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Palin defends Dr. Laura over N-word rant: ‘Be thankful for her voice, America’

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posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by eNaR
reply to post by whaaa

If Palin is the best America has we're all in deep # ! She's really an embarrassment to the education system....

Then she should fit right in on the hill somewhere.

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by whaaa

Let's NOT paint Republicans as anti-black or anti-any other race...this is BS....Federalist/Republicans Passed the proclamation emancipation.....can't stand how people draw these broad-general lines in the political sand due to some douche-bag on TV making noise...the majority just see's that boy and suddenly the whole contingency is summarily categorized and shelved...VERY undemocratic way of thinking and fostering a sense of elitism in saying the "other way" is evil and wrong....just ironic

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 11:39 PM
Why do white people want to say 'n-word' so badly? I mean, it's really not a special word. And the monkey see monkey do reason for saying it is really dumb.

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by Jenisiz
but take your heads out of your a**es and understand it's much more then just a word for us.

[edit on 19-8-2010 by Jenisiz]

Then could you please fill me in as to why younger blacks call eachother that, and use it almost every other word?

Please feel free to U2U me if you would like to discuss this in private. I truely would like to know, for my enlightenment.

Thank you kindly.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by Throwback
Why do white people want to say 'n-word' so badly? I mean, it's really not a special word. And the monkey see monkey do reason for saying it is really dumb.

It's not that they want to soo badly, it's just they don't want somebody infringing upon their right to say it. Equality and freedom of speech works in all directions.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by DondeEsta?

Why do you want to say it at all? To fit in around blacks?

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by jeddun
reply to post by whaaa

Let's NOT paint Republicans as anti-black or anti-any other race...this is BS....Federalist/Republicans Passed the proclamation emancipation.....can't stand how people draw these broad-general lines in the political sand due to some douche-bag on TV making noise...the majority just see's that boy and suddenly the whole contingency is summarily categorized and shelved...VERY undemocratic way of thinking and fostering a sense of elitism in saying the "other way" is evil and wrong....just ironic

God I love you know how MOST blacks feel about the N-word. Just multiply this 100 times over...stereotypes suck huh.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 12:26 AM
the reason young black people say the n-word so much is because it is the equivalent of "dude" or "man" for them. If you notice when it is said in a conversation you'll notice you could replace it with either man or dude and you would think a couple of white people are having a conversation.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by Throwback

Never said I wanted to, just stating the case that like most things, people don't like to be told what they can and can not do. I think you can understand that.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by whaaa

I know how people like to attack Obama but look at the alternatives. They're not much more appealing. Newt? Palin? Ron Paul? Are you kidding me?

Dr.Laura must have had something wedged far up her ass that day. What's Palin going to apologize for next?

Sarah Palin is a grave danger to the sanity of America.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by jeddun

And let's not defend racism and complain about the "race card" when the cold hard facts are in front of us.

Dr.Laura repeatedly called a black woman a n*****. There's no defending that.

Stop complaining about blacks using the word among blacks. That has nothing to do with the issue at hand.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by whaaa

The palin woman is a LOON. And one more dupe of the world wide program.

Shes been told to cause problems and whip up the far right. Maybe they promised not to eat her when the EVENT came.

Once again the evil lizard overlords are trying to put one more block in the humans way to complete joining.

Here's an idea for you folks. Do this and you'll be surprised on just how many ways the overlords have humans hating each other over almost everything. The old divide & conquor ploy.

Your take any 24 hr period of any week and read all the ways its being done.

1. You'll be more informed.
2. You'll know how to counter future Lizard Overlord programing.


You could just sit back watch your favorite sports program, reality TV, cooking show, etc..and be a good little passive slave..and never get off the ride...

Knowlege is power..
The chose can be yours..

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by jekylisland
the reason young black people say the n-word so much is because it is the equivalent of "dude" or "man" for them. If you notice when it is said in a conversation you'll notice you could replace it with either man or dude and you would think a couple of white people are having a conversation.

Ok, I can see that. after all the etymology of the word is Latin for BLACK.
So them calling each other "BLACK" is akin to me and my friends calling each other "Redneck"?

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 12:36 AM
Wonderful thing about Palin, the elephant's mouth needs just time to throw the trunk in mouth and choke.


posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by whaaa

there is a clear double standard but WHAT THE HELL was she thinking....

maybe its best to end her show.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 01:00 AM
has anyone pointed out that when younger people use the word they say n**ga and it is used as slang not as a racial slur. when dr, laura used it she said n***er. either way its an awful word and i wish it were banned outright.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by whaaa

If I've learned anything over the last few years, it's when you get Sarah Palin involved, it can really only hurt your argument...even if you're right.
Now, Dr. Laura...well...she's just a joke to begin with.
She (and I can't believe I'm about to say this) brought up some good points.
If a black guy or chick drops an n-bomb, it's not only socially acceptable, but a term of endearment.
If a white guy or chick drops it, it's racist.
That's such a crock of sh#t it's not even funny any more.
Yeah, Americans are way too overly sensitive these days.
You know where political correctness came from?
Obnoxious, know-nothing know-it-all liberals.
Look, everyone is not created's the worth of their character, not the color of their skin.
Blah blah blah whinge whinge whinge political correct wah wah wah.
That whole conversation essentially boiled down to two hens clucking at each other and no one listening.
If the black chick doesn't like what someone says, either don't be around them, ignore them or stand up for yourself.
If the white chick is running off at the mouth, tell her to shut the hell up...or don't listen to her freakin' radio show.
It's really that easy folks.
We have a black guy in the highest seat of the land...that speaks volumes for how far civil rights have come.
No, not every black guy can be president.
But...hell...not every white guy can either.
Let's call it an even playing field now and start acting like adults.

And, just to poke a bit of fun...

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by conspiracy nut
has anyone pointed out that when younger people use the word they say n**ga and it is used as slang not as a racial slur. when dr, laura used it she said n***er. either way its an awful word and i wish it were banned outright.

That's your argument?
That's borderline retarded.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by DondeEsta?

its the same reason that a fat person might jokingly call themselves fat in front of others. by assigning a different emotional connotation to the word and taking ownership of it, it becomes less hurtful.

also, i have heard that most black people even don't like saying the 'N-word' in most situations, and they actually use the derivation 'nigga' to refer to each other because because it doesn't carry the same emotional connotation

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 02:14 AM
aight, so i was listening to the opening 2:45sec of the program. and (dr laura) threw the N-bomb out when the caller was remarking in reference to a white neighbor asking a question about what black people do...which i've heard alot of my friends that happen to be white, genuinely curious as to how "we" black folk think or do things. well, i make it clear that my views, actions and opinions arent the thinking of all black people, but i do answer their questions.

now what i heard, was the doc jumping off topic and cutting off the caller before she can complete her statement, and throwing out the n word, then moving on to obama election, where the generalization was that blacks voted for obama just on color alone, which for myself and many i know, is false, while it did play a factor.

then the quip about the joke during the pickup game concerning her bodyguard with the joke of "white men can't jump, your on my team" once again a silly statement, and it prolly pissed off the guard, but he maybe chose to ignore it, like most have learned to. i'm not gonna sit here and call any "isms", but it sounds to me that laura was jumping too soon before hearing the woman out....the caller wasnt looking to whine, she was looking for advice. that didnt happen.

if, and i've had it happen, friends of mine that were of another race asked or had concerns with how to deal with other races, i've told them w/o saying words that are negative in their past meanings, on how to approach those that your curious of and do it in a way that gets your questions answered, and doesnt offend or insult the person. simple stuff....

how dr laura acted on air, was no different that me jumping and saying "all white kids have no respect for their parents." due to me being a witness to SOME of my white friends while i was growing up literally cursing at and threatening their parents.

dr laura throwing the N word around and using Tv as justification for all to resume using it was a bad call. while words that are devisive to gays, religious people, and ethnicities can be said, it doesnt mean they make you look great when saying them.

dr laura quit for not being able to deal with the sympathy here.

as for the caller, i know the shoes she's in, in regards to her concerns, i've been there myself, in dating women of other cultures or being token black guy a group of friends, and having to correct people when they feel like just 'cause i'm there, bigoted discussions are cool because "ah..ahmonrah, your not like them."
jade simply has to inform her hubby of how their comments affect her, and #1: speak up for herself when they go there. and
#2: if her hubby cares for her feelings he will address his family seperately about HIS WIFES concerns. if he doesnt he doesnt care too much for her.

neway, all bull patties aside, laura brought the ouch onto herself.

we all need to steer clear of generalities and deal with things on an individual basis. stop lumping crap together.

(i now await for dissection)

[edit on 20-8-2010 by ahmonrarh]

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