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Donald Trump in Serta mattress commercial - blatant 9/11 symbolisms

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posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 02:55 PM
The use of "9" and "11" is suspicious. There's no good reason for picking those numbers.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by OneNationUnder
I think it was done on purpose. You go through any pre-911 commercial and there's no 911 symbolism.

If I recall correctly, and I do, there were tons of pre-9/11 commercials that had 9/11 symbolism that conspiracy theorists used to "prove" that 9/11 was planned and they told everyone about it through countless ads and commercials..

A simple google/youtube search reveals them. These days, it's pretty hard to hide information from yourself, but obviously you are walking around with blinders on in order to protect your skewed world-view.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by vcwxvwligen
The use of "9" and "11" is suspicious. There's no good reason for picking those numbers.

I agree! When I started at the last company I worked for, they issued me a phone where the last three digits were 911!

I quit immediately because I knew they were in on the conspiracy.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 08:12 AM
#9, #11 Sheep standing on two towers. How can there be coincidence in something that is planned frame by frame.

Have a good nights sleep! Dream on.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 09:47 AM
Advertising agencies actually go over and over these things. There is no way that they could have not noticed it until after the comercial was aired. They watch them over and over, looking for lighting issues, things that are not supposed to appear in the commercial and such. Advertising companies are also well aware of subliminal messaging and its effects on consumers. Sometimes they add subliminals. The poster that mentioned that it wasn't very subliminal was right. It is quite blatant but I don't think most people would notice it, only those of us who are objective and thoughtful. They were sitting on two towers, which I didn't notice until it was pointed out. Also the 1 sheep could represent 2001. As in 9/11/01. Although 1 sheep is always the star of the Ad!
Why the heck is Trump selling matresses anyway? Doesn't he have enough money already? Like go on a vacation or something. It just goes to show you how sick these people are, its almost like an addiction.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 09:55 AM
I think it is subliminal. I'm a paranoid conspiracy theorist, I look at things with that eye. Most of the people seeing this don't.

Those numbers route electricity through certain gates in the brain when they're seen or heard due to severe implantation of memetic information.

Need help call 911, 9/11 - synonymous with terror, horror, and my favorite indifference.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 05:13 PM
Hmm not too sure really what to think. As meticulous and calculated as commercials are these days it is very hard to say the numbers and setup of the commercial were random/drawn out of a hat in nature. They are very very much intentional.

That being the case the next, more pressing question is were they innocent in intention or sinister? Was the intent behind the use of odd number in a hallway showing very specifically 9 and 11 innocent OR sinister?

I personally lean towards sinister as those two numbers are forever etched into the consciousness of the American psyche, so the design by intent couldn't have been ignorant of the implications involved using those numbers. Why not 3,5,7? or 13, 15, 17?

The context being sheep and sleeping really adds a almost comical tone to it.

Not too sure but I do feel it is suspicious.

[edit on 5-9-2010 by Sly1one]

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 05:20 PM
For Pete's sake get a lfe; the man is trying to sell mattress's.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 05:35 PM
The commercial symbolism is obvious. Anyone saying people that see the 911 subliminal as reading too deeply into things really has no business even commenting on this thread.

TRUMP(twin) towers= The trump card =(911) that got full scale invasion into the middle east and passed fascist orwellian legislation here.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by Alfie1

For Pete's sake get a lfe; the man is trying to sell mattress's.

I wonder what would have happened had any of the world's great thinkers and philosophers had "gotten a life" and exactly what does "getting a life" entail? Following orders? Working jobs pushing someone Else's agenda? Putting your head in the sand? Running around too preoccupied with materialistic rate race to really look at things more in-depth than the obvious?

And yes I agree the man is trying to sell mattress's but I don't think that is ALL that is there. Honestly a lot of money goes into advertising and if it really is simply a short clip on why you should buy trump mattresses then OK, but some of us here don't believe its simply that.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 05:39 PM
I hate to break the confidentiality of my good friend, but for this thread I feel I must. It is a little known fact that Donald Trump and Flava Flav are good friends. The '911' reference was just that, a reference to the song "911 is a joke" by Public Enemy. The significance is that Chuck D was the main rapper in Public Enemy, but this track in particular was Flava Flav only. The song itself is a reference to the 911 emergency service and not the tragic September 11th attacks. The pedestals the sheep were placed on represent the projects of course. That's why there were more than 2 of them in the commercial.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by jprophet420
I hate to break the confidentiality of my good friend, but for this thread I feel I must. It is a little known fact that Donald Trump and Flava Flav are good friends. The '911' reference was just that, a reference to the song "911 is a joke" by Public Enemy. The significance is that Chuck D was the main rapper in Public Enemy, but this track in particular was Flava Flav only. The song itself is a reference to the 911 emergency service and not the tragic September 11th attacks. The pedestals the sheep were placed on represent the projects of course. That's why there were more than 2 of them in the commercial.

And Flav Flav went on to do Flava of Love... which has 11 LETTERS!


Public Enemy's production team? The Bomb Squad (11 letters), and obvious reference to the bombs at the WTC.

In September 2009 Public Enemy reunited to play a show with Boots Riley of The Coup. Here is the Coup's album cover from June 2001

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by RestingInPieces

Originally posted by vcwxvwligen
The use of "9" and "11" is suspicious. There's no good reason for picking those numbers.

I agree! When I started at the last company I worked for, they issued me a phone where the last three digits were 911!

I quit immediately because I knew they were in on the conspiracy.

There's a good chance that the Masons fired you because they were insulted

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by vcwxvwligen

Originally posted by RestingInPieces

Originally posted by vcwxvwligen
The use of "9" and "11" is suspicious. There's no good reason for picking those numbers.

I agree! When I started at the last company I worked for, they issued me a phone where the last three digits were 911!

I quit immediately because I knew they were in on the conspiracy.

There's a good chance that the Masons fired you because they were insulted

I think they are on to me, actually. I just got back from grocery shopping and a bunch of my fresh veggies and meat expires on... get ready for this!!

THEY EXPIRE ON 9/11 !!!!!

What good reason would there be for anyone to write that on my meat or vegetables!!!

I actually bought 2 half gallons of milk (which are kind of shaped like towers) and they both expire on 9/11!!


posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 12:17 AM
Trump was on Letterman the other night talking about 9/11 . . .

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 02:37 AM
Seems to be a lot symbolism going around in the last few years. Even Europeon markets have it also as I saw on a recent trip. But the sheep in the video are standing on replica "towers" as well. Perhaps a blunder with the two sheep but to place the two on top of what represents as a tower or column, IS a bit obvious.

S & F OP...Nice grab

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by Sly1one

Originally posted by Alfie1

For Pete's sake get a lfe; the man is trying to sell mattress's.

I wonder what would have happened had any of the world's great thinkers and philosophers had "gotten a life" and exactly what does "getting a life" entail? Following orders? Working jobs pushing someone Else's agenda? Putting your head in the sand? Running around too preoccupied with materialistic rate race to really look at things more in-depth than the obvious?

And yes I agree the man is trying to sell mattress's but I don't think that is ALL that is there. Honestly a lot of money goes into advertising and if it really is simply a short clip on why you should buy trump mattresses then OK, but some of us here don't believe its simply that.

Don't waste your time Sly1one, he's just ego boosting off of the other passive aggressive posters. Having nothing to add but the classic drivel of the critically inept. Like the poster creating comical references about his food expiring on 911 and it being a conspiracy.

Nothing to add, nothing to say. After all they do have such grand lives to live.

"get a life"


Just to round this off before it happens, I spent 10 minutes creating this thread, not 5 years, so it's not as if I'm sacrificing my energy to the void that is commercial media.

Originally posted by mikelee
Seems to be a lot symbolism going around in the last few years. Even European markets have it also as I saw on a recent trip. But the sheep in the video are standing on replica "towers" as well. Perhaps a blunder with the two sheep but to place the two on top of what represents as a tower or column, IS a bit obvious.

S & F OP...Nice grab

Thank you my friend, with the 9 year anniversary of 9/11 approaching it's only right that we are subtlety saturated with reference.

It was the mega ritual to create a magical tool to transform not only the material of nature, but that of mind as well.

Terror-ism is the governments most powerful tool.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by depth om

I find it interesting how you refer to the passive aggressive, critically inept posters that have nothing to add or say but the classic drivel yet don't reply to genuine questions in a post which are contradictory to everything you apparently despise yet choose to not discuss.
What does that suggest?

[edit on 9/6/2010 by Three_moons]

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 03:14 PM
Trump is a billionaire, it is unprecedented that a billionaire would be in a Serta commercial. So they are selling one of his products... one of his thousands of products that make up a very minor fraction of his yearly revenue. There must be an altogether different factor at play to warrant his appearance. That factor being an attempt at subliminal indoctrination/a show of malicious and clandestine influence over the destiny of New York City where 90 percent of his property is.

Although I did hear a story about him paying the mortgage of some individual who helped him when his limousine broke down on the side of the road.

I am also a fan of the first two seasons of The Apprentice.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by depth om

haha nice eye

but i still don't think it was done on purpose, what's the motive?

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