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Donald Trump in Serta mattress commercial - blatant 9/11 symbolisms

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posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 10:19 AM
Disgusting commercial. Out of all the numbers to choose. And you'll notice at :22 number 10 sheep is skipped, and the 9 and 11 sheep are on pedestals/towers.

See the forest or see the trees, it's up to you.

It's all a joke. Let's laugh and forget.

Disclaimer : they didn't skip anything as AJ said, so I guess this is just random.

[edit on 4-9-2010 by depth om]

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by depth om

Oohh, nice call...

And then the bit about how " now no one will ever count sheep again" I could parse as = from now on you sheep better forget how to count...

And the new job us sheep are now supposed to be "born to do"...we are to be assigned to a room with our number on it...= Welcome To The Prison Planet...yes...

[edit on 4-9-2010 by nine-eyed-eel]

+16 more 
posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 10:39 AM
The number 10 is omitted because this is a hotel. Even numbered rooms are on one side, odd numbered rooms on the others. The size of the corridor did not permit to put sheep on both sides.

I think you are reaching here.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by ajmusicmedia

I recognized that about the odd numbers...9 and 11 are not the only two odd numbers...

And plus, with Trump, we think "Trump Towers"...right?

[edit on 4-9-2010 by nine-eyed-eel]

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by ajmusicmedia

Whatever you say.

It's funny whenever 9 and 11 are used in bizarre ways such as this it's "reaching". Is it just a subliminal attention lock to sell a mattress? I don't think so. It's a game. I'd like to listen to the ad agency storyboard planning session for this.

Usually the people who brush these things off are content, if you're happy, why be sad, or mad?

Don't worry, be happy!

your attitude is almost as unnerving as this commercial.

[edit on 4-9-2010 by depth om]

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 10:52 AM
Check out the end of the commercial, it looks like a Coat of Arms embroidered on the black pillow on the bed. Is that the Trump Coat of Arms, The Monarch, the Vatican...? I have no clue but it's making me scratch my beard.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by depth om
reply to post by ajmusicmedia

Whatever you say.

It's funny whenever 9 and 11 are used in bizarre ways such as this it's "reaching". Is it just a subliminal attention lock to sell a mattress? I don't think so. It's a game. I'd like to listen to the ad agency storyboard planning session for this.

Usually the people who brush these things off are content, if you're happy, why be sad, or mad?

Don't worry, be happy!

your attitude is almost as unnerving as this commercial.

[edit on 4-9-2010 by depth om]

From what I'm reading on this thread, I'm the only one with a sane attitude. What do you know about advertising and CGI? Numbers are probably chosen because they work best with the animation. There's actually a huge chance that nobody noticed this until the commercial was made.

The true story about that day will never be revealed, but you can't stop using the numbers 9 and 11 because of this.

As for seeing Donald Trump and thinking "Trump Towers", that's also reaching. Trump has his reality show and that's what people think first when they see him. Or they think rich bast*** and other non-elegant things.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by ajmusicmedia

I think nowadays, with the wonderful "Avatar" advances in computer animation, they can stick any number they like on the side of a sheep...really I do...

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by ajmusicmedia

Originally posted by depth om
reply to post by ajmusicmedia

Whatever you say.

It's funny whenever 9 and 11 are used in bizarre ways such as this it's "reaching". Is it just a subliminal attention lock to sell a mattress? I don't think so. It's a game. I'd like to listen to the ad agency storyboard planning session for this.

Usually the people who brush these things off are content, if you're happy, why be sad, or mad?

Don't worry, be happy!

your attitude is almost as unnerving as this commercial.

[edit on 4-9-2010 by depth om]

From what I'm reading on this thread, I'm the only one with a sane attitude. What do you know about advertising and CGI? Numbers are probably chosen because they work best with the animation. There's actually a huge chance that nobody noticed this until the commercial was made.

The true story about that day will never be revealed, but you can't stop using the numbers 9 and 11 because of this.

As for seeing Donald Trump and thinking "Trump Towers", that's also reaching. Trump has his reality show and that's what people think first when they see him. Or they think rich bast*** and other non-elegant things.

Sane according to who? 9 and 11 are optimum CGI numbers? lol ok man. As for trump towers I never said that, I said the sheep are on pedestals which resemble "towers".

"you can't stop using the numbers 9/11"

Ok thanks for clearing that up, never wanted to stop using them in the first place, I merely find it interesting that time and time again we see them used exclusively in media.

Originally posted by sourdiesel
Check out the end of the commercial, it looks like a Coat of Arms embroidered on the black pillow on the bed. Is that the Trump Coat of Arms, The Monarch, the Vatican...? I have no clue but it's making me scratch my beard.

It is the trump crest, I checked it out.

Originally posted by nine-eyed-eel
reply to post by ajmusicmedia

I think nowadays, with the wonderful "Avatar" advances in computer animation, they can stick any number they like on the side of a sheep...really I do...

What are you insane?

[edit on 4-9-2010 by depth om]

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 11:44 AM
You do not get more symbolic than this commercial.

911 is coming up soon, and here we have Mr New York trotting out a new product for the sheeple to consume.

Is it a coincidence that out of all the odd numbers to sit atop TWO TOWERS (3, 5, 7 come to mind) they chose.....Nine and Eleven?

Nothing in Hollywood is a coincidence, everything the media puts out to the masses (sheeple) is well thought out, and this one was designed to invoke 9 11.

There is a lot of information out there about how Hollywood and TV use the medium to program the masses/sheeple.

Notice how sheep number one had a worried/defeated look on his little face the whole time?

Good catch, OP!

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 11:46 AM
Wait a minute! Why in the hell is Trump hawking mattresses??
Gotta get one so my rump can finally rest on Trump.

No conspiracy here. Just how rooms are numbered. Just like addresses. Odds and evens. Interstate highway system, also odds and evens. East/West and North/South. Those little sheep wouldn't get caught up in this 9/11 conspiracy stuff anyway.

Now, if Obama was selling mattresses and the sheep were following him.... Gold Jerry, Gold!!

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 11:50 AM
That commercial was somewhat disturbing. I think the whole passing subliminal messages thing is juvenile even for a man of Trumps stature.

They don't really "affect" people in any meaningful way. All they do is fuel the egos of some pathetic people.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 12:05 PM
I've never seen a hotel with first floor numbers of just two digits. They ALWAYS use 3-digit numbers, in my experience anyways. I've never had a two-digit hotel or motel room number.

If it's first floor, it will be 107, or 115, or 103. Tenth floor becomes 1003 or 1013, it is almost like an unwritten rule followed by everybody. I don't think it's a "reach" that those numbers were picked out specifically. Nor would I say it's obviously intentional. But it's interesting...

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 12:08 PM
I think it was done on purpose. You go through any pre-911 commercial and there's no 911 symbolism.

Symbolism is the secret language elitists use to communicate. If the layman only knew what crop circles are talking about.

So, the real question is, why would an elitist himself appear in a seemingly harmless commercial? Like Serta could afford to pay Trump to appear in their commercial...RIGHT!

Businesses don't hire Trump for their commercials because Trump isn't an everyday person and companies don't want that. They want to connect with the everyday man and woman and by hiring Trump would defeat that.

No, this commercial was done for something else other than selling mattresses.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by nine-eyed-eel

And plus, with Trump, we think "Trump Towers"...right?

That is really what we think?


You're fired
Son looks like he needs good slap

Towers never even crossed my mind.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 12:11 PM
Ok, so I clicked on the you-tube link becaause I was curious about the numbers.

then I read all the replys, I think The Donald is pissed about the way our country is going with the war, and especially 9/11.

Please watch the video titled Donald Trump on GW Bush.

It looks like The Donald hates what the president is doing, I think the numbers in the comercial is his message to WAKE UP America, 9/11 was a lie!!.

notice what he says about Rumsfeld and Rice, I think he is right.

We need more people who have the balls to come out and say those kind of things on national television.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by depth om

First, what did AJ say?
There are other sheep in the hallway on pedestals although clearly the ones numbered 9 and 11 are prominently displayed up front.
Is there any symbolic meaning to the main character, sheep number 1?
If it truly was a subliminal message then they failed miserably at it since you consciously recognized it.
Is there any chance that the 9 and 11 could be looked at in a positive light or is any time they're shown they have to be meant in a negative one?
Perhaps your perceptual accentuation is making you see them "time and time again" and "used exclusively in media".
If you were able to obtain the story board planning session would you believe what you heard regardless of what was said?

reply to post by OneNationUnder

While looking for symbolism it appears you missed the whole purpose of the commercial where Trump was premiering his "Trump Home Mattress Collection" by Serta.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by OneNationUnder
I think it was done on purpose. You go through any pre-911 commercial and there's no 911 symbolism.

Just you have a large pre-9-11-20001 database of commercials at your disposal that you have meticulously perused for any 9-11 symbols? I am quite sure that many a commercial contained the Towers, the numbers 9 and 11, hell they may even have had a Muslim or two in them, lol.

Symbolism is the secret language elitists use to communicate. If the layman only knew what crop circles are talking about.

This always cracks me you are telling me that these uber-rich individuals around the world are glued to their television sets awaiting the next Eggo commercial because a small photo on the wall of the kitchen in the commercial has some vast TPTB importance? Come on, that is ridiculous.

So, the real question is, why would an elitist himself appear in a seemingly harmless commercial? Like Serta could afford to pay Trump to appear in their commercial...RIGHT!

Oh, I don't know...maybe a company like Serta said, hmmmm, maybe if we agree to furnish all of the Donald's hotels with comfy new Serta mattresses, he will agree to do a 60 second TV spot for us. One hand washing the other, rather than having to shell out millions of dollars for beds, Trump commits an afternoon of his time to shoot a stupid commercial, again saving his company/hotels MILLIONS of dollars. This makes investors VERY happy.

Businesses don't hire Trump for their commercials because Trump isn't an everyday person and companies don't want that. They want to connect with the everyday man and woman and by hiring Trump would defeat that.

So apparantly you know absolutely nothing about the product marketing game. The first thing that companies want to do is convince JoeSchmo consumer that they can have or use the same products that [[INSERT FAMOUS CELEB HERE]]] owns or uses. Why do you think sporting good companies use atheletes to hock their wares, cosmetic companies use models, and clothing companies use celebs???

No, this commercial was done for something else other than selling mattresses.

Right...the New World Order is going to be ushered in by a mattress company. If what you say is true, what is the purpose of this commercial?

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by ajmusicmedia

yep i can back that since i am working in a hotel...odd numbers on one side and on the other side even number....

although i do find it strange that they picked "9" and "11"

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 01:59 PM
It is no secret why Trump was starring in the commercial.

It is his own branded product!!

He is a huge fame whore, and relishes the opportunity to pontificate to us masses any chance he gets. Self promotion is the definition of Donald Trump.

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