posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 05:57 PM
Originally posted by SeventhSeal
That's right. Tea Party candidate Christine O'Donnell once held an anti masturbation campaign.
Is this really who we want running this country?
Liberal candidate John Smith campaigns for abortion, a polite word for murdering babies! Is this really who we want running this country?
Sorry, but you have your morals backwards. We're a nation of child murderers, and you're worried about someone suggesting a return to traditional
Is it stupid to campaign against masturbation? I would say no. I don't think you have a proper grasp of the reality of sexual behavior. In reality,
many things, like masturbation, have both pros and cons. The women in the video may be naive about male needs, but they still have a point. Men have
to do it, and they may be ignorant of that, but to what extent and with what pornographic assistance? It is a fact that a guy who masturbates to porn
is harming himself by degrading intimacy with another person. And yes, I do it, and it has harmed me. Porn addiction hurts a lot of marriages and
relationships. You don't want to admit the reality of that, because you're too busy being incredulous as to why anyone could not wholeheartedly buy
into the modern view of cheap and disposable sex.
Well, look at this country of broken homes -- sorry, the liberal view is more wrong than the conservative one. We, as a nation, are not responsible
about sex and the prevailing view of cheap sex has had a negative effect on our society. If people like you were actually able to admit to that, and
find some place for morality in a human context (instead of a religious context), then maybe you could offer a solution, instead of just mockery of
those with different beliefs than you.
Finally, the most disgusting thing in this video is the smug arrogance of the MSNBC host prior to the video. The only reason this aired was to
attempt to destroy a republican candidate. Is this the point of cable news then? I'm sorry, in my idealism I thought the news was supposed to be to
inform from an unbiased perspective. (lol.) If you needed more proof of the immense bias of MSNBC, here you have it.
edit on 17-8-2011 by
Observer99 because: addendum