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Originally posted by bogomil
Re adjensen:
You wrote:
"The "divine commandments" are two -- Love God, and love everyone else as much as yourself. Do those two things and you will do no evil. Pretty simple, really."
I believed the one about: "Do not eat from this tree" was the most important, as the consequence of not obeying it is said to be original sin. But if the tree thing and original sin isn't so important, and we can get by just by loving the old man and other people, then what's the use of redemption and salvation?
You wrote:
" ...but I do disagree that giving up free will (effectively, becoming slaves to the will of another) is a price worth paying."
Honestly, I'm not mocking. But I don't understand a word of this sentence. Could you please reformulate it without use of double-negotiations.
Originally posted by NEMESISOFMAN
Satan, the great Luciferian Dragon, the Devil a 2 horned beast, a red human with gree eyes, or is the devil, the one who controls all also the creator of all within this world?
Originally posted by lostinspace
Science is not evil.
There are passage in the bible that would sound like the earth is at the center of the universe and that the sun revolves around the earth. The Catholic church condemned Galileo for promoting heliocentrism, which places the Sun at the center of the universe. He was tried by the Inquisition and found suspect of heresy and was forced to house arrest. He had to retract what he believed to be true. The church believed heliocentrism to be false and contrary to scripture.
First of all the bible is not a book of science. It is a book of moral codes. The Catholic church had no right to try someone because of observation made in the bible. The bible was written by men who were firmly planted on the ground and not observers from space. I think there is a passage in the bible that states the earth hangs upon nothing. The ancient church probably did not even know what that passage meant.
When it comes to creations of science and their destructive effects the thing that comes to mind is necessary evil. When fossil fuels started to be used Christians did not oppose to its use even though it polluted the air. There are a number of benefits that come from it. Then there is nuclear energy. It has its benefits but disposing of the waste material is problematic due to the radioactive properties. Nuclear war heads seem to push the limit with technology and God’s Will. I think he draws the line with global nuclear war. I believe he has angels watching over the nuke site to make sure there are no accidental lanchings Destruction of all humans is not in his plan.
I believe studies in Quantum mechanics is bringing a whole new science to the fore. Some of the experiments performed defy reason. Things don’t behave as they should. It would seem Quantum mechanics requires a measure of faith.
At the Tower of Babel God chose to confuse the languages because of the building project that was underway. This is what God said, “And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.”
What this is saying is that God could see man’s potential when they are working as one. This is how it is today. Science is at its peak and mankind is inventing really cool things and really dangerous things. With the number of nukes available on the earth if they were all launched at the same time the surface of the earth would be destroyed multiple times. Getting to know the deeper things of science is very dangerous. Remember the movie “I am Legend”? They found a cure for cancer but in the end the cure mutated into an aggressive structure that manipulated the genetic code, making humans like mad dogs.
I’ve heard a number of scientists become believers in God because they see how organized and complex biology and the world around us is. Science and God are compatible in my book. Science by itself does not give hope. It can help people live longer and help them recover from sickness. However, science can’t bring back the dead or make corrupt leaders self sacrificing servants. The bible is a moral compass and Jesus is the example.
Although the laws of motion and universal gravitation became Newton's best-known discoveries, he warned against using them to view the Universe as a mere machine, as if akin to a great clock. He said, "Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who set the planets in motion. God governs all things and knows all that is or can be done."
God’s governing activity is to be thought of in the widest possible setting. The psalmist says, “The Lord has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all.” The psalmist then proceeds to call on all the angels, all the hosts of the Lord, the ministers that do his will, all his works, in all the places of his dominion, to bless him (Ps. 103:19–22). When Nebuchadnezzar comes to his senses, he blesses the Lord: “His dominion is an eternal dominion; his kingdom endures from generation to generation. All the peoples of the earth are regarded as nothing. He does as he pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold back his hand or say to him: ‘What have you done?’ ” (Dan. 4:34–35). Paul says that God “works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will” (Eph. 1:11). The very idea of the kingdom of God, which plays such a prominent role both in the Old Testament and in the teaching of Jesus, suggests the universal ruling power of God. His rule is universal in terms of both time (it is eternal) and extent (everyone and everything is totally subject to it).
Millard J. Erickson, Christian Theology, 2nd ed. (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House, 1998), 422.
1) Does knowledge and use of the sciences serve the Devil?
2) Is it true that the more technological and "advanced" a society becomes the more likely they will turn from God to serve the other?
3) Has science and technology killed more people than any other single thing?
Originally posted by kinglizard
reply to post by ben91069
Thanks for the reply.
If we weren't supposed to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil why is it okay to unravel God's creation through science?
Science and technology separates us from God.
Originally posted by UncivilCivilian
I'm fairly sure the biggest loss of life to ever occur came through God uh...flooding the entire planet.
All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling man's life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards freedom. It is no mere chance that our older universities developed from clerical schools. Both churches and universities — insofar as they live up to their true function — serve the ennoblement of the individual. They seek to fulfill this great task by spreading moral and cultural understanding, renouncing the use of brute force.
The essential unity of ecclesiastical and secular institutions was lost during the 19th century, to the point of senseless hostility. Yet there was never any doubt as to the striving for culture. No one doubted the sacredness of the goal. It was the approach that was disputed.
"Moral Decay" (1937); Later published in Out of My Later Years (1950)
Please, please, please will religious people stop quote mining Einstein?