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What's with all this "ONENESS" and "ETERNAL LOVE" Nonsense!!!

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posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 09:11 PM
You can all be pro-NWO or anti-NWO I really don't care anymore.

I am pro-meteorite.

And it needs to be a big meteor, like ELE sized.

Sorry to sound so cynical but to me personally, it sounded really funny and sarcastic.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by tankthinker
1. if we are talking about the elites plans to take over the world, why would you come in and tell me that everything and everyone is oneness and love, how does this help me at all????
great now i can go meditate about love and oneness and the world will be just right, it solves all the problems.

The perception is an Ultimate expression, one that is experienced by very few people as a reality in this time. It also provides the perception that everything is Perfect for Now. And considering the incredibly short human experience on the world so far, we are like Babies in their awareness of what exists around them, hence most cannot as yet possible understand the Concept let alone experience it as their reality.

Originally posted by tankthinker
2.yes thats right i would say that every time i come on to ATS there is some member posting about this oneness stuff, ive heard it before, yes it could be true, no i dont believe it is and i dont need you shoving it down my throat everywhere

No one is shoving anything down your throat. You are only having a typical "it's grinding on your own beliefs" experience of it so far. Which is what true statements do to people who are not aware or awake enough in that moment to grasp the concept clearly... it irks people, it annoys people, it gets under their skin so that may even rant against it to prove it wrong.. which in itself is also a symptom of not being ready yet to see it clearly.

Originally posted by tankthinker
3. Why is this religion of oneness the source of all others, i have seen more evidence of religions being born of superstitious circumstances or even from otherworldly creatures, truth is many people are lost because they dont want to believe one religion or another but they want to believe something, so they see this Oneness nonsense and think....

truth is it's such a vague belief that anyone could apply it to their life, its funny that so many sites that promote oneness claim that all the religious "prophets" were all just teaching oneness. What a scam seriously, i have seen evidence of Jesus' devotion to his Jewish roots in believing in one true god! (read the book - "the bible for people who hate the bible" part 2)

Oneness is not a Religion, nor a Belief, nor a Faith, nor any other sort of Attachment that humans may choose to accept. It is something that can be directly experienced, and in such a case it washes away the blindness of having attachments to Belief-Systems.. it opens the eyes so to speak.

It cannot be experienced simply from reading about it, hearing about or thinking about it, it can only be experienced through simple approaches and methods that require No Attachment in order to move beyond the Limitations of our Indoctrinations by our Culture.

I think the reason some people say it is the Source for all Religion, is that it is the only Source there is, and as such then it diversified itself into all the things we see before us today. But human beings in their limited perception experience do not or cannot see it, or simply turn their back on it in order to remain within their Comfort Zones that were Indoctrinated into them from the moment of their Birth.

Originally posted by tankthinker
4.In what way are we all one, yes maybe we are all comprised of the same atoms and everything else is just an illusion, but it is a persistent one, how do you not know that this illusion is not a part of the reality, maybe we are all connected but so what? i havent felt it, i cannot see it, it doesnt affect my life,
i cant sit down meditate on how connected i am to everything and have all my debts and problems disappear, i will still feel pain and loss and suffering, everyone likes to talk about oneness but no one ever explains how it can be applied to my life today, no one shows proof of its effects in their lives

like if you were truly some master of oneness who has felt being one and has meditated for hours why are you on a conspiracy site posting about it, why not just sit there, meditate and know that everything will be alright, why are you trying to convince yourself (since we are all one) what you already know.

In what way?

The thing people call God or the Universe, or Energetic-Awareness, or George even.. is One Energy that has diversified Itself into all the portions we see around us.. and all the ones we don't yet see around us. Quantum physics would say, Everything exists as One Energy vibrating at different rates. Which means the same thing really.

Followers also Believe God made everything. The only difference is in the Beliefs that are being attached to and the Perception having some degree of Limitation.. again Indoctrination caused.

Why would anyone write about it on forums?

Firstly the wording of your question illustrates the limited perception currently attached to by yourself.. as it shows little understanding of the process involved.. but that's okay too... it is where you are at as a human being.. all good then for now.

As to the Why of it.. because within our world there are many thousands who are awakening to higher perception and will be driven to share to plant seeds for others.

Is that any different to Religious Missionary's going out into the world to spread the Word? No it isn't, with the exception of the Missionary's are spreading a very Limited Perception through the employment of Indoctrination Processes based solely in one Belief-System.. one that has roots all the way back into Sumeria where we can read about the real History of our Genesis as opposed to the highly edited and poor rendition we are left with today.

Originally posted by tankthinker
5.Love, love, love... ya its great, but seriously eternal and everlasting love??? what a load of nonsense seriously, prove to me where eternal love has won out over everything else,

hate and anger is a part of us, dominance is in our nature, but no we humans have to make up some belief about love to justify our wrongdoings and delude us into thinking that evil will not win out in the end.

Without ever having had the direct experience of it yourself, it is impossible to understand it in a mental way or even formulate good questions to ask. Tricky huh?

Most humans do not understand Unconditional Love. Sure we understand our petty, ego-driven, fantasy-evolved concepts of Love, we understand how we feel with our loved ones.. the closest thing to the experience of Unconditonal Love that is experienced by anyone is that of being a Parent. And yet even that pales into insignificance with the direct experience of the Aware-Energy of this Universe.. we call it Love because that is exactly how it feels.. but totally accepting, totally non-judgemental, completely Filling and highly Illuminating.

You will sometimes see a person who is experiencing this Total Aware-Energetic connection and wonder why they are being so very gentle, caring, obviously Happy, Content, calm and Shining so brightly as their whole body 'smiles'.

Originally posted by tankthinker
truth is if there was some sort of consciousness or power in the universe it wouldnt chose between good and evil which are human contructions of cultural and religious bias, or love and hate which are simply programmed circumstances for our species planetary development.

ill admit that there are many mysteries and ancient wisdom/knowledge in the world, but i have extremely high doubts as to oneness and eternal love being the main components of our universal existence.

That is correct. It does not give a Hoot. It is aware that the Duality of Good and Evil is only a Limited Perception in use, being experienced as a choice for this small world, and that such a Concept simply does not exist at rates of vibration (levels of awareness) higher than what we poorly term the Astral layers of Awareness.

Originally posted by tankthinker
6. As far as i am concerned no one knows absolute truth, thats why i hate it when people come on to a thread and claim oneness and eternal love as if it was an obvious truth of the world that i was stupid not to figure out,

i would appreciate it more if these people came on stated their belief in a way that confirms that it is a theory and not absolute truth and explain in a thorough and interesting way how it applies to the topic at hand.

Correct again in that not enough human beings have as yet woken up, or explored the other realms/layers of Awareness outside our wholly-blinded Human Perception of Reality. And from the few that do or have, less than 2 percent of those explorers would have delved further than the topmost layers of the Astral. In fact it is a rarity for any more than one or two indivicuals to have explored regions I term Soul levels of Awareness and "higher".

Those few have what we may call Authority to share from their direct expeirences, while the rest merely repeat from either Indoctrinated Cultural Beliefs, or their newly chosen Belief Attachments from the New-Age Industry. Which by the way has been heading down the same road as every other human endeavour so far, towards Greed, Ego and Manipulation of Followers. How sad really.

So, for now everyone is perfectly where they are in their Awareness. Considering the long term Indoctrination process it should come as no surprise that we find Division being the main way humans go about living on this world. And hence why we argue so vehemently over our Beliefs, our Faith, our Perceptions, the earth, and it's resources, etc.

That is because so few have directly experienced Unconditional Love, the Energy of Our Universe. And as Babes we have a long way to go before enough wake up and do directly experience their Roots in Oneness.

Our Universe can appear like a spectrum. The Whole made up of many portions with those portions looking from one level of the spectrum and not seeing what lay beyond... in the exact same way that humans only hear and see in a small range of the Spectrum that we know exists far above and below our tiny experience of it.

I hope this goes some way to answering your questions. I do not wish to convert your beliefs, but to expand on them.

edit on 11-9-2010 by Tayesin because: dyslexic typing fingers made mistakes

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by ptmckiou

Although I agree with your sentiment about energy being your true self, and energy not being able to be destroyed, I have often questioned weather this energy has some form of its own intelligence, and weather this energy is in fact what we label our soul.

A person who has suffered such a terrible thing as torture, then may or may not have a tortured soul depending on how strong their self realization is. The same would go for a person who suffers from famine, or disease, or societal abuse... their soul also may or may not be affected by these things depending on their level of self realization.

Therefore since true, complete, self realization equates to enlightenment, which very few of the 6+ billion people on this earth will achieve in this lifetime, it is a necessity for we as humans to continuously strive to end the physical and mental suffering on earth. Suffering is in fact just an illusion of the mind, as you stated, but for un-enlightened people, even such as both me and you, it is still very real. Just a few thoughts I wanted to share, peace.

edit on 11-9-2010 by LifeIsEnergy because: to add spacing

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by Tayesin

Without a doubt, this is one of the best posts I have ever read. Thank you so much for taking the time to write it.

I was given the gift of "oneness" a couple of years ago. The feeling has never gone away or even lessened. Nothing has ever felt so real or true.

Sorry if the OP feels I am ramming something down his/her not mean to do that at all.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 11:47 PM
I believe there is a purpose in the individual experience, a purpose in each nations experience, and a purpose in the entire worlds experience.

I believe this sphere has a higher purpose, a higher prime image that it is to be. To reach that highest image of this spheres purpose, our purpose as a species, as a unit...humanity will have to see that in Spirit, the life within us all, we are ONE.

When we all realize to harm another, is only harming a 'self' that is ONE with you in Spirit.....the world will be able to reach its highest image.

I think that many that talk of ONENESS....misunderstand what it is and what is needed to bring the world to its highest state. Many that seek oneness and talk of it....still in the end seek a 'salvation for self' or 'ascension for self'. I do not think, even though most of these people talk about that they have discovered the path of 'service to others' are not truly walking the path of service to others, for in the end, they are still seeking a path of self.

The path of others, service to others, is when you are willing to let go of the self at will, offer it back to the Spirit from where it came from, for the Spirit to work through you. Truly understanding ONENESS (that we are all ONE is Spirit)....will be a being that is not concerned with salvation for the self or ascension for the self. They will be willing to offer back the 'self' to the Spirit, and be willing to be what the Spirit needs them to be to lead others in the path of ONE.

Earths highest path is for our species to unite out of our own will. To do this, we will all have to understand that in Spirit, we are ONE. To harm another is only to harm your own self.

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by tankthinker

my main issue is that many threads i see are either about or have some posters who push this "law of one" or "oneness" ideology,

Do you have any, "for examples?" I can't recall too many threads on "oneness" in the recent past but then I don't read them all.

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by tankthinker

truth is if there was some sort of consciousness or power in the universe it wouldnt chose between good and evil which are human contructions of cultural and religious bias, or love and hate which are simply programmed circumstances for our species planetary development.

If there were some sort of consciousness or power in the universe it might not choose at all...why couldn't it just "be" with everything else swirling around it, and either attracted, as in 'like attracts like' or repulsed from it?

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by subject x

If one seeks balance in all things, wouldn't one let both sides rule equally? Choosing one side or another is not balance.

Indeed, a more appropriate wording might have been in explaining that while i choose to let love be predominant in my life, I balance this with the knowledge that hate has brought me. I take no action being blinded by love, nor hate. The reason I choose love, is not only because it is generally more productive, but because I do seek balance. It seems to me that there isnt nearly enough love in our world, or perhaps that hate is simply less subtle.

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by LoneGunMan

The above has to be addressed because it is the basis of why you do not feel the oneness. All of the above is about ego. Once you rid yourself of ego the separation from the divine will fade.

take each and every word out of each and every law that denotes individualism (ego).

how are people suppose to rid themselves of ego when the laws of the superego (governments/religions) reinforce the ego through the legal and mandatory expectations of society?

Ego will fight tooth and nail for its continued existence.

it is the summary of the laws (when held in context to one another), isn't it? protecting individual rights, right?

if a paradigm exists where no ego is required, then how many laws become null and void as well?

edit on 12-9-2010 by Esoteric Teacher because: add take each and every word out of each and every law that denotes individualism

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by Tayesin


You seem to know your stuff so I'll direct this question at you.

Why is everybody going on about "Unconditonal Love" once you leave behind all duality??

When I meditate, I just let go of all the questioning. I (try to) ignore the conscious mind into forcing me to choose. I just become one with the moment and let go of duality.

But here's the thing. Love is not the term I would use to describe that which remains (It's ludicrous to try and define that which remains, but for arguments sake). If anything I would say that, afterwards, I would explain that feeling that remained more as a feeling of peace. Not love.

Maybe I am doing something wrong but I cannot see how "love" would not have a counterpart in terms of duality. (personally I think it's anger. (not hate)).

You call it "Unconditonal Love", I call it "Unconditonal peace"......

What am I missing????


posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by tankthinker

A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
- Albert Einstein

The structure of reality comprises of an interconnected web of energy

reply to post by blood0fheroes

Destruction is easy, any child can destroy. If you seek a true challenge, try creating something instead.
Wow...dude...that is my quote of the month.

edit on 12/9/10 by CHA0S because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 04:27 AM
What really bothers me is that you quote Blavatsky on your signature.

Maybe you should read her some more.We all spread energy around us, and your seems quite bitter and aggressive. So maybe you should look into the mirror and try to grow as a human being.

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by tankthinker

As for oneness - no way - humans have never been into that.

As for eternal love - maybe. Not humans together, obviously,

Humans have always hated, always waged wars, always been jealous and envious, always lied, always not loved their neighbour, and broken all the laws laid down in the bible.

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by catwhoknows
reply to post by tankthinker

As for oneness - no way - humans have never been into that.

As for eternal love - maybe. Not humans together, obviously,

Humans have always hated, always waged wars, always been jealous and envious, always lied, always not loved their neighbour, and broken all the laws laid down in the bible.

Wealth had always been an aspiration for oneself, and, we often go into that direction, whatever it takes. Some reach it, many failed and fall on the wayside.

Therefore, is anything else impossible if we put Oneness upon the pedestal of our aspirations instead? Try it out, on your OWN free will and you may be surprised by the results rather than to seek wealth at any cost instead.

Love is eternal, and will always be eternal, so long as the one whom had inspired you remains in your memory. Many can recall their forefathers way back in time, and in your memory will they be immortalized, just as you would be should you inspire your future generations, your loved ones and those around you.

We may had always fought, committed the 7 deadly sins, but it does not mean we are incapable of change or that precious gift of life, love and free will is meant for us to continually hurt one another. With your free will, will change be possible, and it MUST begin with you and me first, and not to point at others and than follow them leap off the cliff like a herd of senseless rampaging buffaloes misled....

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 06:50 AM
reply to post by Spiro

That is correct the "Law of one" supposedly came from a group who channeled "Ra" lol, do you also know that Santa Claus doesn't exist and "Star Wars" wasn't real?

I stopped reading that gibberish when it described humans as either serving self or serving others, this is a lie and attaches constraints to free will. The "law of one" isn't about healing the world (at least the Bible had some heroes) it's about becoming a drone for the elite, let them enslave you because you need to be enslaved for your spirtual journey. There is no right or wrong??? The evil and they are evil BTW, are the only people who benefit from this....

New age spirituality is nothing more than a palatable version of the old religions. In the modern world we are so ego driven and less likely to worship anything above us, this is why the elites took god out of the new age lie and broke him up and gave us all a little piece....

Finally If! we are one then my lust for afterlife revenge is as valid as your mercenary lust for spiritual progression. The suffering of the many at the hands of the few obviously hold's no barrier to yo....gettin yours, this attitude is what allows the elites to prosper......

edit on 12-9-2010 by strangleholder1 because: elites made me misspell........

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 07:10 AM
My dear friend,

reply to post by strangleholder1

To each, their own

Be safe be well


posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by strangleholder1

Finally If! we are one then my lust for afterlife revenge is as valid as your mercenary lust for spiritual progression.

You are very correct here with what you have said. It is just as valid.

If that is what you seek for, that is what you are in need of learning about in this life (well probably more so 'after' this life).

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by operation mindcrime
reply to post by Tayesin

Why is everybody going on about "Unconditonal Love" once you leave behind all duality??

When I meditate, I just let go of all the questioning. I (try to) ignore the conscious mind into forcing me to choose. I just become one with the moment and let go of duality.

But here's the thing. Love is not the term I would use to describe that which remains (It's ludicrous to try and define that which remains, but for arguments sake). If anything I would say that, afterwards, I would explain that feeling that remained more as a feeling of peace. Not love.

Maybe I am doing something wrong but I cannot see how "love" would not have a counterpart in terms of duality. (personally I think it's anger. (not hate)).

Hi MC,

Good question, and I like that you provided me with context for the question, It's not often that happens.

Direct communing with the Source/god/universe Feels like Unconditional Love.

I would not say you are doing anything wrong because you haven't as yet Felt this Unconditional Love. And since I have no idea what form of meditation you practice I could not say if it is the Limiting factor or not. It may be, because some of the more effective practices are also more Active right from the Intention employed and thus tend to dial in the experience, for want of a better way to say that.

If you'd like to PM me we could look into it?

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 10:47 AM
Hahaha It brings a smile to me when people question authority. We all like to talk about love being the end all be all of life and like so many people on this forum have suggested ..all you need is love right? Reminds me of a great read 'servant to the Devil' mulitple stories of demonic possesion. Two stories that stand out in this context one of which was about a boy who believed he was meant to be a girl. Believing he/she could only experience love as a woman_ the life giver as it were_ had to confront the issue that he hated himself so much that the two things became intertwined. I love you/I hate you where synonomous. She could not love because of the fact that she hated herself in the male form which after all is what he wass born to be.
The second story was about a prof. Who wanted to 'scientifically' test the powers of meditation. Through various spirit guides and astral adventures he finally reached 'oneness' He says there was no time, no space, everything was present.he had achieved nirvana. The only problem was all his 'oneness' brought him was-nothing. The nothing, the vast universe as it was. He had effectively become nothing but a drop in the bucket. Later his experience led him to believe that meditation on nothing, clearing the mind, losing oneself- where but ploys to make people accept nothing for eternity.
My response to your post and query is simple really. If there was a man who claimed to be God, died and was resurrected, he might just have the answers. The truth that God is love must also couple with the fact that real love is Just. One cannot really love unless you are willing to love someone more than yourself. When I say that I mean- you gotta hold people accountable. Love must hate evil. It is not a touchy feely 'oneness' with all because all is not right. Love requires sacrifice. Sacrificing your comfortabilty for truth. Your ignorance for wisdom. Jesus did say I bring a sword, that his words split deeper than. A sword, dividing the spirit from the flesh. I think without the knowledge of christ- the illuminati,masons, NWO folks are on the right track. It stands reason that people are to emotionally volitile to govern themselves. So why not have a world order where the masses are programmed to respond in the 'correct' fashion. The only rub is we are no longer individuals which is obviously what we are. Unique, different. The real fight seems to be just that, are you unique and as such required to be responsible, or are you an animal who can't be blamed for you responses.
There came a great light but men loved the darkness more than the light.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 12:16 PM
As far as I can tell, when people talk about the NWO, globalism and the "Illuminti", etc, they mean a world economic and political system ruled by bankers, corporations and big money interests that will do away with nation states in favor of international capitalism.

This has been happening over the last 30-40 years, as the older manufacturing industries are moved offshore to low-wage countries and Wall Street has been investing trillions in various "emerging markets", etc. Certainly both parties in the US have been going along with this for decades because they are bought and paid for. Anyone can see that now.

This is just the normal operation of capitalism, looking for the highest profits and lowest costs. Obviously they can make more money in ountries where there are no unions, workers are paid a few dollars a day and no one has to worry about environmental regulations.

So that's globalism and the NWO. It's not democrati in any way and hardly pretends to be. Right now there is no real global government and the international institutions that exist are basically controlled by corporate and banking interests--the same one that recently got an unlimited bailout when it looked like the whole system was crashing.

Of course, the ommon people of the world didn't get a bailout and never will under this system. They are mostly in poverty and worrying about where their next meal is oming from. I don't see what it has to do with religion or spirituality in the true sense because it's all very materialistic, although certainly the major institutions of organized religion are often complicit in this system.

Eventually, when capitalism has organized the world to its own liking, there may even be a one-world culture and religion, along with a one-world governmnet and legal system This won't happen for 100 years or so, in my opinion. If Jesus were to come back today, he'd be on the side of the ordinary people, the marginalized and the outcasts, not the rich and powerful, but he'd better come back with a big army because they'd just kill him again otherwise!

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