Hi tankthinker,
I've read your post a few times, yet I'm still unsure what it is you want from this thread. What I am getting is that you believe that Oneness and
'eternal love theories' are all nonsense, and you want to discuss this in a logical way with others. But why? What is your purpose? In another post
you say that one of your responses was directed at having an effect on other readers.
My question, in as much as I can articulate it clearly, is do you want to understand, explore this belief further with a view to learning more and
being open to changing your opinion if the views of others gave you reason to do so, or is your purpose simply to prove your opinion is right?
The answer to this question would influence my decision as to whether to engage in this conversation with you or not.
In the first part of your OP, you make it known you are a supporter of the NWO, Illuminati, etc. but you ask people not to focus on that in their
discussion with you, yet it is relevant.
I don't know what your beliefs about the NWO, Illuminati, etc are. Many believe these people to be purveyors of hatred and suffering and mass murder,
with an aim of reducing the majority of the population to total slavery with no individual rights whatsoever, except to the extent that an illusion of
a few minimal rights might make them more productive slaves. Is that what you believe and support? This is a genuine question and is relevant to the
discussion you propose.
Although you state that you believe Oneness and 'eternal love' are all nonsense, you also state your wish that you can enter into logical argument
without personal attacks. So, in that sense, aren't you asking for a response based on 'love' (in its widest sense) rather than personal attacks
which represent 'hatred' (in its widest sense?)
At the very least I am confused. What I am understanding is that you support a politics and philosophy which many believe to be based on hatred - a
philosophy and politics which has personal attacks, individual assassinations and worse at its core, yet you want to discuss this topic without the
same personal attacks which characterise what you believe in.
edit on 27-10-2010 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)