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Your Spiritual Revolution V: Basic knowlege IV: The Chakras

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posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 07:54 PM
This thread is part fiveof the series „Your Spiritual Revolution“ and part four of the section „Basic knowlege“. In this first mainpart i will give you the essential knowlege you will need to go on.

I appreciate to start with the Introduction! You find it here...
You can also follow the links down in my signature to go to the next part by clicking on the different roman numbers.

Basic knowlege IV: The Chakras

What do you feel?

When you exposure your solar plexus region to the sun, what do you feel? Warmness? Sure. But If you really relax and do it what else do you feel?
Can you feel the energy from the sun, absorbing from your body and radiate in all directions? Have you ever had jitters like an actor on the stage? Wasn´t it a nearly similar radiating feeling?
Yeah for sure it wasn´t as nice aslike laying in the sun but was there a similarity to it?
Or if you never had it, think about the butterflies in there, when you was really in love with someone. Isn´t there a similarity?
I would say yes and i also know why. Its the center of the most important chakra you have?
Some might now ask what this word means, but i am very sure everyone has heard it anywhere. If from the crazy aunt that lays the tarot cards and feels the bad vibes around in the air or if you even have self experienced it.
Everyone who is seeking for spiritual advices (if with teachers, gurus, etc., books, videos or here and now in the net) comes sooner or later to the issue of the chakras.
But what is that? What does that mean? And why haven´t you learned that in school before?

The word chakra comes from india region and is old sanskrit and means „a rotating or spinning wheel“. Thats it.
Not more.
But interesting is where this word was used for. Not for some chariot or a trolley. No it was used for special energy points that sit on your body axis!
They couldn´t describe it better as a spinning wheel, as this is the most interpretations that have been made throughout history and differnt cultures. Yes, even in christian medieval they where known to some clerics. And i am sure the elder ancients wise knew about them too, like in egypt, greek, palestina and in the arabic world. But there is not much evidences preserved. So i will stay at the vedic versions from india. (If someone can provide us other systems and sources, that would be very interesting!)

*to be continued...*

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 07:54 PM
The seven main Chakras

After vedic tradition there are seven main chakras that are alined along your spinal column. These are seven different centers of very quick spinning energys that have different functions.

The rootchakra is situated between your anus and your sexual organ (the bridge between). Mula is sanskrit and means „root“ and Adhara „shore“ or „pillar“.
It is also described as basic chakra or root centre. It is the point where the energies enter your system and transform into the next one or will be used directly there.
The central themes for it are: Stability, Survival instinct, Fears, Security, Trust and Grounding
To master this chakra you have to stand up against your fears and you will have visions of your very deepest fears you must master to go on. The exercise is to care for yourself withouth unnessecary fears.
The mantra is: LAM
The analogies are: Red, The Square, Earth, Roots, Mercury, 4, Smelling
The Bones, Intestinal, Kidneys, Ruby, Hematite, Garnet, Carnation, Rosemary, Cypress, Cedar, Ginger, Calmus

The sacralchakra is placed three fingers down your navel.
Svadisthana means „sweetness“ or loveliness.
It is also refered as sexual chakra and center of gender and is also called the second chakra.
The central themes are: Sexuality, Fertility, Creativity, Conservation of the species and productive live energy.
To master this chakra you have to defeat your weaknesses, and misery. This chakra can only be mastered if you learn to live intensive and can go upon other people. That means you have to develop a healthy way of interpersonal relations.You will have to rise up against your (maybe strange) sexual behaviours and to have the will to go on without looking back to your deepest sexual wishes. This will be surely part of your vision.
The mantra is: VAM (WANG)
The analogies are: Orange, The crescent Moon, Water, Venus, 6, Taste,
Lympatic system, Sexual Organs, Bloodcirculation,Opal, Aventurin, Topas, Vanilla, Pepper, Sandalwood, Myrrh

The navelchakra isn´t really suited at your navel, but at your solar plexus.
Manipura means „lightning or bright jewel“ but is also called „the place of the jewel“
The central themes are: Force of will, Trust into yourself, Personality, Development of your i, Selfcontrol, Sensibility, Emotions, Power(Might), Powers of self-assertion
To master this chakra you first have to train your will. You have to develop selfdiscipline, engagement and responsibility for your actions.
This vision is very hard to master. Mainly you will see a deep abyss and you have to jump over to the other side.
The mantra is: RAM (speak RANG)
The analogies are: Yellow, Golden, Triangle, Fire, Mars, Seeing, 10,
All abdominal organs, Citrin, Chrysoberyll, Tigers eye, Jasper, Lemon, Chaomilla, Lavendula, Anise, Cardamom, Fennel


The heartchakra is placed …surely at the heart.
Anahata means „unspoiled“ . This points to that you aren´t pristine at this point and free of any flaws.
To master this chak you have to feel pure empathy for everyone and must help others as good as it is possible for you.
Your vision will be a very long one. You will see a (different from person to person) scene where you have to prove your heart. If you are ready for it you can go on. But remember you will have not much possibilities to prove it. Do it with the true will to act like this or don´t even try it!
The mantra for this is: YAM (Speak YANG)
The analogies are: Green, Smokey, Air, Hexagramm, Jupiter, 12, Sense of touch, Heart, Lungs, Your Back, Dermal, Arms, Love , Empathy, Philantropy, Tolerance, Openness, Affection, The ego isn´t the center anymore, Emerald, Jade, Rose Quartz, Chrysopas, Jade, Rose Jasmin, Estragon, Red Chestnut, Willow, Chicory, Safran, Thyme, Lemon balm.

The Throatchackra is suited a bit down where your vocal chords are placed.
There is also a lymph knot that looks like a tortoise. Right in the middle of this point (and it also has a connection to your tonsils) there this chakra is located.

When you have gone through the last chakra mastering the next will follow very easy aslike you now drive downhill. This chakra will offer you some mystic relevations and will give you pure inspiration. Your eyes are now focussed on your ghost. Means on your true self. And you will feel like in an elevator as you will develop as far as you never have thought of.
Now your vision will be completely different from others. You will learn all the things you ever wanted to know about, but it is not the enlightment!
You will gain your very own mystic relevation. And that depends on what you have learned before and what questions are unanswered for you. Also it will affect your style of communication. You will be able to argue better and have intelligent conversations as you now know about your very own development and all the stuff you gaind throughout this jurney.

The mantra of this Chakra is: HAM(speak HANG)
The analogies for this chak are: Communication, Consciousness about words,
Inspiration, Truth, Mental Power, Syntetics, Creativity, Musicality, Light Blue, Ether, Circle, Saturn, 16.
Throat, Esophagus, Bronchial, Jaw, Shoulders, Ears, Thyroids, Lapislazuli Aquamarin, Topas, Eucalyptus, Campher, Peppermint, Mimulus, Agrimony, Cerato, Anise, Salvia.

6. Ayna:
The famous third eye is located between the eyes a littlebit above the eyebrows.

Ayna means „ to be in the know“ or to „percept“. But this knowlwege can only be axhieved if the duality is exeeded. By meditation on this chakra you can achieve a level above the duality. To master this chakra or lets say this point of energy, you have to understand the concept of pure energy in the form of light. Yourvision will be a pure form of a manifestation with your higher self. You will gain a tight connection to it and will see alot of things that will be revealed to you at this state.
The mantra for this is: KSHAM (speak KSHANG)
The analogies for this Chakra are: Intuition, Wisdom, Perception, Visualisation, Fantasy, Imagination, Enlightment, Selfrecognition, Indigoblue, dark blue, (royal blue), a winged circle, Uranus, 2, seventh sense, higher awareness, eyes, ears, nose, Face Hypothalamus( pineal gland), Hormon and nerve – system, sapphire, blue turmaline, Opal, Cajeput, Lemongrass, Curcuma, Nag Champa, Walnut, Laurel, Amber, Spruce.

The highest chakra, also calle dthe crownchakra is placed at the top of your head, a bit in the back just where you surely have a swirl in your hairs. Some „experts“ say it is located outside of your body above your head, but i am sure it is defenitely linked to this swirl everyone has.

To master this chakra you have to leave your ego behind and start to embody your higher self. You will surely learn all this aspects when you master your third eye and therefore i wont give you any advise now. I will tell you later how i achieved this level but now it goes about your very own development, tho...

If you come to this point when you realize that your ego is just a make up of your current life and you know that it is an illusion you have lived so far you will now understand and maybe you go through the most important part of all thing on this leve you can reach. The native american called this state of mind to go beyond the great eagle, to the other side, without dying. Other cultures describe it as the rebirth of the pheonix from the ashes and other just (like i would do) call it the death and rebirth of your ego. Thats. What all the poeple call enlightment...

The mantra for this chakra is: OHM (speak AUM)
The analogies are: Violet, Whit and golden, Spirituality, Enlightment, Experience of spiritual worlds, Understanding of the gods, Affinity with the nature and a kind of bond with the universe, 1,000 (leaves at the symbol), Never endinglessnes, Cyclic movements Lotus, Neptun, Cosmic consciousness, Diamond, Rock crystal, Amethyst, Incense, Rosewood, Wild rose, Wild chestnut.

What about the other chakras?

Surely there are other Chakras like the hand-, feet,and shoulder chakras, that is an extra issue i want to deal wit in the next part about the energylines...

Peace, love and light,
let u guide by higer i


edit on 8-9-2010 by JimIrie because: Shaoe and pics

edit on 8-9-2010 by JimIrie because: pics

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 10:01 PM
Cool thread, thanks for the info.

You might want to work on your spelling and what not a bit though, at times it was a little frustrating to read.

A couple things: How are you supposed to meditate/work on your chakras? Is there a certain technique you have to use?

Do you just focus on each one, while saying the mantra?

Can you elaborate a little more on the 'visions' you mentioned?

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 10:58 PM
I really believe in this stuff let me tell you.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 01:34 AM
There is, of course, a very direct relationship between the seven chakras and the Seven Churches of the Revelation of John, as well as the Ten Sephirot of the "tree of life" (Genesis 3:24).

Michael Cecil

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 01:59 AM
Hi JimIrie,

I'll give you a Star and a flag
What an excellent thread!

Lovely thread. I think this can be very helpful for people who want to learn more about chakras, and I would recommend it to my friends.

Interesting fact about knowledge of chakras. When I was living in China for a couple of years, I have never met a single Chinese person there, who didn't know what a chakra was. They all knew it. And they also talked about 'chi' , life force a lot. They told me that your chi and chakras were connected. A lt of chinese people I knew thought it was important to keep your chakras clean, because then your chi would be strong too.

Just my thoughts..

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 02:50 AM

Originally posted by Michael Cecil
There is, of course, a very direct relationship between the seven chakras and the Seven Churches of the Revelation of John, as well as the Ten Sephirot of the "tree of life" (Genesis 3:24).

Michael Cecil

thanks for bringing tha tup.

also .. if you could OP.. might I suggest you go into detail about the chakra's symbolism for the active energies within the endocrine systemglands that they share space with?

thanks for the thread.. this info needs to become common knoledge...

especially with mr Cecil's important addition.. the only way christians will even turn their heads is if they understand the coded symbolism in the understanding that these churches are the biological endocrine and spiritual vortexes described in Hinduism/Taoism/Buddhism.

its so important because spiritual ascension awakenings are happening on a MASS scale right now and people really need to begin to absorb this info in order to mature and grow through these changes!



posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 03:47 AM
Excellent thread as always... I haven't got as to read as deeply into all your recent threads as I would like but they are at the top of my ATS to do list.
S and F. Keep it up, very interested in learning more. This has answered most all my questions so far from the meditation help thread I started a while ago. Thanks again

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 03:55 AM
Hey all, dont miss part four...! It is here...

Have to work now. Will reply later to all your responses...

Peace, love and light,
let u guide by higher i


edit on 9-9-2010 by JimIrie because: e in peace forgotten...

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 04:55 AM

Originally posted by prevenge

Originally posted by Michael Cecil
There is, of course, a very direct relationship between the seven chakras and the Seven Churches of the Revelation of John, as well as the Ten Sephirot of the "tree of life" (Genesis 3:24).

Michael Cecil

thanks for bringing tha tup.

also .. if you could OP.. might I suggest you go into detail about the chakra's symbolism for the active energies within the endocrine systemglands that they share space with?

thanks for the thread.. this info needs to become common knoledge...

especially with mr Cecil's important addition.. the only way christians will even turn their heads is if they understand the coded symbolism in the understanding that these churches are the biological endocrine and spiritual vortexes described in Hinduism/Taoism/Buddhism.

its so important because spiritual ascension awakenings are happening on a MASS scale right now and people really need to begin to absorb this info in order to mature and grow through these changes!



Briefly, the Seven Trumpets of the Revelation of John are the seven emotions experienced at the Seven Churches or chakras; which follow the progression of seven colors:

Red for (non-sexual) desire; orange for anxiety; yellow for fear; green for envy, greed, the lust for power; blue for sorrow; indigo for indignation; purple for rage.

The corresponding chakras are the anal chakra, the genital chakra, the solar plexus, the heart chakra, the throat chakra, the crown chakra, and the forehead chakra.

The corresponding endocrine structures are the testes and ovaries at the second chakra; the adrenals at the solar plexus, the thymus gland (?) at the heart chakra; the thyroid and parathyroids at the throat chakra; the pineal gland at the crown chakra; and the pituitary at the forehead chakra.

But this is merely the esoteric dimension of the Revelation of John.

Michael Cecil

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:17 AM
Great information. I enjoyed reading your op.

I once read that some times an illness can be traced to a weak chakra. Interesting that the fourth chakra, Anahata, focuses on love and empathy. I've been back-sliding spiritually for several years now, and have less empathy now. Additionally, the Anahata chakra is associated with the back and lungs, and I have problems with both! Lower back pain and asthma. I am now wondering if my lack of empathy has any correlation with my asthma and back pain.

My declining health, my spiritual down-turn... I'm thinking it's about time to regain my inner peace and spirituality. Thanks for the thread! It was just what I needed to motivate my quest for peace and spiritual enlightenment.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by Michael Cecil
...the pineal gland at the crown chakra; and the pituitary at the forehead chakra...

May i suggest that you have confused this both? I mean it is quite common knowlege that the pineal gland is related to the third eye... I for myself really dont know if there is even a related endocrine for the crown chakra...?

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by JimIrie

Originally posted by Michael Cecil
...the pineal gland at the crown chakra; and the pituitary at the forehead chakra...

May i suggest that you have confused this both? I mean it is quite common knowlege that the pineal gland is related to the third eye... I for myself really dont know if there is even a related endocrine for the crown chakra...?

Of course you can make such a suggestion; and you might very well be correct.

I don't know that much about kundalini; only what I have read and seen in pictures.

The Vision I have received is, very specifically, the Vision of the "Son of man".

Now, there are certain contradictions between these two approaches with regards to both the number of the Churches and the sequence of the Churches; particularly in relation to the First and Second Churches and the Sixth and Seventh Churches. And this is precisely what you make mention of.

Some 34 years ago I poured over quite a number of books on neuro-anatomy and neuro-endocrinology in an attempt to answer these questions for myself; and what I have written comes down to a disagreement over the Sixth and Seventh Churches and their related neurological structures and the sixth and seventh chakras and their corresponding structures.

All I can rely on is my personal experience of this Vision to make these distinctions.

I have seen the diagrams which describe graphically the three kundalini currents; and they are all quite familiar.

Except for one thing: the time sequence.

So, the question is, are these representations and descriptions purposely misrepresented so as to preserve the Teaching from those who would falsely claim to have had such an experience; or are these experiences fundamentally different?

I have not yet definitively answered this question; and it may very well turn out to be a question which can only be answered in the context of an oral Teaching.

Michael Cecil

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by heyJude
You might want to work on your spelling and what not a bit though, at times it was a little frustrating to read.

I apologize for that... I am german in native language and am still learning everyday more and more english, so please can you point to me where i should have made mistakes?

How are you supposed to meditate/work on your chakras? Is there a certain technique you have to use?

There are so many techs to meditate on them and to work with them, i couldn´t account them all in here...
And i have also done it at the other parts.
Maybe some others want to contribute their experiences and meditation expectations in here...?

Do you just focus on each one, while saying the mantra?

Yeah, one by one. You know how to vibrate the mantra? Every letter is stretched to about five to ten seconds. Later (when you are more comfortable with it) you can even stretch it to about twenty or more... I have seen monks in india that stretch AUM for about twenty minutes and even much longer!
I am not so much experienced with mantras. Wasn´t mine, tho if someone knows more about it...

Can you elaborate a little more on the 'visions' you mentioned?

Okay this kind of mastering your chakras is more like an own developing system within the chakra system.
It has much to do with working on yourself and what i have described in that certain sections are more like some advices to work on you in the real world then in meditations.
To master yourself and gain the so much wanted enlightment you have to go from one to the other with the special "missions for youself" i have mentioned.
The visions then will come if you are ready for it.
The most spirits i met have done that by the help of another person - i.e. shamans - by dreamtravels. But you can also do it by yourself if you are strong enough.
Your meditation should start as usual. You have to go very deep for this...
Then you also should have developed a consious mind for your energybody. Visualize it now.
Now you start to activate your chakras as usual.
Start to focus on the first one (as you will start there... later the others!).
You have to focus so deep into it, that your consiousness will shrink into the very middle of the certain chakra.
You will now have a view as if you would sit inside this vortex. and soon some different visions will start.
I for myself saw the surrounding environment in the colour that is typically for this chakra.
Then you should have the will to start the mastering and the vision will unfold.

You maybe have to help it to start with a special scene you thought out well before.
Some take a picture of the whole chakra system, some let it be a tower with seven floors, some want it to be a tree, house, church, temple, etc... Maybe just think of it like a game with different levels... (please dont take a negative one like css or else...! Wont get the right results!)
This will be your mechanism to start the mastering process.
If you have done your preparations right, you will now go through your deepest emotional content (fears/addictions/etc...)
If you have mastered it, you will see in your vision. You will come back into light and you will see another place now

Now you can go on to work on yourself again... But let this first unfold for a few days as you will surely go through changes (emotions, behavior, etc...)
Some can directly go on, but some might even need years. And some have even to stop anywhere on the ladder as they wont reach the goals in this life...
The hardest will be the big jump. (Again, this is a different vision for everyone but the core is always the same.)
This is the point where the most will stop.
I forgot to mention that this point is very dangerous! ( but this is nearly the same for every exercise about this mastering...) If you fail and fall into the abyss, you may loose your mind... Just wanted to add this...

For all the stuff here (and the same with kundalini) all practitioners describe that the chakra system is built up like a single sine wave:

When you have done the big jump it will go very quickly (what surely depends on your behavior after it)

Hope that was more clear...
If someone has more questions, just ask!

Peace, love and light,
let u guide by higher i


edit on 9-9-2010 by JimIrie because: pic

edit on 9-9-2010 by JimIrie because: for spelling

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 03:22 PM
What good is all of this "energy" if you are going to leave this world and all of its energy anyway? I don't buy into the ideas of chakras just like i don't buy into the ideas of any other religion.

"I started out with chakras and once i dug deeper what i found was much more profound."

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by Michael Cecil

Thank you for your kindness. I see you are a fellow member with good intentions. If more could argue and behave like that, this would be such a wonderfull page...

I am a bit confused about what you mean with "churches" in the relevation? Can you go deeper into it?
Do you mean the sven angels and trumpets? Or am i purely at the wrong way?

Or do you mean that the early churches whare built at a certain structure to relate to this system? I am not very well informed about christian knowlege (surely i have read the bible and the other writings aswell as all the medieval grimories - i.e. agrippa, enoch, paracelsus, apocryphs, etc... - but i really am a bit confused to what you refere with it. And i want to understand!

For the kundalini issue. I for myself had such an awakening once, but only the first one. I used to do other things at this time. (btw. i am 24 and experienced most of this stuff between 10 and 19 years... during my worldtravel i had some more experiences (as i had to work of my "karma" and then turned fully to the light side...)

Your take on your issue, that there are teachings that are ment to divide the real experienced and the ones that only claim to have had this. Yes, i am quite sure about this. I see and hear this on a daily basis with so much different people! Let´s say this is a way to see for the real enlightened ones if this people tell the truth or not...
Surely this is a topic that should be learned by oral teaching, but i might also suggest that all bits of knowlwege we can give out could help others to evolve...

Peave, love and light,
let u guide by higher i.


posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 03:59 PM
I just have found a picture from the western christian world, made by Johan Georg Gichtel at about 1638.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 04:37 PM
And now i found some interesting relations between the chakras and ancient egypt wisdom:

The temple of sekhmet(sachmet) seem to refer directly to the energy points of the body.
I read about some wall inscriptions that show the chackras directly but couldnt find any pics of it if someone is there and can make some photos... would be very nice!)

The chaks seem also to be built in into the whole complex:

John Anthony West told me that few people really understand the sacred geometry of Egypt. The Luxor Temple is a representation, not only of the abstract structures described above, but also of a human being:

The South green-red-purple-gold area being Head, Neck, and Chest; The South blue area being the Arms surrounding the Stomach; The Central red area being the Pelvis, Thighs, and Knees; The North blue-red-purple area being the legs and feet. Perhaps the structure of the Luxor Temple might encode such things as Acupuncture Points and Chakras, with the South Chamber corresponding to the Third Eye.

Source (also additional infos)

Then also it seems that the whole structure of all temples in egypt correspond to the chakra system. From down the nil (abu simbel = root chakra) up to the cheops plateau (= crown chakra). But therefor i need to study it more deeply and just wanted to let you know... If you have other informations, feel free to share it with us.

And also it seems that the priests of ancient egypt knew about the frequencys of the chakras. They had different instruments that resonate with their frequencys and used special oils, herbs, stones and incenses for the different vortex points.

It seem that they have made up a very huge and complex system that resonates with everything we now learn bit for bit! Wonderfull!

Peace, love and light,
let u guide by higher i


posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by JimIrie
Thank you for your kindness. I see you are a fellow member with good intentions. If more could argue and behave like that, this would be such a wonderfull page...

I am a bit confused about what you mean with "churches" in the relevation? Can you go deeper into it?
Do you mean the sven angels and trumpets? Or am i purely at the wrong way?

The Seven Churches are the seven chakras, although there may very well be certain disagreements about both the number and the sequence having to do with the way in which the monotheistic Revelations describe "the Fall".

There is even some disagreement that there were actual physical Christian churches in the cities that are named.

Going into the sequence of the Churches and their numbers can only be conveyed in an oral Teaching; so as to prevent the distortion of certain fundamental Truths.

The trumpets, as stated elsewhere, are the emotions experienced at those Churches or chakras; but they are also specific Truths with regards to the loss of the non-dualistic conscicousness and the inter-relationships between those emotions and deteriorations of consciousness.

Michael Cecil

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by JimIrie
And now i found some interesting relations between the chakras and ancient egypt wisdom:

Well, certainly what is involved here is a Universal Wisdom far beyond any of the individual, dualistic religions--which can only engender and incite hatred, conflict and violence; whether it be Judaism, Christianity or Islam; or the Eastern religions.

The Vision of the "Son of man" is also symbolized by the "Thunderbird" of the American Indian tradition, the caduceus and Pegasus of Greek Mythology, etc. etc. etc.

I could easily spend days on end investigating such things; but there is a larger problem here that must be addressed:

Ignoring and censoring and contradicting this Knowledge and Wisdom by, respectively, the politicians, the media officials, and the monotheistic religious 'authorities' will soon result in horrors beyond your worst nightmares.

This is my purpose in writing here: to diminish this conflict and bloodshed.

Michael Cecil

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