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Does earth belong to "the Devil"?

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posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 07:41 AM
According to the Devil all the Kingdoms belong to him...

As per Luke 14:6

New International Version
And he said to him, "I will give you all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to.

New Living Translation
"I will give you the glory of these kingdoms and authority over them," the devil said, "because they are mine to give to anyone I please.

English Standard Version
and said to him, “To you I will give all this authority and their glory, for it has been delivered to me, and I give it to whom I will.

New American Standard Bible
And the devil said to Him, "I will give You all this domain and its glory; for it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish.

King James Bible
And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.

Bible in Basic English
And the Evil One said, I will give you authority over all these, and the glory of them, for it has been given to me, and I give it to anyone at my pleasure.

And so on and so forth. And Jesus responds with "you may only worship God" and not "the world is NOT yours to give away"...

All explanations about this passage focus on "Worship only God" and simply ignores the fact that "all kingdoms" are the property of the Devil...

If this is true does this mean that any leader or king of a country/kingdom was "given" the land by the Devil? Does this also not answer the question about God's involvement on earth?

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 07:43 AM
There is no such thing as the "devil". Angels are external and holy. Why would Angels with no free will rebel against God? Satan is the tempter. but that is his job to tempt people from God; man has the power to overcome the temptations because of their free will.

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by Romantic_Rebel

Uhm. Perhaps you misunderstood or misread the question. It wasn't "does God/Jesus/The Devil" exist. Just to clarify.

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by Gaspode

I didn't' misread your question. The earth is God's since he created the universe. But I'm bringing a Jewish experience in my answer saying that Satan is a tempter and that Satan is doing God's job for what he has to do. Of course Satan could give authority to leaders of this world through temptation. But to me Satan is an angel and only does what God commands.

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by Gaspode

The devil can say he owns all the kingdoms of the earth.
Why should that be a reason to believe him?
If you understand the offer as something based on a lie, the moral of the story becomes even more striking.
Jesus does not use that argument only because it is actually less important than the point about worshipping God alone.

[edit on 1-9-2010 by DISRAELI]

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by Romantic_Rebel
You should read Daniel, chapter 10.
Gabriel is talking to Daniel and relating to him how he was battling the "Prince of Persia" and had to be helped by Michael in order to leave long enough to bring him the message. In this case, the Prince of Persia would have been Satan, the One Who Opposes. Revelation reprises the theme in the account of the war in heaven against the red dragon.

[edit on 1-9-2010 by jmdewey60]

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by Gaspode

Good point and topic to consider

Satan controls the systems in place that run the world, the buck stops with him as the TBTB. His rule and ruin philosophy is well demonstrated from world history.

He does not control the physical earth itself, but all the systems that are in place.
This includes the political governments , commercial systems(Big Business), false religious groups.

That is why the scriptures that quote Satan offering this power of the above mentioned to the earthy Jesus was a real test. Not a fake or bogus offering just to show Christians how Jesus reacted. When Jesus was on earth his power was greatly reduced from when he was a spirit creature, he was mortal.

Some other scriptures that show Satan's control over the systems of the earth.

2 Corinthians 4:4

3 But even if our Gospel (the glad tidings) also be hidden (obscured and covered up with a veil that hinders the knowledge of God), it is hidden [only] to those who are perishing and obscured [only] to those who are spiritually dying and veiled [only] to those who are lost.
4 For the god of this world has blinded the unbelievers' minds [that they should not discern the truth], preventing them from seeing the illuminating light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ (the Messiah), Who is the Image and Likeness of God.

John 14: 30 & 31

30 I will not talk with you much more, for the prince (evil genius, ruler) of the world is coming. And he has no claim on Me. [He has nothing in common with Me; there is nothing in Me that belongs to him, and he has no power over Me.]
31But [Satan is coming and] I do as the Father has commanded Me, so that the world may know (be convinced) that I love the Father and that I do only what the Father has instructed Me to do. [I act in full agreement with His orders.] Rise, let us go away from here.

John 12:31

31Now the judgment (crisis) of this world is coming on [sentence is now being passed on this world]. Now the ruler (evil genius, prince) of this world shall be cast out (expelled).

1 John 5:19

19We are certain that we come from God and that the rest of the world is under the power of the devil.

And so the best intentions of the good part of humanity have been been constantly sabotaged throughout history because of the devil and his god type control over this earth current systems.

But Satans control is very temporary, he challenged God that he could lead mankind better than God himself. God, to prove a point for all eternity and to be able instantly crush any rebel with full justification before every creature in the universe, decided to let him to go for it. Now we have the answer, a resounding failure at the highest level. When this is all over, God will always be able to say remember Satan, how did that work out for the universe?

The earth is the universal testing ground for God's eternal sovereignty, this planet is very special. It's like a person that has to go through a painful medical operation to permanently solve a physical problem. We are in the operation stage, no wonder we need to take medication. But when it's all over we are going to feel so much better and really be able to enjoy life as God originally intended us to.

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by Gaspode

In the beginning Adam and Eve had dominion over the whole earth.
When Lucifer (Satan) a fallen angel,deceived Adam and Eve in the garden into eating the forbidden fruit he gained dominion over the whole earth.When Adam and Eve chose to serve Lucifer rather than God Lucifer became master of the earth.When you choose to submit to someone they become your master.When Jesus died on the cross for mankinds sin he broke the curse of death and Lucifer's reign on the earth.

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by I Want To Believe

When Jesus died on the cross for mankinds sin he broke the curse of death and Lucifer's reign on the earth.

That's an incorrect statement, the only event that will release the earth systems from the devils control(see scriptures above), is when Jesus puts Satan in the Abyss.

Revelation 20 1-3

1THEN I saw an angel descending from heaven; he was holding the key of the Abyss (the bottomless pit) and a great chain was in his hand. 2And he gripped and overpowered the dragon, that old serpent [of primeval times], who is the devil and Satan, and [securely] bound him for a thousand years. 3Then he hurled him into the Abyss (the bottomless pit) and closed it and sealed it above him, so that he should no longer lead astray and deceive and seduce the nations until the thousand years were at an end. After that he must be liberated for a short time.

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by Blue_Jay33

Revelation 1:17-18 .........''Do not be afraid I am the first and the last,a living One and I was dead and behold I am alive forevermore and I have the keys of death and of Hades''.I am not incorrect you are incorrect,the above scripture says that Jesus possesses the keys to Sheol and death and according to your scripture it wont be Jesus who puts Lucifer in the pit it will be a angel.When Jesus died he conquered Satan and death so that we could be saved through redemption and not have to endure hell and the grave.Besides i am not talking about Lucifer deceiving the nations what i am saying is that Lucifer was given dominion over the earth when Adan and Eve submited to him.But when Jesus died and defeated Satan and death he gained all authority in heaven and on earth.He then gave dominion of the earth back to us where it rightfully belonged.The devil no longer has any rights to us and he has been overcome.

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by I Want To Believe
reply to post by Blue_Jay33

Revelation 1:17-18 .........''Do not be afraid I am the first and the last,a living One and I was dead and behold I am alive forevermore and I have the keys of death and of Hades''.I am not incorrect you are incorrect,the above scripture says that Jesus possesses the keys to Sheol and death and according to your scripture it wont be Jesus who puts Lucifer in the pit it will be a angel.When Jesus died he conquered Satan and death so that we could be saved through redemption and not have to endure hell and the grave.Besides i am not talking about Lucifer deceiving the nations what i am saying is that Lucifer was given dominion over the earth when Adan and Eve submited to him.But when Jesus died and defeated Satan and death he gained all authority in heaven and on earth.He then gave dominion of the earth back to us where it rightfully belonged.The devil no longer has any rights to us and he has been overcome.

Sorry I can't help but laugh at your post.
Read it and weep! The truth hurts.

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by Romantic_Rebel

I read your link and i am not weeping nor hurting.Thank you though for your efforts to ''open my eyes'' but i know who and what i believe in.I have seen too many miraculous and amazing things to not believe Jesus is the messiah and the son of God.Jesus is someone i can feel in my heart He is somone i have a reltionship with somone who is always with me no matter where i am or what i am doing.He is my friend and my comrade.I may not have conclusive evidence (except scripture) that he is the son of God but that is what faith is. I could take the time to post various scriptures and multiple links to support my belief but in the end what will it accomplish?I can only hope that one day you will believe as i believe.After all we are all children in Gods family.I will include you in my prayers.I appreciate you efforts but i am who i am.

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by I Want To Believe

Well we would get no where in arguing who and what Jesus is; even if that is his real name. I heard he was named Joshua. Personally I don't believe in Jesus and I doubt what he is in this current world. I believe in God from the Jewish Bible and believe in what other Jews believe.

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by Romantic_Rebel

I also believe in the jewish God the God of Abraham,Issac and Jacob.I believe He created the universe and made the world.The only real difference between us is that i believe he had a Son who died on a cross for the sins of mankind and you dont.Jesus's real name is in hebrew i believe it is spelled Yeshua but i am not entirely sure about that,and yes it is very similar to the spelling of joshua,i think.You may not believe in Jesus but He believes in you nonetheless.That is who He is.

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by I Want To Believe

Well us Jews believe we are all God's children.
Well here's two articles explaining why I don't support Jesus having to die on the cross and about Jesus being the son of G-D.
Give me your thoughts on these two articles.
This one talks about his divine nature.
Now this article is very critical of Jesus. Just a heads up!

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by Romantic_Rebel

You posted the same link twice and there seems to be only one article there about Jesus not being part of the Godhead or him being the messiah.In your link it states that there is only one God yet even in the Torah God refers to himself as a ''we'' instead of a ''i'' which leads me to believe there is more than one.Also scripture says that Jesus is the Word of God made flesh.He was apart of God yet he became a man in order to die for us.I could go into deep detail here with lots of scriptures but i dont have the time right now.In order to understand a book in its entirety you must read the whole book and not just bits and pieces.Read the whole Bible for yourself and determine for yourself whether or not Jesus is the messiah

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 09:40 PM
No the Earth does not belong to the "Devil", the Earth is God's he made it he owns it. God put man in charge of taking care of and running of the Earth. When Man disobeyed God and ate of the forbidden fruit, it opened him up to sin and suggestion giving the "Devil" influence over the Earth. So now that time has passed and the power of suggestion has been worked into the world we live in today, which is why one could be lead to believe that the "Devil" owns the earth, but he doesn't he only has claim to the systems we currently use to run it.

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by I Want To Believe

He then gave dominion of the earth back to us where it rightfully belonged.The devil no longer has any rights to us and he has been overcome.

Sorry, this too is incorrect, this is a future event, you need to read and study the bible more, and then you will discover the truth of this matter. You need the Holy Spirit to fully understand these spiritual truths.

John 4:24

24God is a Spirit (a spiritual Being) and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth (reality).

posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 01:40 AM
Thank you for the responses in regards to my question (it's amazing how fast a thread can go off-topic). I think I understand the passage a bit better - or at least I understand from which perspective I should view it.

posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by Blue_Jay33

I am filled with the Holy Spirit.I have been filled with the Holy Spirit since i was 10.I know what scripture says i have read the Bible many times and i know that scripture says that Jesus has overcome the grave and Satan.Matthew 28:18 And Jesus came up and spoke to them saying ''ALL authority has been given to Me in heaven and on EARTH.''Jesus clearly says that ALL authority is his both in heaven and on EARTH.If Satan still had any authority then Jesus would not possess ALL authority and Him saying that He has ALL authority would be a lie and Jesus does not lie.Jesus possesses the keys to death and sheol because He conquered Satan and hell and now has ALL authority which He gave to us.This is quite clear in Scripture after all Jesus Himself said so.You cant argue with Scripture and if you do you blaspheme against God.You are the one who needs to read the Bible again because obviously you do not know what Jesus himself said concerning these things.

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