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Quran burning on again? Pastor says maybe

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posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 08:16 AM
Seriously though, on september the 11th people in Afghanistan will be celebrating because they believe they knocked down some buildings whild we sit over here like scolded dogs watching football and survivor. Im tired of seeing a nutered america. Wheres the balls?


posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by BingeBob
Let me ask you where you stand on the controversial new york mosque near ground zero???

What piece of paper are you talking about? The US Constitution? Friend, you are off base. That document is the law of the land and is a living thing, it has and can be changed. And it wasnt written by politicians...There was no such thing when this document was written...Politicians are a product of the 20th century!

The book burning was supposedly meant to be a protest about our constant bowing to the nation of islam (mosque in NY, walking on eggshells about labeling terrorists as such etc.)

This action would not be inciting violence. If people dont like what he does there are other avenues rather than violence. This is not "yelling fire in a crowded theater"

What mosque are you talking about? The one already there or the planned community centre with praying facilities for several faiths?

Yes I am talking about things like the constitution. You see, somewhere along the line the imbeciles took over. If you can honestly tell me that a 300 year old piece of paper can have any say about what happens in these days you are crazy. Think logically for a second. A piece of paper is not a living thing, it used to be as a tree but not as paper. You think there were no politicians 300 years ago? Creation of the 20th century? Then what do you call all the royal families that were interrelated to eachother?

The book was supposed to be a protest to you bowing to Islam? What Islam? Muslims left and right are bombed every day. Isn't that protest enough already? Or did you mean the Saudi Arabian Islam? Because neither you nor that pastor have uttered a single word about that and as far as I can see that is the only Islam the US bows to. It is the most destructive Islam you completely deny, it is the helpless Muslims that become the target of your attacks. Typical coward behaviour.

I'm not taking any sides in this. I'm against this issue in its entirity because it is hypocritical. Why should I care if someone wants to build something somewhere without my consent? As long as they are not STEALING LAND...but wait, that's another US-Israeli-muslim issue completely forgotten as it seems.

In fact, I bet you can't even look at yourself and give yourself a straight answer about what you think. Because you don't think, you let the thinking be done for you. Such typical "patriotic" behaviour.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by MessOnTheFED!

Like America doesn't kill innocent Afghanis on a daily basis.

Get out you hypocrite.

Where's America's balls?

Never had any. You're all too busy playing fake patriots while foreign interest rob your nation with your consent.


posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by Zamini

I dont remember ever advocating the crap war that we are in right now, but thanks for putting words in my mouth. I dont really see how im a hyprocrate at all. I never said it was wrong to burn the flag to begin with. Just dont go cry like a baby when a book gets burned. Whos the hyprocrate again?


edit on 10-9-2010 by MessOnTheFED! because: you are

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by BingeBob

Originally posted by Smiler74

yeah maybe the pastor should get arrested for the Idea for casuing public upset and putting peoples life in danger, who knows, but if so then it should stop at that and no-one should die.

Hmmmm...Where else have they tried prosecuting people for ideas?...

The only way someone burning a book could put peoples lives in danger is if he disregarded fire safety...The lives you speak of being in danger are being threatened by a fanatical people bent on terrorizing others

that wasnt the context of my reply

it was to someone elses comments who stated this man should be arrested for bring the public in danger

and my reply was stating that even if he was arrested that would not stop the islamists murdering people, it should in logic but it wont, so if there is a law against it then its irrelevant

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by MessOnTheFED!

I never said that. You said people in Afghanistan would be celebrating on sept. 11th and it obviously pisses you off.

I just called you out for saying that. Anything wrong with my statement? This whole thing stinks like a century old blue cheese to me anyways.

reply to post by Smiler74

Deal with Saudi Arabia and Muslim extremism will go down by extreme amounts. Who do you think is funding all these broadcasts from radicals?

Though of course, that is wishful thinking. Since ignorance should be dealt with and we all know how ignorance works.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 08:39 AM

edit on 10-9-2010 by Zamini because: Double post

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by Zamini
reply to post by MessOnTheFED!

Like America doesn't kill innocent Afghanis on a daily basis.

Get out you hypocrite.

Where's America's balls?

Never had any. You're all too busy playing fake patriots while foreign interest rob your nation with your consent.


Zamini, you call people hypocrites

An Iman called the Pastor "Intolerant" for wanting to burn the Koran

but yet the Islamic Republic of Iran gave a man 50 lashes on his back for carrying a copy of the bible in his car

who is intolerant now ?

who is a hypocrite now ?

where is the violent physcopathic threatening retaliation from the Christians ?

you need to know the meaning of double standards before slaggin everybody off mate

edit on 10/9/10 by Smiler74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by Zamini

Example....Ft Hood shooter. Muslim, with radical islamist ties committs a bunch of murders of the "infidels" is allowed to succeed in our military because everyone is so afraid of being called a racist they allow him to spew his hate and discontent unchecked which ultimately ended in the murder of unarmed military men and women.

The mosque near ground zero is the one i was referring to. Im not sure what the percentage is but id say most americans say it is defamatory to hallowed ground to place a "spiritual gathering center"

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by Zamini

No them celebrating dosent really piss me off. They are celebrating something that they are happy about, no problem there. What pisses me off is the fact that someone has made a huge stink about a man burning a book while they are celebrating the deaths of thousands of people. Its a gaddamned book people. How can someone just blindly be lead by a book that was written by men? I will agree that the whole thing stinks though.


posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by Zamini
reply to post by MessOnTheFED!

I never said that. You said people in Afghanistan would be celebrating on sept. 11th and it obviously pisses you off.

I just called you out for saying that. Anything wrong with my statement? This whole thing stinks like a century old blue cheese to me anyways.

reply to post by Smiler74

Deal with Saudi Arabia and Muslim extremism will go down by extreme amounts. Who do you think is funding all these broadcasts from radicals?

Though of course, that is wishful thinking. Since ignorance should be dealt with and we all know how ignorance works.

and where is theart of Islam ?? Saudi Arabia

enough said I think

Unfortunately for Muslims their rot is at their heart, and has now become the true face of Islam, even by cutting off Saudi it will still be troubled

religions need to go completely

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 08:51 AM
that is true about the erecting a mosque as a sign of victory

i have read it many times in history

and that is all that the Muslims are trying to do, erect this "mosque" or "spiritual building" at ground zero as a sign of victory

if people cant see that then you are a packet of crisps short of a picnic

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by Smiler74

I know...I was expunging...

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by Smiler74

Sigh yes, why don't you tell me about double standards while I lecture you on a thing called reality.

1- The man arrested might have been arrested by an officer with an IQ of 75.
2- The man lashed might have had an IQ of 75 himself.
3- There are churches alongside mosques in Iran. In fact, in most Islamic countries. Except for...yeh you guessed it.

This does not take away the fact that a man was lashed for carrying a book. In my opinion this has nothing to do with a double standard but with a double dose of imbeciles. I also never called for the pastor to be arrested, someone made notion of law and I figured there are laws in place to keep both sides in their cages in favour of public peace, correct me if I'm wrong in my assertions.

reply to post by BingeBob

Ow the constitution is a living thing? Tell me, does it walk? Does it speak? Eat? Sleep? Breathe? ANYTHING? No. So it is by definition not living. I would place a great deal of 'money' that if the creators of said consitution were around they would slap you silly. Life is what you should cherish, not paper, not laws. If anything laws and contitutions have come forth from the appreciation of life. And the very beginning was in Iran, then known as Persia, where Cyrus the Great inscribed the first human rights in his famous cilinder. Now a Muslim nation because of Arab conquest.

Don't even speak about GOD GIVEN RIGHTS, because you are so obviously ignorant it hurts. You don't know the first thing about God except for the fact that he's beyond imagination. Or are you willing to claim that God himself came down from the heavens and signed that piece of paper with: "Given by God".

You people are more dense than I thought.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 09:03 AM

and where is theart of Islam ?? Saudi Arabia

The heart of Islam is with every good and decent Muslim out there ANYWHERE in the world. As is the same with the heart of Christ. And if you are looking for a region try Kurdistan and the Kurdish Sufi for some education on Islam.

Never ever mistake the deceiving majority for the heart. If anything Saudi Arabia is hellbent on destroying the image of Islam.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by Smiler74

As a sign of victory. Victory for who? Muslims are killed and discriminated against each day. I see no victory for the Muslims.

I do see victory for Fox News, Saudi Arabia, Nutjob Pastors, President Obama, CNN, Israel and do I really need to carry on?

And you're talking about being a chip short...

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 09:07 AM
Mans a xenophobe. Man should be shot. Xenophobia is a crime against humanity , and ought to be punished more severely than murder, molestation or anything the hell else.
If I ever was to meet a pastor like him, I would spend months killing him slowly , just to illustrate that you DO NOT do in the name of God, anything which dishonours his name. And before anyone asks me something like "Oh and I guess you are the judge of what is honourable??" ...
Yep . Any other questions?

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 09:10 AM
If ignorant people want to burn books, they're going to burn books. No gov't, organization, or public outcry will stop them.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 09:17 AM
why dont we just ask Russell Grant about it all ?

would most probably get a more constructive discussion rather than making out that Islam and Muslims have never done anything wrong in their history

also sighs.... sympathisers eh ? who needs em!

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by TrueBrit

What about muslims that burn bibles or the American flag for that matter? Should they be shot too, or are you just catering to them?


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