investigating into the most probable and most likely causes of explosions in a LARGE fire where a 767 impacted into 4-5 floors of an office building with each floor an acre in size, people jump to the far end and immediately say it was most probably bombs!

Wow you are so clueless...

Any idiot can come up with "probable causes" for explosions.... That is not "investigating" that is THEORIZING.

Investigating is looking for evidence of what it actually was that exploded... not guessing.. not thinking about what is "most probable".. but finding out exactly what it was.

What you just said was blind ignorance. If you can't see that, then you are clueless and ignorant.

edit on 20-9-2010 by illumin8ed because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by illumin8ed

I think he was just stating that we can not just take your word for it. You need not show proof. However, we need not believe your story. It works both ways. You prove it and we can evaluate the evidence and then run with it. without it, its just hearsay, another story without substantiated proof of anything.

Its like people who want to borrow money and you know they have a track record of not paying back. Their way to convince you to lend them the money is the classic phrase "trust me, ill pay you back". Do you take them on there word? No. Banks would be bankrupt if they opted to choose that line checking a persons credit.

No proof = no way

edit on 093030p://f57Monday by L1U2C3I4F5E6R because: spelling

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by L1U2C3I4F5E6R
I stated a few times, firstly with my original OP that Islamic terrorist can come in all shapes colors and sizes. I also stared that I believe that there may be the possibility that the US gov made some SERIOUS errors in judgment and may of known about the attacks moments or hours before hand. (No proof of this though) I am not saying that there is NOT a cover up of sorts because we all know that the US government can and will fudge numbers and documents and stories to suit its needs.

I personally think, in your OP and beyond, you're just trying to stir people up, cause some fighting, but I'll jump in anyway.

Here's an ATS thread (with 191 flags and130+ stars on the OP) that provides publically available photographs clearly showing it's IMPOSSIBLE that an airplane crashed at the Pentagon. After the initial explosion there's NO HOLE big enough to fit an airplane! There are pictures from inside the Pentagon showing the 12-14 foot high ceiling is intact.

Physics is considered valid proof.

The Harrit, et al. article: Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe has not been proven wrong and shows pictures of the thermitic substance found in the WTC dust. The red/grey chips found in the dust, when ignited, provided the exact same chemical footprint of thermate. This is constantly bashed by proponents of the Original Story because it's some of the best proof.

Chemistry is considered valid proof.

as a side note... you should maybe watch a video before you link it - the video you provided in the OP actually helps the case of the Truth seekers because it's meant to be sarcastic...

edit on 20-9-2010 by Thermo Klein because: fixed the underline

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by L1U2C3I4F5E6R

I don't care if he takes my word for it or not.... HE asked ME where I got my information from... and I told him... and he called me a liar based off of HIS lack of evidence.

I'm not sitting here and trying to convince you of information. He asked a question and I answered it.

Someone even posted a video of ANOTHER witness who heard the same explosions, and yet, nobody commented on that. I guess HE is lying too?

You people are so damn predictable.. just deny everything except what was spoon fed to you by "official" places.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by upgrayedd

Yes, I just watched that as well. I've been watching so much 911 that I couldnt remember if that movie showed the two shots from same direction of the 2nd hit. One shows a plane come in from the side, the other a smaller object comes in from above? That has me questioning the OS.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by L1U2C3I4F5E6R
This is just one piece of Evidence that makes complete sense to a layman on how building Seven Collapse. Single point failure. READ it and then pick your hole guys. Enjoy!

Single Point failure Building 7

lmao did you read my post at all? thermal expansion theory is wrong. Try again

*edit* you do realize your link also puts no more evidence of fire bring down the building vs controlled demo. anything could of took out that column, your link also doesn't agree with NIST.

edit on 20-9-2010 by ohhwataloser because: adding

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by B.Morrison

You do not have to part take in the discussion if you choose not to. No one is forcing anyone to part take. People have views of things and I am saying that we need to MOVE on. 9 years have past and the OS is still the OS. How much time and effort will these truthers put into something that will elude them till the end of time?

You obviously have you mind made up on the attacks, so the circumstantial evidence that the truthers presented satisfied your need for absolute proof. I do hope that you and them not serve on a Jury that has a persons life at stake because any old story will suffice.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 10:16 PM

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by L1U2C3I4F5E6R

We all SAW what we SAW.

And you trust your eyes? Human beings have rather poor vision, nor did you see everything which happened on that day. I have drawn no conclusion as I wasn't there.

You happened to see very little, yet you arrogantly assume you know everything now. Sounds like a recipe for a life of pain.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 10:17 PM
You can't touch my logic.

I don't accuse anyone on 9/11. Not Muslims, not the Mossad or CIA, not the government, nobody... because I have no proof of any of that, and neither do you.

I don't claim to know how the buildings fell either. Not structural damage by jets, and fire, not explosives, not secret weapons, nothing.... because I have no proof of any of that, and neither do you.

All I claim is that we don't know everything that happened on 9/11.

There are many unanswered questions. There are many coincidences that might not be coincidences. There are many questionable things that happened.

"Guessing" and looking for what is "most probable" is not the truth. Nobody, till this day, 9 years after, has any solid truth.

Everyone only has theories. Theories are not good enough. We need multiple investigations from independent places. However, that is hard to do when people are hiding information.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 10:17 PM
I have no idea what eveidence is? But I've seen truck loads of evidence. I just don't care enough about it.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by L1U2C3I4F5E6R

"People need to move on from this. Whoever committed these acts are TERRORISTS. Whether it was the Muslims, the US gov or the JEWS ir a collusion of 2 ie US gov and Jews, it make no difference because should be old news and there IS NO PROOF that its was anything but Muslim terrorists."

That's the problem,most people have moved on and forgot about 911."Old News"?? "Then don't bring up Jesus to me as long as we're talking shelf life here"-Bill Hicks
First of all, there is evidence that implies 911 was an inside job.
If you refuse to accept that fact than that's your problem/ignorance,not ours.As long as your mind is closed,you're
going to rebuttal no matter what kind of evidence is shown. There could be footage of someone pushing the button
and you still wouldn't believe it because you've already made your mind up. As far as your comment above goes,that's just plain stupidity, sorry. So are you saying even if our government was responsible for 911(which they were) we need to move on because it's "old news"? I'm glad you're not "The Decider". It's that kind of attitude that keeps this topic lingering on with no conclusion. I think it's kind of funny that right after this part
of the comment, you mentioned not forgetting the lives that were effected on 911 but do you really think
they've moved on because it's "old news"? A bit of a contradiction don't ya think?
Now I'll admit there is some completely ridiculous theories floating
around but it's not very hard to decipher them from the truth. I do believe that someone in the chain will break
and come clean. It's just a matter of time. The guilt will/is eating them alive.Guaranteed.
When that day happens, you,
"The Refusers" can all eat your words.(The sad part is, when the truth does come out, you'll still refuse to
accept it because that's just the way the stomach churns)

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by gnosis111
I have no idea what eveidence is? But I've seen truck loads of evidence. I just don't care enough about it.

Case and [snip] point.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 10:24 PM

Its quite simple really. If on the news today the US president said Aliens have visited the planet last week the world would then think there are aliens. But if any old person just shouted out that it was not aliens it was a gorilla, then that person best be able to prove it to the world. Otherwise it becomes another lunatic shouting his mouth off. He could be correct, but no one will listen without proof.
reply to post by L1U2C3I4F5E6R

Wha? Have you been programmed to believe politicians never lie? Do I need to point out the carte blanche you just handed to any "evil doer" that might be involved in politics? Your thinking is exactly why truthers exist.
You're right tho more silly thinking. Here's what I say memememe. Every OS should be scrutinised every which way to sunday. Because the OS never adds up . There are even strong indications they don't give a crap if we believe what they say as long as they say something. I don't think they even worry about us and what we might do or think. In reference to we the people.
Happy trails.

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