posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 11:04 AM
After we've had a chance to review a solid set of data on utilization of the new menu system, a couple issues have been discovered:
1) Because of the highly dynamic "no-cache" nature of ATS, it appears as though this is causing the need for many user's browsers to download the
entire jQuery Javascript library (used to make the menu system function) on nearly every page load... adding an unacceptable 80+k to each page
download. A work-around has been been discovered.
2) In addition, the jQuery functions are conflicting with many other Javascripts that are important, causing issues primarily with mobile users who
prefer the main site to the mobile site.
2b) And, yes we listen, the above combined with user feedback made it clear that we should focus on a functional recoding of the menu, rather than
spend time on a work-around that may not exist.
The new menu system will be visually similar to what we have now, but functionally very close to the pre-ATS 2010 menu system where submenus are on
the pages that need them.
A preview of the new menu, which may appear later today (if all goes well):
new menu preview