posted on Sep, 12 2010 @ 11:19 AM
I was watching a bit of the History Channel's 9/11 videos this weekend. On 9.11, they had a whole slew of coverage of different aspects.
The only one I bothered watching, was the one covering Conspiracy Theories. It was handled professionally, they didn't use the word "crack pot" and
they didn't cover the weird "Big Foot did it" nonsense.
It was annoying that they didn't go in-depth in anything. They just let someone from Popular Mechanics say; "the facts don't add up," without
laying out the actual science on both sides. DOES steel actually lose 50% of it's strength at 1,100 degrees? If it does; why do other steel buildings
on fire for hours and even days not collapse? I mean, can we answer the basics at least?
I've always been leery of the Pentagon or the Flight 93 crash -- because you really Can't prove anything much. 93 goes straight into the ground and
debris lands 2 miles away -- on this show, they said "just some office papers" but I'd heard that the engine landed two miles away. They pointed to
one theory that used google maps to come up with 6 miles -- but when we have plane BURY itself in the ground by flying straight into it, such that
almost everything is in the dirt -- how does the debris get more than a couple hundred yards away?
>> The thing that must be remembered by both sides, is that in any explosion involving high velocities and large objects; weird things are bound to
But the idea that "conspiracies are due to traumatic events and people wanting a simple understanding of the world" is pretty damn condescending. I
am NOT the sort of person who thinks in black or white, nor thinks that everything can be explained. Sure, there are a lot of people who think Wayco
was some government conspiracy, or that every big event is a conspiracy. But to lump the JFK assassination in with this... it is a different event,
but at LEAST get with the Official report. The Warren Commission suggested a Magic Bullet. A later trial, like the 2nd trial of OJ -- concluded that
there was blame to be laid elsewhere and there was a conspiracy.
The 9/11 Committee, concluded that there was at least obstruction of justice. To say that we need to "stay with the facts" is complicated because
the facts are coming from a group that is either Evil or Stupid.
Transponders don't track planes -- they identify them. If a C130 is following a hijacked plane -- then why can't an F16? Either the Pentagon needs
to give us all our money back because they are a useless, expensive building -- or they are involved.
And the BIG PICTURE, is this is the same media, that is trying to tell us we are being silly, that dropped the ball on everything important in the
past 10 years. We can all site examples of important news that only people on the internet seem to know.
But the BIG PICTURE around 9.11, much less the events, supports a group that was either criminally complicit, or criminally incompetent.
Here is a big picture train of thought; Did anyone in the MEDIA not notice that the Koch oil family out of New Jersey, along with Richard Melon
Scaithe were funding efforts to go after President Clinton? The Koch billionaires fund fights against health care reform, California's efforts for
pollution controls, astro-turf efforts to deny global warming, and of course, everything and anything that takes rights from people and gives them to
corporations. The overlap with the PNAC group, and evil or stupid people in key positions during 9/11 is also convenient... but let's look at what is
happening in politics at the same time...
In the first WTC bombing -- there weren't a lot of conspiracy theories. The FBI went to work and tracked down the perpetrators (and did not declare
the culprits a few hours after it happened), and put them on trial and in prison.
Clinton did put into law the Rendition Act and NAFTA but did not go to war with Iraq. Clinton did repeal some laws on banking setting the stage for
November 2008.
When the Supreme Court stops the recount and appoints Bush the winner in 2000, they put a VP and a President in office who have only a background of
corruption. Cheney in particular, made money selling weapons and trading oil with Saddam, using his military contracts as a war profiteer, making
Haliburton hugely profitable by getting the Supreme Court to change the liability of some asbestos-laden corporations they own to about $250 per
claim. He also made big money helping rich people dodge taxes by offshoring their money. The #1 criteria seems to be; who can "raise the most
I won't bother with Bush -- it would take too long. Almost every stinking, bad event in this country seems to have a Bush family member somewhere in
the mix. It looks like a bad plot for "The Omen."
So, when Bush gets into power, we get attacked. Their response is to tell us it was Al Qaeda -- and don't worry about it, they are the people to take
care of everything. They invade Afghanistan -- which has less "al Qaeda" than Southern Florida where MOST of the training of NON AFGHANI terrorists
was done according to the Administration. Whether 9/11 was Al Qaeda terrorists or not (probably was), and whether a plane flew into the Pentagon and
two buildings is true or not, this really is NOT the elephant in the room. We always seem to argue about PROOF when the CRIME is what is important.
Was the civil war in Iraq the result of evil, or just really, really stupid people who set it up for a religious war? When 4 British troops are caught
with a van full of explosives in a Mosque -- maybe I'm on the side of "evil people who hire stupid people at ridiculous salaries who will make
things really bad and will of course do nothing but CYA." You know, like Homeland Security. Their #1 Job is to justify their existence. The next BAD
EVENT, will have lot's of people in nice suites without a clue, spending all their time hunting down everyone who puts a "kick me sign" on their
back. Nothing will be discovered. SNAFU time.
The CRIME is two wars based on false premises, legalizing torture, ending the Constitution and transparency on government. The "Government Secrets
Act" and the "Patriot Acts I & II" effectively mean that the Constitution doesn't matter when it's inconvenient for our government. The #1 job of
the President is NOT our security, but defending the Constitution. Evil or Stupid again. And if the PNAC group was trying to make America
all-powerful, they failed. But Capitalists will happily make profits in China as they eat our lunch selling us the parts for our weapons as they build
our planes. Securing all the oil in the world won't save us from the effects of fossil fuels -- and that means, they will be monopolizing buggy whips
when the world moves on to alternative energy. Despite the lies -- we could easily move off of oil if there were a will and big effort by our
It takes 6 months to quickly screw our Constitution and get into war, but it takes 10 years to MAYBE implement some prudent changes that can help the
Obama comes into office, and keeps the same Prosecutors, keeps the same Evil or Stupid crooks who regulate the Fed and Wall Street, keeps the same
policies and secrets. Bush and Cheney are war criminals. The Twin Towers falling, is merely a "scary thing" but it didn't scare me as much as the
internal spying, disappearing of state enemies, and the Banks and corporations running everything and writing all our policies.
The Twin Towers MAY have fallen from an airplane fire. Should people in power be just as much on trial for being Imbeciles (the answer should be YES).
But it doesn't matter; this country is in the grip of Fascists who put some nutball with a church of 50 on the TV every day, because he preaches
hate. While we have troops in Muslim countries -- they give TV shows lots of content to tell Muslims around the world they are under attack in a holy
war. Evil or Stupid? So what is the GOAL HERE? Our Democracy is getting murdered, and Popular Mechanics and the History Channel are discussing whether
an attack on this country of a mere 3000 people is what it seems or not. This is ignoring the Blitzkreig while you investigate "who shot Franz Duke
Ferdinand? Conspiracy or Not?" Meanwhile, the enemy is unopposed.
We sit around bickering while "Evil and Stupid" get all the money, we lose our jobs, we lose our rights, and they make us