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Area 51 and the mystery base at Groom Lake! (an open research experiment)

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posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 09:16 AM
Area 51 has become more legend than truth. Let's put the wild speculation on hold and take a look at some of the facts and theories. The intent of this thead is to focus in on the true purpose of the base and hopefully to generate some solid theories about what
is currently at the base. It is my hope that we can use this thead to build onto our collective understading of the base and put together some of the loose ends that we have floting around ATS. I welcome and encorage you to post all solid theories you have on Area 51 and Groom Lake, but Please try to provide links to info where and when ever possible. I am hoping to make this kind of like an unofficial ATS Research Project so everyone will have a chance to contribute if they want to, instead of restricting it to Scholars only. Please help with this thread if you can! I want to see if there is a benefit to opening the door on some of our reserach to everyone from our newest member, to our most seasoned vetren ATS Memeber. So, Please help out!!

We know the base was built for the CIA in the late 1940's to test spy planes and was later expanded for other classified operations. So, what's there now?

Spy Planes: the base has always been involved with Intelligence operations, this mission is part of why the base was built. Today the base is most likely home to a new generation of spy planes(possibaly Aurora and/or TR-3 Black Manta).

Foreign Technology: The analysis of foreign military technoloy is an on going part of the US intelligence community's scientific and technical intelligence operation. This involves everything from the testing of Mig's and other foreign weapons; to Reverse Engineering: the creation of blue prints for a weapon, by takeing apart a working example and analysing it's parts to learn how they work and what their limitations are.

Top Secret Next Generation Technologies: these inclued many different things. The Fallowing are good canadates:

Next generation stealth: This includes things like wide band, all aspect stealth and optical stealth.

Laser Weapons: these weapon have been undergoing secret development since the SDI program was created in the 1970's.

Cyber Electronics: This new generation electronics include: holographic displays, andvanced touch screens, voice command systems and even possibly brain wave controled computers.

Antigravity propusion: Antigravity technology is real, we found evidence of it during the B-2 Research project. We don't have proof that it has been deployed on an active duty, front line aircraft, but the fact that it is being researched has been proven by ATS research staff.

Please come and help out, but Please, Please, be Serious in your posts!

ATS Director of Counter-Ignorance

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 09:29 AM
My opinion is that it 'was' a secret facility, and now with all the
media attention that its some kind of decoy facility and that they
moved most of the research that you pointed out to other locations.
they can continue there the research without attention...

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 09:40 AM
It would seem a little stupid to continue ultra top secret research at a base that is now so famous. However it doesn't change the fact that it is still in a perfect location, with extreme isolation, and nobody can get anywhere near it. Is there as good a location for a base like this any where else in America?

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by earthtone
It would seem a little stupid to continue ultra top secret research at a base that is now so famous. However it doesn't change the fact that it is still in a perfect location, with extreme isolation, and nobody can get anywhere near it. Is there as good a location for a base like this any where else in America?

I'm not sure, but I don't think so. Remember two other facts: First, the base is encircled by mountains, which are now off limits to the public, this means people can't look down on the base like they once did; Second, Most of the labs are under the ground where they can't be seen from the outside anyway. No one said what you are looking for has to fly. If you think there is something going on out there that only occurs in underground labs, come share it with us.

ATS Director of Counter-Ignorance

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 04:36 PM
I'd be willing to bet that underground it's a luxerious and futuristic research facility complete with retina scanners, voice controlled terminals, etc. I'm sure it would make you feel very powerful to work there, but very uneasy and perhaps "guilty" at the same time.

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 06:56 PM
well first off i highly reccomend a good read in the aurora aircraft research project. in a little while i will post my thoughts and knowledge. when i am not as busy.

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 04:33 AM
they still test top secret crafts at groom lake but only at night so you cant get a clear shot of them then during the day they work on them underground its the perfect setup.

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by machinegunjordan
well first off i highly reccomend a good read in the aurora aircraft research project. in a little while i will post my thoughts and knowledge. when i am not as busy.

Thanks for Metioning the Aurora Aircraft Project. I'm one of the people working on this project. I was hoping to go beyond just the Aurora, and what we're learning from it. I intend to use the replies from this thread to start work on a long term research project that will hopefully culminate in the creation of one of the most complete and accurare pages on Groom Lake. If I can make this work, we will open the door for analysing many other secret programs/project associated with the base.

ATS Director of Counter-Ignorance

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by sebastiaan
My opinion is that it 'was' a secret facility, and now with all the
media attention that its some kind of decoy facility and that they
moved most of the research that you pointed out to other locations.
they can continue there the research without attention...

That coincides with my opinion as well. There are other places that the government could do all of its research that is well out of the public eye. The interior of the Nellis range and the Nevada Test site has many areas that you could tuck a research project into. The same applies to Kirkland AFB the grounds of Sandia Nat Lab. China Lake etc.

I really doubt that anything eye popping is going on at Area 51 anymore. I feel strongly that the government uses it as a decoy now. The workers that shuttle in via Janet flights could easily take another hop after arriving there.

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 05:07 PM
Well ghost we can use it as part of our project and start a seperate team for groom lkae that you would lead. yea start another project. good idea

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 07:27 AM
I Ready to turn this in to aSERIOUS long term research project! I need a Team of serious, dedicated ATS Scholars, who are willing to put in a genuin effort to get around the rumors and lies, and get to the truth behind Area 51/Groom Lake. We won't be chasing ET's! I want hard facts and Supported theories! Here are a few of the things I want to look into:

-when was the base really built, the mid 50's as the government clames or the late 40's as others have clamed?

-Who really runs the base, AFFTC DET 3, or the CIA, or someone else in the Defense Department? Is it jointly run?

-What kind (general) of research is being done there: Aircraft, lasers, or something else entirely?

-What contractors really have ties to the base?

-How is/might the research at Groom Lake effect our next generation of military hardwear? (theoretical)

-How dose the base tie into US Intelligence Activities?(Ex: testing MIG's, base for spy planes,ECT.)

This list will grow once the team starts to organize! If you're serious about helping, and want to devote some of your time and skills to the ATS mission of denying ignorance and finding truth, I NEED YOUR HELP! If you are intrested and willing to help, Reply to this thread or U2U me.

ATS Director of Counter-Ignorance

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 11:53 AM
Where's the proof that Anti-Gravity propulsion system(s) have been even remotely tested on the B-2 Spirit or otherwise? I'm almost positive that the idea is on somebody's drawing board somewhere, but to say that it has been in use within test/experimental aircraft is unfair. A lot of the lights that have been seen shooting from side to side or hovering then dropping at a rapid pace are more than anything likely to be UAV's that are very much earthly. I'm not saying that at some point in history that the US never was able to get it's hands on alien technology, but it's a stretch in the least to say that we are now back-engineering the stuff. From recent reports 15 or more projects deemed "classified" are out at Groom Lake, 4 or 5 manned. That leaves at least 10 that are unmanned. If I was going to be a critic regarding the issue, I wouldn't buy all of Bob Lazar's claims about S-4 and so forth, I would more closely look into the claims or John Lear, the son of the jet manufacturer. His claims came almost a decade before Lazar's, and seemed a lot more plausible. Sure, Lear also claims to have the cure for cancer, but it's irrelevant when talking about the topic at hand. Bottom line, show me the proof that your lights out at Groom belong to UFO's and not laser technology, or the most likely culpret, the testing of advanced UAV's.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by Chris_H
Where's the proof that Anti-Gravity propulsion system(s) have been even remotely tested on the B-2 Spirit or otherwise? I'm almost positive that the idea is on somebody's drawing board somewhere, but to say that it has been in use within test/experimental aircraft is unfair. A lot of the lights that have been seen shooting from side to side or hovering then dropping at a rapid pace are more than anything likely to be UAV's that are very much earthly. I'm not saying that at some point in history that the US never was able to get it's hands on alien technology, but it's a stretch in the least to say that we are now back-engineering the stuff. From recent reports 15 or more projects deemed "classified" are out at Groom Lake, 4 or 5 manned. That leaves at least 10 that are unmanned. If I was going to be a critic regarding the issue, I wouldn't buy all of Bob Lazar's claims about S-4 and so forth, I would more closely look into the claims or John Lear, the son of the jet manufacturer. His claims came almost a decade before Lazar's, and seemed a lot more plausible. Sure, Lear also claims to have the cure for cancer, but it's irrelevant when talking about the topic at hand. Bottom line, show me the proof that your lights out at Groom belong to UFO's and not laser technology, or the most likely culpret, the testing of advanced UAV's.

First of All,I Never Said ANYTHING about a UFO! Don't try to put word's in my mouth. Second, I did Not say the B-2 used Anti-gravity. What I told you is that we found evidence that Anti-Gravity tecnology is being Researched. That does not even mean it's on an aircraft yet. Researching something does not mean flying it on a plane. For all any of us know, if there is (And that is a Big if) a working "craft" it might be 2 foot indoor test model. Go look at the B-2 anti-gravity research project. While it does not contain a government confession, it Does contain a lot of evidence from creditable sources. Even if it's not on an aircraft or test model yet, How do you know they are not researching it in on of the Labs out there? Next time make sure you READ everything CAREFULLY before you say ANYTHING! Don't just read the first Line and assume you know what the rest of the post says.

Second, I metioned laser technology in my post as well. I never mentioned anything spacifilcy about the lights, you added that! As for My oppinion on your lights: I think most of the lights people are seeing near Groom Lake might be Holographic Decoys. If you want to hide something you do NOT light it up like a firework for everyone to see! that is Basic Common Sense.
Humor me and read the WHOLE post, Before you reply, Chris!

ATS Director of Counter-Ignorance

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 01:44 PM
Kid, you're a loser and your spelling leaves a lot to be desired. If you're going to attempt and enter into a verbal fisticuffs with me at least spell your insults correctly. Anyways, all your Anti-Gravity talk is just wishful thinking on your part, it gives hopeless souls like yourself something to believe in, something to chase while your life gets away from you. Man, I wish I was as big a moron as you, that way nothing would be expected of me within society and so forth. Must be easy to be Tim. Enough of the insults, this is like me picking a fight with a vegetable. Half of the stuff on this site I wouldn't read or waste my time on, simply because it's nothing but filler, material that traps people with it's flashy claims in order to get them to stick around the ATS site for awhile.

"Area 51 has become more legend than truth".

Sure, for idiots like you whom only care to speculate rather than read work by those whom have been involved first hand. There's plenty of truth out there, but the fact is that it's too mundane for your liking. No aliens involved.

" I never mentioned anything spacifilcy about the lights, you added that"!

Oh, brother.

Here's some homework for you. Research and post for all of us here exactly where Anti-Gravity propulsion systems were born from, or the idea of. Don't post anymore attempts to slander me for putting words in your mouth either, you'll only be met with a bigger dose of your stupid serum.

Put up or shut up.

[edit on 30-6-2004 by Chris_H]

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 11:57 AM
Looks like "ghost" has done us all a favor and disappeared.

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 12:20 PM
Area 51 is fully functional with real people working there everyday.

The workers go to a secure parking lot where they first have to show proper identification then they board an airplane that is unmarked and fly to area 51 everyday.

Yes there is proof, former air pilot who transported these workers has spoken out and also there is video proof of the unmarked plane and people going in and out.

Ill try to find a link later...
but i saw this on TLC channel

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 12:21 PM
I always wondered if there was a underground part of area51. It would seem logical to build some underground part of it as to hide its true size from say the russians during the cold war. I dont think area 51 has become a front to hide the real top secret aircraft base. It maybe known about now and be a household name but when was the last time you saw footage of it since their last land grab around the base? Alot of people know about it but most have no clue what goes on there

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 01:15 PM

What you're speaking of are called the JANET flights which operate out of a remote end of McCarran Airport in Las Vegas. These passenger jets are unmarked Boeing 737's that can be indentified by the red stripe that runs alongside the white body of the aircraft. Workers show up at a secure parking lot where they show ID to enter. They then park their car and enter the teriminal. Their baggage is checked for any photographic equipment, or otherwise, and then loaded onto the aircraft. The jets then head north to Groom Lake. Rumor has it, or maybe someone just clever enough to think of it, that JANET stands for Just Another Non Existent Terminal. But that's strictly speculation. Sources have said that the terminal, not the aircraft themselves which are registered to the Department Of The Air Force in Layton, UT, is owned by the same company that does the freelance security at Groom, EG&G Corp. Attached is a link to an excellent photo of a JANET flight taking off as the Luxor Casino stands in the background.

Also visit and check out their Janet Airlines listing under
the More Info & Photos section.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 12:56 PM
No, Ghost hasn't disappeared, I just took a vacation for the Fourth of July week. Second, I'm sick of you BS, Chris. As for your question about the proof, GO LOOK IN THE RESEARCH FOURM! there are several pages of PROOF! Also, if you really knew anything about the topic, you would know that Groom Lake is and has always been for top secret stuff that has been offically denied by the goverment. If you would have asked for offical proof that the F-117 exitsed in 1987 you would have come up empty handed, even though the first YF-117 made it's first flight in mid 1981. If you unwilling to believe anything unless the Government tells you it's true, why did you join ATS? Just wondering, do you even believe that Area 51 exists, or are you going to question that next?

Oh, here are the links you asked for that prove antigravity research Exists:

These are only some of the links where we got the proof that antigravity exists. Do us all a favor: Go read some of the info at these links before you reply. Don't make a fool of youself again.

ATS Director of Counter-Ignorance

posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by ghost
I Ready to turn this in to aSERIOUS long term research project! I need a Team of serious, dedicated ATS Scholars, who are willing to put in a genuin effort to get around the rumors and lies, and get to the truth behind Area 51/Groom Lake. We won't be chasing ET's! I want hard facts and Supported theories! Here are a few of the things I want to look into:

-when was the base really built, the mid 50's as the government clames or the late 40's as others have clamed?

-Who really runs the base, AFFTC DET 3, or the CIA, or someone else in the Defense Department? Is it jointly run?

-What kind (general) of research is being done there: Aircraft, lasers, or something else entirely?

-What contractors really have ties to the base?

-How is/might the research at Groom Lake effect our next generation of military hardwear? (theoretical)

-How dose the base tie into US Intelligence Activities?(Ex: testing MIG's, base for spy planes,ECT.)

This list will grow once the team starts to organize! If you're serious about helping, and want to devote some of your time and skills to the ATS mission of denying ignorance and finding truth, I NEED YOUR HELP! If you are intrested and willing to help, Reply to this thread or U2U me.

ATS Director of Counter-Ignorance

About 14 years ago, a lot, but not all, of the good stuff was moved several hundred miles north, just south of the Nevada/Idaho border. They were smart this time as no restricted areas were put in place to give a clue as to where it is. Its actually right out in the open...which is one reason it has been able to be kept secret for so long.

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