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Subliminal Manipulation today. Can you see it?

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posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by Sphota

you're completely correct after movies
Hellywood was a perfect agent of Western propaganda inside CCCP -- in comparison with him, pentagon/cia/etc are just a heap of crap. but, now, we got really curious picture: Hellywood continues to hammer suicidal codes into heads around the World. it looks so closely to situation with Aztecs: they had a prophecy about sunset of their Empire.
i think, ATS members will be intrigued with it.

[edit on 22-8-2010 by SarK0Y]

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 08:53 PM
Woo Hoo! ATS is back up and working! yay!

A thread authored by member JBurns in June of 2005:
Subliminal Message Research Project

Also, here is a link to a very good anagram generator site that provides anagrams for nine languages, portugal's language included (why? because the phenomenon also exists in their language as well):
Anagram Generator

I Believe, although I concede I may be mistaken, the subliminal suggestions for stars in the avatar mini background image was successful. This is a real practice, and a real tool that conspirators use against their targeted audiences in marketing use. two months ago today i had 426 stars. at this moment i have 1000. i have been posting on ATS for 5 years. i have more than doubled the amount of stars i have in 2 months time compared to the 60+ months prior. period.

We can see, as is pointed out numerous times in the OP’s 4th video in the introductory post to this thread, there is a lot of money and man hours invested in utilizing these methods, because they do produce proven and relied upon tactics that take advantage of instinctual genetic behaviors, and have been for generations.

Please review the 4th video again, and take a close look into the details of what it is being presented and being pointed out to us. These subtle hints do have an effect on us, our opinions, our actions and our behaviors, degrees and results may vary.

Money is spent on the production of such things, and it is a big market, because they are proven results,

originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
linguistics is not only words, but the process in which we decypher those words internally.

ArMaP's response:
Yes, but we can only decipher the words we know.

Agreed, but we can only decipher the words we are introduced to with the primary languages that are our main source of knowledge/information linguistic programming which already is embedded into our neural net.
We are only successful at deciphering words we are introduced to with the words we know of to form appropriate and tactically pre-meditated sentences. Sentences we form to share thoughts, and alter (or control) peoples’ opinions. However, portions of our subconscious minds do not communicate in total sentences, they also calculate possible interpretations of the words (as many words have multiple definitions, synonyms, and antonyms, etc.). What surfaces or bubbles up through the filtration system to our conscious level of “waking thought” becomes our projected opinion we share with body language more so than with verbal communication in most cases, i think. Although, i believe sean hannity's tactics are deliberate and premeditated to force upon his audience his handlers' agenda(s). Most decisions we make, the vast majority, the overwhelming percentage, is accredited to the subconscious mind. There is currently another thread here on ATS discussing this principal, I believe.

originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
Peoples’ opinions are malleable, meaning in this context:
capable of being altered or controlled by outside forces or influences

outside forces or influences being neural linguistic programming.

expanding on this briefly I would like to submit for your approval and/or consideration into your opinion maker:
changing the environment, our surroundings, controlling our mediums of media, are a pre-meditated planned attempt to alter and control peoples intentions, and their actions and behaviors. Why? To make their audience and extension of their will, and force and influence them to become a tool of theirs, serving their agendas while making us believe they are serving our agenda. FOX News shall not, and cannot, be permitted to succeed in their efforts especially if their agenda is not open for discussion, in my opinion. But FOX News is not the only vessel utilizing these mechanisms of control. In my opinion their programming is more subversive to American interests than Al-Jezeera is. But, if we look around at the major “Main Stream Medias” we can see they are spending more time on reporting on each other than what they were a few short decades ago. Reporters reporting on reporters is not reporting if they were reporters in the first place their reports would be neutral and fact based, not propaganda like FOX News (example) provides a platform for. FOX programming is agenda at it’s foundation. FOX News channel is propaganda, lies, falsehoods, not truisms, deceptive, and deception. FOX News incorporates many aspects of psyops that were deemed classified two decades ago.

originally posted by ArMaP
Let's see the case of the United States. If TPTB (or someone else) wants to send subliminal messages to the people and use only the English language, does that mean that they are not interested in the millions that only speak, for example, Spanish?

I can do this, and yes i believe TPTB (or someone
else) has incorporated such linguistical subliminal messaging into the social engineering machine that is language....

Of course American psyops’ operations target Spanish speaking citizens, and the borders with our southern neighbor. Absolutely.
How many Mexicans die or risk imprisonment crossing the border?

I Mix Company
I Mix Co.
Mix I Co.
Mixico = Mexico

Hey, you “Essay”
You Essay = USA (phonetic neuro-linguistic programming)

originally posted by
… but you've already been primed how to feel about it.

Well stated. Media is controlled by social engineering agendas. Yes, government does influence what Hollywood produces. Why? Because marshal law is marshal law. Marshal law implementation does not mean marshal law is formally declared to the general public.
Please let me say that again:

Marshal Law implementation does not mean marshal law is formally declared via Main Stream Media to the general public.

Case & Ponit: Not even War needs to be formally declared to engage in military operations against another nation.

Originally posted by falige
I skimmed through the comments as much as I could but I don't think anyone has made the point subliminal messaging hardly affects behavior at all. Or so I was taught in my psychology class...

I’m sure your psychology teacher was wrong. Subliminal messaging effects our behaviors, or else trillions would not be spent spreading it, combating it, or exposing it. As it stands this is my opinion and it has been for decades now. your teacher should be fired or change their lesson plans to reflect reality.

However, I reserve the right to proclaim I am totally wrong in my beliefs on this issue pending any future information my experiences and senses provide me with that introduce conflicting information in support of the contrary.

love the material and premise for this thread,

[edit on 22-8-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

[edit on 23-8-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by ArMaP

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
My point is, my post quality is similar in all posts, although I interject humor often.

The problem is that's your opinion, and the stars you get are not the result of your opinion, they are the result of other people's opinion about what you wrote.

and i co-author their opinion prior to their post by letting them know what opinion of theirs' i wish them to express in the next post. their starring my posts are not only the result of their opinions, but the result of the opinion i made a choice to manipulate via words, sometimes even asking for the right question via deliberate misplellings to initiate instinctual responses.

decypher or decipher. WHY?
similiar or similar WHY? (lar into liar) to initiate someone trying to call me out on statements i make. neuro-linguistical programming. influencing and controlling the dialogue i wish to engage in. or providing and invoking examples of it for further study.

I, for example, have a different opinion, I think the quality of your posts changes a lot (I even think it changes too much), that's why I give stars only to some.

what colour of the spectrum do you like? which color is the color you would like to see for all times? one colour, or many colors?

like i mentioned in a previous post, my target audience is not always the same individual. many of my posts are not directed to the majority, but rather a demographic.

i live an autobiography that i do not want everyone else to write without me having some editorial rights to.

magneloquence against war.

What is that written their on your dna? can you see it? can you smell it? can you hear it? can you feel it? can you taste it? i can.

maternal paternal instinct
same letters as:
Claimants' Internal pattern

neuro-linguistic programming is also a cellular phenomenon.

know thyself. the more you know thyself, the less you are someone else's beotch. the less you are of their will, and the more you are of your will.

i just want you to be you, and not someone you are not.

hope this helps,

[edit on 22-8-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

[edit on 23-8-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 09:37 PM
wow lot of professional graphic designers on here!
I did a study of sublims for a college project, i was stunned at what i learned! We are totaly subjected to subliminals everywhere!
I met a man who is an electronics specialist worked for IBM for 40 years, he said they put sublims in the flashes of light you see on your screens like on tv when you are not on a channel.

posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 02:13 AM

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver

Can NLP Be Weaponized? p1 Subliminal Advertising

i have used these same techniques to plant subliminal messages in fellow students at a community college i went to (1991) when we were working on a group project assignment together.

i was concerned about my grade point average, and my grade on this assignment was important to me, as i'm sure their grade point average was important to them.

it was a small community college in a rural area with only two directions to come from with miles of road. and i left some stuffed animals on this road to influence them to pick an ardvark mascot for an imaginary sports team (part of the assignment). i also left a small ardvark keychain (green) in a bush near the main entrance to the main hall. i also left two leaflets on the community board in the cafeteria and the lounge, one for an imaginary band with an ardvark clip art piece on it, and another garage sale advertisment with two ardvarks on it. I also had 3 friends of mind (students of the college but not in the class) to wear shirts with ardvark labels or pictures on them. it took a team of 8 of us less than five minutes to pick an ardvark for our imaginary mascot.

i taped our conversation, and used that experience to get a A on a paper in another class, incorporating the photos of where i planted the subliminal influences, and the details of the group assignment.

it certainly seems to work. too bad many of us do not realize the adverse affects on us being in a state of perpetual "auto-pilot", and how easy it is to decide for someone else what they are going to do!

people make themselves easy to manipulate, and they don't like to be known better than they know themselves. "You don't know me". hard to share with them that you know aspects of them better than they know themselves. they seem to get slightly offended or put off sometimes, but this is only due to religious social engineering spanning back thousands of years and through generations. surely there is an easy fix, somewhere.....

[edit on 23-8-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 04:05 AM
I agree, its not about the obvious, but HOW obvious it is. People don't want to hear how they may have been duped, but the fact of the matter is, WE all have been duped at one time or another.

This isn't a competition, its a form of knowledge that can actually move us up as a people, to recognize the obvious and turn it into something that can make the next generation aware.

posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 04:24 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

i hope you don't mind, but if you look down at my signature....

(who's your new billboard?)

posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 04:30 AM
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

Aww thank you, as long as you recognize that you have been a force to be reckoned with as well with your knowledge of this subject.

I know that you have the expertise to come forward and bring your knowledge to the table.. so thank you, and you are well received and appreciated in this thread.

Peace to you my friend, NRE.

posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 05:06 AM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
Also, here is a link to a very good anagram generator site that provides anagrams for nine languages, portugal's language included (why? because the phenomenon also exists in their language as well):
Anagram Generator

Thanks, although it sometimes creates words that do not exist to use all letter.

I Believe, although I concede I may be mistaken, the subliminal suggestions for stars in the avatar mini background image was successful.

The problem I have with that is that when you change two parameters (the mini-profile background image and the posting style) you cannot be sure what was the primary reason for other people's behaviour; was it the image, the posting style or both?

Or was it a coincidence?

Please review the 4th video again, and take a close look into the details of what it is being presented and being pointed out to us. These subtle hints do have an effect on us, our opinions, our actions and our behaviors, degrees and results may vary.

I didn't watch the videos, for two reasons:

1 - I hate wasting my time looking at videos in which things could have been said in just a few words, there's too much redundant information on videos.

2 - I didn't want to be conditioned by the videos.

posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 05:15 AM
reply to post by ArMaP

I have to ask.
One. Why would you not want to be subjected to more information in order to make a more informative opinion?

Two. Why would you think that by watching such videos, may not either change or help with you informative decision?

Three. To you, why doesn't anagrams with either added or dismissive letters not make a point when we know that the fact is that is how language works?


posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 05:23 AM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
hope this helps

It helps, now I understand much better what you have been saying.

And this is also an example of how linguistic conditioning is limited to the level of understanding of the target, someone like myself, that does not fully understand English in its subtleties, loses a lot of data that the people that understand it detect in a communication.

posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 05:32 AM
i would like to make a known/share a personal opinion of mine, based upon my my experiences and interpretations of what my sensory perceptions allow me to entertain or have ideas about. i reserve the right to claim i am totally wrong pending further information my sensory input and experiences in the future might present me with.

concerning the "main stream news".

we will be told what they want us to know, and the information that serves their agenda. period. who are they? watch the mainstream news and wait for them to tell you.

nations do not need to declare war against eachother in order to participate in military actions against one another.

marshal law does not mean they are going to overty announce to the general public that we are under marshal law, or any degree of it.

that is my opinion. thought i would share.

posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 05:44 AM
Information is Information- "In- Formation" this is the way that we perceive it. Its knowledge non the less, we as people with our own positions are the ones who have to decide where we put it, whether in our conscience or sub-conscience.

We have the right to decide where we put it, depending on where you think your rights are. IMO its in the mentality of ones self. Most don't want to be manipulated, but where does that take us?

Where is the majority and minority? Why are they separate? Why cant we assemble as a people who are recognizing the obvious and move on to the next issue?


posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 06:01 AM

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver
One. Why would you not want to be subjected to more information in order to make a more informative opinion?

As I said, the problem is not that there is more information, the problem is the amount of information in a video that it's not necessary for the conveying of the information that is supposedly the reason for that video.

For example, the pauses while someone speaks and the gestures that person makes are irrelevant for the subject but they may show a lot of data about that person. As I am not interested in the person I don't want that information.

Two. Why would you think that by watching such videos, may not either change or help with you informative decision?

I didn't said anything about that, I suppose they also have pertinent data about the subject (otherwise you wouldn't had posted them), it's a question of time and the amount of relevant data that can be gathered.

Three. To you, why doesn't anagrams with either added or dismissive letters not make a point when we know that the fact is that is how language works?

How is that how language works?

The evolution of a language is made by the people that use it, not by some person (or program) that decides which letter to add or remove to make a point.

But that may work in English better than in Portuguese, because when we talk about written word we are talking about two things: the way we write them and the way we read them.

Like "fish" could be written as "ghoti"; "gh" would be read as "f", like in "enough", "o" would be read "i", like in "women, and "ti" would be read "sh" as in "nation". This type of thing happens much more in English than in Portuguese, where it's very rare (as far as I remember

posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 06:34 AM
With the information given, and your lack of wanting to be informed, I am then wondering about your participation in this thread.

You obviously "know" what being presented (though you didn't feel the need to be subjected to the videos), and you are not impressed by the knowledge that may be informative for others.

Why would you then subject yourself and participate in a thread that is of no interest to you? I wonder because I think the amount of people that have actually learned something from it.


posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by ArMaP

I Believe, although I concede I may be mistaken, the subliminal suggestions for stars in the avatar mini background image was successful.

The problem I have with that is that when you change two parameters (the mini-profile background image and the posting style) you cannot be sure what was the primary reason for other people's behaviour; was it the image, the posting style or both?

Or was it a coincidence?

great question. i did try maintain the same posting style for the duration and a week prior to the experiment. however, i did author an intersting thread in the alien ufo thread which was the first thread i had ever authored which recieved stars that went into the + region filling up the star bar. i posted it a week or so before i changed that avatar to the multi-ATS logo one, and it received many stars. it was the first thread out of 300 that i recieved stars for into the + catagory.
i don't know all your personal tastes, but for me it was a bit of a rant about all catagories of ufo conspiritors, be they believers, skeptics, debunkers, or otherwise. here is the thread i am talking about, if you read it, please let me know if you would star such a post or not, or if you already have:

was it a great thread? i don't know, but some people seemed to like it, there were a lot of members who posted in it, i can't recall if you were one of them or not at this particular moment.

I didn't watch the videos, for two reasons:

1 - I hate wasting my time looking at videos in which things could have been said in just a few words, there's too much redundant information on videos.

2 - I didn't want to be conditioned by the videos.

ok, fair enough. i can understand whole heartedly your concerns and the #2 reason, honestly. the first one, i'm willing to meet you half way on for a few reasons. However, i think you may find the first two videos not too damaging to your person or psychi, and find they contain information that is not too redundant. in 5 years on ATS i have not seen those, nor had i heard the information presented in them before by the narrator anywhere.

the first two videos you may enjoy, ArMaP. they make real good sense.
and, it is apparent that the guy talking know at the very least a little bit about neuro-linguistic programming and body language. he does a great job of breaking sean hannity's gestures down, and what they mean.

it is almost a little offensive and appaulling to know that sean knows what he is doing and why he is doing it, and how he can do it without any remorse or empathy, so callous, so cold, so belittling, so hateful, so disrespectful to both his guest and his audience. people should have the right to know when they are being brain raped. if they do not welcome the information, they are the extension of someone elses' agenda(s).

sean hannity is only one of them whose tactics should be shown for what they are. those first two videos are very informative, imo.

this thread rocks! i love ATS. this material is a big part of why ATS exists in my opinion. ignorance is what FOX is serving, all day long, 24/7. they only mask their agenda up with their linguistical and neuro-linguistical programming. sure, they get a few facts in there, but not the facts that conflict with their agenda. not that the other msm are totally reliable either, mind you. but what fox does is social poison. and i am not alone in my views on this.

thanks again guys,

edit to fix quote notations

[edit on 23-8-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver
With the information given, and your lack of wanting to be informed, I am then wondering about your participation in this thread.

It's not a question of not wanting to be informed, it's a question of doubting the value of the information I may get from the videos when compared with the time I have to spend watching them.

Although some people say that time is money, you can borrow (or steal) money but you can never get more time.

You obviously "know" what being presented (though you didn't feel the need to be subjected to the videos), and you are not impressed by the knowledge that may be informative for others.

Why should I "be impressed by the knowledge that may be informative for others"? That's completely irrelevant to me, what I know is that more than 50 minutes its a lot of time to spend watching videos that may not give me any new or relevant information about this subject.

Why would you then subject yourself and participate in a thread that is of no interest to you? I wonder because I think the amount of people that have actually learned something from it.

If it was not of my interest I wouldn't be participating.

There are several things that make me dismiss some of the information presented in this thread, although this is a subject that I know something about and that I think it's an important subject.

One of those things is that some people say that they use subliminal messages but accept videos when they are from other sources. Why not distrust these videos also? Are you sure they are not using their own conditioning to make you think what they want you to think?

One example is that video that you posted just after talking about Disney. The video has no connection to Disney, you knew it, but you posted it in a way to make people think that it was related to Disney in some way.

Another thing is that this type of conditioning is largely based on cultural grounds, so what may work very well for an American may be completely useless for a Portuguese. For example, I read once that Americans, when talking face to another person look more to the mouth than to the eyes. I don't know if that's true or not, but if it is then that's another of those cultural things that change the way this type of conditioning works.

That's why I have been saying (and apparently I was not successful in transmitting my message) that the best conditioning methods are the ones closer to our common way of functioning, those methods that appeal to our instincts and that we cannot really control, like very low frequency sounds.

Did you noticed that in the movies they always use a low frequency sound in dangerous situations? That's because our ears cannot detect the direction of low frequency sounds, so we get a little worried just because of that. Some of those sounds may be of such a low frequency that we do not even notice them, but our body notices and gives the alarm. I don't know if that's the reason for our fear, but one example of such low frequency sounds is that low rumbling sound during an earthquake.

The above system works with everyone, even with deaf people, because sound, being a physical phenomena, affects all of our body, while vision is very limited in this aspect.

posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 08:50 AM
Okay so I think it is safe to say this gentlemen is on CRACK!

Also I don't know if this ad is from the 70s or early 80s but when ever it existed its hard for me to imagine I shared the same planet with this freaky looking dude.

Him and his flying suit creep me the hell out!


posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 09:13 AM
i'm doing this for you and you alone ArMaP,

to justify that ArMaP is 100% correct that ET can change his posting style, i offer you all for your consumption that this may be an accurate description of my posting style(s).

there is truth in these words, and there is humor in these words, and there is technical jargon in these words, but these words may only be my opinion blended with rhetoric and seasoned with a little truth, don't take it too seriously:

ArMaP is right, my posting style can change....

long term studies have concluded, and their summary is that there are physical and psychological indicators of why it is unhealthy to hate, and the symptoms are extremely contagious.

it begins by infecting the nervous system with flawed logic, then creates embedding of false information which makes people more susceptible to neruo-linguistical programming and psyops which permits others to more easily influence or control the hater's intentions, priorities, as well as their actions and behaviors in such a fashion they don't even know their someone's beotch. In the final stages of hate comes critical and impartial paralysis of an individual's mind, and it's ability to function properly, restulting in the total 360 arc of blinding of ones outer most regions of their peripheral vision, and narrowing their field of vision at such a slow pace that the hater's mind does not even consiously realize they are going blind, creating fear and the fear usurps the subcoscious mind and infects their recalcitrant magneloquences to the point where they get a career in front of a camera for our amusement at fox news. don't hate the playa man, and don't hate the game playa's. i make the playas hate the game, and i make the game hate the playas playa!

Glenn Beck HATES. He goes off on this lady before she finishes her sentence, and his response is not addressing her question(s) he simply is condescendingly misrepresenting what she is trying to ask about and he is misdirecting her from her inquiries, and misdirecting his audience from the topic:
Glenn Beck Goes Off on a caller (pause at 1:05 and read why)

For those who chose to watch the above clip, here is the antidote/medicine to help get glenn beck's voice out of your head. i'm sorry you heard glenn beck do that to that poor old lady:

come here and give your gummy bear a big kiss you!

edited to add clip of glenn beck.

[edit on 23-8-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

[edit on 23-8-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 10:22 AM
OK, I watched the first video, and I am amazed.

Not by what it says (I was expecting it and I think I have already seen one of these videos) but by the fact that this is not something that all people know.

Is direct communication in such bad shape in the US that people do not recognise any more what are common and obvious ways of visual communicating with the other person? Those are part of the things that are missing from exclusively written communications like e-mail and posting on discussion forums and that we are constantly using as an excuse for failure in written communication.

If people have to watch a video of some talking heads to be explained about this then I cannot imagine how much of all the body language of a person some people ignore when seeing it and how easy it would be for those people to not really understand what the other person is trying to communicate.

PS: I didn't learn a thing about the subject but, apparently, I learn some things about American people.

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