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They won't build it! Hardhats vow not to work on controversial mosque near Ground Zero

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posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 08:12 AM
if you build it....

....they will come

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 08:21 AM
You are absolutely correct. The hard hats won't build it.
And again, there will be inspection issues.
As for outside help coming in, they'll have to deal with the labor unions, as well as the law enforcement issues on correct permits, vehicle registration, and transportation. Then there is the issue on where these "outside workers" will live.
In a hotel? Once again the unions will intervene.
The bottom line, if these radical muslims (support for the terrorists Hamas as well as illegally obtaining funds from any terrorist organization, State or Country) are allowed to build, it may take decades for it to be completed.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 08:23 AM
I think that there will be some strong arm behind-the-scene negotiations... but the fact is that its not on 'Ground Zero' should be the first clue that people are being manipulated into flipping out...

Unions will grumble, but in the end, I think it will get built.

Then the powers that be will organize the fifteen minutes of hate against it...

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 08:30 AM
The mentality here is quite shocking and sad. I really am shocked to see that some Americans can't differentiate between extremism and moderate Muslims. It's as if there are a select few who will continually punish a group of individuals because of the act of a few. I'm sure it'd go over well if hardhats refused to build Christian churches because priests have been caught sleeping with children in the past. Does this mean every priest is guilty of this and treat it as so? C'mon people, use your head.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by ZindoDoone
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

You are talking about Fla. which is a 'right to work' state almost devoid of union membership. I'm talking about NYC probably the largest union city in the USA and there is a BIG difference. The unions in NYC work together and the use of Mexicans or any other workers would cause untold problems for the contractor that tried to make use of the non-union work force. The delays in delivery and lost or wrong content delivered and other ways to throw monkey wrenches into their plans would drive the cost of this endeavor to extreme over runs. They'd have to keep the plans (blue prints) of under lock and key because they would disappear or be changed over night and no one would be the wiser for days. I've seen this done so it's not just conjecture!


Trust me when I say you don't know New York very well. The Unions are all controlled by Organized Crime in New York City and crime pays! It pays quite well.

If anything this is a negotiating position for the syndicates to up the price for some of those services.

They aren't going to leave money on the table for Mom, Apple Pie and Chevrolet.

I sympathize with people who feel it's insensitive for this Community Center and Mosque to be built, but hanging your hopes on a very corrupt group of ogranizations is why most people think 19 Saudia Arabians Hijackers committed the crime in the first place, even though no one has been charged and no evidence presented to a Judicial Body.

Americans should be upset that a partisan political body usurped the powers of another branch of Government the Judiciary in order to let the greatest crime in America go unpunished.

The Mosque and Community Center is going to get built, in part because the controversy just makes people buy into that allegation that the "Muslims" did it, to better protect the real scum who did it.

The Unions still 'work' in NYC because of the Five Families. They are in the business of making money, and scratching the government's back too.

This is just another inflamatory news piece for people who like to ride that emotional roller coaster of manipulation.

Ride it at your own risk, doesn't seem like those who are, are having any fun though!


posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Keep'm confused and squabbling, and the rest is easy.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by jibeho

I was waiting for this to happen. The developer will be forced to ship in labor and supplies from outside the Tri-State area because any local suppliers and workers will be publicly outed.

I made this comment several days ago in another thread.

Now, for the good part... Will any local NY contractors want to take on this project?? I smell retribution for those who work on this project. Possibly some inspection issues... you get the idea... New Yorkers are a tough and proud bunch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[edit on 20-8-2010 by jibeho]

There is bound to be a number of Muslim builders in the tri state area and as far as I know the US operate a free market system and materials can be sourced elsewhere.

Any attempts to damage or disrupt the process will reveal that the participants in such endeavors will be shown to be no better than the Muslim extremists they supposedly hate for their extreme views.

[edit on 20-8-2010 by Thepreye]

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by purplemonkeydishwasher
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Keep'm confused and squabbling, and the rest is easy.

It's just another divide and conquer issue to distract people from the real problems and challenges confronting us.

Their daily bread and circus of fear and anger, served up piping hot and full of rage.

It's amazing how many 'awake' and 'evolved' and 'critical' minds fall for it.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 08:51 AM
The emotion will die down and they'll build it. Not every union member is going to turn down work or is "against" this project. Even former mayor Rudy laughs at this. He knows the score about unions. Go to 5:12. Guess we'll see.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 08:52 AM
Hardhats or Hardheaded?

religion aside, if these guys were smarter they would agree that 9/11 either happened because of U.S. policy or because it was an inside job, which also can be categorized as u.s. policy.

The whole thing is stupid.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 08:52 AM
I don't know what the people responsible for this project had in mind ??

Any informed person would know that the majority of the citizen of your Country has a NAZI mentality. Why the hell provoke bigots/racists people?

If I was them, I would not just halt the project but I would just leave the Country, while I still can.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
Hardhats or Hardheaded?

religion aside, if these guys were smarter they would agree that 9/11 either happened because of U.S. policy or because it was an inside job, which also can be categorized as u.s. policy.

The whole thing is stupid.

Im leaning toward hard headed on your part. U.S Poilcy had nothing to do with 9-11 Osama had defeated the Bear and he turned his attention toward the Eagle.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 09:05 AM
If we stopped construction on a piece of American land where someone died, we wouldn't have any buildings in America. There's no such thing as hallowed ground. I loathe that argument. Whatever we have, we took, and we took it with war and blood and bodies scattered across the the country. This isn't the Highlander. This is life on Earth and wherever you put your feet, something or someone has died there.

Do your job, feed your family, stick with the Constitution, stop whining, and man up. Just my two cents...

[edit on 20-8-2010 by bikeshedding]

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 09:27 AM
Yeah they'll build offices for multi-national corps but they won't build a place to worship religion... Why?

Because they're obviously easily lead by the media which makes them think all Muslims are terorists.

Disgusting, pathetic and downright stupid. I'm not Muslim but I'm also not naive enough to think 'Muslims' brought down the towers.

Once again, Muslim is not another word for terrorist, despite what your daily tabloid wants you to think.

Christ I can't wait to get away from this place... Fking numbnuts everywhere.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 09:28 AM
I say let'em build the stupid thing....just don't go to the press whining about how it's being bombed and you're having to RE-build it every year!

They're imploring the government for permission to build this thing...

Do they live in the White House or something...NO.

They live among the American PEOPLE, it's the People's blessing you need, not the government's. WE'RE the ones these people have to live with!! And WE don't want your Mosque built right at the place where Muslim extremists slaughtered thousands of innocent lives.

Plain & Simple...

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by poedxsoldiervet

US policy had nothing to do with 9/11? Geez ask yourself WHY he turned toward the eagle. There is evidence to show that US interventionlist foreign policy had everything to do with 9/11. A group of people hated what the US was doing in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East and how they were Westernizing it, so they retaliated. Why do you think our bases are no longer in Saudi Arabia? How can you say our policies had nothing to do with 9/11? There's a direct correlation. They as much as TOLD us this.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 09:38 AM
The constitution?

Now what has the constitution have to do with construction workers not building a Mosque?

Let's think!

Freedom to express ones self.....? Ring a bell...anybody?

Should we point guns at their hard hatted heads and demand that they build something they find personally offensive?

Maybe the evil minded blue collar guerilla Americans have their own set of beliefs that trump income...or religion.

Maybe they just think the whole damn thing is in bad taste and recognize it for something beyond what the "propaganda" says it is.

Maybe, unlike so many here who are absolutely certain that it was Bush /Haarp /Aliens /Rogue Demolition Artists /Holograms /Taliban /MIB /Mothman....

Just maybe the workers are all pretty suspicious of the religion that claimed credit for 911. The same religion that celebrated that day. Maybe they think it's in bad taste. Maybe they just don't like watching a part of their skyline turned into a cloud of dust and their friends and neighbors killed.

Maybe the whole thing has them a bit on the sensitive side.

Any way you slice it, the construction workers in New York actually have opinions of their own.

Aaannnd.....back to that freedom of expression.....they are expressing their own opinions.


Yeah, I guess they've got that going for them.

Reminds me,
I need a new hard hat. Mines pretty worn out.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 09:40 AM
the government knocked down the towers, not the muslims
so this is not even a relevant outcry of anger in my opinion

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

Geez we were asked there By the Saudi and Kuwait Governments to stop Saddam from Invading these countries again. They also stayed till Saddam was kicked out in 2003, then left Saudi for Quatar. Osama and his Radical Muslims are cowards nothing more, they take there preverted relgion and flip to make all Muslims look bad.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by poedxsoldiervet

So? How does that in any way change the reasons a few radicalized extremists had for attacking us on 9/11? Perception perception perception.

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