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The Islamization Of America Is Upon Us

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posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by Jenisiz

The problem is that under Islamic laws is not room to change, you either follow Islam or not and they don't bend rules either.

Christianity may have been a law under Christian nations during feudal time but is not longer, Islam is a law on itself and that is a big difference.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by marg6043

As of right now yes Islamic beliefs are rather appalling...but who's to say given the opportunity to actually experience freedom without outside influence, it may change. Every religion and every superpower has had their hand in the middle east at some point affecting their belief structure into what it has become today. They, and their actions and interpretations of their holy beliefs are a direct result of our actions. I said a quote once in regards to this very issue..."Don't feed the beast, let it starve and then consume itself."

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by Jenisiz
reply to post by marg6043

...but who's to say given the opportunity to actually experience freedom without outside influence, it may change.

Don't be so naive, just because you are willing to change, appease and accept them doesn't mean they have any plans of returning the favor.
It hasn't changed in a thousand years, what makes you think it will in the next 50 or so?

That is exactly the type of mentality that will do this country in.
Don't know how else to put it but appeasing is like trying to pet a wild animal, you may be a able to get a few strokes in and smile but when you turn away you will lose an arm, or worse.

Why are you tolerent of the intolerent?

Listen to these people from Dearborn Michigan: "There are certain elements of Sharia law that are being enforced in Dearborn."

They Need Your Help
Remember the guys in Dearborn who were slapped around by Muslims at an Arab Festival for asking questions at a booth that specifically asked for questions?

This June they were arrested at another Dearborn Arab Festival for what amounts to Christian Proselytizing. They merely had Christian pamphlets on them. They, in America, are facing charges for being Christian. And the left scoffs when we warn of creeping Sharia.

Source IOTW

Question: If they already treat Christians as second class citizens how do you think they will treat homosexuals and atheists?

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by Alxandro

Naive...*sigh* let me refresh your memory:

1. the first, 1095-1099, called by Pope Urban II and led by Peter the Hermit, Walter the Penniless, Godfrey of Bouillon, Baldwin and Eustace of Flanders, and others (see also first crusade);
2. the second, 1147-49, headed by King Louis VII who was enlisted by Bernard of Clairvaux, was a disastrous failure, including the loss of one of the four Latin Kingdoms, the Duchy of Edessa;
3. the third, 1188-92, proclaimed by Pope Gregory VIII in the wake of the catastrophe of the second crusade, which conducted by Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, King Philip Augustus of France and King Richard "Coeur-de-Lion" of England;
4. the fourth, during which Constantinople was sacked, 1202-1204 (see also fourth crusade);
5. the fifth, which included the conquest of Damietta, 1217-1221;
6. the sixth, in which Frederick II took part (1228-29); also Thibaud de Champagne and Richard of Cornwall (1239);
7. the seventh, led by St. Louis (Louis IX of France), 1248-50; 3

And then we have the Dark Ages...

" We'll examine what actually happened in the time called "the Dark Ages" -- nullifying the false histories of Christian apologists who would have us believe that this era of retrogression was caused solely by the "heathen barbaric hordes." As more honest historians such as Gibbons have discovered, the Dark Ages was largely brought on by the corruption of a counterfeit Christianity."

Should I continue...I can show you Hundreds of years of corrupt Christianity...

You can also looking into The Witch Hunts and several others....I find the witch hunts brutal as it shows the Christians are far more superior in their "repent" methods then the "barbaric" cutting off of heads by the Muslims...

edit on 21-9-2010 by Jenisiz because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by Jenisiz

Thats right lets forgive the corrupt religion that is Islam and the honour killings, the opression of women, the jihads its all ok... Christianity hundreds of years ago went through this so its ok, in the modern, science filled, rational thinking world of the 21st century for you muslims to stone women because your Islamic law said its permissable, to carry out "holy" wars its ok your allowed to because Christianity did it.... what a crock....

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by BluesBassist
reply to post by Jenisiz

Thats right lets forgive the corrupt religion that is Islam and the honour killings, the opression of women, the jihads its all ok... Christianity hundreds of years ago went through this so its ok, in the modern, science filled, rational thinking world of the 21st century for you muslims to stone women because your Islamic law said its permissable, to carry out "holy" wars its ok your allowed to because Christianity did it.... what a crock....

First off...I'm not Muslim...I was baptised Christian at birth and then catholic after Catholicism school. Second, we murdered millions in the past...since we got over it we can apparently judge other religions? And how can you sit here and say there's none of the things you state in their bible present in yours? Did you forget the omission of the story of Lilith? You know the one where god cast her out because she wouldn't submit to Adam. So then god made a woman from Adams rib for him to reign over? So don't preach to me about religion, I've scoured everything from Atheism to Zanism and the only thing present in the "holy bible" is to give meaning to my sh!t when I wipe my a$$ with it's pages. Grow up people, you are responsible for your own actions...just as they are responsible for their own. You take out religion and then what are you going to have to fall back on? They're creed and color? Been there, done that.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by marg6043

Says who?
I and my whole family are muslim, I know at least 70-80 other muslim families around the city that have no problem assimilating-my family included.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by The Sword

That's a great blanket statement you've made there. The Islamization of Europe is a real thing. What you describe as ignorance and fear are a natural reaction to the creeping presence of shariah law and violence in the west. If you really want to deny ignorance you should be working to encourage the integration of Muslim immigrants into the European world not denigrating anyone who's worried about Islamic law and politics' integration into secular society. The hate-speech laws in Europe are a cultural death pact. If we don't wake up, all the tools we have to deny ignorance (freedom of conscious, secular laws, gender equality) are going to be chipped away before we know it.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by BluesBassist

Im not spreading nothing, I am defending my religion. I have right to do so, as you have yours. So by your logic I could create a anti-christian/jew/hindu etc etc video on youtube and call it fact, Right?.
Who says, how do you know? How do you know that most "terrorists" are muslim? You think so coz thats all you hear about in the media. Ues there are people like that, these are called "Extremists" and believe it or not they exist in every religion.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by Jenisiz

yea, you didn't really read what he said, did you? Christianity did go through a murderous, was called the dark ages. Islam is still in its murderous dark age. and while there are plenty of good, hard-working, assimilating muslims, the culture that's been bread in the middle east - fundamentally opposed to all the freedoms you hold dear- is flocking to the secular world with unfettered immigration. you can do whatever you want with someone else's bible, but those of us who see a clear threat to the rule of law have a right to warn against a clear and present danger. and btw Lillith is not part of any of the most widely accepted biblical cannons, and also in case you forgot, the new testament generally purports to dictate everyday rules of conduct for christians. Ignorance about political islam's threat to the modern world is no excuse to dredge up ancient holy wars and gnostic texts to prove a non-sequitor. The point isn't 'burn the koran' any more than it is 'instate old-testament law.' the point isn't 'do as they did in the old testement' or 'muslims are evil because they're brown.' the point is that fundamentalist christianity, poses no where near a risk to modern society as the special form of islam that evolved to become more radical while mainstream christianity became integrated into pluralism. its not a theocratic or historic debate its a debate about a present day clash between cultures.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by Jenisiz

Who's to say it won't change?????? Elements of shariah law are being integrated into European courts as you speak. Christians didn't just 'integrate' into pluralist society, extremists had to be stamped down and dis empowered through freedom of expression and the rule of law. Freedom of expression is dying in europe, see original post. Rule of law is also dying. The only way to integrate Islam the way both you and I would hope is to draw a bright line rule. Let people speak out against the extremism, don't fine them, and let culture stay in the home, not in the courts.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by snusfanatic
reply to post by Jenisiz

yea, you didn't really read what he said, did you? Christianity did go through a murderous, was called the dark ages. Islam is still in its murderous dark age. and while there are plenty of good, hard-working, assimilating muslims, the culture that's been bread in the middle east - fundamentally opposed to all the freedoms you hold dear- is flocking to the secular world with unfettered immigration. you can do whatever you want with someone else's bible, but those of us who see a clear threat to the rule of law have a right to warn against a clear and present danger. and btw Lillith is not part of any of the most widely accepted biblical cannons, and also in case you forgot, the new testament generally purports to dictate everyday rules of conduct for christians. Ignorance about political islam's threat to the modern world is no excuse to dredge up ancient holy wars and gnostic texts to prove a non-sequitor. The point isn't 'burn the koran' any more than it is 'instate old-testament law.' the point isn't 'do as they did in the old testement' or 'muslims are evil because they're brown.' the point is that fundamentalist christianity, poses no where near a risk to modern society as the special form of islam that evolved to become more radical while mainstream christianity became integrated into pluralism. its not a theocratic or historic debate its a debate about a present day clash between cultures.

I don't think you comprehend what I said...I know Islam is in their dark ages. THAT WAS MY POINT. Just because you live today, doesn't make it modern for the people of other words...back when Christianity was in a hooplaw burning people and on their crusades...the "modern" world was ok with it. Who are you to judge another religion? When you can drop religion and stand outside of the picture then feel free to add your input...but I as well as the others view you as another paranoid religious goon...sorry.

Lilith isn't accepted because it's a story about a female refusing to bow before a man.

Christianity's evolution is a result of science tampering with the foundations of the religion and an opening of further interpretation. The bible after all is a series of interpretations retold again and again and again. While I'll admit, the Koran is violent, Christianity was just as much so. Moses comes down and instructs the Jews to kill one another for worshipping a golden calf...there are stories that go through the very foundations of the bible that preach the same ways of violence as the Muslims. The difference stems from social interaction. Muslims have been at the heart of much debate because of their location within the world. It is a rich area and therefore many outside powers have stuck their hands within their region influencing their beliefs and the ways they interpret their religion. Christianity and greed imho, gave birth to the modern Muslim extremist.

edit on 24-9-2010 by Jenisiz because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-9-2010 by Jenisiz because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-9-2010 by Jenisiz because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by snusfanatic
reply to post by Jenisiz

Who's to say it won't change?????? Elements of shariah law are being integrated into European courts as you speak. Christians didn't just 'integrate' into pluralist society, extremists had to be stamped down and dis empowered through freedom of expression and the rule of law. Freedom of expression is dying in europe, see original post. Rule of law is also dying. The only way to integrate Islam the way both you and I would hope is to draw a bright line rule. Let people speak out against the extremism, don't fine them, and let culture stay in the home, not in the courts.

Personally the only place religion has in the world is burried. It's dead now imho. It should be regarded much as smoking is throughout the US: BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. Apparently humans are incapable of treating each other's beliefs with respect, and therefore their right to religion should be taken away in public.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by Jenisiz

So your point is, just because the Christians did it once upon a time it's ok for Muslims to do it today?

Have you no faith in your fellow Man?
Shouldn't Man be more civilized now than he was one thousand years ago?

I'd like to think we have advanced enough since the Dark Ages, both ethically and civilly, to repeat previous and stupid mistakes, but I guess some people choose not to and instead wish to hold everyone back.

That's not very productive on many levels.

I don't know about you but I don't want to go backwards.

Heck, I didn't think this was even humanly possible but they even hate LOVE.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by Jenisiz
The bible after all is a series of interpretations retold again and again and again. While I'll admit, the Koran is violent, Christianity was just as much so.

Wrong. Christianity is inherently non violent. Find in the new testament where there is an actual command to do violence against a believer or nonbeliever. There is a war going on, but as Paul says, "it is not against flesh and blood", and the weapons of war are all "spiritual". Moreover the ultimately promise of God's kingdom describes how swords will be beat into plowshares and nations will no longer war with one another. So it is actually quite anti-war.

Moses comes down and instructs the Jews to kill one another for worshipping a golden calf...there are stories that go through the very foundations of the bible that preach the same ways of violence as the Muslims. The difference stems from social interaction. Muslims have been at the heart of much debate because of their location within the world. It is a rich area and therefore many outside powers have stuck their hands within their region influencing their beliefs and the ways they interpret their religion. Christianity and greed imho, gave birth to the modern Muslim extremist.

If I understand you correctly you are actually blaming christians for Muslim atrocities? Wow here we go again. The leftist apologists at full steam rewriting history and promoting the destruction of their own culture. This is right out of the Marxist Leninist playbook or rules for radicals by Alinsky. Denigrate your political enemies and lie about history to promote your own warped worldview. The sad part about this is many of you leftists do this without thinking, as though the hidden programming kicks in autonomously.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by snusfanatic
Who's to say it won't change?????? Elements of shariah law are being integrated into European courts as you speak.

At least 85 Islamic sharia courts are operating in Britain, a study claimed yesterday.

The tribunals, working mainly from mosques, settle financial and family disputes according to religious principles. They lay down judgments which can be given full legal status if approved in national law courts.

However, they operate behind doors that are closed to independent observers and their decisions are likely to be unfair to women and backed by intimidation, a report by independent think-tank Civitas said.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by Jenisiz
reply to post by Alxandro

Naive...*sigh* let me refresh your memory:

1. the first, 1095-1099, called by Pope Urban II and led by Peter the Hermit, Walter the Penniless, Godfrey of Bouillon, Baldwin and Eustace of Flanders, and others (see also first crusade);
2. the second, 1147-49, headed by King Louis VII who was enlisted by Bernard of Clairvaux, was a disastrous failure, including the loss of one of the four Latin Kingdoms, the Duchy of Edessa;
3. the third, 1188-92, proclaimed by Pope Gregory VIII in the wake of the catastrophe of the second crusade, which conducted by Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, King Philip Augustus of France and King Richard "Coeur-de-Lion" of England;
4. the fourth, during which Constantinople was sacked, 1202-1204 (see also fourth crusade);
5. the fifth, which included the conquest of Damietta, 1217-1221;
6. the sixth, in which Frederick II took part (1228-29); also Thibaud de Champagne and Richard of Cornwall (1239);
7. the seventh, led by St. Louis (Louis IX of France), 1248-50; 3

And then we have the Dark Ages...

" We'll examine what actually happened in the time called "the Dark Ages" -- nullifying the false histories of Christian apologists who would have us believe that this era of retrogression was caused solely by the "heathen barbaric hordes." As more honest historians such as Gibbons have discovered, the Dark Ages was largely brought on by the corruption of a counterfeit Christianity."

Should I continue...I can show you Hundreds of years of corrupt Christianity...

You can also looking into The Witch Hunts and several others....I find the witch hunts brutal as it shows the Christians are far more superior in their "repent" methods then the "barbaric" cutting off of heads by the Muslims...

edit on 21-9-2010 by Jenisiz because: (no reason given)

Your post proves the oppositions position. Religions are all political terrorist cults not some benign institution for sunday parties and helping the poor.They all seek power.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 07:20 PM
omg the world has gone compeltely
crazy. I can't believe half the stuff
I read on this thread. smh

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by b0sanac

Dear, if you follow Islam law as a converted Islam follower you know that is not room for the infidels walking the streets of America unless they all are bend to Islam.

Like I said before in Islam is not room for moderates or deviations of Islam, the same Islam is practiced in extremist Islamic nations is the same Islam practiced by those converted to Islam in the US.

As a converted Islam follower you follow only one law and that is the Laws of Islam.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by marg6043

Actually no I am not a convert. I was born into islam, and I was never taught any of the things everyone here claims. I was not taught to hate, to wage war, to kill. I was taught love,respect,tolerance. Frankly it really annoys me that people claim that the whole religion practices extremism. Islam has radical sects, just as Christianity has radical sects, and by no means should you compare radical extremism to normal islam, or any other religion for that fact.

edit on 26-9-2010 by b0sanac because: edit to add more to comment

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