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Cop shoots and kills suspect after being attacked.

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posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Impressive post.

Yes, it is entirely true that being a police officer is quite a low-risk career. Especially in comparison to other jobs, worldwide.

Like you said, there is nothing courageous about striking old women in the face, violently beating people who are restrained, and needlessly murdering people all for the sake of being afraid and paranoid.

Police officers are some of the most paranoid people on the face of this Earth. A regular civilian who is so paranoid and cautious to the point they become violent against random people, is clearly mentally ill, and properly diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and anti-social/personality disorders. For a cop, they can do the same thing, and not only receive no punishments, but get commended for it by their superiors. They walk into a normal establishment and look down on anyone as a "possible enemy", not for the sake of protecting the public, but for being fearful of their own well-being.

If one wanted to be a paranoid psychopath, becoming a police officer would be a wise career move.

[edit on 17-8-2010 by SyphonX]

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by SyphonX

If one wanted to be a paranoid psychopath, becoming a police officer would be a wise career move.

The phenomenon you describe is often times called "the thin blue line" which describes the delineation between police officers and thugs.

A few years ago I was illegally detained by two police officers. I ultimately went to court and won my case but I do not bring that up now in order to speak to the illegal detainment but to relay an experience I had with those police officers. While one was in his vehicle running information on me to see if I had any outstanding warrants, the other was asking me questions. One of those questions was if I had any tattoos. I asked him why he would ask me such a question, and his response was that often times tattoos are known gang markings.

The irony of this question was that both his forearms were visibly covered with tattoos. He saw me look at both his forearms in response, and he laughed with some embarrassment. I pointed out that not only did his tattoos that so covered his forearm it would be fairly surmised that this officer had been "sleeved", but that they both wore gang colors, were relying on extortion tactics to bully me, and that they were threatening force of violence to get me to submit to their authority. He did not like my analysis, but had little to say in response.

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere

Maybe a limit on how long one can serve as a beat cop?

That combined with severely draconian punishment for whenever they break the law might just work.

And we could pay you to turn each other in. $5000 to arrest a crooked cop. We could even plant crooked cops or pay cops to break the law in sight of other cops then when they don't arrest him, we could throw them all in jail and take their pensions.

[edit on 17-8-2010 by Exuberant1]

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 10:06 PM
First off, the suspect does not attack until the taser is deployed and fails to connect. The guy did not attack him first but he was refusing to obey the officer's orders and that's where the officer failed to efficiently do his job. After telling the suspect to get on his knees and no response he allows the suspect to back up towards him, hesitating several seconds too long. The officer was scared, rightly so, and pulled the trigger with out a clear shot because the guy was twisting sideways, looking over his shoulder, I'm guessing the prongs hit him at an angle and bounced off. The officer could have had control of the situation if he fired the taser about five seconds sooner. I think cops need more taser training and every cop in order to carry a taser must volunteer to experience the shock of 10,000 volts going through their body so they're fully aware of how the body responds to such stimulus, ie: it's not always easy to put your hands behind your back when your muscles are still contracting from electric shock. yes I know from experience and it's very upsetting to see videos of cops yelling at people to put their hands behind their back seconds after being tased, they look like idiots. It takes at least a minute to regain control of your body movement. and here, how dumb does that cop look while he's yelling at the guy who's dying of a bullet wound to put his hands behind his back? really? is that 300 lb guy belly down bleeding to death still such a huge threat you have to repeatedly yell at him? Cops these days are cowards and as a result they get very little respect. If they can't properly defend themselves with their non-lethal weapons they should reconsider their career path. If they can't protect themselves how are they going to protect anyone else? And to answer the question, what would I do if this guy twice my size attacked me: I'm pretty sure a nightstick to the head will still knock someone out.

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by SyphonX
Yet another person who can barely form a sentence, let alone spell basic words properly, is coming onto ATS to support criminal actions of cops. Yeah, sorry to "go there", but it seems to be a reoccurring theme amongst threads of this nature. Poor grammar, misspelling of common words, etc.

man, what a spellin nazi.
no post for you

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 11:37 PM
After seeing what cops can do with no provocation i feel i must ask, WHY take a swing at a cop?

It's always going to end badly.
people need to stop hitting and pulling guns on cops.
AT LEAST THAT WAY when they do kill a citizen we will know for sure who's in the wrong.

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 11:57 PM
One less thug on the street. Give that Police Officer a bigger gun. Attack a Cop you need taken out.

Now was this also the suspect they wanted?

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 12:52 AM
This is garbage. a cop approaches a situation wrong, and he gets commended for being attacked. Before the incident he did not tell the guy why he was being detained. he just started yelling and threatening. then he attacks the guy. what would you expect? shoot me with a tazer for no reason, miss, and see what happens. cop deserved the face pounding he got, and the guy should get all charges dropped, except for the original fight, if he was the guy they were looking for.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by hounddoghowlie

Originally posted by SyphonX
Yet another person who can barely form a sentence, let alone spell basic words properly, is coming onto ATS to support criminal actions of cops. Yeah, sorry to "go there", but it seems to be a reoccurring theme amongst threads of this nature. Poor grammar, misspelling of common words, etc.

man, what a spellin nazi.
no post for you

The irony is strong in this post.

It's also equally ironic considering the avatar picture above me.. Hrm... what an occurrence.

[edit on 18-8-2010 by SyphonX]

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by mumma in pyjamas

After seeing what cops can do with no provocation i feel i must ask, WHY take a swing at a cop? It's always going to end badly. people need to stop hitting and pulling guns on cops. AT LEAST THAT WAY when they do kill a citizen we will know for sure who's in the wrong.

Thank you ! you understand the point !

When a freaking cop YELL to get down on your knee, GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEE ! Deal with the cop behavior in court later.

Like a said before i am NOT a cop fan at all, but at least i have to be FAIR with them :

They have the WORST job in the know, unknow and all parallel universes and dimensions !

Dealing with the trash of society, useless violence, drugs, human drama, murder, pauverty etc... etc... etc... on a daily basis affect your state of mind badly ( just reading ATS affect my state of mind, imagine )

As a cop, virtually anyone you are in contact with can attack or kill you. You are insulted daily and nobody like you. You are in contact with all the worst the society can produce and with heartbreaking event ( a child murdered, assaulted wife etc..) daily.

Is this a reason to forget the bad behavior we see : NO But a least i try to understand such behavior. In my mind it indicate a much more deepless society problem.

Why the dude on the video don't just said " Yes mister officer, calm down mister officer im getting on my knee " What is this (new ?) behavior of people fighting againts authority ? Yes its part of much deeper social issues. ( not the point here so focus)

Is ALL cops are Big blob of brainless morons making fun at shooting peoples ? i don't think so, do you ?

Like usual we only see the bad apples, how about the THOUSAND of DAILY arrests and whatever cop jobs going well with professionnal behavior and no gun shots ?

Don't see those ones on the news uh ?

What the point of showing a cop being nice with a crime victim ? acting wisely ? doing is job in a professional way ?

There is no point at all ! those images DON'T SELL,

My video have to be shocking if i want it viewed on YOUTUBE, i wanna be a millions hits guru, this is so cool to tell my 975 virtual never see face-to-face best friends on facebook and twitter that my youtube video have been viewed 1 255 890 times, Who's your daddy !!! ( for the little brainers, i am ironic right now)

[edit on 18/8/2010 by B3lz3buth]

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by gpena

Do you have a link you can post to support the paragraph you cut paste and added here.

Also... They guy was alive at the end of the video soooo I'd like to check the external source of your information to compare with/against the video.


Edit: I forgot to add. I am not a fan of cops for many reasons, BUT, in this case? If some crazy nut job was BITING MY FACE? Sorry folks, teeth are a lethal weapon. I'd a shot him too.


[edit on 18-8-2010 by silo13]

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