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That's the Ego's favorite illusion: personal power. Real power comes from accepting what is, then you get to see how connected you are to the Real force in the universe that makes everything happen and be.
No disrespect to the Lakota (in whose language there is no term for 'I', only 'we', 'us'), but this level of the simulation is for learning how to be an integrous individual. I have surpassed herd existence
Originally posted by IAMIAM
reply to post by Mr. D
Thanks for sharing my Brother. We are not alone in our treatment at the hands of the government we served. It is what it is, and has been happening since the revolutionary war for Americans, and longer than that for Warriors since the dawn of time. It goes with voluntary expandability we choose. After all, we did agree to be expendable by having that thought, "I will die for another". This thought puts us in-line to have things done which do not result in death, wince we seem to be willing to be sacrificed. Change that thought from be willing to be sacrificed, to accepting the fact that you will not be sacrificed, and things get rosier.
Thank yo for sharing my friend. What we have been through will be recognised one day. The Universe does not forget, thus we are not forgotten.
With Love,
Your Brother
Originally posted by Annee
reply to post by IAMIAM
Are you providing for the child you created?
If you are not - - how can you be at peace?
Originally posted by drew1749
We'll be dead on your date so in the end it doesn't matter. Lawl, 2012 = Boom.
Originally posted by drew1749
But in all seriousness I agree with you but I also don't like this anti-American stance that Americans are taking on their own country. It kinda makes me sad.
Originally posted by wcitizen
A question: Why wait until 2012? Surely, this should be done much sooner?
second linve
Originally posted by IAMIAM
Everyone, declares their own independence the same day.
We stand down until the Beast of Empire is destroyed.
So stock up on canned goods, and be prepared to help your neighbor.
Help them now by spreading the word.
Originally posted by Alethea
Help your neighbor? Spread the word? Not where I live!
Originally posted by Alethea
Some people will only hate you if you spread the word. You oppose all that they support. My neighbors get welfare checks and social security checks and disability checks. Some of them still work under the table on the side even though it's "against the rules". Some of my neighbors have medicare, or the free VA hospitals, oblivious to the fact that they are signing up for experimental drugs and procedures in all that paperwork they don't read. Some of my neighbors go to the church pantry every week for their "free food". Odd that the churches require you to present a social security card and government ID before they will give you a sack of groceries.
Originally posted by Alethea
These people prefer benefits to freedom at the moral cost of supporting the lies.
I doubt many of them would want to hear what any "truther" has to say. And even moreso would hate you for pointing out what they know in their hearts is wrong. But people will justify evil because they benefit from it. The lies of the church and the lies of politics will go on because they have the majority of supporters.
Originally posted by IAMIAM
Declaration of Independence
We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men and women are created equal, and are endowed with certain inalienable rights, these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That in order to secure these rights, we must by nature extend them to each other, and strive to assist each other in their attainment. We hold that no man or woman has a right to take these rights from another, by conquest or trade, by Religious indoctrination or supplication, by Ideological persuasion or coercion, or any other way or manner. We are obligated one to another in our march through time to extend peace, love, and charity, owing the better of ourselves, as we see fit, to the betterment of mankind.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, Shall be the whole of the Law.
I AM, King of Kings, Sovereign of myself, among Sovereigns of themselves, hereby reclaiming my Kingdom for myself. All money, property, worldly belongings, names, and titles, I do hereby return to the Country of (insert name of country), in exchange for my freedom and right to self govern, which was wrongfully taken from me at my birth.
World wide declaration to be made Dec, 25 2012. If you want that day to mean something, make it mean something by declaring your independence on that day. A world wide Stand Down of the people, for the people, by the people of the world.
What is Freedom worth to you? To me it is worth my life.
Peace be with you Brothers and Sisters.
Your Brother
Originally posted by HeldHostage14
This was well written and well thought of straight to the point with authority. I will sign it
2nd line.
Originally posted by IAMIAM
Originally posted by bekod
s&f for your thought .It would be nice to see it through, but it will take many not just one, for as one there is no need for i am free.
It is your own personal declaration Brother.
Everyone, declares their own independence the same day.
We stand down until the Beast of Empire is destroyed.
So stock up on canned goods, and be prepared to help your neighbor.
Help them now by spreading the word.
edit on 8-9-2010 by IAMIAM because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by niesent
Originally posted by IAMIAM
Originally posted by bekod
s&f for your thought .It would be nice to see it through, but it will take many not just one, for as one there is no need for i am free.
It is your own personal declaration Brother.
Everyone, declares their own independence the same day.
We stand down until the Beast of Empire is destroyed.
So stock up on canned goods, and be prepared to help your neighbor.
Help them now by spreading the word.
edit on 8-9-2010 by IAMIAM because: (no reason given)
Sorry "brother" but you need to take some time off of this conspiracy site. You seem delusioned and consumed by what you read here. You don't sound like someone of a sound and healthy mind. Too much New Age movement dribble in your posts.