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Rev. 16:13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
Rev. 16:15 "Behold, I come like a thief! Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed."
It is the liars and deceivers who are now naked, having been exposed to the public for what they are. They have been hung out to dry. The truth is there for all to see. The problem is that not everyone is exposed to it, but the hundredth monkey has been kicking in, and its all about to crumble and shatter.
Armageddon has been on-going for quite some time, but some people are still looking for it as being a "future" event. It is almost at it's final throes. That's what I think the 2012 time line deception is all keep people looking ahead instead of seeing what's right in their faces.
Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Thank you for pointing me out to this thread. It's well-written and I share many of the views within it.
It's true that when people feel threatened, they will pull the hatred card from the bag of tricks supplied to them by their religious and political leaders.
But the modern world itself is going to sh*t. This 2012 stuff seems to be a self-fulfilling prophecy, and most uneducated people, without a tangible understanding of what is good or bad anymore, are turning towards mainstream religion to give them answers. Religion itself is a social cause, and if you are religious then at least there's more of you out there. In some ways, it is a social survival technique.
But like I said: it comes down to mind, body and soul. And of course all three of these are influenced by your decision to be on a right handed or left handed path... in other words, a follower (ignorance is bliss) or a leader (one who is able think on their own). I used to be ignorant, and I used to go to church when I was a kid... Then I grew up and realized that the good old Christian virtue lifestyle is BS like every other thing that my government promotes.
I almost want to compare it to the way Native Americans were treated by Christians during the colonization of the West. Be like us or we will kill you. Obviously it's not a perfect analogy, but it sums up my opinion of how they are being treated. Along with dozens of other religious sectors.
Another proble, which I might be writing a thread about soon, is how regardless of the issue, time or place, it is always portrayed by extremists. Even things unrelated to religion, such as economics or moral values etc.
The people who represent us in these vital discussions are not "moderates" as most people are, they are either extreme left, or extreme right and DO NOT represent even a small margin of the general population.
People need to understand this, formulate their own opinons and start demanding proper representation.
This thread has certainly brought me back down to earth so to speak and allows me to analyze my rhetoric over the past couple of months.
Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi
While most people do prefer to be followers, those who do prefer being leaders do see much more clearly, because leading requires motivating and manipulating people to an end, just how easy some are to not just motivate but manipulate.
The best defense against that manipulation is marching to the beat of your own drum.
This to me is fairly analogous of the many reactions of fear and hate that devellop (and are encouraged) in contexts where religion and poverty intermingle, be it in a Texan trailer park, or the Afhghan mountain regions.
And that's all I have to say about that.
Our current political system is becoming eerily reminiscent of Nazism, but with a 2-party polarity to achieve the overarching agenda of the elites. This maintains the illusion of "choice" for those who remain blind to what and who is behind the curtain.
al Christianity is astoundingly simple at it's core and truly only has one basic requirement - to accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Everything else is window dressing yet it is also where the church splits into so many different schools of dogma and practice, enough so that people have been willing to fight and kill over it.
Somehow, mankind has fallen into the trap of thinking that we are neither good enough or smart enough to rule ourselves and require some type of control from outside be it religion or politics. This may be our most tragic mistake of all since, in the end, man still rules over man despite whatever divine claim to power they may have.
With the enlightenment we were smart enough to dismantle the idea of royalty yet 200 years later we still treat the wealthy as if they were of divine lineage somehow.
We are still progressing as a species despite the best efforts of the elite to keep us dumb, sick and fighting. Somehow I know that humanity will continue to move forward even if most of the world is decimated by religious or political Holy war.
We DO have a spark of the divine within us and I can agree with religion on one thing; that we are created in God's image. We are a special animal with a unique destiny on this planet. While there is no final goal to be won, it is the road to finding it that makes us better as a species. As long as our sense of wonder does not die, neither shall humankind. We might even learn to live up to that name - Humankind.
Again, good thread. S&F for you Proto
I think that we should listen to the former terrorists and the democratic leaders in the Middle East as to what caused terrorism. They know it better than we do, as they have lived in or amongst terrorist organizations. Their feelings about the cause of terrorism are unanimous. It is caused by state-sponsors who use it as an instrument of warfare, and we are merely caught in the cross-fire of an Islamic civil war between those who favor democracy, freedom, human rights and those who favor Islamic “purity,” oppression, and a denial of those values that every human possesses.
I would point out that you misstated a scripture early in your presentation when you said "money is the root of all evil". Of course it should be "the LOVE OF money is the root of all evil". This is a very important distinction. It being a state of the heart of the individual, not the money itself, as the evil. Sin is always a matter of the heart.
Nevertheless, I would say that what your overall message that comes through to me, on first quick glance is a call for "balance". I am in full agreement. This has been a life-long battle cry for me personally and has kept me from error many times. Balance is the key to not "going over the edge" in what is otherwise important guides in your own beliefs.
I also feel it is important for all religious people to recognize that everyone else around is on a personal "spiritual journey", as are you. It is important for us to honor this truth and allow that person to grow in knowledge acquired through experience. If we are called upon to offer guidance by the person, we should help in whatever way we can, but do no harm.
As a Christian, I believe in the principle of "being a witness" to my fellow man regarding Christ and His love for mankind. However, it is my considered belief that this is done in a "life example" form, more than a verbal onslaught of religious talk. My life is my ministry. This keeps me humble and keeps me on my toes, so to speak.