Jeez, 5 pages of people harping on the "Disclosure" thing. Get over it. Obviously the show is already working against the masses. Against those who
believe in disclosure, and those who don't. What is more funny is the fact that those who believe in disclosure see it as a possibility, not an
absolute truth. They are calm and willing to discuss the topic rationally like adults. Yet the antagonists here adamantly believe that the only
possibility, is that there isn't one, so they get all bothered and worked up about it.
If you honestly don't believe the show is working as intended, as a means of social manipulation and programming. Then tell me, why are you so
bothered? This is targeted at pretty much everyone, not a single person. I chimed in and gave my opinion, and let others have theirs.
But some of you are on the warpath to belittle those with dissenting views as if your reality was crumbling around you. Desperately struggling to
force your beliefs on to others with hateful words, pretending to have some authoritarian stance on the matter.
If you don't believe in disclosure then you don't. Leave it at that. But you would rather sit here and argue against it rather than spend your time
benefiting your mind and reading something of importance, saying something of importance.
I equate it to the all too common pedantic statement from grade school. "That's stupid". Intellectually empty, lacking any critical thought. That's
the majority of these posts...
"Disclosure is stupid, and you're stupid for believing in it". *Chest bump*
How about you antagonists find something better to do with your time?
And for those of you who obviously fail to understand how social manipulation works through the media... Let me simplify it for you.
Not one show, or movie has all the answers. Nor do they give you an answer to anything. Each of them is a piece of a puzzle, to understanding
They must all be taken into account, in context, and correlated against one another. They slowly create paradigm shifts, or what I love to call
"shifting baselines". Where the whole can not be understood, or even visualized until the time is ready. You can come close to understanding what the
truth is, but until that last piece is laid nothing will make sense.
I believe it is much like when the Masons lay a cornerstone to cement the foundation and bring everything together on a fixed, precise point. Only in
this case, we are all being initiated to become the capstone.
I'm sorry if you can't see the "grand revealing" which will bind all of this together laying the capstone so that finally everything will make sense.
I don't believe it's "disclosure" myself either. I believe it's much more than aliens, ghosts, reptilians, werewolves, vampires, advanced
technologies, etc... However these concepts help rapidly evolve our social consciousness.
Just look around. 50 years of modern computing, 30 years of internet. And compare societies intellect and reasoning today, to that of merely just 100
years ago. We are being primmed.
I digress though. If putting all of your energy into arguing with others in a childlike manner seems like a positive use of your energy, then by all
(I still think the show has much to do with 9/11)
reply to post by CharlesBronson74
The last 30minutes of Lost gave you all the answers you need. If you still don't understand it, you aren't ready.
edit on 13-9-2010 by mryanbrown because: OH-SEE-DEE