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Originally posted by Studenofhistory
I could use the same argument in reverse. There is simply no good reason to believe that Hitler WASN'T jewish.
It's only been assumed that he wasn't because of his public speeches against jews (actually against jewish bankers more specifically).
Are you saying it's impossible for a jew to advance himself politically at the expense of other jews?
I hope you're not that naive.
My opinion of zionist history is based on upon;
multiple sources written by jews or former jews. Henry Makow being the most vocal but not the only one,
meticulous research by controversial british historian David Irving, various other individuals including but not limited to: Mark Twain, George Patton Jr., Charles Lindberg, Henry Ford, etc.
I would also invite you to download a copy of the book Synagog of Satan. It's a real eye-opener. If you google it, you'll be able to find it.
The victors always write the history books. The more I learn about WW1 and 2 as well as the 18th and 19th century, the more it appears the official history is at best a gross distortion and at worst an outright lie.
Zionist believe that jews have a God-given mandate and duty to literally conquer the whole earth ....
Have you done your homework or are you one of those 'useful idiots' that zionist call non-jews who knowingly or unknowingly support their agenda?
Originally posted by Studenofhistory
reply to post by NichirasuKenshin
Henry Makow has posted dozens, maybe even hundreds of articles, most of which make reference to historical documents, books, etc. that support his view that jewish (illuminati) bankers orchestrated both world wars by financing both sides and that their ultimate aim in building up fascist Germany was to 'encourage' thru the use or terror,3
Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by NichirasuKenshin
The Powers that Be left a money trail a mile wide to Hitler.
This is documented history and why people like the President of the Rockefeller Corporation/Standard Oil and Presscott Bush USB BANK, Amerika Hamburg Shipping, Harriman were convicted of Trading with the Enemy in 1942 by Congress and had assetts frozen and had to to pay fines.
Further it's well known and well documented that a group of Israeli Zionist Terrorists, the Stern Gang met with the Nazi's through the German Embassy in Greece to pledge they would set up a fascist state in Palestine if Germany aided them in their fight to kick the British out of Palestine. This happened during the height of the holocuast.
Simply getting emotionally angry over unpleasant aspects of history doesn't make them go away, and refusing to investigate and research the wealth of information out there as a result is rather self defeating as those who don't learn from history or bound to repeat it.
One of the huge dangers in the hijacking of the Holocaust by Zionists is having the actual true details of World War I and II and Facism obscured for the sake of Jewish and Zionist politics.
In large part thanks to the distortions of history that makes the Holocaust a singularly Jewish event.
Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by NichirasuKenshin
Tragically you have the Zionist Political Movement confused with Jews.
By the way history's first Birth Certificate controversy was not Obama's but Hitler's.
When Austria was annexed there was a race by competing members of the S.S. looking to serve Hitler, and the S.A. looking for leverage on Hitler to secure his original Birth Certificate.
This is all documented.
It is presumed the S.S. secured it and it has never seen the light of day since.
Why though was the race to find Hitler's original Birth Certificate so important?
Everyone knew he was born in Austria so it really had to do with his lineage and whether he had Jewish Blood or not, and in part whether he had Rothschild Blood or not.
By trying to lump all Jews into the plot, it's about as disengenous and foolish as lumping all Republicans in with Watergate or Iran Contra.
Private letters between Churchill ...
Your emotionally tinged argument is a rediculous one, because no, not all the 'Jews' were in on it,
it was a handful of wealthy zionists and bankers and industrialists manipulating these things, that were prepared to sacrifice or at least take extreme risk with the average unwitting Jew.
In other words politics as usual, as governments and political parties, and Zionism is a political party, have long been willing to sacrifice citizens for political gain.
Over 20,000 Americans lost their lives building the Panama Canal, and before that could happen, Panama which was once part of Columbia had to undergo a revolution set up and funded by Teddy Roosevelt.
History is full of machinations
You might want to wake up to that before you become one of the pawns sacrificed.
Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
reply to post by NichirasuKenshin
you might
as well name them illuminati.
The backers will never be named before seeing God.
So I do not think I will seek them or will they ever come to the
light of day or the darkness of the blackest night.
But just as light is thought to have a source, backing Hitler might
as well be sourced by illuminati
ED: The need for documents seem over rated.
There are tons of documents that are all lies.
One applicable document might be the Paperclip Document.
So yes pretty conclusive proof here that Hitler was not only Jewish, not only a Rothschild but also African!
Originally posted by Romantic_Rebel
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Are you a terminator fan? Barack Obama sent back in time to ensure the survival of the Nazi party. In comes a Jewish woman of the Rothschild family.
They call the future leader Adolf, Adolf Hitler.