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Suicide Attack Kills 3 Soldiers in South Russia

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posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by space cadet
reply to post by SLAYER69

I am not understsanding the specifics in this article. Who is trying to kill who in this incident ? Sorry for the short post

The attack in the region, Dagestan, underscored how it has become as violent as neighboring Chechnya, which had long been considered the center of an Islamic separatist movement in the country’s Caucasus Mountains. Russia has fought two civil wars in Chechnya, but even as the violence has ebbed there, it has surged in Dagestan.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
Well it seems that the West isn't the only region dealing with "Islamic Extremist."


I don't post often on these topics because I'm Russian born. So it doesn't strike me much as exciting, and just seems like no news.

However, these events in themselves are significant in many ways, in particular as pointing to the failure of the Russian governance in provinces. There is a difference between the federal structure of the US and the federal arrangements in Russia. People in the heartland don't really see Dagestan as a part of Russia proper, even though they are willing to send troops there if necessary, to quash resistance of a bunch of Islamo-nuts.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by buddhasystem

Thank you for taking the time to reply. It has been a situation that has been boiling under the radar and it's IMO only going to get worse not better. Islamic extremists are on the move. I had a good laugh when Tony /Blair got booed becuase he brought up "Islamic Extremism" and he was almost crucified in public opinion.

Hell, Even China is having issues so this isn't just a West/Islam issue. Too many times here at ATS people try to simplify the problem by trying to Say Iran this or Israel that or Iraq this and Afgahnistan that.

That seems to be the extent of many peoples knowledge and or understanding of the complexity of the ME and related "Radical/Extremism in the Islamic world"

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Funny how you won't admit they are freedom fighters
Smells like agenda, or pure ignorance.

Once again, Islamic Extremists are not the problem (Saudi Arabia is Islamic Extremist also), Freedom Fighters are, they want Freedom, they asked for it peacefully decades ago, the controle freaks didn't give it to them, then they turned to violence.

Hence Freedom Fighters.

In short (FF)



posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 01:20 AM

Thread Update

Three killed in car bomb attack in Russia

The North Caucasus republic of Dagestan has overtaken neighbouring Chechnya as Russia's most violent region hit by Islamist militancy.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by oozyism
When you force people to live under you, when they don't want to, guess what.. What
You know what, it will start peacefully then it will go boom..

Did you send this memo to those jackasses trying to regenerate the Caliphate and go global with it?

Lot of truth in what you say here. It didn't work out so wel for the Moors in al-Andalus, did it?

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by oozyism

Dance oozi! Dance!

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by Miraj
Why does everyone jump on Muslim bashing with every suicide bombing attack?

Good question!

Here's another: why does Islamic fundamentalism breed so many suicide bombers? Other groups of folks find other means of dealing with their issues... means that don't involve blowing themselves up, negating their share of the rewards...

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

Did you send this memo to those jackasses trying to regenerate the Caliphate and go global with it?

Lot of truth in what you say here. It didn't work out so wel for the Moors in al-Andalus, did it?

At least you make yourself laugh

Anyways, try refuting my point, that they are freedom fighters

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by oozyism

When you force people to live under you, when they don't want to, guess what.. What You know what, it will start peacefully then it will go boom..

Anyways, try refuting my point, that they are freedom fighters

Freedom from what? Im sorry were they forced out of their Muslim nations and muslim roots to go live in an area thats not predominantly Muslim?

IF you move some where where Islam is not the predominant religion, and expect THEM to conform to YOU, and then start blowing people up because they dont........that doesnt make you a freedom fighter

That makes you a TERRORIST

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

Freedom from what? Im sorry were they forced out of their Muslim nations and muslim roots to go live in an area thats not predominantly Muslim?

IF you move some where where Islam is not the predominant religion, and expect THEM to conform to YOU, and then start blowing people up because they dont........that doesnt make you a freedom fighter

That makes you a TERRORIST


So you agree they are freedom fighters?

I'm sure they are from that land, they converted to Islam, they didn't come from Middle East lol..

Let them live how ever they want to live, isn't that what you want? Don't deny it now
I bet if Muslims controlled your country and enforced you to follow their laws you would fight, and I bet those Muslims would call you terrorists, but I will still be in ATS defending your right to live how ever you want amongst your people without any subjugation by the Muslim controllers. I will still call you a freedom fighter

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by oozyism

first of all, where did i say they were freedom fighters? Apparently you have a hard time at understanding whats being written, but nice try to twist it around....

2nd it doesnt matter if they were born there or not, Islam has many many extreme views, and in a country where its not the predominant religion, expecting the country to conform to the will of the minority, and then resulting to TERRORIST actions in terrorism....

If Islam was the main religion in the US, being born here, I would probably be a muslim dont you think?

And if i wasnt, saying that i would result to blowing buildings and people up to get my point across is awfully presumptuous........

Not everyone has the mindset tha tyou do, that it is ok to destroy people and things just because you dont get your way........

Yet you in the same breath you somehow condemn the US for the same thing........with your logic, I could then say that the US are just freedom fighters.........

See how that works

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

First you claim they are not from that land, then you claim they have no right to fight for their freedom because they are the minority

Let's make this simple lol:

Does everyone have the right to live how ever they want, isn't that freedom?

[edit on 6-9-2010 by alien]

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by oozyism

At least you make yourself laugh

Anyways, try refuting my point, that they are freedom fighters

As a blanket statement, it's patently ridiculous to presume that all islamic radicals are "freedom fighters". Have they ever been? Yes, some groups at some points have been. I can't think of any modern ones, but some historically have been.

You see, to be "fighting for freedom", your freedom must be in some sort of danger to fight over, and your action must be directed against the source of that danger. Neither has been the case in recent years.

Be that as it may, I have always said, and have stated several times here at ATS, that one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. The problem in this situation is that vast swaths of the world want no part of the "freedom" AQ and the like are fighting for.

Maybe if hey stop trying to export the slavery of their brand of fundamentalist islam under the guise of "freedom", we can stop meeting them on their battlefields...

Then everyone gets to live happily ever after. What do you think are the chances that they'll stop? Frankly, I'm not holding my breath that it will ever happen until they are all visiting their 72 virgins, and learning what a disappointment THAT was - too late...

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

Same reason Irish freedom fighters use car bombs: they found a very effective way of carrying out their campaign. I don't think it has anything to do with religion, for the most part. Muslims are oppressed in these regions (China, Russia), and they blame the US and Britain for many of their problems in the Middle East (and they are at least partially correct).

There are examples of non-Muslim suicide bombings, but they are not reported by the mass media, because they do not further the agenda of those in charge.

An angry miner blew himself up in Bolivia's Congress, killing two police officers and wounding 10 others. La Paz police chief Guido Arandia said the bomber stormed into Congress around midday on Tuesday.

He detonated his vest, packed with at least five sticks of dynamite, as security police tried to negotiate. He had been demanding early retirement benefits - a grievance of many low-paid miners in Bolivia. Colonel Arandia said the miner killed himself and fatally wounded Colonel Marbel Flores, head of congressional police, and another officer. Colonel Carlos Za, head of the country's intelligence service, was critically injured. Police evacuated Congress earlier that day after reports that miners planned to force their way into the building.

Suicide bombings and other suicide attacks have been carried out for over 100 years against Tsar Alexander II, an attempted suicide bombing against Hitler, against American ships by Japanese kamikazes, in Sri Lanka by the Tamil Tigers, against the French by the Viet Minh, against the Americans by the Viet Cong. None of these were Muslims. Yes, there are may Muslim suicide attacks, but it is dangerous to think that only Muslims can carry out this kind of attack. As we can see from the above examples, anyone can resort to this drastic measure when they feel tehy have no other option.

Non-Muslim suicide attacks links:

(WARNING: graphic pictures)

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by oozyism

I never said they didnt have the right to fight for their own freedom, I would be curious to tell me just WHAT justifies terrorist activities?

Anytime ANYONE resorts to this sort of behavior to push ideological or political agendas its terrorism...

My point was that if ISLAM is not native to that area, they have no right to move there then demand things from them, and then bomb people and places when they dont get their way.......

Continue the personal attacks tho I enjoy makes your claim at my ignorance sound much less credible.......

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

I'm not holding my breath that it will ever happen until they are all visiting their 72 virgins, and learning what a disappointment THAT was - too late...

Im sorry LOL I had to!

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

My point was that if ISLAM is not native to that area, they have no right to move there then demand things from them, and then bomb people and places when they dont get their way.......

Sorry, you need to keep thinking, then take a long break from that subject, then cabbaaaaaam, it just comes to you, reality.

Whether Islam is native or not is non of my concern, my concern is whether they have the right to live how ever they want or not?

Majority minory crap is Democracy, I don't agree with that, infact that is not freedom at all, infact I can call those who want to fight against the majority freedom fighters.

Think about the Iranian Green Movement, they are the minority, but I believe they have the right to live how ever they want, they have the right to fight the Iranian government for their way of life.

I don't think you understand the true concept of freedom, therefore you shouldn't even concern yourself with freeedom, because you will be wasting my time and your own.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 02:22 AM
reply to post by oozyism

Whether Islam is native or not is non of my concern, my concern is whether they have the right to live how ever they want or not?

In a perfect world people could do whatever they wanted whenever they wanted.......

But youre deliberately ignoring the fact that it doesnt matter if you think they are freedom fighters or not.......

They dont have the right to kill people and blow up places just because they arent getting what they want....

You cant live in a place that has traditionally done things one way, and then expect them to make concessions for you all the sudden.....

I dont move in next to the Airport, and then try to have them shut down because I dont like the noise......and then blow up airplanes because they wont do what I ask......all because i feel like i have the right to "live however I want"

In truth I do have the right to live however I want, and if i cant do it one place........I move somewhere else.......thats freedom

And considering you push terrorist as freedom fighters, and a religious ideology that is oppressing to women, and minorities and anyone else that ISNT Muslim..........I think youre less qualified than me to speak about true freedom......

[edit on 6-9-2010 by ManBehindTheMask]

[edit on 6-9-2010 by ManBehindTheMask]

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 02:23 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

You see, to be "fighting for freedom", your freedom must be in some sort of danger to fight over, and your action must be directed against the source of that danger. Neither has been the case in recent years.

I don't think you get what freedom means, heard of freedom to choose? Those radicals who want their freedom are fighting for the freedom to choose to live their own way of life.

Be that as it may, I have always said, and have stated several times here at ATS, that one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. The problem in this situation is that vast swaths of the world want no part of the "freedom" AQ and the like are fighting for.

Sorry mate, I don't believe it is called freedom when the wishes of majority is implemented on to the minority. That is not freedom at all, that is just half totalitarianism and half BS lol..

Every man/woman has the right to live how ever he/she wants based on agreements with their surrounding population. That is freedom. When you take that freedom away from them, you are the oppressor, and they are the freedom fighters.

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