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Men's-rights activists seek right to decline fatherhood in event of unplanned pregnancy

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posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by spacekc929

And if the parents won't? If her parents are poor? If her parents are dead? If she only has one parent? If her parents disowned her for getting pregnant? You can't always rely on the parents to take care of her. There are times when they will but many times they won't or can't. Generally, it is time the times they won't or can't when women decide to get an abortion.

There are thousands of people on waiting lists to adopt new borns because they either cant have kids or some other factor does not allow them.

The ONLY way I will ever consider abortion as a viable option is if the mother is at a severe risk of dying from the pregnancy or birth. Other than that its just murder for simple convenience.

edit on 16-9-2010 by AzoriaCorp because: quotes again...

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by xyankee
reply to post by spacekc929

No! what if the father says i want the child, once the baby is born, go take a freaking leap, I don’t care. He He is taking on the responsibility, it is no longer her concern. That is where she has no say!

And that is where I think women and men should talk together and work this out, and that is a great idea for them if that is what they want to do. But again, you are a man. You don't understand the difference between impregnating a woman and being impregnated. It is different. Women should not have to have a baby if they do not want to, and men should never be able to force her to do it or not.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by 2weird2live2rare2die

EXCUSE ME!!! Men have the right to NOT BE HORNY LIL SCUM BALLS and take advantage of women! Men have the right to wear condoms, If a man so happens to choose to do neither one of those rights then he voluntarily gives up those rights when his siemen leaves his penis! Once the deposit has been made into the WOMANS body, it becomes the WOMANS choice. Men can NOT decline being a biological father when thats EXACTLY what they are! BIOLOGICALLY RESPONSIBLE...and for any man to PUSS out once a child has been created, well maybe he might think twice before he does it again! And how SNOTTY is that 25 year old computer programmer to not want to help pay for a child he helped created!! As women we sacrifice EVERYTHING once a child is concieved! I feel no pitty on these men, men say abortion and adoption as if it so easy for a woman to make such a descion! Its articles like this that make me hate men!!

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 06:17 PM
let me just say going but what you advocate I SHOULD have been aborted as my mother was totaly NUTS and unable to give us the most basic care.
I ended up in foster care at 11 months .
so the well i am poor or cant handle kids thing is flimsily.
I should have been adopted right off . Well gess what any woman can always have the child to be adopted .
you say o 9 months is to much of a bother?? who are you kidden ???
Other then a few days of morning sickness which there is medication for you wont be able to tell your preggers untill alest 6 months in and its only the last two that get trying .
your not talking about 9 MONTHS you act like you can tell the day you get preggers that you are.
give me a BRAKE.
many woman dont even know there preggers until 3 months in and some even still get there monthly cycle.
heck my step mother pulled a real duse she got preggres then two months LATER get preggers again and the kids (Boy Girl ) were Born two months apart .
o 9 months being in so much pain???? the pain part can last as little as 45 mints.
My first took exactly that long lol my second was even faster as they induced .

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by joechip

I disagree.
Cowardly describes the behavior behind the essence of this bill.

Scum describes a person who advocates just walking away from his own flesh, 100 times if he sees fit, just because he does not want to face the consequences of his FREE WILLED CHOICE to have sex with any woman he wants.

How is that hateful? I find the actions being lauded in the OP as repulsive and disgusting. I responded in kind.

The OP set the pace here not me, I am merely adding my opinion.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by spacekc929

No that is not fair, she is just as responsible as he is, sorry that god made it this way but men cannot have a baby, if he could I am sure there would be a lot less women around. Men have no control over that natural fact. It is not fair that a woman can kill his child despite the fact he is willing to relieve her of her problem once born. That is torture!!!!! I suppose it is not her fault if he blows her head off followed by his own do to the depression and mental anguish she has put him thought just to be selfish?

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by xxcalbier

you say o 9 months is to much of a bother?? who are you kidden ???
Other then a few days of morning sickness which there is medication for you wont be able to tell your preggers untill alest 6 months in and its only the last two that get trying .
your not talking about 9 MONTHS you act like you can tell the day you get preggers that you are.
give me a BRAKE.
many woman dont even know there preggers until 3 months in and some even still get there monthly cycle.
heck my step mother pulled a real duse she got preggres then two months LATER get preggers again and the kids (Boy Girl ) were Born two months apart .
o 9 months being in so much pain???? the pain part can last as little as 45 mints.
My first took exactly that long lol my second was even faster as they induced .

Yeah, this is why you will never get it. It's full on the whole time because you can't drink, you can't smoke, you have to have a perfect diet to keep the kid in you healthy, you can't do certain things like go on long runs, you have to even lie a different way in the bed at night (not on your stomach obviously). As for the pain, there are cramps all the time, morning sickness all the time, contractions weeks before birth, headaches, and the list goes on. Oh, don't even get me started on the swollen feet. But you guys are the ones that complain the most because you get sick of US complaining. Why don't we try kicking you in the balls every day for a couple months and see if you complain.

It is because of ignorant males like you that women should have sovereignty over their bodies.

Oh, and what the heck are you talking about. You can't get pregnant, and then two months into pregnancy get pregnant again. It is physically impossible.

edit on 9/16/2010 by spacekc929 because: an argument I added

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 06:22 PM
I am talking about a NORMAL healthy woman here not a sickly one or one with complications.
as THEY CAN and will happen.
But if your a normal health woman and man who have created a life then that life deserves a chance TO LIVE and you are BOTH responsible to GIVE it that chance.
any thing other then that is just selfish ME ME ME ME ME MY RIGHT I WANT I WANT GIVE ME IT NOW.
Every thing you do effects OTHER people its NOT JUST you in this world

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by xxcalbier
I am talking about a NORMAL healthy woman here not a sickly one or one with complications.
as THEY CAN and will happen.
But if your a normal health woman and man who have created a life then that life deserves a chance TO LIVE and you are BOTH responsible to GIVE it that chance.
any thing other then that is just selfish ME ME ME ME ME MY RIGHT I WANT I WANT GIVE ME IT NOW.
Every thing you do effects OTHER people its NOT JUST you in this world

I was talking about normal healthy women too.

But you're right. Abortion is a selfish, horrible thing. I don't disagree with you on that. I would never have an abortion. But I won't condemn others if they do, because I get it.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by spacekc929

Originally posted by xyankee
reply to post by spacekc929

No! what if the father says i want the child, once the baby is born, go take a freaking leap, I don’t care. He He is taking on the responsibility, it is no longer her concern. That is where she has no say!

And that is where I think women and men should talk together and work this out, and that is a great idea for them if that is what they want to do. But again, you are a man. You don't understand the difference between impregnating a woman and being impregnated. It is different. Women should not have to have a baby if they do not want to, and men should never be able to force her to do it or not.

Well if that is how you feel then he should be able to say I don’t want it and walk away! you see you don’t just automatically get the right to decide if you want men to be responsible (which they should) then it should be the same the other way around. It is not fair any other way! I don’t care that you have to carrie the child, GOD MADE THAT CHOICE FOR YOU!

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 06:26 PM
PLEASE woman stop I was there with my x as she had 3 boys the whole time .
she DIDNT have headacks EVER not during any of them She didnt have to sleep on her back Even at 9 months .
and the FACT is she prefered her side as that was more comfert.
she had morning sickness we GOT MEDICINE it went away last less then a few days .
the labor on the 3rd was the longest at 3 hours BUT only the last 30 mints were hard labor.
I dont knwo who you are BUT I would GLADLY take her place .
dont give me the line i cant possibly know .
I even got sympthy pain lol

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by xxcalbier

I am prochoice, If a woman is with a man and she tells the man she is pregnant. And the man calls her a w*ore or says "ITS NOT MINE" Or degrades her, ignores her, what is a woman left to do all by herself? Would it be better to bring a child into the world with no stability? And yes there is adoption but lets be for real here...who can just give up there baby after birth? After having 9 months of bonding? And if she so does give said child up for adoption, How will that impact the child? Having friends who have been adopted and growing up with them it puts a toll on a young child to realize that the people raising them or not biologically their parents, the constant wondering on why mom gave me up, or Why didnt she love me? Or What was wrong with me? I heard over and over trying to comfort my friend at 9 years old.... so I believe its up to the woman, and if men were the ones to get pregnant abortion wouldnt even be an issue, men would say it is up to the men and for us to mind our own business! I GAURENTEE IT! A Child is a child once its born and can sustain life on its OWN!! Breath its own air, and eats it own food, drinks its own liquid, till then its pretty much a parasite!.... MHO

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 06:31 PM
ps If i could still be a male ( i like being male lol) and give birth I would trade well any thing for that chance .
feel it grwo knowing YOUR giving LIFE woman if there is a GOD you are HER you CREAT life from things taht are barly alive a sperm and egg .
Im not religious But that IS THE power of a GOD or GODDES

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by StarrGazer25

Please read my post and think about what your saying! It is not all up to you! If it were you would not need a man.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 06:36 PM
I did not realize men needed some kind of law or act to walk away from their children anyhow.
Plenty of that happens each day.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 06:36 PM
As a man I think this guy is a looser. I only get involved with women whom I would be okay with having a child with and believe all guys should do the same(it will never happen). The only case where I feel a man should not have be responsible if he was raped, it does happen though rare and usually with the help of sedatives and some other prescription. It is all about being responsible for your actions and pretty much all contraceptions options are prone to failure.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by xyankee

No, not wrong. You just disagree with me.

The law is rather fair honestly. Lawyers and exes might not be, but the law itself is. The woman is typically left to raise a child alone. This means not only does she go through pregnancy alone, she is also the sole-caregiver, provider, etc. while the man is expected to do nothing more than toss a couple of hundred bucks at the kid assuming he takes responsibility at all. Many times he just walks away and doesn't care and the woman has no option but to take him to court for child support when he has an ethical and moral obligation to assist in the care and well-being of a child he helped create. There are some crappy moms out there who do nothing for their kids and everything to take whatever they can squeeze out of a man, but child support laws are in existence to provide for the children left behind by dead-beat dads.

If a man can be forced into one situation, then it should apply as well for the opposite. Do you think it is fair for a woman to abort a child that the dad wants to keep? How about the anger, anguish, and mental torture the man may feel, as the woman kills his child?

When you can figure out how to grow an embryo inside your own body for nine months we'll talk about forcing someone to carry a life inside them against their will. Until then, I think not. And had you read my very first post I clearly said that the dads should have some say in the decision, I just don't agree with one person being able to force another to do something they don't want to do regardless of what that something is.

"You can’t have your cake and eat it too"

Which is why I firmly believe more people should wrap it up, take the pill, or keep their pants on. Their choice. Too many people get it on without protection and then don't take care of the baby they created.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by xyankee

Like I said sir, men do have rights such as wearing a condom or not sleeping with everything that walks, then those rights are given up once you VOLUNTARILY deposit your SIEMEN into the WOMANS body... It becomes her choice! Men have the reproductive right of NOT HAVING SEX or!! PROTECTING THEMSELVES NO MATTER WHAT THE WOMAN SAYS!!

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by Becoming

if you go to the link you find out the core issue of the case at hand had nothing to do with a couple what the court was decideing is if a guy who had not planned on having the child but the woman he impregnated decided to keep it and then SHE died and he is fighting his dead babys mommas sister(she was refered to as his aunt) who wants HIM to pay for child support for the baby he didnt want and wasent married to that hes not allowed to see because of the aunt i problay didnt make much sense so ill come back with the quote i was talking about bottom of page i think cites part of it This is it i think?
maby some one can make more sense of the links of that page as im having comp isses at the moment

edit on 16-9-2010 by KilrathiLG because: to add links

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by AzoriaCorp
Oh but murdering the baby is a much better choice.

Before there is a heartbeat, I don't consider it murder. And yes, in my mind an abortion is preferable to 9 months of being abused and tortured in the womb. I perhaps should have made it clear to begin with, but just for future reference should anyone try to accuse me of anything I do not under any circumstances support abortion after there is a heartbeat.

The rest didn't appear to be directed at me, but while I'm at it..

If the father does NOT want the child and neither does the mother, then they can file for foster care or adoption.

If you had any idea how many children are left to rot in foster care because no one wants to adopt them you wouldn't be advocating that as an alternative. I see it every day. No one wants the older kids who might have behavioral/mental issues because of what their parents did or didn't do. They want the babies more often than not.

If the father wants the child, and the mother doesn’t, the mother should have the child and be turned over to the father's custody and SHE pays child support.

This can and does happen. In my job I'm tickled pink when a guy shows up wanting to take custody and responsibility for his child when mom turns out to be a wretched excuse for a human being. I just wish there were more of them that showed up...

Blood tests each week should be done to enforce this.

Invasion of privacy. Perhaps we should do weekly sperm counts on men to see if they're capable of creating children.

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