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More Lights In Arizona

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posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 06:00 PM
I'll let you guys know as soon as I get the clip. Sorry worldblend if this is genuine, but without evidence we have to be skeptical.

If you send me a clip, the bigger (resolution) the better. If you have an ftp site I can access I could grab up to a gig overnight. remember cinepak codec! not iv50!

btw I'd like to keep all other communication on here if that's ok with you.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 06:13 PM
Worldblend, what blew up here in town? Sorry for my ignorance--which I do not deny inasmuch as I do not watch TV that much.


posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 06:55 PM
malarkey: the reason someone can't get their ass up there and camp out is because we can't figure out WHICH mountain ridge these lights are appearing to hover over.

since you're from the uk i'll cut you slack -- the united kingdom's a lot of things, but mountainous, it's not (even if it is very hilly in places, i hear) -- but as a former resident of phoenix i can tell you that there's literally a couple dozen mountains that look like the ridge in the film if you zoom in. to get a feel for it, the geography of phoenix is like this:

a) the city is built in the middle of a huge expanse of mostly very flat land -- like, in general the land in and around phoenix is flat and not very hilly

b) BUT, it's not TOTALLY flat; instead of hills, we have random mountains jutting up, many of which are several miles long and some of which are more or less a mile or more high at their peaks

so without a lot more info about exactly which ridge the lights appear to be over we're kinda out of luck, because there's enough mountains in the lights' general direction that you'd have to basically get lucky if you were trying to find the right one. making this problem worse is the fact that phoenix is in the desert, and because it's in the desert the visibility at night is really good, too, so it's not out of the question that the lights are a hundred miles away or so.

what could be worthwhile is camping out somewhere in the desert near where the lines cross (or look like they're going to cross) on the map worldblend put together, although I'm not sure how much of the land out that way is public (ie, campable) and how much private (of which there's a surprising amount) and thus not open for camping. i'm not sure how it is in the uk, but in the states we have no equivalent of norway's "alllemansretten (every man's right, spelling might be off)", ie, camping on private property is entirely at the owner's discretion.

assume for the moment that camping is possible somewhere in the general vicinity of where the lines cross on worldblend's map; from that location one could get a pretty good fix on where the lights actually were coming from, provided of course that the lights did in fact reappear. if they're reappearing every night like one of the experience reports on worldblend's site says, it would seem like a reasonable prospect that they'd appear while you were camping out, especially if you made it a weekend thing.

so, maybe camping out in that region would yield some good info, if someone has the time for it, but for the time being i don't think anyone has even figured out exactly which mountain we're talking about here.

moving along: you did some great work on the test clip, muppet -- hopefully you'll get a large video clip in a good format so we can all get a closer look soon. in any case, i've been watching this thread but between being busy with work and not having anything to contribute anymore i'm more or less on the sidelines again.

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 03:46 AM
Worldblend: I believe that what you are posting is genuine footage, but as to what the footage is of is very questionable. I don't believe you are conducting a hoax of any kind and are genuinely stumped as to the source of these lights, but given the evidence you have provided thus far, I will remain skeptical and stick with my emergency vehicle scenario.

I have checked your site and have looked at the additional video footage, my opinion has not changed, however i'm still posting to this thread, so am not a lost cause.

You have a slowmo shot on the site which seems to be different from the lights on the ridge "twoandaq.wmv", is this a zoomed shot, a cropped shot, or a different shot altogether?

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 07:23 AM
Thanks for explaining that sisonek, i guess we better find out were the filmer filmed these from, in what direction, and a daylight shot would be good.

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 07:28 AM
this is apparently the daylight shot... from his site.

should'nt be too hard to figure out for a local hopefully.

[edit on 7-7-2004 by muppet]

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 12:15 PM
muppet: re: the daytime shot, yeah, I think you've got the right ridge identified and all. it's not distinctive enough for me (as an ex-resident) to recognize it, and as it's pretty generic for phoenix as a whole I doubt any of the other phoenix people following this thread are gonna be able to identify it by sight, either, though I'm keeping my fingers crossed on that.

what is possible is to drive up to near where worldblend took the photo, get a visual lock on the ridge, and then drive southwesterly until you actually get there. you might need a partner to keep the visual lock while you drive, and it's probably a long drive, but that's definitely doable and would get the location nailed down a bit better.

i'd do it but i don't live in phoenix anymore; any takers?

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 12:21 PM
I just linked that image from his site, so the black box is his. It does seem to match up though.

It seems a bit odd to me. the details of every hill round my home town are indelibly etched in memory. Then again they're not all piles of brown dirt like the phoenix hills seem to be.

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 05:14 PM
Back side of Thunderbird park. No roads there folks. I'm sending Muppet Clip today. Don't forget the main group of witnesses for this sighting are 25 mles beyond these mountains also claiming to be looking south/southwest.

Originally posted by muppet
this is apparently the daylight shot... from his site.

should'nt be too hard to figure out for a local hopefully.

[edit on 7-7-2004 by muppet]

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 05:29 PM
This one termed \"an unusual event\" by the power company.
Watch the video

Originally posted by nepenthean
Worldblend, what blew up here in town? Sorry for my ignorance--which I do not deny inasmuch as I do not watch TV that much.


posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 12:09 AM
Thanks Worldblend for the link. I did not know that/those transformer(s) blew up below the new footage spot.

Rolling black or brown outs for Phoenix perhaps?

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 01:37 AM
This is footage shot two days ago before the second power mishap.

Originally posted by Koka
Worldblend: I believe that what you are posting is genuine footage, but as to what the footage is of is very questionable. I don't believe you are conducting a hoax of any kind and are genuinely stumped as to the source of these lights, but given the evidence you have provided thus far, I will remain skeptical and stick with my emergency vehicle scenario.

I have checked your site and have looked at the additional video footage, my opinion has not changed, however i'm still posting to this thread, so am not a lost cause.

You have a slowmo shot on the site which seems to be different from the lights on the ridge "twoandaq.wmv", is this a zoomed shot, a cropped shot, or a different shot altogether?

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by Worldblend
This one termed \"an unusual event\" by the power company.
Watch the video

Not sure what we are supposed to be looking at here. It appears the page has changed since you linked to it.

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 12:57 PM
Looks like nothing's happening on this thread anymore; muppet: Did you ever get a clip?

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 01:10 PM
how do.. yup, I got the clip.. just an mpg version of the one he posted originally. Sorry I should have said.

I couldn't get anything from it though. The exposure was much darker than the test clip I processed, (probably due to the lights) and there was nothing but noise in the black area. Because of all the zooming in and out and defocusing, I wasn't even able to stabilize enough frames to average them together for more detail (thats' what I did in the test clip).

It was only a 2 second clip, with only about 30 frames in focus (about 1 second). If that was the clearest bit he could find then I dread to think how bad his camera handling was for the rest of the footage he must have taken.

Worldblend, how come you haven't any clearer footage? Personally if I saw a UFO and had a videocamera, try at least to capture more than 2 seconds worth.

To me it still just looked like flashing beacons or emergency lights of some sort.

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 01:40 PM
wow, thanks for the quick response muppet. if i understand how you're processing the video I can see why you don't have enough to work with -- and if it's too dark for upping the gamma to do any good then we're basically out of luck. still, i know who to call when I film a ufo -- averaging the frames does wonders to get rid of digital noise.

i also basically agree that worldblend's video makes it look like emergency beacons, which is what I'm "concluding" until I see otherwise. the only thing in favor of this being something other than beacons is that enough people who saw it seem to think that it's something else, and that if worldblend's map is right then the lights aren't coming from a place likely to have any emergency beacons on it -- there's no other ridges past the ones he's saying are in his video, and so these beacons'd have to be flying for them to be visible over the mountain.

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by sisonek
wow, thanks for the quick response muppet. if i understand how you're processing the video I can see why you don't have enough to work with -- and if it's too dark for upping the gamma to do any good then we're basically out of luck. still, i know who to call when I film a ufo -- averaging the frames does wonders to get rid of digital noise.

cheers!.. if you ever do film one (or anyone else for that matter), I'll be happy to have a look. I think given the problems with low quality internet clips, and their fakeability, I might have to limit it to actual hard-copy footage on tape though. If anyone has such footage, and it looks promising they can u2u me.

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 12:53 AM
Well, two more transformers blew-up with no new light footage.

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 01:40 AM
Hey, My name is Michael and I too shot footage as well posted on the HBCCufo website THIS IS NO HOAX OK. There is something going on here and either you can help us figure out whats going on here or not ,But don't waste our time from maybe talking to someone who can help give us answers. Also to note I have never met Rob untill his video and my video where sent to be checked out and Brian Vike got us in contact with each other! I have been in contact with Rob ever since. He conducts himself in a professinal manner and is down to Earth : give him a break

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