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Your Spiritual Revolution V: Basic knowlege IV: The Chakras

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posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:06 PM
Oh and for all musicans outthere and the ones that want to experiment with sounds...

Here is a short list with the chakra related frequencys.
I am not quite sure if this is the real deal as this one was developed by Hans Custo(spelled right?)
He had this relevation in a vision and they are only resonating frequencies, calculated down by the right ones (at the range between 2 and 10 Hz and planetary frequencys... Tho...

Root: 194.18 Hz
Sakral: 210.42 Hz
Solarplexus: 162.22 Hz
Heart: 136.10 Hz
Throat: 141.27 Hz
Third eye: 221.23 Hz
Crown: 172,06 Hz

Let me know what experiences you have made with tis or if you even know about other freqs...

Also have a check at the "Musick Me Nutrit Thread" about the "conspiracy" about the Chambertone A =432Hz not 440 Hz!

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Michael Cecil
The Vision of the "Son of man" is also symbolized by the "Thunderbird" of the American Indian tradition, the caduceus and Pegasus of Greek Mythology, etc. etc. etc.

Yeah, its kind aslike tha native indiand describe "to go beyond the eagle", no?
Or more about the pheonix from the ashes?

...will soon result in horrors beyond your worst nightmares.

Sadly, i know...!

This is my purpose in writing here: to diminish this conflict and bloodshed.

Me too!

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by Michael Cecil

Tomorrow i will go on with the next parts about body-energylines and the lesser chakras... After that i will go into the first big rule how the brain works and the relation between physical and higher dimensions...
Have you read the other ones too? There is alos the fourth part online about auras, that isnt covered very well...

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by JimIrie Tomorrow i will go on with the next parts about body-energylines and the lesser chakras... After that i will go into the first big rule how the brain works and the relation between physical and higher dimensions...Have you read the other ones too? There is alos the fourth part online about auras, that isnt covered very well...

Well, all of these things are sort of 'interesting' to me; but, after already summarizing elsewhere my Knowledge about many of these things to the best of my ability, my principal focus is in another direction altogether.

My purpose in writing here is not merely to convey this Knowledge, but also to impress upon as many people as I can that it is only through the conveying of such Knowledge that there will ever be genuine Peace on this planet; and that all of the efforts that have been made to censor, ignore and contradict this Knowledge are ultimately dangerous to the very survival of human civilization itself.

Thus, my focus is on engaging those who make their money by contradicting this Knowledge and Wisdom; and who, through those efforts, are specifically and directly responsible for the coming catastrophe.

I have been doing this for some 34 years.

Has anyone listened?

Not yet.

But I don't really have any choice in the matter.

Michael Cecil

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by Michael Cecil

I am fully with you!

This is nearly the same mission i have...

Since my one year membership in here i have helped more than 20 people to come to the light. and this seems to me as a nice effort. i also making music, giving workshops in Hiphop related issues aswell in spiritual ones..
I am also writing books about it.

Look i have to work within the system to get, the spirits that are ready for it, out of the system...
I dunno what you do for a living but i never cannot do a job that would feed tbtb with my energys and money...
So i do my best to help humanity and have the money to live... ( i have childrenalso and we need food and shelter...!)

my plan is to get of the grid as soon as possible! But i have been there and know that it would be a kind of egoistic NOT to share my knowlege before we will leave society!
Thats the reason i post this thraed series and why i write my books...
And i also know thatt your work also have helped others...
Surely, if there is one spirit you could help to go on, you have made an effort!

So even if you spent 34 years and had no efforts. Why do you still try it? Its surely your very own intention to go on, no?
Thats what kinda drives me and that ist why i will also post as much as i am possible until the net isn´t anymore...

I alos know about the catastrophic issue. but lets say you gain even one spirit to the light side... you have won!

The dark side needs about 51% negativity t get to their goals. But when i look at the massive increasing of positivity in even the last month i see that their plans are failing! I konow that ther is a higher force that works hardly on our development!

And even if all the 2011/12 prophecys are true i am sure to take as much as possible souls with me into the higher positive dimension as i am able to...
What else could we do?

please flag my threads if you also want to help others to get to a higher plane tan they are now...
I know this is just a tiny bit of what one can do but thats the less one you can do to help me and others to achieve this level...

So,what are your contributions to the light?
What you gonna do?
And what would me interest personally, what do you do to get the politicans and their structure into our way?

peace, love and light,
let u guide by higher i


posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by JimIrie

Thanks for the replies!

And your writing is good for a second language.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by JimIrie

this website has all the notes and related chakras...idk if those frequencies are accurate.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 06:15 AM

Originally posted by JimIrie
So,what are your contributions to the light?
What you gonna do?
And what would me interest personally, what do you do to get the politicans and their structure into our way?

My apologies, Sir, that I cannot spend more of my time reading and responding to more of your writings; but you might say that I have 'other fish to fry'.

I have a 'bone to pick' with both the "scientists of consciousness" and the followers of Krishnamurti, as I have explained on another thread on this group.

I am attempting to address the ignorance of the politicians and religious 'authorities' on "Other Current Events".

I also have additional writings addressing other issues in "Conspiracies in Religions" and "Predictions and Prophecies".

And I have not even begun to write on Middle East Issues, which will, Insh'allah, represent a culmination of all of these other problems.

Do I expect to succeed?

Of course not.

All indications are that it is much too late.

Michael Cecil

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 07:09 PM
Fellow members!

The next part is now online, too!

Your Spiritual Revolution VI: Basic knowlege V: Other Chakras and Energylines

Peace to all,


posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by JimIrie

JimIrie - I have been trying to learn to meditate to 'still' my mind (which doesn't seem to want to stop). Anyway a couple of nights ago I remembered this thread and thought i would see what i could do with the chakra points. lying down, i placed my hands (right over left) over my stomach (just below navel), and imagined that every breath out sent energy though my palms toward my spine. after about 8-10 breaths, i felt a swirling (clockwise) and tingling sensation near my spine (on the internal side, not outer side). after a few more breaths this tingling twirling sensation expanded to reach across to the sides eg; || I then moved my hands up to my sturnum and repeated. again, below my hans, near my spine the swirling began. The lower sensation slowly deminished and increased below my hands. i could then imagine that with each exhale the energy (???) would start at the base of the spine, repeat the swirling thru the navel point and upto the spot on my spine below my hands. I was able to do this next up to my throat area. Last night i repeated this and get the sensations running from the sturnum point, up to the throat area, and then into the back of my head. From the back of my head, it then 'filled' my head with this swirling tingling (almost electric sparking) feeling. it then seemed to feel more concentrated onto the top of my head, and then out from there. I did seem to be able to maintain a bit of 'no thought' for longer than i had achieved for the last 9months i have been trying to meditate.
It seems to help 'calming my brain activity'. Thanks for the info. i will continue the routine. Prior to this I had only being getting the usual 'lava lamp' lights (hypnog... something), and the occassional flashes of blurry images (known faces, unknown faces, horse and carriages down streets, people walking past), and twice had my name called out (freaked out and turned on lights) - but those are common in that not quite meditating just yet state from some things i have read. The hardest thing is to get my brain to shut up and let things go past my eyes without having my brain start up again.

Am I on the right track? I am patient, but thought that after 9 months, I should have been able to do some sort of longer periods of visions or an OBE or something.

Anyway. S&F for this thread. maybe I better look at the other ones u have done (just saw this part of many)

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by CitizenNum287119327

Hi citizen and sorry for the late reply... was a little busy...
Well, your experience should be for you a little proof that there is more to it than the science/msm/public/etc says... Please go on...
That you have been on it for nine month and now get something after reading my thread is a nice thing for me as it shows me my work here has a value... Thank you for it!

But actually you do nothing else than to circulate your own energys (plus the ones you get from breathing) through your hands into the certain chakra and around your body.

So you try to get your mind quiet, yeah? Okay first let me tell you that there are many technics therfore you wont need it as much or it actually happnes by the way... Most of them are visualisations...
Read my other threads as there are many suggestions inside and also there will follow alot more...

Okay if you really want to do it try this here:

First try some of the will and concentration technics out i mentined in the seventh part...
Get a comfortable sitting position or lay down.
Relax ( maybe do the muscle contraction technic (anywhere in my series) that works great for beginners)
Breath deep and close your eyes...
Now you have all this thoughts, sounds, memories, visions, pictures, scenes, etc.. coming onto your mind and focus...
Imaine them each inside bubbles, now if you have one let em fly away...
Do this with everyone that comes into your focus...
If you want you can also imagine to burst the bubbles one after another until there is no one left.
If done right your mind should be clear and nothing could disturb it...

With this visualisation you directly interact with your mind. You imagine a bubble, a sphere around it and so you cut em up energetically. By letting them fly away you give your mind the command to let them go. By bursting it, you give the command to destroy it...

Okay that is just one posibility. But you can also take whatever picture you are comfortable with, aslong you do what i wrote in the explanation.
Another way could be to meditate (with open eyes) on a mandala or sanskrit symbol or even just a point. But be sure you dont take the wrong symbolic!

Also you can support this progress by terminating all possible outside influences...

And you can also support it on a astral level by visualizing a golden ring/sphere around you...

Hope that helps...
Any questions, yet?

Peace, love and light,
let u guide by higher i


posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by heyJude
Cool thread, thanks for the info.

You might want to work on your spelling and what not a bit though, at times it was a little frustrating to read.

A couple things: How are you supposed to meditate/work on your chakras? Is there a certain technique you have to use?

Do you just focus on each one, while saying the mantra?

Can you elaborate a little more on the 'visions' you mentioned?

Chakras are real.....It is not a religion. It is an experience as much as conceptually. Most people haven't even passed the first stage yet, separating your identity from your immediate surrounding, let alone meditation for an hour to experience the Chakra opening.

As a beginner, I found it very pleasing to keep the technique simple. I normally mediate for an hour to hour and a half before sleep. Just sitting in an upright position. A position I am comfortable in and not feeling any sort of joint and muscle pain during the meditation. I focus on my breathing and breathing through my navel. Taking deep and long breathe. Look it "yoga breathing technique."

The most difficult thing to do during meditation, for myself, is to keep my mind alert, and yet free of thoughts, and without drifting to some random images. Some like to see these random images but all they do is to distract you from opening up our chakras. I focus on my breathing and to visualize air flowing up and own in my body. But to open the chakras, I believe you have to shift your thoughts to the location of the chakras. It is still hard because you are trying to give forms to a spinning energy. I have opened my root and solace chakras. I often see a spiraling disc, not so much a flower. That's because I am more into the Chinese Tai Chi practice than the Hindu Yoga principles.

From my experience, once the chakras is opened, you would hear popping sound around you. Recently, these sounds got louder for me. You would feel heat slowly engulfing you. The initial ringing sound would get louder to the point that it gets overwhelming. It would get very loud. You felt the pressure around the base of your skull because you have been meditating for an hour? Well, it went away like some passage has been clear or opened up. Your own body would feel tingling sensation. The location of the chakras should "pulse." Like blood just rushing through it. You just feel it pulsing. Lights? Even during the process of meditation you should see lights, a bit scattered. I normally see bluish light though. When the Chakra is open, these light takes a more definite shape. You begin to be able to make out the shape of these lights. At one point, I saw a yin symbol rotating clockwise.

Until I could consistently open my lower chakras and develop enough Chi, I won't attempt to open my higher chakras. Funny though, my dream patterns change depending which Chakras I open or meditating on. For the root chakra, I dream about myself in a very earthly, humble situations. When I attempted to open my heart chakras, I dream about being with a woman and sharing activities together.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by ChiForce

Thank you for your serious and informative insight!
You said that you only open the first chakras and dont feel the urge to open the upper ones.
Do you feel that you still have to make the (spiritual) jump i mentioned in the OP? Or what reason holds you off?

What you said about your dreams after opening a certain chak, really reminds on the visions i mentioned...
Have you been more far than the first two you mentioned? And what happened in that dreams?
I dunno if you have also read the reply i made to the post you quoted, but i have cleared the questions already...
But again thank you for your reply...
I feel, even if you are an beginner (as you mentioned) you came very far in this (what?) time...
My hope is with you to go on and get into the highest levels...

Have you read the other parts too? Please flag them if you feel for it to get it as high up as possible...

Peace, love and light,
let u guide by higher i


posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by JimIrie
reply to post by ChiForce

Thank you for your serious and informative insight!
You said that you only open the first chakras and dont feel the urge to open the upper ones.
Do you feel that you still have to make the (spiritual) jump i mentioned in the OP? Or what reason holds you off?

What you said about your dreams after opening a certain chak, really reminds on the visions i mentioned...
Have you been more far than the first two you mentioned? And what happened in that dreams?
I dunno if you have also read the reply i made to the post you quoted, but i have cleared the questions already...
But again thank you for your reply...
I feel, even if you are an beginner (as you mentioned) you came very far in this (what?) time...
My hope is with you to go on and get into the highest levels...

Have you read the other parts too? Please flag them if you feel for it to get it as high up as possible...

Peace, love and light,
let u guide by higher i


At the moment, my mind isn't troubled. Whatever troubled me in the past, they no longer exerted the same power over me. I have gained enough clarity. I don't see the need to further open my upper Chakras. My current social standing is quite quiet, nothing dramatic. You can say a bit boring. Gaining further insights from my third eye would seem a bit distracting. I may become too focused with them and neglecting my responsibility to this world.

Here is my story when I did open 7 of my Chakras unconsciously:

The insights and my understanding became very powerful. Unfortunately, what I wanted to do with these insights would require me to have a certain maturity and social responsibility. Back then I lacked all of them. So, it was a confusing time for me back then. My analogy would be like someone from the future told you that you would become so and so. This person didn't tell you how to achieve it. So, you have this goal and desire but lacking the means. So, you made mistakes dealing with people surrounding you.

I meditate right now because I am more concern with my health. I am healthy but would like to be healthier. The level of Chi energy through the opening of my Chakras is a good indication of my health. Of course, my ultimate goal in meditation is to control and circulate the Chi energy. Perhaps, one day I can project the Chi energy at will.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by ChiForce

Yup! I understand that very well... In the moment i dont feel for it too...
But also you don´t have to use them only for spiritual development but for health issues...

You surely know a lot about it, tho i don´t want to tell you it again...
I would even assume that you will need to use all of them for a holistic health!
Surely, whatever your issue is, it is related to one or more chakras...
And also you can use them for other things (more worldly) too...

For utilise and focus chi is tai chi/ qi gong a very good starting point...

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by JimIrie

I am pretty sure once a Chakras is opened, it will remain open, until you died. So, I still believe that, at times, my third eye is guiding me. I still have dreams about my future. Sometimes, very rarely, about the future of this world. I feel like I am supposed to wait for something big to happen to me. Something that would change my life. Something that would change where I live and what language I would be speaking. The reason is that because of Karma, what and why I did so and so when I was younger. It is not what I need to do (I used to think this way). It is what others have to do. Am I supposed to drop whatever I am doing in this society just because I am waiting for something bigger to happen? I can't do that. I would like to have these future dreams as less as possible but they tend to appear in my mind randomly.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by ChiForce
reply to post by JimIrie

I am pretty sure once a Chakras is opened, it will remain open, until you died.

I mean there are two subjects on that matter. I think you are speaking of not opening, but activating or as i have called it in the OP - mastered. The chakras opening is really another issue. They are changing their opening (and closing) everytime. It depends on your health, you emotional state and many other factors...
Merely you can speak of a certain energy (in- and) outcome if you like...
By opening them by your own will you manipulate this in or output. Therefor you gain different effects from it.
For example, before i go on the stage i make a voice warm up program. During this i also make a short meditation to open my throat chak more... My voice then is more powerful than without, it effects my ability on freestyle and rhetoric and i won´t get a wounded throat after my show... Tho...

For your life dreams issue... If you work them out a little and have the braveness you can reach them, for sure!
I did so when i wanted to make a world travel. I just did it, even if i didn´t have much money or experience...
It came everything what i needed, when i needed... And i realized that irrelevant where i was, i was... And that was the best! Much of what i am writing in here i achieved at this jurney!
Just do what you feel to be the right for you!
Do it! Now or never!

Also it is possible to get a new influence into your life by opening some chakras to a certain amount...
Wanna find a love? Just open your heart chak and send this wish out! Believe me, it works!

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 07:02 PM
Hi jimirie

the most powerfull thing in the univers is LOVE

the Power of Love can be very powerfull
there is an exemple of that love

Huge aligator BFF with a man


The Queen Termite


edit on 10/1/2010 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by JimIrie

Originally posted by ChiForce
reply to post by JimIrie

I am pretty sure once a Chakras is opened, it will remain open, until you died.

I mean there are two subjects on that matter. I think you are speaking of not opening, but activating or as i have called it in the OP - mastered. The chakras opening is really another issue. They are changing their opening (and closing) everytime. It depends on your health, you emotional state and many other factors...
Merely you can speak of a certain energy (in- and) outcome if you like...
By opening them by your own will you manipulate this in or output. Therefor you gain different effects from it.
For example, before i go on the stage i make a voice warm up program. During this i also make a short meditation to open my throat chak more... My voice then is more powerful than without, it effects my ability on freestyle and rhetoric and i won´t get a wounded throat after my show... Tho...

For your life dreams issue... If you work them out a little and have the braveness you can reach them, for sure!
I did so when i wanted to make a world travel. I just did it, even if i didn´t have much money or experience...
It came everything what i needed, when i needed... And i realized that irrelevant where i was, i was... And that was the best! Much of what i am writing in here i achieved at this jurney!
Just do what you feel to be the right for you!
Do it! Now or never!

Also it is possible to get a new influence into your life by opening some chakras to a certain amount...
Wanna find a love? Just open your heart chak and send this wish out! Believe me, it works!

Is funny when you said you can find love by activating your heart chakras. I have on 2 occasions 2 women walked up to me and to start conversations. I am a bird photographer and shooting with a really long, white Canon lens. Those lens you see being used in the Olympic. These 2 women just walked up to me and asking me questions. I wasn't attracted to them and so.....
My lens usually attracted some attention but never really to have women literally wanted to talk. Yeah, traveling is my next life agenda. I could travel now but that wouldn't leave me a lot of money left and it may in fact hurt my financial situation.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 07:32 AM
Well, this morning I have opened my heart Chakra. Yes, I saw a green/yellowish light but I did envision it to be round and green. It won't seat still though and it looked like trapezoid . I find that in the morning my mind and body are more rested. I was lying on my bed. I guess that tends to relax my body more. My lower body felt more heat than my upper body though. I tried to make this green light bigger but it wasn't successful.

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