reply to post by MaxBlack
Believe me when I say that you didn't "muddy anything".
What you were speaking of in regards to the patent is called "TETRASIL",
U.S. Patent # 5676977.
Most of the people here think that Boyd Graves was some sort of "CONSPIRACY KOOK" or something, when the fact of the matter is he was actually far
from it. "IN-FACT, HE WAS SPOT ON" I have been told by one person here that he was a "MASS MUDERER" or a "CON MAN" at best.
I guess that was due to the fact that he sold copies of the "FLOW CHART"
on his website, or GoD only knows what.
People are just simply not aware yet that there are indeed more H.I.V. viruses than you could possibly ever even shake a stick at, way more than the
powers that be will ever admit to, due to the fact that they are the ones who are responsible for their being in the first place.
The H.I.V. virus was indeed lab created and has been spliced multiple times since its creation at (FT.DIRTYTRICK, MARYLAND) in-order to cause it to
perform as advertised from the start, so the drugs no-longer have to be utilized/do all the work. Some people say that Merck was paid 10 million to
produce the virus in the 50's, thats B.S., it was in-fact USAMRIID.
Magic Johnson HAD a very weak sub-type of the virus that I was told could never even cause anything even resembling AIDS no how, as long as he didn't
take the drugs, if he were to have taken the drugs on the other hand...he would have became known as "TRAGIC JOHNSON" many moons ago.
Some AIDS patients come to become AIDS critics after prolonged treatment courses with AIDS drugs. These drugs are potent, they kill pathogens, they
kill yeasts and fungi, bacteria and blood cells, liver and skin, collagen and bone marrow. They keep the bugs out of the patient, but they destroy the
patient’s immune system at the same time.
Let me repeat that: AIDS drugs kill pathogens, at the expense of the patient’s immune system, organs and bone marrow. The destruction of the
pathogens is quick, the destruction of the patient is slow.
People can live with a withering body caused by AIDS drugs for years, before the organs finally fail completely, because the drugs so effectively
minimize the troublesome fungal and bacterial infections that nature uses to ably demonstrate weakened immunity.
This is most true of the "protease inhibitor" class of AIDS drugs which replaced AZT as the primary AIDS drug in the mid-1990s; their toxicities are
lower and slower-building, in general, and become extreme and severe over time. This is not true of drugs like AZT and Nevirapine, which can be deadly
very quickly.
These drugs mask illness, while slowly destroying the patient. But, in the short term, they do “work” to rid the body of these yeasts and fungi -
as long as the patient doesn’t quit the drugs (despite the intense side-effects), and discover their own immune system is gone.
Take a look at what Dr. Luc Montagnier the person who is credited with the discovery of one of the H.I.V. viruses, lol says about it.
Many people in my field tryed to contact Magic Johnson after he went public, its even mentioned in this link, quite far down.
P.H.I. SCIENCES MEGA-H is the corner stone of what Magic Johnson takes along with vitamin C and a Multi-Vitamin & Mineral suppliment called
"CRaNiULS," because thats all he requires with that particular sub-type.
[edit on 26-8-2010 by alpha68]