reply to post by SeekerofTruth101
“while the Hadith is based on the life history of the good prophet Muhammad's life”
I guess “good” is simply a matter of perception.
“There is no crime in hunting down dangerous animals, the way we modern men would not hesitate to destroy a killer croc or ravenous tiger that had
taken the lives of the innocent mercilessly”
This is still the view of “modern Muslims” Only the killer crocs and tigers, are the modern day “non believers”
“Those arabs who did not convert to peace when given the chance,to stop their slaughtering and torturing of innocents were then dealt with, the way
even our present system of justice would either send those animals to life imprisonment or electrocuted.”
Then why are the modern Muslims, who have not “converted to peace”, still among us, and are not condemned, by those who have supposedly
“converted”? This is sill a very violent “religion“, with very violent members, who are not punished or condemned by their own. I dare you,
as the Muslim that I suspect you are to do the following, publicly, right now.
1. Condemn all those who use violence in the name of Islam.
2. Declare women equal, and call for the removal of all laws in every Muslim country that would make women second class citizens.
3. Call for the end of all public lynching’s, stoning, and all other forms of execution, until the cases are heard before a non secular jury.
4. Condemn all those who call for the destruction, of the United States, Europe, and all other westernized countries.
5. Call the people who have cut the heads off of people on video, for the whole world to see. “sick, twisted, cold-blooded murderers”.
6. Call all those that would “marry” children under 10, the pedophiles that they are.
You do all these it will be a start. Then I have many, many more.
“Today, Islam is not at war with humanity, nor will it be in the future. But it is ignorant or willful people like you whom intends to push muslims
into a corner and force them to wage war, the way the radical islamic terrorists group had been attempting to do so for the past 10 years.”
You are correct, Islam is not at war with “humanity”, simply all “non believers”. Unless you don’t actually believe in the words of
Mohammed, and somehow your religion has changed.
“We are all brothers and sisters by divine Creation. The only thing you need to fear will not come from muslims, or jews, or christians. It will
come from those who seek to exploit our differences, divide and conquer so as to rule over us.”
Pretty darn sure that’s not a verse in the Koran.
“Wake up from your ignorance and irrationality in this modern intelligent interconnected age, unless you are representing that agency. Even then,
you are always human first before anything else and one of us by divine blood.”
Modern intelligent, interconnected age? OK changed my mind, you are not Muslim.