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I'm a Truther and I wish we were wrong

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posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by dragnet53
reply to post by okbmd

No , this is where you are wrong , as there have been many truthers on this site who have been proven wrong , who simply turn right around and repeat the very same lie that has been proven wrong .

I myself going to reply to this quote. So you mean the false flags of laser weapons, mini nukes, holograms, etc. You mean those "truthers". or should we call them disinfo agents which sounds more appropriate?

This crap is garbage.. Judy Wood is retard and has no point in the ring with people who claim simple things do with with 9/11.. We talk about actions prior to that day, we talk about things that were odd on that day.. You know steel melting because of a bit of fire type thing.. We talk about all the actions after..

The people who claim this crap you stated about is complete garbage There is no basis except assumption with virtually no proof on any of those subjects...

I will say something more happened at WTC based on something like a mini nuke but I can never proof it so i keep my mouth shut because it is not relevant to what we can and cant prove...

Anyway I would rather be in my life pre 9/11 than worry what tf our government did prior to 9/11.. trust me If that day never happened I would be so glad, I dont like talking crap on our own people saying they intentionally killed 3000 people for the gain of alot of things..

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by Human_Alien

No offense but due to your improper punctuations marks OP, I don't even know what side of the fence you're on. It was a difficult read.

I didn't realise, I needed any punctuation, to make the first three words, of the heading, any more, clearererer.

I know what the title-thread read (for that's why I opened it) but it's sentences like this........

But I would like to see where one truther can even be suspect to such a thing? Because if there is one? Then how is he a real truther?

....where I don't know if you're questioning it or making a statement.

Again OP. No offense at all. It's just that I had a hard time discerning what your grammatical inflections really meant.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by Human_Alien

Ok now I can give you an explaination with something specific.
All I'm trying to say there is, how can they be a Truther if their lying? I know it's written poorly but
the message is clear I think. I'm in construction.

Does that help you Mon?

edit on 20-9-2010 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-9-2010 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by CynicalM

" But as the OP points out, are these really Truthers?? "

Well , if they aren't "really Truthers" , why do the "real" truthers always star and flag them and even post comments that are supportive of them ?

Like I said , that is nothing more than a cop-out , to claim that they aren't real truthers . That's the same as saying someone isn't a "real" christian once they have been busted down in the red-light district .

If you profess a belief in the tenets of christianity , that makes you a christian , by definition .

If you profess a belief in the tenets of the TM , that makes you a truther , by definition .

It matters not , which day you think is the true sabbath , you still are a christian .

It matters not whether you believe it was thermite or nukes in the basement , you are still a truther .

It matters not , that you claim the bible is proof of god , and then you use your interpretation to support it , you are still a christian .

It matters not , that you claim a particular theory is proof of an inside job , and use your interpretation to support said theory , you are still a truther .

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by okbmd

Who are you the cop out police?

21 "Not everyone who says to Me, `Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. 22 "Many will say to Me on that day, `Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' 23 "And then I will declare to them, `I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS

Fake Christians I would say. So much for that.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by randyvs

" Who are you the cop out police? "

Now that right there was a real mature response to what I posted .

I didn't expect anything better , to tell you the truth . I'm used to this type of tripe from truthers who can't refute what is posted and choose instead to resort to these types of immature replies .

No need to quote the bible to me either , as I probably know it better than you do anyway .

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by okbmd

Who are you the cop out police? "

Hey I was just asking.
I mean talk about sensitive, sheesh! I hope your day gets better pal.

No need to quote the bible to me either , as I probably know it better than you do anyway .


edit on 20-9-2010 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by okbmd
It matters not whether you believe it was thermite or nukes in the basement , you are still a truther.

Wrong answer. Can you name one single 9/11 truth organization that supports "nukes" at the WTC?

I'll save your time: there are none. The 9/11 truth movement does not support nukes, or no-planes, or DEW, or any of that other crackpot BS. And therefore anyone who peddles the above are not truthers. I don't understand what part about that you people don't understand.

That's why I made this thread here.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by Human_Alien

Ok now I can give you an explaination with something specific.
All I'm trying to say there is, how can they be a Truther if their lying? I know it's written poorly but
the message is clear I think. I'm in construction.

Does that help you Mon?

edit on 20-9-2010 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-9-2010 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

I think the title (if you will) of Truther came about when all we wanted (then, demanded) was the truth. It's not that we were in position to offer up the truth mind you.....because most of us, weren't there.

But as time's gone by and no Official is willing to admit their analysis might've been wrong then, we are left on our own accord to come up with alternative and more palatable explanations (hence why all the different theories and misinformation got thrown out there) !

Personally, I don't dare say what's real and what's not but at the same time, I've learn to recognize illogical scenarios, blatant lies and underlying motives!

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

Personally, I don't dare say what's real and what's not but at the same time, I've learn to recognize illogical scenarios, blatant lies and underlying motives!

Like I tell the new members coming in sometimes. As long as you speak the truth as you know it. It
will always cover your ass. Anyways. Thanks for posting.

edit on 20-9-2010 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

Wrong answer . Truthers all agree that the government was either actively involved , complicit , had foreknowledge , covered up , or actually orchestrated 9/11 .

Regardless of whether you want to admit it or not , all the crazy theories fall somewhere within the above spectrum .

That makes those theories a part of the truther camp .

It's not our fault you guys attract the lunatic fringe .

edit on 20-9-2010 by okbmd because: corrections

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by okbmd

Are goodoldave and dereks off tonight? You must have the night shift.... That's one really broad brush you're painting us all with.... It's absolutely ludacrous of you to do such a thing, but you're not here to interject logic and wisdom into the thread.

On topic:

I like the OP randyvs.. I hate being a truther too, it makes me angry, sad, and confused at the same time. I have a buddy that loves to say that ignorance is bliss.. I don't agree, but he'd rather not have done the research at all anymore. The truth sucks.

I like to refer OSers to watch the youtube documentary "9/11 coincedinces". That movie has quickly become my favorite 9/11 movie. It's damn good.

edit on 20-9-2010 by sticky because: I like doing it!

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by sticky

" Are goodoldave and dereks off tonight? You must have the night shift.... That's one really broad brush you're painting us all with.... It's absolutely ludacrous of you to do such a thing, but you're not here to interject logic and wisdom into the thread. "

Oh yea , now that opening question/statement was just chock-full of logic and wisdom , now wasn't it ?

The broad brush ? hey , if the shoe fits , wear it . Why is it that you truthers get all bent outta shape when you are told that those guys are part of your camp but , you all have absolutely no problem when it comes to lumping everyone else into the "OS" camp ? You guys are so friggin mature that you label everyone as a dis-info agent if they don't believe in the same crappy theories that you do .

I would bet that you have absolutely no idea where I stand on 9/11 or what my thoughts are in relation to the "OS" .

And then , you list me as a foe simply for what I have said in this thread . Now , that right there was really mature of you too .

" Waaaa ... I don't agree with what you said so , you are now my enemy ... waaa , waaa ..."

Grow up , this aint grade school you are dealing with here .

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_
The 9/11 truth movement does not support nukes, or no-planes, or DEW, or any of that other crackpot BS.

Yes it does actually, and the other crackpot BS it supports include explosives being used to bring down the WTC buildings, or the Jews did it, or nanoo nanoo thermite was used, or some other super top secret material was used.

And therefore anyone who peddles the above are not truthers.

Except that they are truthers! As per Wikipedia, "9/11 Truth movement is the collective name of loosely affiliated organizations and individuals who question the mainstream account of the September 11, 2001 attacks"

I don't understand what part about that you people don't understand.

All because you do not like some conspiracy theories does not make the proponents of those not truthers, some pushing their own conspiracy theory probably do not believe the conspiracy theory that you push!

edit on 21/9/10 by dereks because: fixes quote

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by randyvs

I am pleased to be able to tell you that you are 100 % wrong, so you will be able to sleep well tonight.

After 9 years plus there is not a shred of evidence for an "inside job" and not a soul has admitted involvement.

This compares with real conspiracies : Watergate break-in June 17 1972, Nixon resignation August 1974. Iran/Contra weapons sales proceeds diverted 1985; came to light Nov 1986.

Real conspiracies have a habit of unravelling quickly.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by okbmd

The broad brush ? hey , if the shoe fits , wear it . Why is it that you truthers get all bent outta shape when you are told that those guys are part of your camp but , you all have absolutely no problem when it comes to lumping everyone else into the "OS" camp ? You guys are so friggin mature that you label everyone as a dis-info agent if they don't believe in the same crappy theories that you do .

This may or may not be completely true.( Oh man now I'm starting to sound like a politician) I can say this
only for myself. As far as what a person should believe about 911. It seems a given we are looking through
obscure glass. I guess there can be no instance on inconsistance. I do insist that no one puts aside the
absolute common knowledge of the liars politicians are. What is wrong with you trustee trusters mainly?
Let me here you say politicians arn't liars, swindlers , crooks? That's where you fail to use your broad brush.
Right when it makes most sense to use it. What the hell man? Do these people suddenly turn into perfect angels
when it comes to 911? Talk about lunacy.God that just is so ignorant. To believe what they say.


I am pleased to be able to tell you that you are 100 % wrong, so you will be able to sleep well tonight

Thanks That's just as convincing as any of the actual arguments you people come up with.

edit on 21-9-2010 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by randyvs

Let me make one thing very clear , since you are trying to turn this into a political thing ... I absolutely wouldn't urinate on a politician or lawyer , to put them out if they were on fire .

And now , let me make something else very clear , to those who haven't figured out where I stand on 9/11 and the OS ... It's not a matter of me "trusting" blindly in everything the government says , it's a matter of the TM failing to have convinced me that this was an inside job . NONE of the numerous theories put forth by the TM have convinced me of government involvement .

So , it's not that I follow the OS like a blind sheeple , it's that their story seems to be way more plausible than anything put forth by the TM .

As concerns the OS , I have seen aircraft parts , proof of passenger remains , proof of passenger I.D. , airplanes flying into buildings , terrorists boarding planes , passenger lists , and loads of secondary evidence .

As concerns the TM , I have seen speculation , conjecture , claims of proof that are never iron-clad , misconceptions , and outright lies .

It's pretty obvious to me , why my beliefs are what they are .

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 10:34 PM
I see truthers this way:

Someone who does not believe Muslim extremists were soley responsible for the hijacking of 4 aircraft on American soil.

That the aircraft that struck the wtc did not inflict enough damage to cause their eventual collapse. Wtc 7 was minimally damaged and in no danger of collapse.

There was not a plane that struck the Pentagon . The human remains and debris were staged.

Flight 93 was either shot down or the plane disappeared and the debris field and human remains were fabricated .

Truthers can't pick and choose from these core beliefs. If one was fake they all must be.

The group has many theories, dew, nano-thermite, hidden explosives etc. There is not one standard theory that unites the group.

edit on 21-9-2010 by drock905 because: clarity

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by okbmd
reply to post by randyvs

Let me make one thing very clear , since you are trying to turn this into a political thing ... I absolutely wouldn't urinate on a politician or lawyer , to put them out if they were on fire .

And now , let me make something else very clear , to those who haven't figured out where I stand on 9/11 and the OS ... It's not a matter of me "trusting" blindly in everything the government says , it's a matter of the TM failing to have convinced me that this was an inside job . NONE of the numerous theories put forth by the TM have convinced me of government involvement .

So , it's not that I follow the OS like a blind sheeple , it's that their story seems to be way more plausible than anything put forth by the TM .

As concerns the OS , I have seen aircraft parts , proof of passenger remains , proof of passenger I.D. , airplanes flying into buildings , terrorists boarding planes , passenger lists , and loads of secondary evidence .

As concerns the TM , I have seen speculation , conjecture , claims of proof that are never iron-clad , misconceptions , and outright lies .

It's pretty obvious to me , why my beliefs are what they are .

So I can depend on you not to putting him out if I ever get a chance to light one up.

What do you mean make it a political thing ? I'm sorry I guess it was a mistake to point out the OS is
what it is, because of American politicians.

That's just about where I placed you. Believe it or not. The difference you see illustrated here, ( you wouldn't put them out as I would be the one lighting them up) I would say translates directly to our difference in opinion. So be as honest as you can be and let me ask you straight out?
Do you believe the story the liars in washington, (So as to make this less political) which is the OS of which we speak of here, is the truth? One other question for you to answer pard. All three of those buildings had massive
steel skeletel structures. As those buildings are falling where is all that steel going. What is happening to all
that steel?

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by randyvs

" Do you believe the story the liars in washington, (So as to make this less political) which is the OS of which we speak of here, is the truth? One other question for you to answer pard. All three of those buildings had massive
steel skeletel structures. As those buildings are falling where is all that steel going. What is happening to all
that steel? "

I'm sorry but , you will have to define the OS for me , before I am able to answer your first question .

As for your second question , where is that steel going ? What is happening to all that steel ?

This seems rather ludicrous but , I will answer it anyway . ALL of that steel is going STRAIGHT TO THE GROUND .

Have you not seen ANY of the thousands of images of the complex after the buildings fell ?

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