"A feeling of aversion or attachment toward something is your clue that there's work to be done." - Ram Dass
Greetings and welcome to yet another tedious episode of our dEGOnstruction (ego deconstruction) series.
Todays satsang
will focus on the suffering caused by the mind's dependence and attachment to the possessive … or more simply put, the
'my/mine' construct.
My name
My thread
My post
My thoughts
My life
My idea
My past
My wife/husband/kids
My house
My pain
My beliefs
My sharona
My situation
My feelings
My experiences
My money
My religion
My future
My body
My dream
My grief
My goals
My world
My truth
My opinion
My love
My philosophy
My death
My secrets
My problem
When the mind attaches itself to thought and personalizes it, it strips that which it is trying to express of all truth. For when a thought becomes a
personal possession it becomes part of the mind's self defined identity. When a human identifies him or her self through what the mind possesses it
is in fact defining everything
but what we are as living beings.
To the mind this is what you are: imagine a box that bears your name on it, to the mind defined self all that you are is the accumulation of thoughts
and experiences compiled through what it calls MY life. That is all one can be, namely a sum of thoughts.
It's not that thoughts and the mind are merely illusions as some say. Illusion itself, like all concepts, is itself a meaningless concept. And
it's not an issue of discarding thought and mind for that is actually impossible, they are part of the truth and they are a vital component of this
physical manifestation we call 'life.'
It is more to assign them their rightful place in our existence as opposed to allowing them to define it.
As I have noted on a few occasions, allowing the mind to be in charge is akin to allowing the car engine to steer the car.
And how do we know this to be true even though the mind resists it?
Well, the fact that the mind is resisting it should be our first clue of the truth contained in that statement.
But more specifically, let us take the example of personal dynamics on ATS in order to highlight the deeper truth across all interactions in our
Think honestly for a second of how you react if your post gets a star, or if your thread gets a flag, or if a staff member is nice enough to applaud
you. Think about your first reaction if someone has posted the exact same thread as you. What is your reaction if a mod actions you or moves your
thread? When a fellow member is rude to you? How do you feel if you worked on a thread for a week and get no response and someone who posted a
random youtube video and barely a comment gets thousands? How about if you get actioned for something and someone doesn't even though they said
something worse? One of your friends got banned?
Can you let something go without having the last word?
Can you belief be attacked by someone without hurting you?
Do you get frustrated with others' ignorance?
The above questions are all rhetorical so I beg you not to painfully answer each one.
But if the answer to ANY of them is anything other than honest indifference then such is the consequence of personalized thought … what you call
your thoughts.
If someone challenging, criticizing, or applauding "your" thoughts triggers any reaction in you then you are personally attached to your thoughts
and define yourself through them.
To be affected by dissent or by approval is an indication that the mind is reacting to either the giving or withholding of another mind's
We know that thinking minds require mutual approval for that is why we have 'like minded' communities, religions, political ideologies, social
classes, cultures … and we know what happens when 'like minded' communities of any kind are at odds with other 'like minded' communities.
Conflict happens, wars happen, destruction happens.
And all of this happens simply because from birth we are conditioned to think that we are own beliefs.
But are we really?
Can't a thought be just a thought without having it be personal?
Why does anything have to be yours or mine?
All this of course is just an observation …
I'm not suggesting it is the whole truth.
Just a tiny tiny fraction of the truth that despite it's lilliputian mass that unless observed, understood, and realized, sure initiates a great deal
of unnecessary suffering. Suffering that can easily be peeled away and discarded simply by disconnecting one's identity from one's thoughts and the
mind's need to own them.
There's nothing that I, you, nor anyone anyone else can add as far as information to realize the truth. Information is food for the mind and we've
all had plenty of that. This is about peeling learned and conditioned information, one's identification with it, so that all that we all already
know can manifest.
And it is all available right now, and you don't have to do anything other than stop adding stuff.
I hear you say: "Sdog just killed my Descartes and has replaced it with nothing. So now what do I do?"
Well to begin with Descartes was misinformed … there I said it!
What he should have said is not "I think therefore I am" … at best he should have said "I think therefore I think I am" … that is if he should
have said anything at all.
And as far as what happens when one disconnects their identity from their thoughts?
Everything and nothing … but it happens without resistance, it happens in the present moment, and it happens truthfully.
One final note … all this stuff is simple observations. and could easily be, and if fact probably is, all bullpoop. But I observed it because I
have done all that I described and suffered for it, and made others suffer for it. It isn't meant as a lesson nor do I presume any position of
authority on the matter. I just was moved to write it down so I did. I hope no one feels insulted by it, and if you do, perhaps there's more truth
to what I am pointing to that what you are willing to concede.
In closing ... this is not my thread and these are not my thoughts.
"If you think you're free, there's no escape possible." - Ram Dass
[edit on 1 Sep 2010 by schrodingers dog]