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Muslims do NOT care if we burn the Koran! They care about THIS!

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posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
Muslims do NOT actually care if we burn their holy book. They simply have bigger issues at the front of their minds.


Muslims are pissed because we are bombing their cities to bits and killing civilians, including women and children who are INNOCENT.

Who cares if we burn Korans all day long?? The Muslims don't!!!

They just want us to stop bombing their neighbors to smithereens!

This fact proves the whole Koran burning issue is straight PROPAGANDA PSY-OPS.
Psychological Operations to DISTRACT everyone from the REAL ISSUE HERE.

The fact we are BOMBING cities full of innocent people!
That is the REAL issue. That is why Muslims are pissed! Duh!

What more can I say?

You speak the truth. I'm a Muslim too. We're mad about US government and allies sending your sons to invade other countries, rape, torture and kill men, women and children.

Building a mosque on ground zero and the intended public burning of Koran were nothing more than global media stunt to replay memories of 911.

Muslims do not burn Zabur, Bible and Torah because they contain words from the Creator of Universe (Allah).

Public burning of Koran happened in India long time ago by Hindus, last during India-Pakistan separation.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask

Do you know what the Gulf war in 1991 was over? Iraq invaded Kuwait a sovereign nation in the ME, so we were protecting them instead of attacking you know the leading contributors of troops that participated in that? 1. US. and uh oh whats this? Saudi Arabia came in at #2 for the amount of troops that were contributed to the fight against the invading Iraqi army? hmm.....isnt Saudi Arabia hugely Muslim in population?.........weird....

And where did most of these 911 hijackers come from? Oh yeah Saudi Arabia....hmm so why did we invade Iraq? Call me perplexed. Oh and who gave the go-ahead for Iraq to invade Kuwait?? Does Rumsfeld ring a bell? But then again you are totally getting us off topic here. WAY OFF TOPIC. The TOPIC is Koran Burning = PsyOps.

We didn't get involved in conflicts like the Russian invasion in Afghanistan and funded the Mujahideen??

Once again, funded by the US to HELP the people in the area, i know i know, you want America to be haters of Muslims.......except we were arming them to help push out the soviets......

This isnt coming together for you too well to BASH the US, because in every instance you cited we were coming to the aid of all those Islamic nations we hate.......

If you want to tell me I dont know my history, maybe you should research yours more......

Why would I want America to hate muslims? That doesn't make any sense. I was clearly standing against such ignorance.

I am not bashing the US, I am bashing liars and disinfo agents who try to turn this into a religious issue. Like the MSM.

And as a reward, I get people coming here telling me this is about hating America? You are way off base here buddy.

You are desperately trying to change the subject. Try and derail this subject one more time and I'll ask the mods to do something about your poor attempts at ruining the thread by CHANGING THE SUBJECT.


Ad Hominem attacks are NOT cool.

How the hell do I want America to hate Muslims??? ANSWER THAT!
I was trying to get the subject of Koran burning outed as the MSM propaganda that it is.

And you are just attacking ME personally as a Anti-american muslim hater. That is ABSURD. You are pushing garbage.

You clearly said I "want America to hate the Muslims". This is a Deflection Tactic. You are up to no good here.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by wisdomnotemotion

You speak the truth. I'm a Muslim too. We're mad about US government and allies sending your sons to invade other countries, rape, torture and kill men, women and children.

Thank you!!

I am glad I have a Muslim backing me here.

You see how they are trying to say I am the Muslim hater?? Isn't that crazy and backwards???

I need more Muslims to come and help back my OP up.

Thank you so much!!! I am trying to end this conflict by revealing the lies surrounding it TYVM for helping me!

I just want the wars to end too! I love you man!!!

Together we can reveal these lies and propaganda tactics for what they really are!

But I need your help friend. And TY for getting my back on this. It's a huge deal to have you agree with this. You are giving my OP validity.

I wish more Muslims posted on ATS...I bet most of them agree with this premise big time!

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by wisdomnotemotion

You are a Muslim? If so I would like to take this opportunity to say I'm sorry. Sorry for swallowing the bait and the bs that was carefully forced upon me and many others that believed what we saw. I fell for it hook line and sinker. I'm genuinely sorry for comments I have made in all forms in the past. I was ignorant and don't expect you or any others to forgive.
I'm genuinely sorry. I'm pleased I've taken my head from my backside, and I know that there aree many others that feel the same.

Sorry for off topic but I had to.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by wisdomnotemotion


"You see how they are trying to say I am the Muslim hater?? Isn't that crazy and backwards???"

Maybe I missed it but I didn't see anyone call you a "Muslim hater"- quite frankly you sound more like an "American hater", or more specifically an "American Soldier hater"..........

edit on 13-9-2010 by Skippy1138 because: punctuation

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

And where did most of these 911 hijackers come from? Oh yeah Saudi Arabia....hmm so why did we invade Iraq? Call me perplexed. Oh and who gave the go-ahead for Iraq to invade Kuwait?? Does Rumsfeld ring a bell? But then again you are totally getting us off topic here. WAY OFF TOPIC. The TOPIC is Koran Burning = PsyOps.

Exactly Saudi Arabia ........again "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"
And why would Rumsfeld have ANYTHING to do with Iraq invading Kuwait? That makes no sense he was sent as en envoy to talk about relations, Saddam met with April Glaspie, an ambassador, in Baghdad. Glaspie told the Iraqi delegation, "We have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts." On the 31st, negotiations between Iraq and Kuwait in Jeddah failed. The first of that next month, Iraq invaded.....

That being said.....

Im not getting off topic im refuting what YOU posted in your replies, and and providing the information behind can threaten me with the MODS all you want, I havent attacked you , ive provided information for my statements......

My point about about the "American Hating Muslims" is the fact that this whole OP seems to come off with the intention that Muslims dont like us because we are "attacking" them, from , what seems to be your perspective, for no reason.

My point is that the videos that you have posted are PROPAGANDA. Of course people get upset when they are attacked, that goes without saying, but to make the assumption that they arent upset at us for Koran burning, flies DIRECTLY in the face of the OUTCRY that has come out of Muslim nations since this whole thing started.

How many reports have you seen about retaliation for burning the Koran? Yet you tell me that they arent upset about it, its only because of bombings?

You go on to site ALL the times that the US has been involved in conflict in the region, and then tell me I dont know my history, and THEN tell me im going off topic for disputing your claims?

Im sorry I thought that was what these forums were for?

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

I think Muslims care about how we have waged the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and they ALSO care about what they perceive to be the western world's disrespect for their Muslim faith, as exemplified by the burning of the Koran.

The issues do not break down into simplistic either/or causes.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 04:59 PM
Turning this topic into "Muzzleflash hates the US Soldiers and hates America" or whatever, is attacking the messenger not the message.

It is ad hominem attacks. And it reveals you have no legs to stand on.

Call me a American soldier hater one more time and I'll have the mods all over you, you have been warned!

My friends DIED fighting these stupid wars. Yeah I really hate my friends don't I? Get a grip. Stop spreading disinformation and lies in my thread.

I am pro-US Soldiers by wanting them OUT OF HARMS WAY!

This reveals the dirty tactics being employed against this truthful topic!

But FINE, keep posting personal attacks against me. It only promotes my thread and keeps it popular and makes sure that MORE people will read it. Keep posting it is promoting the topic.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 05:06 PM
Post is no longer valid.

Thanks for drawing the burning to my attention blupblup.

edit on 13-9-2010 by SLAYER69 because: I wasnt finished mashing the keyboard with my big fat hair knuckles!

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

Yet Thousands took to the streets all over the ME and burned the American flag

To be fair, that's like a weekly thing for them.

It's like their version of the backyard BBQ

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 05:12 PM
OP in your first post you came across as bashing soldiers. Thats not changing the direction of your thread or a personal attack. Thats just how it reads.

The wars in Iraq and Astan are not the only reason Muslims do not like the west. It is a flawed theory at best to say it is one of the main reasons. In radical Islam schools young boys are taught to hate the west. Al jazeera hates the west and spreads it propaganda. Then the whole history of Christians/muslims and warfare throughout history. Not just between Christians/Muslims but between Arabs themselves.

On a side note. I am sorry for the loss of your warrior friends. Its a different kind of grief losing someone to war. That hopefully most never experience.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

The Koran/Quran wasn't burned.

Not that it's really an issue..... but


Yes it was.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 05:15 PM
ive spent some time looking at this footage
i side with muzzleflash ..
this is madness.. this is war.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 05:17 PM
Also an interesting documentary on the rise of Islamic fanaticism and the rise of the Neo-con's and anti-Muslim propaganda is "The power of nightmares"

Part 1 can be found here.... parts 2 & 3 are also on google video (on the right hand side)

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by blupblup

Hey thanks.

I stand corrected. This just proves the guy is one twisted individual. Burning the Koran and the American Flag.
I really like the music.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
The Koran/Quran wasn't burned.

Yet Thousands took to the streets all over the ME and burned the American flag becuase the Koran was threatened to be burned by some low life know nothing ignorant preacher who probably represents less than .009 % of US opinion.

But isn't that kind of the point of the thread?

I don't agree completely with the OP, but I do think it's noteworthy that the areas I've seen reports of major protests from are all more or less war zones.

I haven't been following the news that closely, but the two places I've seen deaths attributed to protests over burning the Quran are Afghanistan and Kashmir -- both places with rather significant pre-existing tensions.

In other words, the media makes these protests out to be just about some guy threatening to burn the Quran (and of course, people did burn it and film it on 9/11 even if Pastor Jones himself didn't).

But it looks to me more like a "straw that broke the camel's back" thing.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Well I thought the music was pretty insane too.

Yeah... Those "Godhatesfags" guys are a real bunch of characters huh?

Although in the interest of fairness and all that.... if some guy wants to burn a book, be it religious or otherwise, he should be allowed to do so.

If it wasn't for the media blowing it out of all proportion.... then nobody would have known about the original guy (Terrry Jones) and his 30 or so followers wanting to burn the Qur'an.

I blame the media... lunatics are always gonna wanna burn books and flags and It's perfectly legal for them to do so... but give them airtime and attention and this is what happens.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 05:28 PM
Koran burning.

Posted on Youtube last week.

Posted the other day on 9-11

Westboro burning Koran + US flag at same time.

Point is, this is a minor and totally pointless issue in reality.

The real issue is how their homes are being blown up and their families and lives wrecked by military action.

However, media outlets in the Middle East, such as Al-Jazeera are using the Koran burning issue to fuel even more religious conflict and KEEP the war going in order to justify continued occupational presence in the region to "bring security".

It's being used as propaganda heavily on both sides Middle East and in the West. And it's a distraction from the reality of war and death.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 05:43 PM
Hi Muzzleflash

I kind of tried to present the same message last week. In this thread :

Please read it and see how most people only read what they want to read. I actually felt disappointed.
I'm totally on your side on this one.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by Holly N.R.A.

Here's another one for many of them do you think will become police officers or fire fighters when they return home...two professions that do want them military men workin' for 'em.

What in the world is wrong with being a Firefighter?

When was the last time you have EVER seen anyone harassed by a Firefighter? Arrested, ticketed, told to produce ID...

Anyway nice post OP. They have too much on there plate to worry about a book being burned,

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