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mayans and reptillians

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posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 07:51 PM
Daelume you just made 7 straight posts all very small you can edit your posts by clicking EDIT in the right hand corner of the post.

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by Opus
The worship of snakes is a very archetypal symbol through out ancient cultures. This is due to the fact the way snakes eat, they shed their skins and well their SNAkESS, EEK!!!
In short, many cultures view snakes as having some kind of special power, their so damn different from the rest of the animal kingdom. Hell just look at them .

You are not afraid of Snakes are you?
, maybe thed believe the snakes were hmm how can I put this: When the Sssnakes shed there skin they were kind of being born again? Thus making them apper immortal? I recall reading something to this nature but I am not sure where....

RX84 ---
(Damn you beat me to the punch)

"Of all the stories about these reptilians that I've heard, they're either saying that they come from inside the earth, which is impossible because the earth is not hollow (gravitational stuff), or it is like a bad rip-off of the TV series "V"... "

Yeah but the Female Reptilian leader was Hot..(She was when I was a horny teen) She was the true meaning "She's a Ssssnake"

[edit on 25-6-2004 by Lord_Doom]

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