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Hitler 'had Jewish and African roots', DNA tests show

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posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by Studenofhistory

There is no hiding Israel's true nature which is why it all has to be couched in religious myth, and emotional dogmas, to make it as hard as possible for those who want to speak to the facts to find a reasoned ear.

If that level of confusion that reigns as a result flourishes then so too shall the Zionist State continue to operate with impunity in that vacuum.

The truth is though, that those who committ the worst attrocities and crimes are seldom ever held to account or made to pay for them.

Instead it is typically always the little guy, the innoncent man, woman or child that just wants to live in peace.

Meet the New Boss the same as the Old Boss.

The powers that be certainly are trying to fool us again my friend.

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by Studenofhistory

I could use the same argument in reverse. There is simply no good reason to believe that Hitler WASN'T jewish.

Is that how your logic works? In that case you must also be convinced of the existence of the spaghetti monster, Dracula, and Reptilian shapeshifters.

Honestly, are you being disingenious here or are you honestly proposing that proving a negative is i) possible and ii) the way to go when it comes to establishing reality?

Google proving a negative if this doesn't make any sense to you.

It's only been assumed that he wasn't because of his public speeches against jews (actually against jewish bankers more specifically).

This is not true. Nothing has been assumed by historians in that way. The question of who his grandfather was exactly is simply unanswerable - although, by logic of exclusion the Frankenberger and Rothschild story can be dismissed.

And to say that he only instigated hate against "Jewish Bankers" is a lie. From the very beginning of his career the "Jews" as such, without any further qualification, were the targets of his hate.

Are you saying it's impossible for a jew to advance himself politically at the expense of other jews?

Having an unknown grandfather who might have been Jewish does not make one Jewish. Hitler was not Jewish - his unknown grandfather may have been so (although there's no evidence for that) but he never viewed himself as a Jew. He didn't get any Jewish education - he didn't go to the synagogue. Where's the Jewish in that?

It's not impossible for a Jew to adavance himself at the plight of other Jews. But in order to do that you would need to be Jewish, or think of yourself as Jewish, in the first place.

I hope you're not that naive.

Being naive means uncritically believing any and all stories that are told to you. From the impression I get from this thread this is more common among the people merely declaring that he was Jewish without backing it up.

My opinion of zionist history is based on upon;
multiple sources written by jews or former jews. Henry Makow being the most vocal but not the only one,
meticulous research by controversial british historian David Irving, various other individuals including but not limited to: Mark Twain, George Patton Jr., Charles Lindberg, Henry Ford, etc.

Maybe reading some history instead of OP-journalism on the side would help you to understand a bit more about this topic.

But I'll give it a try: Can you please cite the evidence any of said people have presented that i) Hitler is Jewish ii) Hitler took orders from the Zionist HQ? And by evidence I don't mean mere hints that would make such a story plausible - I mean proof of i) or ii). As far as I know, none of the above people have done so. If I am wrong with this impression you won't have problems to cite the relevant parts... So.. there you go...

I would also invite you to download a copy of the book Synagog of Satan. It's a real eye-opener. If you google it, you'll be able to find it.

Why? Does it provide evidence that i) Hitler was Jewish or ii) Hitler took orders from Zionists?

I'm asking you for proof for your assertions and you honestly ask me to read something called "Synagogue of Satan?". Come on. I suppose a book about this topic would be called "proof of hitlers jewish ancestry" or something like that.

But again, if said book conatins the evidence to back up you assertions, feel free to quote the relevant parts.

The victors always write the history books. The more I learn about WW1 and 2 as well as the 18th and 19th century, the more it appears the official history is at best a gross distortion and at worst an outright lie.

Help me out here. My boss is German. How is he a victor? The argument that "the victors write history" seems a bit absurd to me in the face of the fact that the majority of Nazi Historiagraphy comes from Germany.

Anyways. None of the materials that I use to counter the bull in this thread is derived from "victors" - none of them was involved in the war and even if they would have been, they would have done so on the losing side.

Zionist believe that jews have a God-given mandate and duty to literally conquer the whole earth ....

What does this have to do with Hitlers ancestry? Why would you give me such a spiel about the evils of Zionism? I thought your point was to prove that Hitler was Jewish and that he took orders from Zionists. Is this lame rant about a belief system supposed to be the evidence?

Have you done your homework or are you one of those 'useful idiots' that zionist call non-jews who knowingly or unknowingly support their agenda?

If by homework you mean uncritically taking over talking points about Hitlers ancestry without fact-checking them then no, I have not done them.

If by homework you mean actually checking the origins of these claims and then determining their worth, then yes, I have done so.

I think for you, as a kid living in a glass house when it comes to the topic of agendas, we probably shouldn't go there. Because if were going to talk about agendas it's you rather than me that needs to be worried, since I'm not the one spouting talking points of known anti-semites. (This is not a blanket assertion, undeniably Lindberg, Ford and Irving (before he came around in 2006) were rabid anti-semites - and not scholars or historians.)

Nice try though....

[edit on 25-8-2010 by NichirasuKenshin]

[edit on 25-8-2010 by NichirasuKenshin]

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by Studenofhistory
reply to post by NichirasuKenshin

Henry Makow has posted dozens, maybe even hundreds of articles, most of which make reference to historical documents, books, etc. that support his view that jewish (illuminati) bankers orchestrated both world wars by financing both sides and that their ultimate aim in building up fascist Germany was to 'encourage' thru the use or terror,3

Uhm.. The topic is HItlers Jewish ancestry. Where are the documents pertaining to that?

I didn't ask for a summary of the evil plot by the Jews that you believe in - I asked for specific evidence of i) Hitler being Jewish or ii) Hitler taking orders from Zionists - not being financed, or in partnership with, or any such thing - his taking orders from Zionist is the assertion we've started with.

[edit on 25-8-2010 by NichirasuKenshin]

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by NichirasuKenshin

The Powers that Be left a money trail a mile wide to Hitler.

Funny how the majority of funds contributed to the NSDAP was not of Jewish origin.

This is documented history and why people like the President of the Rockefeller Corporation/Standard Oil and Presscott Bush USB BANK, Amerika Hamburg Shipping, Harriman were convicted of Trading with the Enemy in 1942 by Congress and had assetts frozen and had to to pay fines.

Would you please, for once, compare these contributions to the total of NSDAP finances for the whole period? It seems to me that those providing the bulk of the funds for Nazis are way more important than those who only contributed a triffle.
The difference between these types of contributions also lies in the nature of them - Harriman and Bush still made money or furthered their interests with those funds (or the corporate interests of USB resp. SO) while the bulk of NSDAP funds were unconditional, non-profit contributions.

Further it's well known and well documented that a group of Israeli Zionist Terrorists, the Stern Gang met with the Nazi's through the German Embassy in Greece to pledge they would set up a fascist state in Palestine if Germany aided them in their fight to kick the British out of Palestine. This happened during the height of the holocuast.

Just to get you right (because you do seem to be more lucid and intelligent than the rest of the echo-gang here).
Are you telling me that it is your belief that the Stern Gang gave Hitler orders? Or are you simply alluding to the well-known fact of Zionist-Nazi cooperation?

Did the Stern Gang order him to open Auschwitz? Did they force him to undertake the Weserübung? Did they order Gleiwitz, or Fall Fritz?

Simply getting emotionally angry over unpleasant aspects of history doesn't make them go away, and refusing to investigate and research the wealth of information out there as a result is rather self defeating as those who don't learn from history or bound to repeat it.

Complete straw man - I am neither angry nor have I failed to do research since I am familiar with all the claims made in this thread - pretty easy since these are the same arguments I encountered since I am a teen.

One of the huge dangers in the hijacking of the Holocaust by Zionists is having the actual true details of World War I and II and Facism obscured for the sake of Jewish and Zionist politics.

I wonder why all you have are these sweeping allegations - which arguably always contain a kernel of truth - and then go on pretending that you've got all the details worked out.

In large part thanks to the distortions of history that makes the Holocaust a singularly Jewish event.

I've been working for a university for about 5 years now and I haven't yet seen anyone, ever, claim that the Nazis singularly attacked Jews.
If what you wrote above is true or not depends solely on one's interpreatation of the term "Holocaust" - something even Zionists can't and haven't done up to today.

[edit on 25-8-2010 by NichirasuKenshin]

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by NichirasuKenshin

Tragically you have the Zionist Political Movement confused with Jews.

This is a fairly common mistake.

By the way history's first Birth Certificate controversy was not Obama's but Hitler's.

When Austria was annexed there was a race by competing members of the S.S. looking to serve Hitler, and the S.A. looking for leverage on Hitler to secure his original Birth Certificate.

This is all documented.

It is presumed the S.S. secured it and it has never seen the light of day since.

Why though was the race to find Hitler's original Birth Certificate so important?

Everyone knew he was born in Austria so it really had to do with his lineage and whether he had Jewish Blood or not, and in part whether he had Rothschild Blood or not.

By trying to lump all Jews into the plot, it's about as disengenous and foolish as lumping all Republicans in with Watergate or Iran Contra.

Private letters between Churchill who was colonial secretary between World War I and World War II and Lord Rothschild who was the head of the Zionist movement after having Herchzl assissinated clearly show a frustration on both Churchill and Rothschild's part on the slow pace of Jewish Immigration into Palestine and that many of the immigrants were poor Eastern European and Russian Jews that Rothschild considered not only a drain on his charity in funding the state but unlikely to have the work ethic needed to make a Jewish Colony in Palestine a propserous one, let alone one that could ultimately rival the Arabs and the British Colonial Powers.

Your emotionally tinged argument is a rediculous one, because no, not all the 'Jews' were in on it, it was a handful of wealthy zionists and bankers and industrialists manipulating these things, that were prepared to sacrifice or at least take extreme risk with the average unwitting Jew.

In other words politics as usual, as governments and political parties, and Zionism is a political party, have long been willing to sacrifice citizens for political gain.

Over 20,000 Americans lost their lives building the Panama Canal, and before that could happen, Panama which was once part of Columbia had to undergo a revolution set up and funded by Teddy Roosevelt.

History is full of machinations.

They are carried out by the elite, for the benefit of the elite, who will sacrifice their own people as pawns.

You might want to wake up to that before you become one of the pawns sacrificed.

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 02:39 PM
oh man tahts some good ironY!
all the anti semites coem crawling out of the woodwork to deny this story, classic!

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by NichirasuKenshin

One of the most telling aspects of all this regarding Rothschild's complicity or at the very least the influence he had on the Nazi regime was when the Nazi's took over Denmark.

The House of Dan (Rothschild) originally hailed from Denmark.

Like when the British and French were trapped at Dunkirk, Hitler's Army chose to wait on the beaches in Denmark for weeks allowing the Jews of Denmark to be evacuated before marching inland.

Once that evacuation was complete, then and only then did the Nazis spread through the nation in what was by and large a bloodless take over.

One might additionally ask themselves why with the entire French Army and British Expiditionary Force trapped at Dunkirk did Hitler's troops allow them to escape.

They practiced scorched earth through Poland, the Ukraine and Russia.

This decision was not compatible with Nazi/German battlefield doctrine, and basically allowed hundreds of thousands of men they could have killed like fish in a battle to live to fight another day.

The more you study the history of World War I and II from contemporary news reports published at the time events were happening, and compare them to the post war rendering of the same events, the more you begin to see two very different pictures.

Personally I would hate to be a victim of all that wanton death and destruction and risk that the people truly responsible had actually gotten completely away with it, which in reality they did.

That's a true tragedy.

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by NichirasuKenshin

Seeing and reading the many 'documentaries' in mass media before
it became cover media and even some ATS posts, Hitler getting even
one shred of support, which has definitely been so stated, you might
as well name them illuminati.

The backers will never be named before seeing God.
So I do not think I will seek them or will they ever come to the
light of day or the darkness of the blackest night.
But just as light is thought to have a source, backing Hitler might
as well be sourced by illuminati because they are what they soon
became and America welcomed them in on the backs of their
technological developments with Truman's blessings.

Also Truman might have had to based on secret illuminati documents.
Which we might also assume to exist.
ED: The need for documents seem over rated.
There are tons of documents that are all lies.
One applicable document might be the Paperclip Document.
The surrounding drama found by William Lyne in some of
his publications is quite astounding and yet very secret.

[edit on 8/25/2010 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by NichirasuKenshin

Tragically you have the Zionist Political Movement confused with Jews.

I find this quite a curious and misplaced remark, but whatever. Can we focus on the subject of the thread please?

By the way history's first Birth Certificate controversy was not Obama's but Hitler's.

There was no such thing as a birth certificate in the Austrian-Hungarian empire where Hitler was born. There were only Taufscheine, certificates of baptism.

If you have followed the thread you should be aware that the thing in dispute is Hitler's grandfather, and not his parents. Are you suddenly denying that Hitler is the child of Alois and Klara?
If not there is no reason to talk about Hitlers papers since it is not the story of his birth that is in dispute

When Austria was annexed there was a race by competing members of the S.S. looking to serve Hitler, and the S.A. looking for leverage on Hitler to secure his original Birth Certificate.

First of all - the SA by that time was already marginalized and not an effective or powerful institution anymore. Secondly, the SA never ever got any orders to operate in foreign countries and they surely didn't do so on their own. If you are talking about the Austrian SA, then I would like you to cite since I have no clue what you're getting at.

But the story is bunk anyway - there was no such things as a birth certificate and Hitlers Taufschein had been reviewed by several people, among them Himmler's goons, journalists foreign and local, etc. There is absolutely no controversy about Hitlers Taufschein - in fact you can take a look at it online - since it is the same thing that has been described by the people mentioned above in the 20's and 30's its pretty clear that this is it. If not please cite a source that says his "birth certificate" is in dispute.

And BTW - if you are talking about the Dollfuss file legend here (in which case you got the whole story completely wrong, not just the details) then you have brought yourself into quite a predicament - the Dollfuss file has never been proven to exist (and if it did, it was probably a forgery by the Austrian Secret Political Police) and there are many arguments as to why the Dollfuss file is nothing but a myth. This is, again something, that I have already addressed at lenght some pages prior to this one.

This is all documented.

I doubt it. Either you got the story wrong or you are just spreading conjectures - nothing that is materially documented. Sorry for taking the smartypants tone here but in this case I really know what I'm talking about since I have dealed with this question very extensively.

It is presumed the S.S. secured it and it has never seen the light of day since.

His Taufschein was never removed by the SS - although they did repeatedly investigate the question of who Hitlers grandfather was.

Why though was the race to find Hitler's original Birth Certificate so important?

If you're not talking about the Dollfuss file please provide a source.

Everyone knew he was born in Austria so it really had to do with his lineage and whether he had Jewish Blood or not, and in part whether he had Rothschild Blood or not.

Again you've got the story wrong. The question of wheter or not Hitler would have Jewish forebears is not an issue that could be decided by his Taufschein. As I have repeatedly pointed out it is not the question of who his parents were that is in dispute but who his grandfather was. This question can technically not be answered by Hitlers Taufschein since it doesn't record the grandparents.

By trying to lump all Jews into the plot, it's about as disengenous and foolish as lumping all Republicans in with Watergate or Iran Contra.

Help me out here. Isn't it you that claims that supposedly having a Jewish grandfather makes one Jewish? So you're the one who's doing the lumping here as by that defintion the world population of Jews (and thereby possible co-conspirators in the diabolical plot, right?) would easily be doubled.

Private letters between Churchill ...

Again why does your side of the argument constantly give brief rants about their views of the history of Zionism when the topic is anything else than that?

If I were interested in chatting about Herzl with you I'd open a thread or I'd go sifting through the Middle East forum. What's this got to do with the question of wheter Hitler has a Jewish grandfather?

Your emotionally tinged argument is a rediculous one, because no, not all the 'Jews' were in on it,

The question I asked is not who is in on it but what the question of wheter Hitler had a Jewish granfather would imply about his relation to Zionists.

You're claim is that his having a Jewish grandfather somehow equals his taking and following orders from Zionists with no questions asked - even if you don't have one shred of evidence of his ever taking such orders.

Just tell me how having Jewish forebers equals being a mindless, controlled tool for the political goals of extreme Zionists?
As I said, this is a total non-sequitur.

it was a handful of wealthy zionists and bankers and industrialists manipulating these things, that were prepared to sacrifice or at least take extreme risk with the average unwitting Jew.

Why the constant need to give brief historical summaries that have no bearing on the question at all?

In other words politics as usual, as governments and political parties, and Zionism is a political party, have long been willing to sacrifice citizens for political gain.

Of course. But such sweeping observations do not constitute proof that Hitler took even one order from your so called Zionist conspiracy.

Over 20,000 Americans lost their lives building the Panama Canal, and before that could happen, Panama which was once part of Columbia had to undergo a revolution set up and funded by Teddy Roosevelt.

Again. Why do you suppose I don't know that and what does this have to do with the topic?

History is full of machinations

And pseudo-history is full of bold claims that have no material backing.

You might want to wake up to that before you become one of the pawns sacrificed.

If "waking up" means believing the first unsubstantiated story about Hitlers ancestry without checking them out for myself then I would rather stay asleep.

But feeling yourself secure enough to determine who is "awake" and who not does say alot about the way you view yourself. But let's not go there, ok? Let's just try to establish what is within the scope of this threads theme.

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I fail to see any evidence of Hitler taking orders from the Zionists in your post. I thought that's what were going at here?

The Danish Jews survived because Dr. Best of the SS found that having all of the Jews evacuate would be just as wishful an outcome as killing them all - since at this point he didn't have the means to kill them all anyway he prefered that way, a decision that Hitler did not share, most decidedly, as documents show.

The stuff you post is interesting and all - but I can't just answer all of that. I am in this thread to talk about the origins of Hitler and, given that he had Jewish forebears, how that constitutes evidence of his being a Zionist tool. Can we keep it to that? With your extensive knowledge you should open a thread on all these aspects of WW2 and I'll be happy to discuss them there (although I am not interested in discussing the modern evil that is Israel)....

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
reply to post by NichirasuKenshin

you might
as well name them illuminati.

I prefer real names of real people - all else is mostly speculation.

The backers will never be named before seeing God.

Uhm - the question of who financed Hitler to what degree is one of the best documented and most extensively researched - we know tons of names from all over the world.

So I do not think I will seek them or will they ever come to the
light of day or the darkness of the blackest night.

But you still believe in them? Even when you say that knowing who they are is epistemologically impossible?
Now that's a curious attitude if I ever saw one.

But just as light is thought to have a source, backing Hitler might
as well be sourced by illuminati

"Might as well" is just not good enough to me. Having gone through the torture of a history major, I'm more interested in things that can be proven or that at least have a basis.

ED: The need for documents seem over rated.
There are tons of documents that are all lies.

History deals with documents - exclusively. There's no other way short of psychich timetraveling. That's like saying natural science should not be concerned with material objects - it negates the very essence of what its supposed to answer.

One applicable document might be the Paperclip Document.

There's not just one "paperclip document" . There's tons of them. But they have nothing to do with Hitler's ancestry (topic of thread) or his taking orders from Zionists (the new goal post achieved in this thread)

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by NichirasuKenshin

Well a little digging yielded some surprising results in this case! One’s that completely underscore the validity of Adolf Hitler being both Jewish and African!

For the first time since the annexation of Austria during the Second World War, I now present Hitler’s Certificate of Live Birth!

Watch as this conspiracy deepens to never before imagined proportions as it appears Hitler was also born in Hawaii!

Yet it does not stop there as Hitler’s real mother was none other than: Leonara De Rothschild wife of Mayer Alphonse James Rothschild of the Parisian Branch of the Papal Rothschild Family!

Yet what makes this even more explosive is his African roots, his father was none other than Barack Hussein Obama Sr.!

Now we know not only why Hitler’s Birth Certificate was hidden but Barack Obama’s birth certificate was hidden too!

So yes pretty conclusive proof here that Hitler was not only Jewish, not only a Rothschild but also African!


While I cannot vouch for the authenticity of this document I can say I obtained it from a near unimpeachable source!

[edit on 25/8/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

So yes pretty conclusive proof here that Hitler was not only Jewish, not only a Rothschild but also African!

I knew it all the time, thank you so much for validating this information with a live birth, birth certificate from Hawaii.

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Are you a terminator fan? Barack Obama sent back in time to ensure the survival of the Nazi party. In comes a Jewish woman of the Rothschild family.
They call the future leader Adolf, Adolf Hitler.

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by Aquarius1

The Rabit Hole runs pretty deep on this one! Thankfully I was able to publish this all important information for the world to finally know the truth, but now fear for my safety as a result.

My cat is looking at me cross eyed and I suspect she may have already recieved orders to assassinate me.

So I am going in to hiding until what is sure to be an international firestorm over this dies down.

I have made a good little hiding space under my bed where I am sure the Powers that Be will not find me.

Don't tell anyone.


posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by Romantic_Rebel
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Are you a terminator fan? Barack Obama sent back in time to ensure the survival of the Nazi party. In comes a Jewish woman of the Rothschild family.
They call the future leader Adolf, Adolf Hitler.

It sounds far fetched, yet clearly the world knows there is so much more to this story than has ever been revealed before today!

I think at this point we can discount nothing on our quest for the truth.

Stay safe everyone, anyone reading this thread might now be in jeapordy!

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 05:53 PM
I guess the joke really was him.

He spouted off about the superiority of a mythic race when his genes bind him to those he thought to be inferior.

He was such an idiot.

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by Wildbob77

You can say the same with Mao Zedong. If he would seen how the PRC would become a success he would freak out! Like they say in the history books. Mao had a bitter sweet victory.

[edit on 25-8-2010 by Romantic_Rebel]

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 06:15 PM
People dont like hearing Hitler was indeed human.. like you or I.

Hitler was one of the most important figures of our time, instead of people fearing that this madman was indeed human, they should feel encouraged that a single man can change the world so significantly.

Just make sure if you get to that point you do it for the right reasons.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 09:47 AM
So basically we have an article that cites a book that has come to the conclusion that Hitler had Jewish forebears - but when we look at the actual book we find that it claims the opposite.

Then we have the fact that said Haplogroup is common among all western Europeans and says nothing about "Jewishness" per se.

Then we have the people claiming that Hitler was a Rothschild, and even though they can't get the story that they read on right, they act as if this were documented fact. When asked about the "documented" part of their claim, they exit the discussion and start making their little jokes in order to plaster over the fact that they got their asses handed to them big time.

Well. If this thread isn't a wonderful example of denying ingorance.....

[edit on 26-8-2010 by NichirasuKenshin]

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