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The Plan

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posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

You have got to do some paperwork to back it up.
Get your papers in order before you make announcements.

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by Alethea

Can you elaborate my friend?

What kind of paper work?

This is a joint effort, please educate me and the rest of the class if you see something I am lacking.

Thank you,

Your Brother

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 02:24 PM
I am in total agreement with your plan. I feel that this is precisely what is needed.
When the 'economic collapse' started (debatable when that actually was, i think) I was actually trying to look at it from a positive viewpoint. There was, of course, nothing positive about families losing their homes, ending up on the streets, people losing jobs left and right........However, the way i looked at it, this would give some the smack on the head that they need to open their eyes. That perhaps by taking away the big house, the big cars, and the intense self-imposed 'need' to use materialistic items to justify their worth, these people may just have an epiphany of sorts and see how truly amazing everything could be if we would just open our eyes and value what is REAL instead of what is transient and fleeting.
I am a social worker. I work on a daily basis with the homeless, soon-to-be homeless, those that society classifies to be mentally ill, disabled, disfunctional, addicts, etc. All the humans that main stream society wants to pretend don't exist. I have seen so many people in so many types of pain on so many different levels. It is a disheartening job at times. & I have had people come in that have worked their entire lives, thinking that they were doing the 'right' thing by working themselves into exhaustion, Xanax, and a heart attack, only to lose everything that they had sacrificed so much for due to this economic system.
We have the power. We underestimate our ablities and strength. and i say 'we' because, so do I. We need to find our empowerment again. and i believe that can only be done by finding it through each other.
IAM, the information that you shared concerning your hardships was appreciated. I think it is good for us to put out there where we are coming from, just to show others that hey, even if your are in the deepest darkest pit out there, it might be that very moment that the light is switched on for you, and all is illuminated.
I commend you. Good for you. You have found freedom.
And the best thing of all??
You are sharing the wisdom that you have gained through so much pain, with others to help illuminate their journey a little bit, and for that I am thankful.
I look forward to future posts. Your insight is refreshing and gives me hope.
with love,

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by IAMIAM
We are obligated one to another in our march through time to extend peace, love, and charity, owing the better of ourselves, as we see fit, to the betterment of mankind.

Oh, yeah? Says who? I don't feel any sense of obligation to humanity. All I want is for the bulk of humanity to do is take it easy, calm down, and leave me mostly alone. But I won't blame them if they don't. They don't have an obligation to listen to me, either.

Anyway, I never asked for a messiah. So kindly get lost. And I mean that in the nicest way possible.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by Blue Shift

Originally posted by IAMIAM
We are obligated one to another in our march through time to extend peace, love, and charity, owing the better of ourselves, as we see fit, to the betterment of mankind.

Oh, yeah? Says who? I don't feel any sense of obligation to humanity. All I want is for the bulk of humanity to do is take it easy, calm down, and leave me mostly alone. But I won't blame them if they don't. They don't have an obligation to listen to me, either.

Anyway, I never asked for a messiah. So kindly get lost. And I mean that in the nicest way possible.

My Friend,

Perhaps you missed the most important part in my quote above. So, I have italicised it and made it bold. In case that isn't clear enough, here it is again "AS WE SEE FIT". And, for clarification, that means however you see fit as this is YOUR personal declaration of independence.

I have already declared my own, and have been blessed ever since. I may end up behind bars, but I am still free. Free to do with my will what I want, without harming a soul.

Now, if you don't want to be your own personal messiah, don't. Stay in the matrix and enjoy what ever it feels like giving you.

Peace, Love, and Happiness to you,

Your Brother

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by pisces77

Thank you my friend,

This is my version of the "blue" pill, or "red" which ever one freed folks from the matrix.

Please pass it on!

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by Blue Shift

calm down, and leave me mostly alone

I don't think anyone would have a problem with that. In fact your wish should be easily obtainable IMO.

I need to ask, why Dear Sir, would you come on someones thread they started and suggest they "get

SnF for the thread. Obviously your philosophies seem a bit eccentric. They do seem to work for your
persona. Interesting. There 's something up with you, I can't put my finger on.. It's like you should bug the hell out of me ! For some reason you don't. I don't know. Vague. Good thread.

edit on 10-9-2010 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by randyvs
SnF for the thread. Obviously your philosophies seem a bit eccentric. They do seem to work for your
persona. Interesting. There 's something up with you, I can't put my finger on.. It's like you should bug the hell out of me ! For some reason you don't. I don't know. Vague. Good thread.

edit on 10-9-2010 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

Eh, I only really bug the ones who think, God has white hair, lives in the clouds, and is gonna look after them above all others!

Everyone else, I get along with.

Peace, love and Happiness to you Brother.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 08:47 PM
From Tom Petty..."You used to be such as sweet, young girl,
why you wanna be somebody else,
you say you wanna change the world,
why doncha just change yourself."

I see only two options, that is; be the beacon of light you can be, and make yourself better by doing the right thing as much as you can, the best you can.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 09:54 PM
Interesting post...

Have you ever heard of Tony Robbins? I feel the whole pain verus pleasure principle applies to humanity, and specifically to Americans. People do not appreciate or cherish their freedoms until they lose them. Until the American population is sufficiently and openly subjugated as a whole to a relative few, they will continue to play fat, dumb, and happy. It makes me ill to see the continued erosion of our country from what our founding fathers fought & died to create; however, nothing you, me, or anyone else says will change that downslide. Look at Rush Limbaugh, for example. He is a very outspoken celebrity and commentator who obsessively talks about the erosion of rights in this country. Yet, even with his millions of followers, the erosion continues.

Therefore, I simply make preparations for myself & my family as best as I can and then sit back & wait for the inevitable to happen...

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by deadred
From Tom Petty..."You used to be such as sweet, young girl,
why you wanna be somebody else,
you say you wanna change the world,
why doncha just change yourself."

I see only two options, that is; be the beacon of light you can be, and make yourself better by doing the right thing as much as you can, the best you can.

??? Um, Yeah... thats kinda what I am doin here.

Last dance with mary Jane
One more time to kill the pain...

Sorry what was the topic again?

Just messin with ya.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by CIAGypsy
Interesting post...

Have you ever heard of Tony Robbins? I feel the whole pain verus pleasure principle applies to humanity, and specifically to Americans. People do not appreciate or cherish their freedoms until they lose them. Until the American population is sufficiently and openly subjugated as a whole to a relative few, they will continue to play fat, dumb, and happy. It makes me ill to see the continued erosion of our country from what our founding fathers fought & died to create; however, nothing you, me, or anyone else says will change that downslide. Look at Rush Limbaugh, for example. He is a very outspoken celebrity and commentator who obsessively talks about the erosion of rights in this country. Yet, even with his millions of followers, the erosion continues.

Therefore, I simply make preparations for myself & my family as best as I can and then sit back & wait for the inevitable to happen...

Well my Brother, Right or Left, your missing the whole point. Who has a right to tell ANYONE what to do if they aren't hurting anyone else? WHO? No one. Only God is the Judge. If your an Atheist, well you get off free, till you die, then you realise OOPS!

Don't buy into the right vs left paradigm, that is how they divide and conquer.

Getcha to hate one guy, so you will take his rights away. Next election the other side wins, and you already gave them the right to take YOUR right s away.

Stop being so easily lead by the puppet masters. You are in over your head. They are Pro's!

Just think, do I want this done to me if I felt like them? If the answer is no, then don't do it.

Screw Rush, Screw Obama They are both divisive. They have both sides fighting over something totally imaginary, ie. MONEY!!!!!!!!!!

Help your Brother as you would want to be helped in the exact situation.
Love your Brother as you would want to be Loved in the exact situation.

Open your hearts to your fellow man, They are your EQUALS.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:09 PM
You misunderstand. My post had nothing to do with politics at all. Nothing to do with conservatism or liberalism. Rather, I was simply stating an EXAMPLE where you have one very well known celebrity with MILLIONS of followers who has tried for years to get the American public to see the erosion of our rights for what it truly enslavement. Yet, even with all his money, air time, and followers, our country still is in a headlong dive toward economic and social slavery. I could have chosen numerous other people - both famous and anonymous - who have carried the same message to no avail. I am simply trying to explain to YOU that you can tell people the truth all day long but it will get you NO WHERE because people simply don't care enough to take action. Nothing will change in the continued erosion of our country and our freedom until pain overcomes pleasure to the average citizen and have nothing more to lose by rebelling to take back their freedoms.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by CIAGypsy

My apologies my friend. It was my misinterpretation of what you were saying. I posted too late at night on a sleepy mind.

I agree that people are slow to move right now. However, every day more people join this forum. Every day more people get closer to that edge where they are ready to do something. Even now, we have Brothers and Sisters living off the grid. Even now we have Brothers and Sisters standing up to the powers that wish to control them. You won't here it in the media. Some are hiding and the rest the media ignores.

I do not want to see any blood shed. I do not want to see any pain. Therefore, I am putting this out as a very hopeful peaceful solution. Every day my faith in man is tested. Every day I see snide remarks about such ideas as Loving each other and respecting each other. Everyday I see people of supposedly peaceful faiths tear into those who disagree with them. This happens with people of all faiths. Then, the atheists come in and say how much better they are without God, while doing the same damn thing.

It is almost as if everyone WANTS to have this fight be as bloody as possible. They want the Battle royal of Battle Royals. Why? because they think it won't effect them. They have no idea how bad it is going to get. They cannot imagine things like picking their mothers brains off their face because she was shot in a random home invasion by some kid who couldn't bare to watch his family starve any more. They can't imagine the possibility of standing bare ass naked in a line of people freezing to death on their march to the gas chambers. They all think they are invulnerable to the tragedies that will unfold soon, or worse yet, they believe they will be the ones in power committing such acts of barbarity.

Yet, I have hope. I have hope that once these things start to happen, after the first couple million lose their life to the mayhem, then maybe Mans thirst for blood and domination will be satisfied and he will be ready to try a victory with peace.

In the mean time, all we can do, those who know peace and love, is watch from heaven, help those we can, and be ready for when that time comes.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 10:00 PM
There is a time for everything. A time for peace. A time for war.

The purpose to life is to understand balance of all of things. Hot and cold are the polar opposites of the same thing, as is war and peace. Any deviation to ANY extreme is unhealthy for life. If you have too much love, you have weakness. If you have too little love, you are cruel. There is a balance between the two and it is essential to life. Because I sit back and wait for others to be moved by the pain of lost freedom does not mean I am apathetic. I care very much about my fellow brothers and sisters in this WORLD....not just in our country, but everywhere. However, I understand the truth to the statement "to each in his own time, shall come enlightenment." We all arrive together at the end. Some of us may simply arrive via a different path.

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 01:05 PM
Hey IamIam,
I came here from Nullify Now! to check out your declaration.
I like it.
I also read your bio. Some really interesting challenges you have overcome. Reminds me of a song...

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose."
Janis Joplin

Of course, freedom is much more than that, so much more that most people do not even comprehend what it is.

good thread.

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by Stewie

Thanks for stopping by my friend, and thanks for the kind words. Yes, freedom is definitely not free, and you don't really appreciate it until you have lost all else.

It is good to see you on the battle line. Keep up the good fight, and help spread the word.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by IAMIAM
Declaration of Independence

We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men and women are created equal, and are endowed with certain inalienable rights, these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That in order to secure these rights, we must by nature extend them to each other, and strive to assist each other in their attainment. We hold that no man or woman has a right to take these rights from another, by conquest or trade, by Religious indoctrination or supplication, by Ideological persuasion or coercion, or any other way or manner. We are obligated one to another in our march through time to extend peace, love, and charity, owing the better of ourselves, as we see fit, to the betterment of mankind.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, Shall be the whole of the Law.

I AM, King of Kings, Sovereign of myself, among Sovereigns of themselves, hereby reclaiming my Kingdom for myself. All money, property, worldly belongings, names, and titles, I do hereby return to the Country of (insert name of country), in exchange for my freedom and right to self govern, which was wrongfully taken from me at my birth.


World wide declaration to be made Dec, 25 2012. If you want that day to mean something, make it mean something by declaring your independence on that day. A world wide Stand Down of the people, for the people, by the people of the world.

What is Freedom worth to you? To me it is worth my life.

Peace be with you Brothers and Sisters.

Your Brother

Intresting and the telling of your life as well...but yes I agree with you this system is slow and wasteful and needs to change, one way or another, oh yes things will change....But I never got the plan really other then spreading good vibrations around, or is there more to it...because like you have said, I could end up in this bizarre dimension we all call earth in some other lifetime, I could end up wandering again sort of say...and I am bored of the same old scenery and systems on this earth, # needs to change. And what's with the 2012 date other then we all will be 2 years older. But then a lot can happen in 2 years as I think you know, and have some experience on things changing totally in two years.

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by galadofwarthethird
Intresting and the telling of your life as well...but yes I agree with you this system is slow and wasteful and needs to change, one way or another, oh yes things will change....But I never got the plan really other then spreading good vibrations around, or is there more to it...because like you have said, I could end up in this bizarre dimension we all call earth in some other lifetime, I could end up wandering again sort of say...and I am bored of the same old scenery and systems on this earth, # needs to change. And what's with the 2012 date other then we all will be 2 years older. But then a lot can happen in 2 years as I think you know, and have some experience on things changing totally in two years.

Thank you for your reply my friend. This declaration is much more than a mere passing around of good vibes. It is my hope that people will read it and realise that they are their own King or Queen, and that in order to be their own King or Queen, they must extend the same status to ALL others. The second we decide to rule over another either by conquest or artful persuasion, we lose even our own right to Sovereignty. For by allowing another to lose his right to Sovereignty, we set the precedence for a stronger force to take our own. Which is what we have here today. Look how much hate and discontent goes on in our world. We fight amongst each other because we insist on others acting the way we do, think the way we do, worship the way we do, etc. etc..

This causes natural feelings of oppression. When given the opportunity, the oppressed WILL become the oppressor. It is a cycle of back and forth which can only come to an end by ALL standing up united yet separate and declaring that each of us are indeed totally INDEPENDENT.

That is the world I hope to live in this life. That is the world I hope to be born into in another life. That is the world I will use ALL my life to achieve.

I'll give my life for your freedom as much as I'd give it for my own.

As to the date of the declaration, that is merely to give us all a guide post where we can do it united. I have already declared my own and returned to Caesar, that which belongs to Caesar.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 04:18 PM
Wow. What a powerful testimony. I can now see where you are coming from (on another thread). Thanks for sharing that OP.

There is a story for me to tell as well. This is not being told to push what I believe on anyone, but I have to tell all of it because it’s all relative to where I am at today.

Three years ago my own life was literally turned completely upside down. I know that God was in it, and prior to that time I was 'double minded' (I know that you know what that means). It was then that I realized what the 'machine' really was, and how I was contributing to it and following it, even unknowingly.

I too had a brush with the law, and I must say it was very humiliating for me, especially when hearing the verdict "guilty" after jury trial, and watching those that worked for the court (the ones that read the verdict and type the paperwork, a couple feet away from the judge) laugh at me while doing so. The judge threw the book at me, and today I am still required to pay large sums of $$$ to the system, as part of my sentencing, along with a long term probation, and 52 weeks of classes that I must pay for, and a no negative contact order for my husband. We are going through bankruptcy now, and I must rely on God completely, as my husband and I are 'self-employed' and our $$$ situation has changed drastically as well..

You will probably laugh at me, and I don't blame you, but I went through life thinking that the USA was one nation under the same God. I've heard churches endorse candidates for election, usually republican, because they were 'christians' and 'moral'. (don't laugh yet, it gets worse)

I remember reading a post on MSN forums about Bush and the weapons of mass destruction, and how it was unfounded. I read the response of several others which all conveyed the same message. At this point, I still had one foot in the world, and only belief in God (no more relationship), as a result, so anything that anyone said in the name of God, to me, was all the same, no discernment on my part.

After reading that post, I decided to respond, also. I went through the whole ‘blackout bomb’ scenario and how Bush was doing what was best for this country, and why can’t anyone understand that, etc. (now you can laugh, but it gets worse yet)

On one side I was involved again in the ‘church’ doing what I thought was my duty as a Christian. My husband and I taught JR. High Youth group on Wed. evenings, attended on Sundays, and attended another study group on Saturdays. I had a desire to know God again, but most of it was steeped in ‘religious knowledge’, not relationship. (and I knew better)

On the other side my husband and I got along well (after 10 years) though we had court issues concerning his previous marriage and child custody issues that brought us back & forth through the courts every few months for the entire 10 years. (11 years for him at that point). Other than that, he and I didn’t have any real problems between our selves.

He and I made several home investments. We turned all the properties except for 2, one home as a rental and one home that we live in. We were planning our future on our own (aside from God, didn’t need his help on that) because we were still drinking the Kool-Aid at that time, thinking we live in the land of opportunity and we need to make the most of that opportunity.

Everything seemed to be going just fine in our lives. Many large sums of money passed through our fingers, and went out just as quickly. It appeared that everything we touched turned to gold. Even our business accountant would shake his head and say things like ‘I don’t know how you guys do it. This shouldn’t work like this.’

Boy, we thought we were blessed. We thought that our future retirement was going to be perfect and nothing could bring us down. Let me tell you, when it comes down, it comes down HARD. But this didn’t happen right away. –I must add that I have been on my own since I was 16, and have worked very hard, usually 2 full time jobs at a time, until I was able to become self employed. A lot of blood, sweat and tears went into it.

One day, I was sitting at my computer, after praying for wisdom all week. I was bored and had some time on my hands. I usually only used the computer for games, youth teaching material, or E-bay sales because I had an E-bay store. I was looking up some materials online for the youth group on E-bay when I ran across a dvd on the ‘Bohemian Grove’. I had no idea what a ‘Bohemian Grove’ was, but by the description it looked like someone was trying to convey something important.

I decided to run a search on it, which brought me to a youtube video. I can’t even express to you the shock that went through my system, like someone had clunked me on the head with a sledgehammer. Grief and mourning went through my heart for weeks afterward. It was like everything I had believed in (worldly) suddenly died. There is no other way to describe it. I started thinking back to things I was taught in school, presidential endorsements that were made in churches, the whole ‘One nation Under God’ thing and every other conceivable notion that our nation were ‘the good guys’.

Then, I started thinking back to all the inconsistent things that were done by Bush and all the other presidents before him, who claimed they were men of ‘faith’. I can’t tell you how this ‘killed me’ inside. What were these ‘men of faith’ doing in a grove praying to molech?

I spent an entire year researching everything else that never added up. The deeper you research, the deeper that rabbit hole gets. I spent a year on information overload, I could recite what I was learning in my sleep, because I had spent so many hours researching, researching, and researching.

Well, the more you know, the more you want others to know. This didn’t pan out very well for me. My husband thought I was crazy and didn’t want to hear about it. My family back east thought I was off my rocker and didn’t want to hear about it. The people at church didn’t want to hear about it, and thought I had ‘lost it’. Nobody wanted to know anything.

In the meantime the rest of my life turned upside down. The economy turned, and with our backs up against the wall, we had to rent out our rental home to some folks we would have never considered before. The $$$ stopped coming in, and we were out of options. We lost money in the stock market, actually all of it, as I was doing my own trading. We were in hock up to our eyeballs. My husband’s daughter, who lived with us full time, had turned 15 and was acting out, which was ripping up the relationship (I thought we had) between my husband and I.

My husbands brother had lost everything in NJ (his own doing), moved to CA (where we live) and kept making secretive phone calls to our 15 year old, telling her things like “don’t talk to your step mother about anything, go to your dad. She’s not your parent.” (The 15 year old and I had a very good relationship until that upheaval began. We could talk about anything) The brother in law began making phone calls to my husband giving him court advice, and really pushing divorce advice, behind my back. His motive was to move into our home, where he could manipulate his younger brother (my husband), and have my husband support him, where all his other woman left off in NJ. This whole thing came to light in marriage counseling when my husband finally put 2+2 together. I had no idea all this was going on. All I knew was that my life was coming apart at the seams and I couldn’t do anything about it. I felt like I was swatting at flies in the dark, with a blindfold on, just out of control.

Other things happened. I was forced to put down my favorite pet, which grieved me. My mother came out for a 6 week visit and stirred the pot between all of us (a side to her I didn’t even knew existed) especially between me and my husband. She went back home and gossiped to all our family about my ‘family life’ out here, which was unusually not the norm, and how my husband and I have no relationship whatsoever.

We have been in civil court with my husbands ex for years. They still haven’t worked out the financial details, even today. Well, her day in court came first (by our own acceptance) for a purposed amount of $$$. This was not a judgment against us, this was just a purposed amount until my husband’s day in court, which probably supercedes that amount. His ex took this info and somehow went to child services with it, and they came after him, without any judgment documentation. So, while all the other things I mentioned were going on, child services took away my husbands drivers license, and sent threats through the mail about jail time. They also put a lean on our rental property. Meanwhile the creditors had a field day with us, and took $3000 out of one of my accounts for a credit card, which resulted in our rental property payment bouncing, and because the amount they took superceded the amount in the account from other misc. payments, the bank came after me for money to settle that matter, which I did not have.

By this point everything in me was shaken. I am barely even skimming the surface of all the happenings of that period of time. It got to the point that family (out here) thought I was going to commit suicide, because I was planning to go to a hotel for a week to clear my head. Suicide was the last thing on my mind, but again family began involving themselves in our lives, and not by invitation. Also my husband and I had our attorney draw up divorce paperwork, during all this.

The final straw was this; On Dec. 4 2008, the 15 year old got mad at me, and completely disrespected me. This was going on all along during this time, but on that day, that was the mother of all disrespect (which I won’t get into). As a result she moved in with her mother that day. Her mother sent police to my house that night, trying to say I hit her daughter, which I didn’t (this woman hates me more than hate itself, especially since her daughter and I have a relationship that they do not have, not to mention she hates my husband even more so, therefore their divorce). The police came into our home, rolled their eyes, and said the only reason they came out is because they have to follow up on complaints. Then they left.

Well, this incident happened 2 weeks before my husband’s day in civil court on custody and financial issues. Not only were we having major marital issues, but, because the daughter moved in with her mother, he despised me even more. It got very ugly. There was nothing I could say or do. He despised me so badly that the horrible things he said to me before the incident, pailed in comparison to some of the things he did afterward. My own spirit was broken deeply enough before all this came about.

His day in court came and went. He was looking like the bad guy now, so he and his attorney pushed things out yet another 2 months. A week before that date came (daughter still living with mom, who has poisoned her with hatred toward us since the beginning, which resulted in the courts putting her under our guardianship to begin with because it was so blatant) my husband and I had it out. In the heat of the moment (details left out) I smashed a clock over his head, something I would have never done in a million years. I don’t break anything in anger let alone hurt someone else in the past, but this particular evening was ‘the final straw’.

In anger my husband decided to one-up me, and called 911. I left the house, parked somewhere, and cried for hours. When I returned home, the police had already been there and left. I talked with my husband for about 15 minutes, then he went to bed, and I went to sleep on the couch. At 5am an officer was at my door. Long story short we talked on the porch. In the back of my mind I was thinking court, so I steered clear of anything that might incriminate my husband, not realizing I was being recorded the whole time and not knowing what my husband had told him hours before.

He cuffed me and drove me to jail. The officer even made comments to me that my husband was upset that he was taking me to jail (which mysteriously disappeared from the tapes). He read me my rights after we got to jail (which mysteriously shows up in the middle of the tapes). I was shacked a few days later and sent to a detention center.

I have never been in trouble in my life. I’ve never even had a speeding ticket in my whole life. The things that they did in detention (ie. To get my DNA, etc) was humiliating and just broke me to the core of my being. Then, in my pajamas (that’s how I was taken to begin with) they sent me out of there in the middle of the night a week later, and told me to get off the property in 10 minutes or I would be ‘processed in’ all over again. This was in an industrial area late at night, and the closest gas station was two miles away. I had nothing on me, no money, no phone, nothing, and wearing only pajamas which looks suspicious enough.

The trial was worse, of course much of that due to the OJ trial. I watched between the Judge and the state prosecutor (fellow craft) allowing evidence that didn’t even pertain to the night in question. My representative (a woman) gave it her all, and nothing she used was even considered. They bypassed my right to a speedy trial in order to wait for the cop to come back from his wife’s pregnancy leave, so they could use him against me as the witness, who wasn’t even there, who patted me on the shoulder when he left the courtroom that day, and whispered ‘good luck’ (I think he meant it in a good way, he even wavered on some of the conversation he and I had in the car on the way to the station).

The prosecutor, after winning the case told my attorney (in front of me) “It’s too bad. She seems like such a nice girl” (then he laughed and held the door open for me). The whole experience was belittling and humiliating. I felt like the woman with the scarlet letter, having to stand up in front of the jury members while they introduced me each time as the criminal defendant.

I am not the same person I was before all this happened. I can honestly say everything inside of me to the core of who I am was torn to shreds from the onset of things mentioned earlier to the final part I just wrote about. I always thought that I was the one that beat myself up the hardest, but even this proved me wrong.

Since then, everything (other than some obvious effects) has gone back to normal, like it never happened. My husband was told by child services that they had no idea how that flimsy paperwork got through, and withdrew everything. His daughter moved back in with us a year ago, apologizing to me for all the wrongs she committed against me behind my back, and in tears. My mother has since begun to see that the ‘world’ is not what she thought it was either and wishes that my siblings would open their eyes to what is going on. My husband treats me more lovingly than he ever did before all this upheaval began and for the first time our marriage really is solid. My family out here seems to have ‘forgotten’ more than they remember about anything going on in my life. All the things that really matter are back in place. I know that it was a spiritual shaking that went on in my life; there is no doubt, as there was even more happening than what I listed here. I felt like I was watching a whirlwind spiraling around me, and all I could do was watch it. Take every bad experience that can happen in a lifetime and toss it into 18 months, and that is what it was like.

I know that we are in a corrupt system. There is nothing I can physically do to secure my own future within it. Money is not important to me anymore, and I could really care less about anything material. The most important thing to me is the ‘God’ I serve. And though the people I am surrounded with are important to me also, that could all change at a moments notice too. I look back at everything that spiraled out of control during a period of 2 years, and I can’t look at the world the same way either. I now understand the full meaning of ‘we are in this world, but we are not of this world’. There is nothing alluring enough in this world for me to ever care about what it has to offer me. I am now enjoying the security that comes from a relationship with God, and have no fear about what ‘the future holds’ whether it be fulfilled prophecy, or a strategic power play by the elite.

I realize that problems come our way in everyone’s life, which is normal, but I don’t see them as mountains anymore either. My stress is gone, my anger is gone, any vanity is gone, and so is my own personal will. It is not about me anymore, that part is dead and buried. It is about life and what will I do in it? What will really matter and what won’t? Even if TPTB were not breaking the dollar (which I believe they are) and everything appeared to cycle around again, I have no desire whatsoever to drink the world's Kool-Aid ever again, no matter what form it comes in.

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