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The Islamization Of America Is Upon Us

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posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 01:56 AM

Originally posted by DABIGRAGU

Those are radicals. I'm not defending them. What I am defending is the average Muslim who is just trying to live an ordinary life. Intolerant sentiments like those expressed in the snippet you posted are just meant to create fear and hate for a culture that is different. They have nothing to do with people blowing themselves up or instituting a primitive sharia law.

The average historical muslim has nothing that wasnt gained by violence at some point.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by Logarock
The average historical muslim has nothing that wasnt gained by violence at some point.

The average historical European has nothing that wasnt gained by violence at some point.
The average historical Christian has nothing that wasnt gained by violence at some point.
The average historical White person has nothing that wasnt gained by violence at some point.
The average historical American has nothing that wasnt gained by violence at some point.
The average historical ..............zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 02:04 AM
As opposed to the other two branches of the Abrahamic 'religons' who, historically, gained thier place in the world through peace and love?

And the subversion and revision of history continues apace.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by Romantic_Rebel

I've read the Bible cover to cover 8 times including the old testament. The old testament is chock full of messianic prophecies that were fulfilled by Jesus. The nice links you provided are quite unconvincing. Try reading Isaiah 53 for yourself with an open mind and tell me it's not talking about Jesus.

Finally I have no idea why you claim the verses you've quoted are evil. The second verse is from a parable and used hyperbole to make a point about the seriousness of sin and the first verse is along the same lines, with regards to the way people escalate trouble with their neighbors. Thus they are all good verses when appropriately read in context. Something which you failed to do, as you simply regurgitated some material spoon fed to you from some other source.

I recommend actually using your own God given brain to check the facts out yourself, rather than relying on some propaganda piece.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by evil incarnate

Originally posted by nenothtu
It's hard to follow you when you change horses in midstream, and now say the 80's "Team B" wasn't speaking about "terrorists", they were now speaking about "Soviets", when you plainly said "terrorists" before....

Try getting yourself straight first. I never said they never mentioned terrorists. I said they were not talking about the ME or Islam. I am not going to derail this thread to do your research for you if you cannot follow along from a post just a little higher on the page.

ETA, I guess I could have my decades wrong. The Team B I am speaking of was pushing propaganda for then president Ronald Reagan and I thought that was during the 80s. When was he president? Nevermind.

edit on 9/16/10 by evil incarnate because: (no reason given)

I'm straight.

You said this:

Originally posted by evil incarnate

Would that be the same Team B that made up so much scary "terrorist" crap back in the 80's by any chance or is this some completely different Team B that does not have a proven record of pushing lies about fear?

Then got called on it and changed to this:

Originally posted by evil incarnate

Team B was not warning us about the Middle East and Islam in the 80s, they were manufacturing lies about the Soviets at the time. Speaking of just shooting from the lip...

So which was it? Soviets or terrorists?

You also said this:

Originally posted by evil incarnate

The Team B I am referring to is a think tank that was actually told they were full of crap by the CIA so yeah, must be the same folks. I went to the link and saw that it appeared to be the exact people I was talking about. Apparently you do not know what Team B I was talking about and asking would have explained that but I guess you didn't and just shot from the lip.

Which is why I was unclear if you were talking about the CIA Team B that was after the Soviets, or some other Team B that was an "anti-terrorist think tank" - it would be difficult to reconcile the CIA saying that the CIA told itself that it was full of crap. That sort of thing might have a negative impact on the budget process, you know?

The "Team B" you mention in your edit was the CIA Team B, reporting in the 70's, which reports caused Reagan to beef up the military in the 80's, since Carter had his hands full with problems other than defense.

It appears then that the "80's" Team B was only a misidentification. No harm, no foul.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 02:15 AM
I try not to let myself get sucked into political arguments and I'm not going to let this be an exception. This will be my only post in this thread.

This is the same irrational fear of religion that the Left uses to keep people voting democrat.

The Left tells everyone the Right is going to turn America into a Christian theocracy, and the Right tells everyone the Left is going to allow America to succumb to an imaginary Islamic invasion and Sharia Law will be implemented. They don't care which fairy tale you believe; either way it results in a vote for one side of the two headed snake, and TPTB just sit back laughing at you.

I'm speaking to both sides when I say this: You're being played. Your fear of a takeover by theocratic authoritarians is being used against you.

Thank you for your time.


posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by SevenThunders

Issiah is talking about the Jewish people. Not a false God name Jesus. Trust me if Jesus did fulfill those prophecies then he would be the Messiah. Jesus is also very similar to other Pagan idols.
So which is true and which one is fake?

You'll discover that ancient cultures around the Mediterranean shared standard ideas about Gods and their powers and place in the universe—and that Christianity simply adopted those ideas, and applied them to Jesus. Christianity was a product of its time and place.

I would leave you with this as well.

A true prophet sent by G-d will never preach a message contrary to even one of the Torah's precepts. If someone claiming Divine Inspiration, the Torah demands that this so-called prophet prove himself. In light of this, Jesus and Paul did some rather heinous things in their lifetimes. They completely vilified those who opposed their theologies, a crime from which stems two thousand years of Christian anti-Semitism. They did everything that a false prophet could do to loudly scream that he was false. Chapters 13 and 18 of Deuteronomy clearly define false prophets, and Jesus and Paul are the living incarnations of that definition.

Are you reading the words of God or a con artist?

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 02:19 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

I put "terrorist" in quotes for a reason. I am sorry if that confused but the context itself seems pretty clear to me. I stand by what I wrote and how I wrote it. Reagan was not president in the 70's and the CIA refuted many of Team B's claims. Really sorry quotations marks got you so confused.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 02:20 AM
It's ridiculous....this thread I mean.

I live in probably the most diverse city in America, Los Angeles.

I hardly run into any "Muslims" on any given day. I don't hear any proselytism. Don't see ANY signs being bombarded at me like other Religions. Don't have any protests or violence committed by them.

I meet MANY people in my line of work, my work is heavily out in the public. On the rare occasion that I DO run into a self proclaimed Muslim, they are usually nice people, very educated, very friendly, and respectful. Otherwise they hardly even go noticed. I experience more GAY people than I do Muslims.

With that said, you would think that the following may cause alarm or concern:

1) Bankster thugs ripping us off
2) Runaway Corporations joining with the Fed in a Fascist takeover
3) Endless wars with no viable reasons given
4) Mid East strife from our "ally" Israel, with us being stuck in the middle
5) Nuclear Arms from nations which DO possess them at present and DO threaten others with harm
6) Poisoning of our food by GMO, our water by fluoride and toxins, drugs, chemicals, etc.
7) The very REAL connections of Israel to spying within the U.S., 9/11, PAID lobbying of our media for propaganda purposes
8) Federal agencies digging into our lives daily
9) Oil companies and major Corporations expecting us to share their debts, while they reap all the benefits of their profits
10) Rampant Illegal Immigration, unchecked, unsecured borders, etc.

That's just a 10 point list off the top of my head. There's 30 more I can run off that are effectively driving America down the tubes.

On top of that I can mention how, Ideologically speaking, Zionist Israeli and Christian influence is poisoning our society at an increasing rate and how religious zealotry AT HOME is causing us to collectively go mad.

All these things to consider....and "Muslims" are the big threat to some....huh?

I would say it's moronic, but that would be too easy. I feel THEY deserve this Nation more than some here, or whomever gave the OP 'stars' for his ignorance and fear mongering. Hell, even politically they are closer to being 'Real Americans" than the Dystopic and MYOPIC people who scream about "Muslims" now.

Your Manifest Destiny view of America is causing you to froth at the mouth while ignoring real issues. Just so you can feel righteous about your SKY FAIRY being better than another person's. All while your home burns to the ground, you wave your fists about imagined enemies, fed to you by the very Media you claim to be suspicious of.

There is little hope for you. And little hope for America if your kind thrive politically.

ETA: And all of you SCREAMING about "teh Muslims" probably never stepped foot inside a Mosque, spoke with a real Imam, ate dinner with a Muslim family. I have done all the above, and let me tell you, WAY more classy people than the average "Joe Sixpack".

And if you ever get a chance to come to Los Angeles, look around and tell me the effect that ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION has had on us, and then have the NERVE to babble about "Muslims". You'll look really stupid.

edit on 16-9-2010 by Prove_It_NOW because: added commentary about Illegal Immigration

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 02:35 AM
That's definitely true. Every Muslim I have met in the U.S. has been extremely kind, and never tried to convert me to Islam, even when I would have discussions with them about religion. From my experience they are very tolerant, intelligent, and friendly. I've had discussions in real life with Jews and Christians, and every single one of them has lashed out violently if I question their beliefs. That being siad, obviously anyone can spend two minutes on google and post a few pics of angry looking Muslim radicals, or sucide bombers, and say LOOK that is representative of EVERY Muslim on the face of the planet. If every Muslim were in the ranks of Al Qaeda, the U.S. would be overwhelmed with daily terrorist attacks for their interference in the Muslim world.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 02:44 AM
Oh and also, check out the HASIDIC community if you're ever in Los Angeles. Go hang out with them sometimes and tell them about "Jesus". If you're in one of their restaurants they'll verbally lynch you. Or just try to speak to their women, they'll want to chase you off the street or even spit on you. They don't even ACKNOWLEDGE outsiders. They don't even want to be seen talking to a non Hasidic Jew.

Then go to the average Muslims house or Mosque. They invite you to dinner, and give you gifts out of nowhere, even if you're a Christian. They speak harsh about Israel, but I have NEVER heard one say "JEWS" or "DAMN JEWS" or "DAMN CHRISTIANS"...nothing even close.

They get upset about ZIONISM because it's a political entity, but even THEY feel the Jewish religion should be respected along with Christianity.

They say things like "We see all creatures as Muslims, even a tree is a Muslim, because all are under the will of God". They say "The three major religions all come from the One God, how can I hate them"? Hell, they even say how on "Judgment Day" ...Christians, Jews and Muslims will "go to heaven". I don't even believe in the crap...but that's what they say.

I'm not even religious and I know this about Muslims, because I've seen it over and over again with them,
The only racist Muslims I've seen are the "Nation of Islam" types. But they are RACE based Muslims, they're bound to be douchebags.

The media sure has fooled you huh? That or your Church. Or some ignorant political party or activist group.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by Prove_It_NOW

That's what Israel is doing to the U.S. I find it hilarious all these Christians who believe in Jesus worship these people. Like you people are so blind it's sad.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by Alxandro
Think about me the next time you hear someone say they have a right to build the mosque.
Sure they have the right to build, but I also have a right to say "They shouldn't".


No one is stopping you from saying they shouldn't build a Community Center 3-6 blocks from the WTC complex and former towers on property they own.

No one is stopping me from telling you to sell your computer and donate the money to charity because you offer nothing to ATS right now but fear.

You don't have to do that of course.

I predict if they go ahead with the plans to build, it will pave the way for the next Timothy McVeigh.

Lunatics are out there.
Cannot change that.

Certainly saying we shouldn't build a Community Center with a Mosque in it because a "McVeigh" type fanatic may be enraged enough to commit an act of terror, is like saying we shouldn't build anymore Skyscrapers in New York because of 9/11.

It's not a way to live, hinders our lifestyle, and reduces our freedoms even more by giving the terrorists exactly what they want.

It's anti-America and cowardly.

You don't like the idea of the community center being built?
Buy the property then tell them what to do with it.

Till then..just keep running around in fear and acting as if your indignation means Americans have to change their plans because you are trying to be the anti-Islamic Nostradamus with visions of impending doom.

You talk as if you want to save America, while actually desiring to disregard its Bill of Rights, and the property rights of American citizens.

Nice work Comrade.

- Lee

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by evil incarnate
reply to post by nenothtu

I put "terrorist" in quotes for a reason. I am sorry if that confused but the context itself seems pretty clear to me. I stand by what I wrote and how I wrote it. Reagan was not president in the 70's and the CIA refuted many of Team B's claims. Really sorry quotations marks got you so confused.

So what sort of scary "terrorist" crap did Team B put forth in the 80's? A source would help here, I think, because I'm not finding it.

Ditto on the CIA telling itself that it was full of crap.

No, Reagan wasn't president in the 70's, nor did a report which had not yet been written influence his military upgrades starting in 1981.

So what's the deal with the Team B made up scary "terrorist" crap in the 80's, which indicates a proven record of pushing lies about fear, per your assertion?

Really, it sounds like a knee-jerk reaction to try to discredit a report which you haven't read, and know nothing about.

Given the current climate, that could be a dangerous thing - to reject this report out of hand. The report bears DIRECTLY on the thread subject - the possibility of Sharia in America, and explains that not all muslims are "dangerous" - it goes so far as to suggest criteria, a dividing line if you will, that can serve to open serious dialog, not just the "They're all evil!" or "none of them are!" variety of all-or-none that I see so much of at ATS lately. I personally prefer to target dangerous folk, not peaceful ones, and tend not to lump everyone together into one big unhappy family.

But hey, if you'd rather it go that route, who am I to suggest there could be a better way? As they used to say back in the 80's, in reference to "Islamic" terrorists, have it your own way and "kill 'em all and let Allah sort 'em out"!

Go for it. Carry on, then.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 02:54 AM
reply to post by sassyncute

I thought this might have caught your attention:
Area 17..... for lack of a more appropriate name.

When in doubt, don't shoot first.....and ask questions later, unless of course it's an asteroid, a meteor or 'other inanimate' object with your name on it.
Later is a privilege if you know what I mean.
'Most' of these reports in the link above are referring to the meteor shower in 'effect' though much to follow folks.
Remember, if these folks wanted to destroy man'kind, it would have been a forgone conclusion.....long, long ago.


edit on 16-9-2010 by Perseus Apex because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 02:55 AM
I'm not saying there's not dangerous Muslims that exist. They do, but I can personally say....and it's weird now that I think about it.

I have been done so wrong by so many different people. White , Black, Hispanic, Christians, Jews, even Buddhists.
I can't recall a SINGLE Muslim that has made me dislike them, done me wrong, or even SPOKEN to me in a bad way. I've never had a Muslim try and screw my girl, get drunk and curse me or others out, yell at me, call me a name, steal from me.

In fact, when I talk to Muslims, I always walk away with some kind of gift or present. LOL That or a sincere handshake more than most half ass handshakes I get in this fake town...(Los Angeles)

So when I see a thread like this, I can't believe it. Where is this crap coming from?

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by nenothtu

So what sort of scary "terrorist" crap did Team B put forth in the 80's? A source would help here, I think, because I'm not finding it.

Oh you know the usual. They routinely exaggerated and fabricated "facts" about the threat of the communisation of America. Sound familiar? You want sources, how about you find something better than a "think tank." Do they have their own HBO show and everything just like CATO? Sorry if think tanks are not exactly my go to guys for "facts." It is not my fault that you are still stuck on the Middle East and the 70s.

You have some guys named Team B that are little more than some guys and they are warning of the Islamic takeover of America and yet their report does not have any Intelligence backing whatsoever.

In the 80s, a think tank called Team B put out reports about threats of the coming communism that had no Intelligence backing at all. They turned out to be wrong time and time again. Prove your Team B is going to be any closer to correct.

edit on 9/16/10 by evil incarnate because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 03:12 AM
reply to post by Prove_It_NOW

The muslims I have met on my journeys have met me no harm, excepting combat, though that was a 'mission' of sorts fed by false intelligence. Hamas, Al Quaida, Mujahadeen were 'created' and 'nurtured' by intelligence agencies working in the shadows with no loyalty to any country in mind. International, globalist minded folks have their 'own' interests in mind for the sake of a fools folly. Liberating Kuwait is one thing, the aftermath, quite another. I'll pass on this topic.

Most muslims I have met here in America are well adjusted and doing there own thing while being respectful of the paths of others. I find alot of the demonization of one who ascribes to an 'appended' book of beliefs as outrageous and hard to believe though it remains on your television screens.....for 'some' reason. I believe that piece of the puzzle is now understood.


It's the 'created' muslim extremists that the world should be weary of.
When one loses a child, a Mother, a Father or worse due to the actions of another, the other will surely pay a price where the price is due whether it be in 'real time' and/or in the future. Defense is one thing, premeditated murder with the 'assistance' of false flags, deception, manipulation, threats, payoffs and other 'crimes against humanity' are quite another. Now one should be careful when applying blame. I know of no American that wants to go to the middle east and take over a country for any reason. There are a few I know of with this opinion though they are sure not to speak of it in my presence. These folks in question are good people though quite misled. I do see them turning full circle lately though they remain a work in progress.

Love and Understanding is the best course from here.
Cease and Desist all foolishness asap.
Heal one another where necessary, while subpoena'ing certain folks and prosecuting as necessary if you want to bury any hatchets. There seems to be quite a few hatches flying around looking for victims. Should the next be your neighbor, yourself or those responsible; the Planners; AIPAC and PNAC. That's a 'start' in the right direction. Many followed others on false intelligence, deceit, manipulation, greed, lust for power, privilege etc. just as every war since the dawn of man. It would be quite difficult to find a war of which was Not based on 'false pretenses'.

A massive blood bath will not create peace.....though Justice, perhaps, could save your day. One has the right to choose anyhow. Always have.....

edit on 16-9-2010 by Perseus Apex because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by evil incarnate

Originally posted by nenothtu

So what sort of scary "terrorist" crap did Team B put forth in the 80's? A source would help here, I think, because I'm not finding it.

Oh you know the usual. They routinely exaggerated and fabricated "facts" about the threat of the communisation of America. Sound familiar?

No, they didn't. Did not happen. I call BS.

You want sources, how about you find something better than a "think tank." Do they have their own HBO show and everything just like CATO?

No, I asked you to provide sources for your off the wall comments - and I note you haven't. Must be a reason for that...

Sorry if think tanks are not exactly my go to guys for "facts." It is not my fault that you are still stuck on the Middle East and the 70s.

Nor is it my fault if you can't separate a CIA report from the 70's from an imaginary "think tank" you allege existed in the 80's. And it IS imaginary. Never happened, and it certainly never put out "information" that you allege. Couldn't have. It didn't exist.

You have some guys named Team B that are little more than some guys and they are warning of the Islamic takeover of America and yet their report does not have any Intelligence backing whatsoever.

You got all that from a report you never even read? Do you have any OTHER delusions?

In the 80s, a think tank called Team B put out reports about threats of the coming communism that had no Intelligence backing at all. They turned out to be wrong time and time again.

BS. Never happened. Kinda shows the flaw in your entire premise.

Prove your Team B is going to be any closer to correct.

I don't have to, you just DID. At least this bunch DOES exist!

As i said before, carry on with your propagandistic self! I'm sure you can get that new war you're itching for fired right up in short order!

edit on 2010/9/16 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 03:16 AM
I keep having these flashes of my experiences with Muslims after reading these threads. Looking back retrospectively now it's very sad to think of how they have been slandered so much. By our media, with regards to 9/11 (the hoax) and to this day.

Looking back, I don't recall ONE Muslim ever using a racial epithet towards any race. Am I saying it doesn't happen? No, I just haven't seen it. I look back and think of all the hateful things I've heard in my life, even ones from my own mouth.

I've known Native Americans who are racist as hell, Buddhists who treat people in an aloof, cold way. Disabled people who hate, Christians and Jews who love death and destruction....all the supposed "downtrodden" people

Yet I think of all the Muslims I've known and I draw a blank. If there ever was a case for 'faithful' my opinion of course.

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