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The Lockheed X-22A Anti-Gravity Fighter Disc

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posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by devilwasp
what ? a laser on the JSF? whats that gona be used for ? you cant stand and burn an object at like mach 2.

The JSF is not that fast, and one of the reasons for its selection is the fact that the driveshaft that poweres the lift fan in the STOVL version could be hooked up to a generator to power a solid state laser or other directed energy weapon.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by FredT

The JSF is not that fast, and one of the reasons for its selection is the fact that the driveshaft that poweres the lift fan in the STOVL version could be hooked up to a generator to power a solid state laser or other directed energy weapon.

i made that little statement a while ago didnt know the full story on the JSF then, still dont now.
still thats going to take up alot of room and is it worth it?

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 12:04 PM
Seeing as the only working airborne laser has to be carried by a Boeing 747 I wouldn't get too excited. The JSF might get some sort of laser weapon in a MLU in the 2030's, its design will allow for that possibility, but it certainly aint getting one as part of any standard fit when it enters service. Unless its the version of JSF with anti-gravity that flies at mach 6

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 01:54 PM
Some people have said that there's no way to control a spinning disc. I suggest they look at the physics behind diamagnetic levitation (this can be used to create frictionless ball bearings, etc).

The idea is to support the inside via magnetics and have the outside rotate all you want. the "centrifugural magnetic force" (not sure what you'd call it) would support the interior and the pilot could keep his lunch.

posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by ktprktpr
Some people have said that there's no way to control a spinning disc. I suggest they look at the physics behind diamagnetic levitation (this can be used to create frictionless ball bearings, etc).

The idea is to support the inside via magnetics and have the outside rotate all you want. the "centrifugural magnetic force" (not sure what you'd call it) would support the interior and the pilot could keep his lunch.

sounds complex but could work but im wonderin what keeps it from going up and down? i mean the magnets hold it sideways but what about up and down?

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 01:51 AM
Questions about the topic. I did and was amazed at the answers. Your postings treat the X-22a as if it were akin to fairy tales. The people I spoke with treated it as just another flight to schedule. This is how real it is! The particle beam is also real. But As I have been told on numerous occasions it is all on a "need to know basis" I may suffer for what I am telling you but they should never have told me what they know.

Just ask an Ex-air force person about the X-22a or call it the lower orbital craft. they know it by a few names. Get ready to be astonished as they treat this incredible craft as just another vehicle in the inventory. I have probably let the wrong people know who I am by my posting. I am hoping that they don't give a crap! once again I amtired and I will begin recounting my interviews with the people that have either seen or scheduled flights for the craft during desert storm. This is the only theater that I have any information on.

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by masterp
If these incredible aircraft exist, why aren't they used around the world to serve US interests? 700 lives could have been saved in Iraq (and thousands of Iraqis). The answer is simple: they don't exist.

The answer is simple: at what risk to us shall we endure to keep our sescret? The answer has always been: "We shall keep our secret until the end."

Do not feel lied to, the vehicles do fly and they were under the control of the USAF

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 02:45 AM
I have no new info on whether or not they have been used since desert storm. What I do know will be astonishing but at the same time it will not tellyou what is happening with the craft today. My informatin is now over a decade old. Can you believe that? We have had in our arsenal our very own space craft and it seems that we may have already retired it. If you have new info on it I hope you will post it here. I will begin recounting my stories on Sunday evening. THey will only be shocking in the fact that the people I spoke with knew about the crafts and were rteating them as just another thing to know about. I would really like to know if anyone has any newer info. than I have. I do think that you will find my interviews interesting.

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 03:04 AM
Not long ago and the person being interviewed asked the interviewer: "what is the shortest distance between these two points?" The man held the balloon between his two hands and the man from the discovery channel answered "it would be the distance between these two points." he smiled. The scientist also smiled. The scientist asked:"could we make the distance any shorter?" Well at this point the interviewer was stumped and said "A straight line is always the shortest distance between two points." Hesmiled thinking that he had recovered from whatever joke he may have been set up for.

"but how far could that distance be?" asked the scientist. Well the scientist pretty much lost his compsure there confronted with a problem that neither delt with accurarte time or space. "I see that you are puzzeled my brother." said the one scientist. Now watch and learn. THe man proceeded to touch his two fingertips together in the balloon, He had for all intents and purposes "bent space" He had taken take two points so far away in the star charts and rammed them together. "this" he said is a clue to how we are being visited. They were not and have not been equipped for a long distance and they never have been.
When one does the math one will come to either one or another conclusion: Either we are all liars or we have been visited. I think that there is a possibilty tyhta we have but who knows Right. I will write more tomorrw

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 08:38 AM
see what you make of this site..


does this info sound plausable?

(specifically page 4)

[edit on 5/2/05 by Klepto]

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 04:24 PM
Would the action of the disc work the same way as say a chopper? In that it has to drop its nose to move forward?

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 06:33 PM
That's an interesting question, but I dont think it would need to tilt like a chopper, unless thats what had to be done to redirect the gravity field. I would imagine that whatever controls the craft would be mounted on sometype of controllable gimbal so it could be pointed wherever without tilting the craft, but who knows
From what I understand hypothetically speaking anti gravity disks can bend the fabric of space, and essentially produce their own gravity which pulls them where they want to go.

posted on Mar, 23 2005 @ 02:51 AM
I was watching a news program 2 or 3 years ago, and they said the Air Force was spending $100,000,000 a year on anti-gravity research. And when they contacted the president of some company that was supposedly helping with the research, the guy wouldn't really comment on anything.

posted on Mar, 23 2005 @ 03:05 AM

Originally posted by waynos
Seeing as the only working airborne laser has to be carried by a Boeing 747 I wouldn't get too excited. The JSF might get some sort of laser weapon in a MLU in the 2030's, its design will allow for that possibility, but it certainly aint getting one as part of any standard fit when it enters service. Unless its the version of JSF with anti-gravity that flies at mach 6

Zap! Air Force eyes `Jedi'-style weapons

By Sue Vorenberg
Tribune Reporter

"A new high energy laser weapon and F-16 flight simulator, designed by the Air Force Research Laboratory and the Theater Aerospace Command Control Simulation Facility at Kirtland Air Force Base, will let pilots test technology that could put the United States far ahead of its enemies."

"The F-16 model is a smaller version of the airborne laser weapon already under development for use on a Boeing 747 for shooting down missiles. It could be ready for use in 2012, but before that happens, pilots will test the system in the simulator to see how useful it is and suggest ways it could be improved to help them in combat."

"The high energy laser weighs about 5,000 pounds and can fire on targets up to 10 miles away - a short distance compared with the 40-mile reach of air-to-air missiles. If the pilots like the simulation, scientists at the research lab, which developed the technology, will try to make the weapon smaller and more powerful, so it can fire greater distances and take up less space on an F-16."

"What we're also trying to figure out now is how long it takes for our laser to take out a target," Tyson said. "It's not like `Battlestar Galactica,' where you just fire, and they go down. It has to hit the target for a second or two."

"The system can also fire at targets on the ground, such as enemy lines or tank columns, Tyson said."

I took out a few boring paragraphs, that way it wouldn't be too long.

(Note to admins.) Please don't edit this since I already did. While at the same time trying to keep it interesting.

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 03:21 PM
I read recently that the "TR 3B" Flying triangle allegedly possessed some kind of optical stealth technology, which allowed it to appear as among other things " A flying silver disc".
Could this be what US military personnel filmed, and had their equipment confiscated as a consequence, during desert storm?

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 02:47 PM
As a Desert Storm Ground Combat Veteran, I was pretty much in the middle of the fighting. I have no doubt that these types of aircraft exist, but neither myself nor any of my fellow fighters ever saw any saucers or triangles. There was a giant dust storm going during most of the ground war and visibility was restricted. Besides that, we were a little too busy with the bad guys to be looking for UFO's. I also know of no one who got film or cameras confiscated (I myself openly took photos of other military secrets and no one ever took my stuff). I like to discuss these subjects, but I wish the authors of these articles would name their sources or at least be more specific (like locations, units, etc.). Otherwise, it simply devalues the story and damages the credibility of real war veterans. "A Desert Storm Veteran............." That could be a cook on a row boat in the Indian Ocean!

posted on Feb, 7 2006 @ 02:41 AM
im just wondering to what extent any of you actualy know about the anti-grav designs.. IF THEY EXIST! i believe its all made up hype i mean if we really had that i think that it would be commercially put into research aswell... if it were really that easy to make somthing like a UFO...

you all say conventional physics/aerodynamics is thrown out the window but i must ask are you all aerospace engineers? or physics professors?

face it some people made claims lets say tesla, but does it mean that his claim exists 100% and its just a secret?

im a little sceptic

posted on Feb, 7 2006 @ 04:20 AM
Sorry to reply to these points in this thread, especially as someone asked for it not to be discussed - having checked, noone cleared this up, so I hope this single post does the job - if not, then I guess PTS is the place, or U2U? Anyway...

Originally posted by devilwasp
so who cares what every one else thinks. actually the queen has lots of power she can declare waar and make peace. shes more powerful than blair.

devilwasp, I was reading with some pride your defence of Britain. However, you need to learn things first.

The ruling monarch CANNOT declare war - this power is held by the Prime Minister. Its called the "Royal Perogative". The ruling monarch hasn't been able to declare war without Parliament authorising it since King George III if memory serves me rightly. In addition, the ruling monarch has no political power at all - once a bill has passed through the House of Commons, and the House of Lords, the monarch can only refuse to sign it twice - once presented a third time, the monarch MUST sign.

David Cameron, leader of the Conservative opposition, has been seeking a change to the law, so that the "Royal Perogative" doesn't lay solely with the Prime Minister, but with Parliament as a whole. The hope is that it will stop the Prime Minister from doing something stupid like declare war on Iraq for example...

Originally posted by waynos
It is odd that the 'Royal' as in Royal Air Force and Royal Navy are there because they are 'HM Forces' and thus have allegiance to he crown in the same way as US forces have allegiance to the President But the army is not the Royal Army, merely the British Army. Anyone know why?

This possibly comes from one of two reasons. Firstly, the army has never been popular in England, historically. The people saw it as a tool of oppression - whereas the Royal Navy was widely supported as it protected the nation, and didn't suppress the people.

Secondly, the Civil War. Before the Civil War, the army may well have been the Royal Army (I'm not entirely sure, I vaguely remember reading it referred to as such some time ago). But of course, the Royal Army was beaten by the New Model Army of Parliament. After the Restoration, the army remained a tool of Parliament, but the navy regained its Royal status.

posted on Feb, 7 2006 @ 06:14 AM
Very interesting reply tek, and from so long ago too! Thank you

posted on Feb, 7 2006 @ 07:35 AM
Blah, blah, blah.

If you can reasonably use electrogravities to offload even /half/ the weight of a 395,000lb 767, we might not have needed suffer the WTC 'event'. Because you could have the wingspan while doubling the airspeed of any jet so equipped. Or halve the 150,000lb fuel load as a function purely of _lift induced drag_.

If electrogravitics work, there is further _no_ reason to have wheeled vehicles which should mean another 10,000,000X20X6X2X12 (number of cars, number of gallons of gasoline in a car, number of pounds per gallon, number of times refilled per month, number of months per year) 28 BILLION, 800 MILLION pounds of combustible waste that could at least be cut in half, just due to the efficiency (200mph = 40 miles in 12 minutes, with altitude separate traffic lanes, everyone could be 'straight shot' to work in less than a quarter the time they spend on the road today, half of which is itself due to nothing more than gridlock).

The world is dying all around us because of the massive quantities of sulphur dioxide, CO2 and CO and various metallic impurities we put into the air.

What /possible/ military advantage could be so extreme as to justify any 'secret program' which permitted this, almost 15 years after the fall of the Berlin wall (and the Cold War ended)?


We live in a society where, rightly or wrongly, the 'advancement' of us a civilization whole is measured almost solely by our technology. Yet technology has stagnated in the civillian sector into largely entertainment and commercialistic market enterprises.

Everything for a profit.

We therefore look to the military to have 'done something useful' with the /TRILLIONS/ of dollars that we similarly have wasted upon them. Because we innately realize our entire social order has stagnated and is decaying from the inside and after all these are 'the best of the best'.

So -surely- they must do something more than sit there and look 'stoic and immutable' as a barrier to war.

The problem being, that's all their paid to do. And so they have stuck with very conventional (military=most conservative tool of a staticist society) approach to everything they do.

There are no magic death rays. No flying saucers (do these ships have anti-inertial 'damper' systems btw? If not, none of the fantastical accelerations and multi-axis maneuvers they are accredited with would be possible if men were aboard).


_That_ is the dark miracle here. That 'for our protection' we have allowed ourselves be to completely /snowed/ by a military which uses vague hints and deliberately incomplete LIES to make us think there is something deeper going on.

When, in point of truth, there can't be.

Because if it was true and they had 'reserved' these technologies or capabilities for their own use, they would have commited the greatest act of treason against mankind since Hitler and the Death Camps. Or the Enola Gay and Hiroshima.

Christ, what a bunch of techno-whipped poodles. Thankfully you're not poker players, you'd have been bluffed right out of the entire U.S. debt in less than a half hour sitting at a high stakes table.


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