posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:00 AM
I wish I can be surprised at the responses to LordBucket's little question. But unfortunately I knew it would rub people in all the wrong ways. Now a
majority of the replies are along the lines of "You must be a psychopath", "Someone should kick your ass", or my favorite ones: "THIS IS WHY
(show example), THIS IS WHY (other example), WHY CAN'T YOU SEE THAT?".
The context of the question made perfect sense to me. The inclusion of the statue of liberty as a symbol of freedom could've having been destroyed
instead of two "office buildings" further demonstrated the reasoning behind LordBucket's question. It's not trolling. It's not in itself an
inflammatory question. But because it goes against the majority accepted views on the terror attacks on 9-11, it's targeted with hatred and arrogance
and it's poster insulted.
The go-to answer is so emphatically being posted that at this point it seems only three or four people actually answered the question without the
mention of the number of deaths, death in general, or attacking LordBucket. We all know over 3000 innocent lives were lost. We all know of the images
of those people who had no choice but to make leaps from fatal heights. We've all heard the numerous recordings of emergency calls from people who
were convinced that they were soon to be dead. And we all know that those posts are so emotionally charged that they would get more stars then
LordBucket's posts, even if the points presented were logically sound.
Do yourselves all a favor and remove the deaths from the equation, because LordBucket is right. People die every day. Innocent lives are lost every
day. Human suffering from evil acts by other humans occur everyday. And no one gets so emotionally charged about as they do about two office buildings
getting destroyed.
Answer the question logically, as to why one is emotionally hurt over this. If you can't do so, then what business do you have on a website that
touts "deny ignorance" as it's motto? Challenge yourselves folks. On this anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11th, when a couple of
religious extremists wished to destroy two office buildings, as well as the Pentagon, and other possible targets, why are you hurt?
And spare the finger pointing. I watched the video, I felt something. I'm not "re-asking" this question because I'm trying to figure out if I'm a
functioning human being. I'm asking for responses.