posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 05:50 AM
I do get very annoyed with people and their sloppy logic, and the misuse of words.
Firstly, the word skeptic is used far too often to denote someone who is not at all skeptical. A skeptic takes nothing at face value, they question
EVERYTHING. I am a skeptic. I don't blindly accept anything I'm told, and that includes the official story. People like Phage are not skeptics,
because they always accept any mundane answer over a "non-official" answer, because to do anything else would cause them panic. The only difference
between someone who believes every single conspiracy theory they hear and someone who believes every swamp gas explanation for everything is their
bias. Neither of them are being skeptical, because they've already made up their mind on what they choose to believe.
Secondly, it's about time somebody debunked debunking. Just because someone can throw together a mundane answer for something does not mean that
they have proven or disproven anything, they've just offered up a different perspective. Take crop circles, for example. IF crop circles were
really a spooky supernatural occurance, and I was in a position of influence and wanted to make people believe there was nothing spooky, all I'd need
to do is arrange for a couple of guys to get caught faking one, and then that little "debunking" exercise would provide those timid minds with
enough "evidence" that the entire thing is faked. Throughout history, and right in the modern day, human nature has driven us to replicate what we
see in nature. The fact that people are faking crop circles does not mean that all crop circles are faked. Equally, all fire engines are red, but
that doesn't mean that everything that's red is a fire engine.
And so on to 2012. Again, there's no real difference between the 2 positions. The believers want to believe, and the nonbelievers want to believe
that nothing will happen, and both sides claim that they're right and that the rest will eat their words, but the truth is, we could all be wiped off
the face of this planet today and there's no way we'd be given any notice by the governments of the planet. If there is something coming, and TPTB
know about it, I guarantee you that we will be the last to be officially told.
So rather than speculate on the future, what do we know about the past? Quite a lot, actually.
We know that throughout human history, our official scientific view of the world and the universe beyond has always and consistently been incorrect,
but despite that we have constantly believed ourselves to be very very clever and very very right. We've always looked back at what we used to
believe and scoffed at how silly our ancestors were, and basked in the joy that now, finally, we've got it all worked out and we're right. It is
sublime arrogance, and yet also completely consistent, that right now, we believe that our science has all the answers, when in fact, the more honest
scientists will tell you completely differently. We KNOW nothing. All we have is theories that haven't yet been disproven, and an awful lot of
people dedicating their careers to trying to disprove them.
So we have 2 distinct sides, both utterly convinced that they're right, but both sides have just listened to who they wanted to believe in and not
questioned it one bit.
If we want to understand our past, we need to look at our future. If all of us were wiped out (and every civilisation that has come before us has
ended. Ours wouldn't have existed if they hadn't. We're just the latest in a line, and our time will end), it really wouldn't be terribly long
before any trace of our civilisation was gone. All of our knowledge, our books, our data, our methods of communication, transport, the entire
infrastuructre of life would be gone without a trace. There would be no evidence of our existence other than what has been carved in stone, and much
of that is decorative and not informative. Will that lack of evidence mean we never existed? Of course not, that's ludicrous, and yet so many
so-called "skeptics" believe that of our past. Because they cannot see evidence of things that could not possibly still exist, they use that lack
of evidence as evidence of non-existence. Utter foolishness. Take your heads out of the sand and think for yourself for once.
And so, I shall remain one of the few (but not the only) true skeptics on this site. And my own personal opinion on 2012? I believe that there's
enough things left behind carved in stone and written in ancient documents that have now been hijacked by religions that to dismiss the possibility
of a "great awakening" or other global event (and there have been many global events in the past, they're regular as clockwork) is wishful
thinking. History is replete with accounts of people's famous last words being something along the lines of "We'll be fine, what could possibly go
wrong?". However, I'm not selling my possessions and I'm not running for the hills. I believe (but do not know) that my consciousness has been
kicking around for a lot longer than this body, and "I" will still exist long after it's dust, so whatever is ahead of me in this life, be that old
age and senility or a quick and catastrophic death at the hands of Nibiru or the Annunaki, or a speeding car as I cross the road going for milk in 10
minutes, or blissful Acension to a higher plane of existence, I intend to face the future without fear, without arrogance, and with dignity at all
How do we prepare for the future? My advice would be to stop eating processed food, real food grows in the ground, and it's free, get your fat ass
away from the computer and go get some exercise, love yourself, love your family, love your friends, love your enemies, stop looking out for yourself
at the expense of others, stop worrying about money and whether or not your bum looks too fat or if your hair is fashionable. And most importantly,