posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 06:56 PM
I dont think the argument is about life lost, or the oversensitivity to it, or over reaction.
I dont think it's about being hard or callous either.
Death will find us all, there's no escaping it.
Dying in a car accident, or a natural disaster, or an electrical house fire, or for that matter any type of accident is still a terrible thing, and to
empathize with that loss from each and every perspective is valid.
Someone, somewhere went through that immediate unprepared for pain and suffering and died, and those close to them felt the associated pain of that
We will all, each and everyone of us, experience this condition, from both sides of that coin, sooner or later, and no doubt several times at that.
An unplanned tragic ending, an unforeseen terrible loss, some with closure, some with no closure ever.
But a planned event, a nationally televised, syncronized on cue, known about, planned sacrifice,
beamed into every viewing eyes home, is going to have a greater mental and emotional impact, simply because of the dose of information, the level of
intensity in which it was delivered, and the continued follow up regenerated stories and their effect as well.
This planned event had a purpose and a payoff,
there is no denying that this event was planned, there are people the reported guilty parties, and there are the conspiratorial alluded to guilty
yet there has been no closure, it is designed to have, no closure.
This event, this sacrifice, took with it, logic, happiness, pride, peace of mind, trust, growth, and unity,
and delivered only confusion, distrust, suspicion, war, threat levels, division and a constant state of fear and apathy.
There are alot of events to be talked about throughout time, but talking only on this event,
this well planned, questionably answered event,
this designed sacrifice of life, talking about it and what it took with it, was not only life, but a way of life.
It is revealed in the way we talk about it, and how we talk to eachother.
I think we can respect ourselves a little more.