posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by SassyCat
The reason I found ATS was because I was looking to see what
(IF ANYTHING) the media was saying in regards to Magic Johnson's condition, and what not.
When he came out with the news that he was indeed H.I.V. positive many, many people in my field made an attempt to contact him and someone that I
personally know actually did make contact due to the fact that he knew a person at Michigan State University that also knew Ervin, and he contacted
Magic through him.
There is "NO" silver bullet super drug, and Magic isn't spending untold amounts of $ on anything special that nobody except for the "ELITE" can
obtain, he simply just isn't.
The person that isolated the H.I.V. virus, Dr. Luc Montagnier came right out and said from the word "GO" that the H.I.V. virus COULD NOT cause
A.I.D.S.. When he said that everyone who stood to profit & profit hard from it went absolutely "BAT SH!T" !
That of course would confirm what the "DEVIL" himself "DR. PETER DUESBERG" had been saying all along, and we can't be havin any of that crazy
talk now can we ?
The term "AIDS DENIALIST" is about a freak'in "JoKe".
Make complete monkey's out of people by tossing them in with the true idiots, namely "HOLOCOST DENIERS" and keep on, keep'in on !
Then Dr. Montagier said other things that didn't sound so rosey, wonder why ? Then he said the following. You watch the vid & then tell me what Magic
is taking, not to mention, what he isn't.
Meet what Magic does take > Its called MegaHydrate or Mega-H.
[edit on 24-8-2010 by alpha68]