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Palin defends Dr. Laura over N-word rant: ‘Be thankful for her voice, America’

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posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by Ashyr

You failed at logic there.

Apparently, some people seem to think that racism in this country just magically disappeared once civil rights were granted to minorities.

Do people have selective amnesia or something?

[edit on 20-8-2010 by The Sword]

Well I can't answer that for sure.
But apparently selective listening and selective reading are both alive and well.
Go figure.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by Styki
reply to post by DrJay1975

Her choice of words was in poor taste.

That's not even counting the fact that they were in response to a caller asking for help. She completely insulted the caller by implying that she was overly sensitive and proceeded to go no a tangent about blacks using the N-word.

When making an argument, it would be wise to consider stating the argument in an acceptable manner. Had it been necessary to make the points she did, there are several ways she could have gone about doing that which would have been acceptable.

Here in this thread people have discussed black people using the N-word without being offensive about it. Point of the matter, she went on a rant, on air and it got out of control.

[edit on 19-8-2010 by Styki]

I'm confused as to your point. Laura getting pissed off is not relevant. Other ways to address the caller is not relevant.

THe issue is "Were her comments racist?". The answer is no. A word in itself can't be racist. This word was used as a quotation of what you hear on Def Jam Comedy or from other black comments. Laura called nobody that name. Saying her statement was racist is the equivilant of me saying whne you listen to Louis Farakhan all you here is "white devil white devil white devil". But miraculously it doesn't make me racist against whites.

Now I'll tell you who is racist. People who think that a white person using that word is racist. It's ok for blacks but not whites. Regardless of whether or not the white person is quoting someone else, it's racist. It's a shameful double standard.

It's all about context. I am more offended by hearing the word Pu$$y on the radio than I am but Laura did.

THe double standard exists on ATS as well. How many threads have you seen using the term "redneck"? Used as a slur and not a quote? The same people complaining about Laura using the "N word" as a quotation have no problem using the word redncek as a slur.

It's funny some of the people saying it's in poor taste can't see how the 9/11 Mosque is in poor taste and call folks bigot's when they comment its in poor taste...

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by Matthew Dark
And, just to poke a bit of fun...

Snoop Dogg has done serious time? I know Martha has.

[edit on 20-8-2010 by intrepid]

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 10:20 AM
palin sure is dumb, but my god she is fine
the things i would...

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by 2weird2live2rare2die

I wouldn't [snip] her with a stolen [snip]!

Sorry, that is damaged goods. You should know that a psycho chick is no good.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by Incubus2

Why do whites put up with this nonsense about race? We're the ones being discriminated against. BET, the NAACP, and black scholarships say it all really. You will not find any white versions of these.

The intent was not to discriminate against Whites, but to gain the same rights guaranteed to All Americans.

The same thing Applies to the Native Americans whom are slowly gaining equal status and more recognition in our society as a whole.

When was the last time any of us have seen a Native American as the CEO of a major corporation or even on a major network television program ?

I do recall one...

Anyone remember the Lone Ranger ?
The Lone Ranger's sidekick, the "Indian", named Tonto, which if you speak any Spanish means, "Stupid".
I used to wonder as a kid why they would do that ?
Maybe they didn't know what it meant and sounded cool ??

So there you have it. The White guy, The Lone Ranger and his Indian sidekick named "Stupid".

This is why the Blacks had created their own organizations, not to discriminate against Whites, but as the Tonto example, to gain equality.

Were you aware that the NAACP was originally founded by Whites ?
No, with a statement such as yours, you obviously wouldn't.
But the NAACP was actually founded and presided over by Whites.

1909: Jacob Schiff founds the National Advancement for the Association of the Colored People (NAACP).

This once again is primarily why they have created their own organizations....if they were granted their legal Constitutional Rights, then there wouldn't be any need for any of these organizations in the first place.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 11:01 AM
This woman is an absolute scum bag but she has a point about the Obama thing. My wife is black, I am white, a guy once called my wife a n*gger and I broke his nose, true story and I'm glad that I did it, this shouldn't be a question, don't be saying the n-word, no-one should say it as a joke or otherwise. It is disgusting if a black person says it also, people also need to stop thinking that racism to white people is okay, to me it is equally as disgusting.

I can't believe she said don't marry out of your race, imo you can tell that she really has some kind of underlying hate.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 11:12 AM
Now I'll tell you who is racist. People who think that a white person using that word is racist. It's ok for blacks but not whites.

Gee, I'm sure that all the black ATS'ers appreciate the effort to explain racism to them! How thoughtful!
Maybe you can go into a little more detail of what else bugs you about blacks! Maybe give them some tips on what they should think and how to behave! Just like Dr Laura!

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by intrepid
Snoop Dogg has done serious time? I know Martha has.

Snoop Dogg did 6 months for coc aine trafficking at Wayside County Jail. He wound up going in and out of jail for three years after he graduated high school. A gangster from the hood, busted for coc aine trafficking, among other things, will be stuck in with the dregs of society.

In comparison, Martha Stewart was in a country club.

I wouldn't compare the two.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by Ashyr

if i say for example.
someone asks me, "where is the water cooler" in a room full of ppl and there happens to be an "African American" or "Dark Skinned Man" standing by the water cooler. and i say "over by that black dude"

if i am "innocent an ignorant" it is nothing more than an observation. there is nothing more. i mean you can sit there and argue all day about t.


I'm not sure I understand that point - do you mean referring to someone as a dude? If a person is black and standing by the water cooler and for whatever reason (maybe there is a crowd of people in the way and the cooler cannot be seen and it just so happens the gentleman at the water cooler is black and can clearly be seen, maybe he's taller, maybe someone near him is short, what is the issue? You didn't say "can you see the 'N-word'? It's next to him." Now that would be rascist as we interpret the word in that way. What if it was a pale skinned ginger haired person and you used those features as a term of reference? You wouldn't be using terms felt offensive by the majority - would you?

I just don't think your scenario really matches the issue being addressed, please correct me if I'm wrong.

[edit on 20/8/2010 by Ashyr]

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by Matthew Dark

if you were to say what up my n**ga that would be like saying what up my friend. if you were to say what up my n***er that would be like saying what up my slave. n***er has a harsh meaning nevermind the fact that the word literaly means black. people need to stop playing dumb and realize that is a racial slur. most self respecting black people will not use the word to eachother and to the rest that do use the word if they had half a mind they would not be using the word either way n**ga or n***er. it is a word that should be frowned down upon period.

the part that upset me was when the caller let dr. laura know in a respectable manner that she was offended by dr. laura's use of the n-word, instead of calmly explaining herself in a civil manner dr. laura went on an n-word tirade and her debating points were awful if not down right archie-bunkerish. laughable even. so dr. laura used her right to say the word and now the rest of us can use our right to frown down upon her actions. i think had she gone about the debate in a less hostile manner her points would have been better made.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by whaaa

I would dare pay attention to anyone who attempts to run for Vice president but knows nothing about foreign policy. Except that RUSSIA IS IN HER BACK YARD LMAO LOL GTFOH
. And the people of this country were so up her ARS they made her glasses famous like WTF exactly is important here people of Americanaz how cute your potential Vice Presidents glasses are or how well she can deal with issues overseas. SMH

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 11:56 AM

Dr. Laura is a phony/fake/fraud

Dr. Laura is a Fraud, for in actuality, she is NOT even a Psychologist but holds a PhD in Physiology.

A degree which has nothing to do with human interpersonal relations.

No wonder she responded as she did , perhaps it was PMS talking ?

I was fortunate enough to have had a Black roomate in college.
We used to get into these discussions over a bowl....or two of ....
kellogs cornflakes ...yeah, thats the ticket !

From the way in which it was conveyed to me....
The historical significance and origination of the N word going back to the days of Slavery has much to do with the word's offensive nature when used by White Slave Owners towards Blacks.

This originates from the days of servitude where the Master used the N Word in a denigrating manner instead of using the individuals name AND also as to why Blacks are also offended by the term "Boy" when used by Whites for the same historical reasons.

This originated amongst southern Blacks and has since transcended into Black culture, who use the term albeit in a non complimentary fashion.

The term "RedNeck" , though derogatory, was more descriptive of a class of White person, who worked in the fields, (and hence the physiological descriptive terminology) alongside Blacks in the fields.

This of course being in contrast to the Whites who were Land and Slave owners.

I learned this in College where I lived in a dormitory amongst many different people. Whites, Blacks, Jews and even Iranians (who are not all devout muslims btw).

I didn't realize it at the time but it really opened my then ignorant eyes as to how similar we really are.

In retrospect it was an excellent AND educational experience that I will forever cherish.


posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by conspiracy nut

You do realize that it's the same word, regardless of the uneducated manner in which it's used, right?
I don't care one way or another who says it and who doesn't.
I was just offering social commentary.
Don't come at me with your whinging.
Like I said, two hens clucking at each other.
Why is this such a big deal?

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by conspiracy nut
reply to post by Matthew Dark

if you were to say what up my n**ga that would be like saying what up my friend. if you were to say what up my n***er that would be like saying what up my slave. n***er has a harsh meaning nevermind the fact that the word literaly means black. people need to stop playing dumb and realize that is a racial slur. most self respecting black people will not use the word to eachother and to the rest that do use the word if they had half a mind they would not be using the word either way n**ga or n***er. it is a word that should be frowned down upon period.

the part that upset me was when the caller let dr. laura know in a respectable manner that she was offended by dr. laura's use of the n-word, instead of calmly explaining herself in a civil manner dr. laura went on an n-word tirade and her debating points were awful if not down right archie-bunkerish. laughable even. so dr. laura used her right to say the word and now the rest of us can use our right to frown down upon her actions. i think had she gone about the debate in a less hostile manner her points would have been better made.

Hi, regarding your first sentence, I'm not saying I disagree with you, but for the majority of people, wouldn't these sound the same when spoken not written?

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by MilzGatez

Ohhh, I get it now... hispanic gangbangers or homies (is that how you spell it?) are the defining authority on the use of the word N*gge* and any variation of it? Are you kidding me?

Since when do Hispanics lump themselves into the same disenfranchised class as Blacks? Wait, let me guess. Because hispanics are "minorities", and I use that term loosely, they can now "relate" with Black people and how they feel when someone calls them a n****r.. Did I get it right? because the White man is holding everybody down, we're the only group who CAN'T say n****r?
Can we at least say, in your words, "NIGGA"?

But wait, I'm still confused.. Dr. Laura is Jewish (you know, the most heavily persecuted group of people on the planet), doesn't this now give her full access to our little word? after all, her people have been held down and even almost annihilated. Seems to me, if any group of people had a right to call another group of people anything they wanted to, it would be the Jewish people....

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by conspiracy nut

You know what Conspiracy Nut, I agree 100% with you.. either way is wrong. I just responded to another post and may have come off appearing to be very frustrated, well I was... But then I read your post.. And you're right... If everybody respected themselves as well as others, these demeaning and belittling words would be in nobodies vocabulary..

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by MilzGatez

Just for the record, I married a Hispanic woman, who grew up with very little... take a guess how she greets people..

Hello Sir, hello ma'am.... no insults, no innuendos, just "Hello"... but now that we're in Texas, it's "Howdy"....

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

"The racial stigma is a huge hurdle to cross. But one we must cross to conversate openly and honstly. Sometimes bad things must be said to convey a point. Maybe Dr. Laura just didn't do it at the right time, in the right way."

Whatever you consider to be the racial stigma is one thing but there has been racial dialogue or should I say dialogue between the so-called races for at least two centuries in the modern context.

Where does the right to be obnoxious factor into the equation. Can there be any true dialogue if one party wishes to use a racial insult?

I think the entire arguement is disingenuous. I really hope that you exercise your believed right in certain parts of town where no one is looking for payday.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 01:29 PM
i'm going to start calling everyone nword. "hey nword" could catch on..
i am definitely the gringo around my hood .
trying to teach them how to drink real beer.

[edit on 20-8-2010 by p51mustang]

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