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I'm a Truther and I wish we were wrong

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posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 05:36 PM
Ok my hats back in the ring on this Truthers vs.The believers of anything the Govt.says people. Even though they
themselves know that everything that comes out of a politicians mouth these days. Is not just a lie. But the most humongus and bombastically overblown lie, they can give thought to. For the simple reason, they can sit
around and laugh at the very people defending their stories.

You people even refuse to hear the laughter in Washington. This is just a simple lil thread to get my feet wet once again and to point a few things like that out. Lately I've noticed this" arguement "( let's face it, that's exactly what it is. Certainly isn't a debate or a discussion) is entering the stage now, that photographic proof is becoming to much for the people of the OS. So, now, they are accussing truthers of faking evidence.

I could be wrong, just jumping back in to this debate like I am. But I would like to see where one truther can even be suspect to such a thing? Because if there is one? Then how is he a real truther? I'm pretty sure most truthers if they came to find out they were wrong? Would gladly accept that. I for one will say it straight out.
I wish we were wrong. I think if your a real truther, with patriotism at the front of your mind. You wish to God you
were wrong. Trouble is there isn't much chance of us being wrong on all the different aspects and levels.
All the different ways we would have to be proven wrong.

Having to think this way about the country I live in? The land that I love and shed tears for now almost everyday? There is no honor in it. It sucks. I just want all who read this to know, That I believe, any one who would fake evidence, from the truthers side of this ongoing arguement. In my mind, would be guilty treason, in the worst way possible. If it is ever found and realised to be true? Then I say death to such a basturd. I my self would rather drink turpentine and pss on a brushfire first.

Just for the record.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 06:15 PM
Great thread. What most trusters of the government don't realize is that the "official" story is a conspiracy theory in and of itself. NIST, for example, used guesses, theories, and computer calculations to determine what happened to three WTC towers. Even the opening statements of their reports state that their reports cannot be taken as factual.

No proof was ever shown to the American people that 9/11 was carried out like certain people in the government said it happened.

That leaves one to believe one conspiracy theory or another. But both sides of the fence are conspiracy theories and trusters need to come to terms and realize that.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by randyvs

" I'm pretty sure most truthers if they came to find out they were wrong? Would gladly accept that. "

No , this is where you are wrong , as there have been many truthers on this site who have been proven wrong , who simply turn right around and repeat the very same lie that has been proven wrong .

There are even truthers on this site who type something , and then you quote them on what they typed , they call you a liar and swear they never said such a thing . Even when you prove that they did .

The only way they can get away with this , is because truthers don't care when other truthers lie . I know of one instance , where a truther told another truther to not worry about posting material that I personally had proven wrong . Then , this truther denied having ever typed it , even tho I pulled up the thread and the post .

And , I don't care to hear any crap like "well , those aren't real truthers" . That's nothing more than a cop-out .

And , why do you assume that anyone , like myself , who simply points out the flaws , lies , and misconceptions being put forth by truthers , Why do you assume that I believe everything the government puts forth ? That's another cop-out the truthers use . If you disagree with some of their STUPID theories , then you are automatically a "dis-info" agent who supports everything the government says .

Frankly , I find a lot of the truthers on here to be very immature and uneducated . Although , there are a few exceptions .

Following the herd blindly will get you slaughtered every single time .

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by okbmd

No , this is where you are wrong , as there have been many truthers on this site who have been proven wrong , who simply turn right around and repeat the very same lie that has been proven wrong .

But as the OP points out, are these really Truthers??

It's SOP in many alphabet groups to "muddy the waters"..

I certainly would in their shoes, put 100's of different scenarios out there to hide the one true story..

It also makes the real truthers appear to be lying..

And please don't tell me the Goverment doesn't spend huge amounts on dissinfo agents.
It's well documented......

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 07:03 PM
Not to get off the subject because it really isn't
"Where are the WMDs" was a major cry at one time. Lots of proof came out. Even Colin Powell was shown to have misidentified some stuff.
The trouble with all that is that we sold Iraq the stuff. Germany, France, Russia, England (sold them a whole biologics lab) and the U.S. all sold to IRAQ stuff to make WMDs as well as WMDs. Where they are now only the NSA really knows for sure.
I am still confronted by the "No WMD" cry. People will believe anything that helps them stay sane and firm in their beliefs.
Many do not want to believe that the US knew beforehand and let it happen or actually did it themselves.Still many of those have questions. This 70 year old man at work wonders where the tail went at the Pentagon. He knew from experience that after a crash the tail is usually hanging around somewhere.

Even after the evidence came out that FDR knew about the attack on Pearl before it happened, people wanted to forget.
Even after the evidence that the second Tonkin attack was fabricated, people still wanted to forget Vietnam.
History will repeat itself because people don't want to remember what they let happen by turning a blind eye.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 09:00 PM
You know what our problem is, we have expectations. We, of intelligent and wise descent, all carry with us and our Wisdom, the expectation that our, any , and all bretheren we encounter, ought be on an equal or higher level. It is hard for us to accept inferiority and less complex, lower level thinking individuals. I face this temptation/distortion everyday. I know my brilliance and intelligence (not to sound big-headed) far surpass 98% of the population. How does one, intellectually, "deal" with this?? How does one "relate"??

Sorry to confirm what you already know, but you expect your external environment, as do I foolishly, to instantly change with your perceptions/changes of opinion. You expect, with your new-found desire for Peace, Truth, Wisdom, Beauty, and at last, Love, that others should/ought expect the same. No different than the European "religioners" who traveled Africa, India, Asia (etc) spreading their religion. The concept exists today. I know better, I need to convince these people of their ignorance so they adopt my perceived "correct" ideas/opinions of a life style or way of life or HOW one should lead their life.

So amongst your path for truth, peace, and love; remember. Any scope is infinite, any measurement with no beginning or end, remember, there is always ONE out there who either already is or who WILL be better, stronger, and smarter. As of now, sit back and dance in your knowledge and enlightenment and recognition of your struggle, for in it lies beauty. Enjoy possessing the knowledge and wisdom that you do, and remember, for a second, what it's like in a world of darkness and ignorance, the "pain" of NOT knowing or not having the strength, remember, what it's like to be victim, for once you are granted wisdom but forget the lesson, then you're screwed.

So, REMEMBER your original intention, that of truth. Don't get mad when your call isn't answered for you're calling a number that doesn't exist, technically. You're extending truth to a people who aren't asking for it. Cannot tell you why you're there making the call, as I am foolishly as well, but hopefully, somebody answers. And REMEMBER, you're already FREE; you don't NEED the world around you to see it. Cry... the TRUE TRUTHER realizes it, and like OP said, HATES it, for the truth is a bitter tonic, a "terrible comedy" as I defined it. To have TRUE Wisdom requires a tenfold amount of love, for Truth stings worse than any wound MAN has known to Fear. It all comes back down to Faith..... you know you're perfect, you know what truth is, yet you live a completely DIFFERENT world; that is the true core and strength of wisdom, to accept, know, and UNDERSTAND that you live in a lower vibrating, lower operating world. From here, millions of outcomes ensue. But at the quest of your embargo for truth and comfort and peace, remember your mission; that of spreading Light where Darkness chills, where darkness "BE"'s, that's where you "BE". For, if truly enlightened, I am of the opinion, you cannot sit idly by, it's quoted "Oh, of some lodge in a vast wilderness where rumors of oppression, of wars, both successful and otherwise, may not reach me.", yet knows, in the deepest of his Solitary wisdom that he fails if he not applies his wisdom and strength to UNITY. Imagine me, with my brilliance, blind, socially declined (lol) so to say. Why? Why not pass my brilliance and strength to someone more capable? Why am I blessed and cursed with it? You all see, the depth of the truly solitary, wise, and loving man... we all immaturely bicker with the INTENTION of LOVE and desire for truth/peace for the OTHER. Think, our GOV'T wants us to believe muslims are killing us to "convert" us. How flattering. You'd pay such a hefty price as to slay me amongst my sleep and my children for our beliefs in an attempt to "save" me? So hipocritical (spelling?) how we are. We will kill in the name of "forcing your savior/saving upon you". NICE.... sit back, bask in your eternal love/wisdom, spread it when you can (or express it), otherwise, sit back enjoy, and wait for who/whatEVER it is put us here to make their move or until you discover yours. Long post, a novel, but I foolishly hope one amongst you can/will answer MY call of faith/love/wisdom to you all... hopefully, a small chunk of my energy/offering can be heard and taken in upon.

Best of luck, love, and light to all!! And, NEVER FORGET, amongst your struggle and ignorance, hold strong your core beliefs, for there are those of US, who strive and toil with you, and realize, our light WILL penetrate the Dark, REMEMBER and REALIZE, our side WILL prevail, Love can penetrate Universes (IMO of course) and can destroy worlds, so realize WHAT you feel and WHY...

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by okbmd

No , this is where you are wrong , as there have been many truthers on this site who have been proven wrong , who simply turn right around and repeat the very same lie that has been proven wrong .

I myself going to reply to this quote. So you mean the false flags of laser weapons, mini nukes, holograms, etc. You mean those "truthers". or should we call them disinfo agents which sounds more appropriate?

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by Doctor G

Even after the evidence came out that FDR knew about the attack on Pearl before it happened, people wanted to forget.
Even after the evidence that the second Tonkin attack was fabricated, people still wanted to forget Vietnam.
History will repeat itself because people don't want to remember what they let happen by turning a blind eye.

Just like the first instance the USA tried to put innocent lives at stake all for the sake of going to war was the RMS Lusitania. People don't want to think that our government could do such a thing. one of my relatives doesn't want to believe the story because he doesn't want to think our government is that evil.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 08:18 AM

Just like the first instance the USA tried to put innocent lives at stake all for the sake of going to war was the RMS Lusitania. People don't want to think that our government could do such a thing. one of my relatives doesn't want to believe the story because he doesn't want to think our government is that evil.
reply to post by dragnet53

See this kind of thing is pretty sad. IMO I have never really tried to convince people in public or in person.
Never all at once. The most I would ever do to people I know or a group I'm hang'in out with, is suggest
they look at certain things a lil differently?. Just drop something in thier ear that they will think about. At first if they try to get you to say more. Just say That's all I'm say'in. Do that a couple times and pretty soon they really want to know more.
What I'm trying to say here is, force feeding this stuff to people dosn't work for anybody. Most of the time the guy
with the spoon becomes a target. I've seen people get thumped pretty good. Because they didn't realise when
enough is enough. I think to get anywhere with people on stuff like this in public you really have to be sensitive
to what the people you are trying to help are feeling towards you. At first it's like you can never shut up toi early.
It's really a scary thing to tell people they arn't safe even from their own Govt.
If it decides to thin the herd for benefiet? Then you could be next. That's basically what we are telling them.
It's a delicate matter. That I don't think truthers consider enough.

edit on 20-9-2010 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by dragnet53

Originally posted by Doctor G

Even after the evidence came out that FDR knew about the attack on Pearl before it happened, people wanted to forget.
Even after the evidence that the second Tonkin attack was fabricated, people still wanted to forget Vietnam.
History will repeat itself because people don't want to remember what they let happen by turning a blind eye.

Just like the first instance the USA tried to put innocent lives at stake all for the sake of going to war was the RMS Lusitania. People don't want to think that our government could do such a thing. one of my relatives doesn't want to believe the story because he doesn't want to think our government is that evil.

The Lusitania was sunk in 1915, the US didn't enter the war until 1917. Some false flag operation

Do you know what happened in 1917, which really flared the anti-German temper in the US?

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by Doctor G
Not to get off the subject because it really isn't
"Where are the WMDs" was a major cry at one time. Lots of proof came out. Even Colin Powell was shown to have misidentified some stuff.
The trouble with all that is that we sold Iraq the stuff. Germany, France, Russia, England (sold them a whole biologics lab) and the U.S. all sold to IRAQ stuff to make WMDs as well as WMDs. Where they are now only the NSA really knows for sure.
I am still confronted by the "No WMD" cry. People will believe anything that helps them stay sane and firm in their beliefs.
Many do not want to believe that the US knew beforehand and let it happen or actually did it themselves.Still many of those have questions. This 70 year old man at work wonders where the tail went at the Pentagon. He knew from experience that after a crash the tail is usually hanging around somewhere.

Even after the evidence came out that FDR knew about the attack on Pearl before it happened, people wanted to forget.
Even after the evidence that the second Tonkin attack was fabricated, people still wanted to forget Vietnam.
History will repeat itself because people don't want to remember what they let happen by turning a blind eye.
You really can't compare 9/11 to those events, because as you said, those conspiracies are backed by evidence. It's been 9 years and 9/11 Truthers still have little to no evidence. And please, don't peddle this "Oh well the OS has holes in it" nonsense, that's nothing more than a cop out.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 08:54 AM
What would be an acceptable truth?
Who would you trust to give/deliver you that "truth"?

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by randyvs

No offense but due to your improper punctuation marks OP, I don't even know what side of the fence you're on. It was a difficult read.

But I can tell you this though, not all Truthers side with one theory. Most level-headed, clear-thinking, pragmatic, logical and semi-educated person will, for one reason or another, disagree with the official story. That's what divides the Truthers from the Trusters.

That whole day became a controversial mecca not because what happened but because what "they" said happened. It just doesn't make thorough, cohesive nor scientific sense.

edit on 20-9-2010 by Human_Alien because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-9-2010 by Human_Alien because: correction

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by roboe

Do you know what happened in 1917, which really flared the anti-German temper in the US?

There were German U-boats cutting off the American supply line to Briton.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 09:04 AM

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 09:05 AM


edit on 9/21/2010 by semperfortis because: Mod Edit: No Quote/Plagiarism – Please Review This Link.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 09:06 AM

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by roboe

Do you know what happened in 1917, which really flared the anti-German temper in the US?

There were German U-boats cutting off the American supply line to Briton.

The Zimmerman Telegram.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by Human_Alien

No offense but due to your improper punctuations marks OP, I don't even know what side of the fence you're on. It was a difficult read.

I didn't realise, I needed any punctuation, to make the first three words, of the heading, any more, clearererer.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by roboe

The Zimmerman Telegram

Oh Hell I knew I should have said that one first. So I'm wrong? Guess I got my wish hey.

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