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NBC's 'The Event': The secret even the President does not know

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posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 07:47 PM
This reminds me of my thread on how disclosure is slowly happening right now:

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 07:56 PM
I thought the "event" was just going to be some producers rip off of whatever poster started the whole blue beam dark night threads on ats. a false flag shell game ridden plot where the event will really just be some old rich man manipulating things from his mansion somewhere for personal gain or something.

thinking the pilot will fail with the publics rejection of it.

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 08:15 PM

edit on 12-9-2010 by THEmattyj because: blah blah blah

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by uforadio

Dear uforadio

Ok so the whole thing is a Hollywood plot but judging by the trailer it dose look very good and I wish I could see it. Being that most trailers that I see put me of the subject altogether because they are so lame.

Sure this is not disclosure but it dose appear from the trailer to be someone’s idea of how disclosure will come about. It also looks like it was made by someone who actually has an idea of the subject.

We here on ATS know so much about the possibilities that we forget that these things are going to educate the sheeple. So for me it looks like one entertaining and two a step in the right direction.

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by Diplomat
This reminds me of my thread on how disclosure is slowly happening right now:

I've always thought that IF aliens exist they will look very similar -- if not exactly -- like humans. I don't see any reason why evolution wouldn't follow a similar path on some other similar planet.

That being said, I suppose there's a chance that aliens may be among us right now. I'm guessing that will be one of the themes of this new TV show.

Now if that was the case then, of course, Obama couldn't just come out and say "by the way folks, aliens are out there among you". That WOULD cause very serious panic I think. People would freak out, and paranoia would be off the charts. I know for certain my grandmother would be hysterical.

So, yeah, I suppose the best way for "disclosure" would be very gradual, over many decades. You need to de-sensitize the public to the point where they think "oh look, there's an alien. Let's buy him a beer"

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by FOXMULDER147
That being said, I suppose there's a chance that aliens may be among us right now. I'm guessing that will be one of the themes of this new TV show.

Now if that was the case then, of course, Obama couldn't just come out and say "by the way folks, aliens are out there among you". That WOULD cause very serious panic I think. People would freak out, and paranoia would be off the charts. I know for certain my grandmother would be hysterical.

You are right, they couldn't just have Obama just come out and say it.

So, just put it in a TV mini-series and have a "fictional" president say it, problem solved!

IMHO they have been doing this with movies and TV shows for years already.

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 09:15 PM
chuck > the event

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 09:20 PM
I would suggest that if ETs are living freely among us it's likely they will be shoehorned into high level jobs, for security reasons. It's not like they are going to be working in McDonalds. I wonder if that idea will work its way into this show. Looks like it could be a good show.

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 10:03 PM
It really could be disclosure but I'd take that idea with a grain of salt... I noticed some people doubting NBC's ability to disclose such phenomena to the public... Who really knows?? It could be that maybe they just like that President that stepped off his seat not too long ago aforementioned was driving Russia to create a UFO center to teach the people about the non-human life forms that truly exist. Who knows maybe NBC said F* It! We gotta tell the people! We don't know but I am for dang sure excited for something like this to come out especially on a major network. Maybe we mistook the Media for something else... But we will see if it really is about disclosure at the end for the masses then they chose a perfect way to let us know I'd even give them a pat on the back and say What took you so long? And from what I have researched... spending 12 hours every night on the internet for 4 months... 2012 is not about Earths total destruction it is about the very possibility of us humans becoming enlightened enough to jump from the 3rd dimension to the 5th making it one of the most biggest events in current human history.

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by uforadio



"Disclosure" happens, IF! they have a "big to do" about it.

I will choose to go back to my man cave and play with my radios.

It will be BS on some level.

It will likely be some high tech charade put on for us by the PTB.

I dont really know why yall get your knickers in a fuss over this crap. Do you really think our "space brothers" are coming to help?

No good can come of it regardless if its legit or not. this aint star trek and they aint vulcans.

When in history has a higher evolved society with superior technology done a damn bit of good on the locals in question?

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 10:31 PM
Somehow I suspect this is going to be another LOST wannabe. It will take a year to get to the point and then continue to drag out the details for 3 years...if it lasts that long. I like science fiction, but I don't think it works well in a format that has no set end-date. Mini-series makes for good science fiction. Weekly shows do not.

edit on 12-9-2010 by okachobi because: fix a typo

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 10:32 PM
Why on earth do people get so excited about a tv program, thinking that it is true or is leading to something in reality?

That said, I hope it is a good show (and not about UFOs), but it will have to go a long way to be better than Rubicon.

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 10:50 PM
Thanks for sharing. Looks like a it has great potential to be a nail biter. On the other hand it does seem susceptible to Lost syndrome, or just plain sucking after a few catchy episodes, maybe a season.

Either way I can see it just as more conditioning, more preparing for the real act - False Flag Alien invasion ! lol
All these movies and shows and talk and blog on the aliens topic. The recent stance the Vatican has taken, History Channel ( history, or her story?)'s Ancient Aliens series, hoaxed alien invasion alerts. It's all too coincidental for my liking. There could very well be a fake alien invasion with unknown military tech craft. The idea of a fake alien invasion is not my idea of course, but the dots connect real bloody close to it.

This show looks pretty darn entertaining though.

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 11:02 PM
How do you get alien disclosure?

The trailers reminded me of 9/11 and hinted one of the airplanes was diverted, and all the citizens on board hidden away.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by mryanbrown

from what i seen in the trailer with the man having a gun on the plane and claming hes not going to hurt any one makes me think that he could be alien and after disclosure everyone was scared and thought he was going to take down the plane, to add another thought maybe a group of aliens did something and and harmed a bunch of people so the gov. had to have disclosure to explain what had happend after this everyone would be terrified that everyone is a bad alien so everyone begins not to trust each other

but also i agree with you ^ that plane looked to be out of control and headed for something.

p.s i do not think this is going to have anything to do with a disclosure in real life. The same guy who produced the movie Cloverfield J.J. Abrams is in works this The Event also and if you remember Cloverfield there was a ton of speculation because of the little bit of info out on it and all the websites the made too give out little hints.

what the nytimes said about the event [url=][/url ]

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by uforadio

Since when do Hollywood scripts have ANY bearing on Reality?

In reality: On one side of the grand canyon is Hollywood and on the other side
is actual reality with this huge voidy thing sitting between them..

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 01:46 AM
Well this is the year we're suppose to make contact.

Remember Stanley Kubrik's 2001 and 2010 the year we make contact?Well if you know Stanley Kubrik has always done illuminati plot type movies.

9/11 was obviously in,2010 was 9 years later..2012 is 11 years later.

Just saying.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 02:03 AM
Wow. That is great trailer for what looks like a great TV Show, nothing more. I think the TV dudes are well onto the fact that the mere suggestion of any type of disclosure pertaining to anything conspiratorial is a mega booster for their ratings and thus their profits. We've heard and seen all this sort of stuff before, all that has changed is the level of technical expertise in presenting these spectacles to the TV consuming public.
I believe in extra terrestrial life but like many here I would like to see it with my own eyes and not take somebody else's word for it, especially if it comes out of the TV!
I think if us mere humans ever do get to find out the truth, it won't be relayed to us via Hollywood.
It still looks worth watching though, if only to look at the sexy "alien" women !!!!

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by uforadio

there is at least as much truth in science fiction as there is in msm (mental systems manipulation) aka (mass scale manipulation) ... in my opinion.

these movie scripts and tv scripts do not write themselves .... do they?

there might be some level of truth in them. impo.

some of my thoughts on this subject,
share what you know,

edit on 13-9-2010 by Esoteric Teacher because: add a sentence & sig

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 02:10 AM
I just watched the trailer on youtube and it would seem by the way they talk about the 97 prisoners in a secret camp and a "leader," that it appears to be something about ET's. Apparently something also took out all of the radar capabilities. Could be an attack of some sort, only because the "leader-chick" turns and says, I haven't told you everything...Looks like it will be an interesting show to say the least.

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