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Are you ready for a world without antibiotics?

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posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 04:57 PM
12 August 2010

Antibiotics are a bedrock of modern medicine. But in the very near future, we're going to have to learn to live without them once again. And it's going to get nasty.

Just 65 years ago, David Livermore's paternal grandmother died following an operation to remove her appendix. It didn't go well, but it was not the surgery that killed her. She succumbed to a series of infections that the pre-penicillin world had no drugs to treat. Welcome to the future.

The era of antibiotics is coming to a close. In just a couple of generations, what once appeared to be miracle medicines have been beaten into ineffectiveness by the bacteria they were designed to knock out. Once, scientists hailed the end of infectious diseases. Now, the post-antibiotic apocalypse is within sight.

Hyperbole? Unfortunately not. The highly serious journal Lancet Infectious Diseases yesterday posed the question itself over a paper revealing the rapid spread of multi-drug-resistant bacteria. "Is this the end of antibiotics?" it asked.

Streptococcus pyrogens bacteria. Photograph: S Lowry/University of Ulster/Getty Images

Unfortunately over the years antibiotics have been over subscribed to patients, it is as much the patients fault as the doctors, patients think antibiotics are a cure all and many have insisted that their doctor subscribe them needed or not. It is my understanding that the more you take the less effective they become, at some point your immune system rejects them totally.

It is hard to imagine a world without antibiotics, as mentioned in the article this isn't hyperbole, the day will come when we will get diseases with no cure, seems we are going backward, we can hope in the next 65 years they will come up with something better.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 05:09 PM
There are many herbal things you can do to enhance your own immune system, which is the best drug around to fight these diseases.

It'd be a matter of training your body to fight things off on its own.

But, I mean, think about things this way... so many people are germophobes and constantly obsessing over "keeping themselves free of bugs" that their bodies have absolutely no means to fight them off if they do happen to get it into their system.

The immune system is just like a muscle, has to be used and trained to make it stronger, and without doing that, you're going to have a hard time when it comes time to fight off something big.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 05:21 PM
I can see the logic here and you are probably right in that traditional anti - biotics will become antiquated, and I wonder if they will be replaced with nanobots maybe, to chase down and eliminate specific bugs/virus'. This may spur one of those revolutionary turns in medicine.

I just got over(?) a case of MRSA and had an allergic sulfur reaction to the strongest anti-biotic, so the doctor recommended trying Manuka honey from New Zealand. Upon doing some research, I found this specific honey work's effectively against bacteria and infections. New Zealand is host to some unique flowers that give the honey their distinct antibacterial properties. Turns out this is one old folk remedy that is actually effective and can be used to prevent some infections.

I began eating half a Tblsp each day as well as dabbing some on the wounds, twice a day. My last episode of MRSA lasted 5 weeks, and this time while using the honey, it peaked in 10 days and went away in another 3 days. I would imagine my own bodies self defense was better than during the first bout as well.

Anyway, maybe once the new anti biotics stop being designed, the new and future superbugs will diminish as well. I bet big Pharma won't stop trying to manufacture new ones anytime soon, gotta keep the money flowing. On a conspiratorial note, this is more reason to design antibiotic resistant bugs, but that is just my far out opinion.

Manuka Honey Studies
More Manuka Info


[edit on 18-8-2010 by speculativeoptimist]

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by Aquarius1

Well then maybe humanity needs to get a clue and tell science that we won't tolerate their small-minded taboo against parapsychology any longer. Why? Because we won't need antibiotics once we reach our full psychic potential. We will be able to heal ourselves and each other with psi. Heck, we won't get sick in the first place.

[edit on 18-8-2010 by Student X]

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by Jomina
There are many herbal things you can do to enhance your own immune system, which is the best drug around to fight these diseases.

It'd be a matter of training your body to fight things off on its own.

I agree with you, the last time I took any type of antibiotic was in the sixties when I had a bad infection from an injury. I am of the school that we can heal ourselves and also talk ourselves out of getting ill in the first place.

Today at the first sign of a sneeze people run to their doctors.

Thank you for posting.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 05:35 PM
The overuse of antibiotics and such is a concern, but all of these people that just disregard science and say well eating this orange and going for a jog while reciting the alphabet backwards on the 12th of May cures that and whatever nonsense are, in my opinion, cause for concern.

Yes, being healthy is good, but apples don't cure cancer...

humanity needs to get enlightened and tell science that we won't tolerate their small-minded taboo against parapsychology...once we reach our full psychic potential. We will be able to heal ourselves and each other with psi. Heck, we won't get sick in the first place.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by Whyhi

Right back atcha, slick. If you laugh at woo, I laugh at you.

[edit on 18-8-2010 by Student X]

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 05:54 PM
Honestly, humanity will be OK when the technology goes away.

Kombucha, Fermented sprouts and Veggies, Blue Algae all have properties that allow the body to heal itself.

Once we quit eating frankenfoods and drinking poison, most of the need for antibiotics will be gone.

"Civilized" people are unhealthy on a good day.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by zroth
Once we quit eating frankenfoods and drinking poison, most of the need for antibiotics will be gone.

You have that right, do you think the reason I never get sick is because I have been a vegetarian for 30 plus years and only buy Organic..I was raised on organic food, my father never used chemicals in his garden, we grew most everything and either canned or froze the food. I got away from it for a few years because it was convenient but glad I woke up.

What is strange is the only criticism I get are from people who are sick all the time, go figure.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 07:11 PM
can't wait
I just used wild Yarrow to stop an abcessed tooth.
It killed the pain, stopped the infection, broke down the toxins, and didn't kill off all of the intestinal flora that helps me digest my food.
total cost=$0.00
and no residual tolerance issues.

why don't dentists use it?
no money in that
because it takes away for the need for the root canal too.

My buddy's wife died in child birth from an anti biotic created/resistant super virus.
IMHO we can't get rid of these stupid drugs fast enough.
When they tell you that we were lost without antibiotics its only Doctors and those that rely on them that were.

Back when they were burning witches at the stake they were killing 9 out of 11 pregnant women because doctors REFUSED to wash there hands.

midwives using herbs weren't losing hardly any lives at all

Direct Entry Midwives had the best outcomes with a death rate of 1.9 compared to CNM-attended births (2.9) or physicians -- D.O.'s (15.1) or M.D.'s (24.7). 2

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 11:14 AM
i have to say,

hearing of nukes going off, etc does not phase me much, but for SOME reason, this scares the crap out of me.


posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 04:43 PM

I agree us as humans need to use the more natural things in life to cure ourselves. All fruits and veggies have antioxidants in them. If balanced it can cure many, many diseases. i had serious stomach issues for several months. Potato juice works real we to cure it. drink 1 shot for 21 days and you will be good, if that does not work. try **SNIPPED** if accessible. i have learned how to cure disease's in many different ways, whether its the way u talk to someone, or how u give them a massage, or rub there belly. or play them a nice relaxing song on the keyboard. most doctors nowadays are pure liars, or they just don't care, and want money. **drug reference snipped**

Peace an Respect, Much Love.

edit on Sat Sep 25 2010 by DontTreadOnMe because: MOD NOTE: The New ATS Policy on Drug-Related Topics

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by Jomina

The immune system is just like a muscle, has to be used and trained to make it stronger, and without doing that, you're going to have a hard time when it comes time to fight off something big.

You are so right about the immune system, a healthy life style helps to keep it strong, when you put garbage in you get garbage out. So much of the food today is loaded with chemicals and additives which I believe compromises not just your immune system but your health overall.

Thanks for posting.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 10:43 PM
I am allergic to all of them. I am already in a world without antibiotics. There are many options. I am still alive and I can not take one single one.

There is much more info today than in the dark ages . I did my research because I had to, if other people did they would not need them either, and we would not be in this situation in the first place.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by amatrine

I am not allergic to antibiotics that I know of, haven't taken any kind of medication in over thirty years, one of the problems with antibiotics is they are over used, when they happens my understanding is that they are not effective any longer. Actually I don't remember ever taking any medication of any kind. I am allergic to all shell fish, never got tested again so don't know if I still am, just don't eat it.

I am glad you have found alternatives amatrine, you are right there are alternatives for many medications, people don't want to bother doing the research to find out what else is available.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 10:52 PM
There are plenty of natural and herbal antibiotics that have been around for millennia that bacteria dont become resistant to, and that cause few extremely minor side effects. Goldenseal is a great internal one, garlic and tea are great topical ones. They have actually found a volcanic clay in France that typically kills mrsa as well. Last time I got strep, I forewent antibiotics. Instead I had some accupuncture and massive doses of c and a, and it resolved in 3 days.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 10:58 PM
Ah, and guys your info on antibiotics is a little off. It's not that if you take too many your immune system rejects them, or anything silly like that, and you don't become resistant to them. It's actually that we overuse them as a society, and so the bacteria are evolving immunity to them, and becoming superbugs like mrsa or vre. Oh and they also kill all your intestinal flora and cause major candida overgrowth.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 10:58 PM
I disagree with the fact that overprescribing is the reason for antibiotic resistance. Though prevalent, it would not cause such mutations so fast.

70% of the TOTAL supply of antibiotics are and have been fed to healthy farm animals by Big Business.

Therein lies the true culprit for antibiotic resistance. A subject that is taboo in a world of consumerism.

People eat the animals that are fed antibiotics. The ones who eat these animals from the grocery store meat case have been getting a very low dose of antibiotics for years.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 11:01 PM
Actually bacteria and viruses mutate extremely fast which is why we have new flu strains each year. This, though is not exactly mutation. It's just that when you take an antibiotic, all the bacteria vulnerable to that antibiotic die, and the ones that are resistant are the few that go on to reproduce.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by thegoodearth

70% of the TOTAL supply of antibiotics are and have been fed to healthy farm animals by Big Business.

Therein lies the true culprit for antibiotic resistance. A subject that is taboo in a world of consumerism.

People eat the animals that are fed antibiotics. The ones who eat these animals from the grocery store meat case have been getting a very low dose of antibiotics for years.

You are absolutely right, I am happy to say that I eat no meat of any kind and haven't for more then 25 years, but for those who do they are alternatives out there, organic etc. Know it costs more but you can save now and pay later. I will stick with my organic food.

Thanks for posting.

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