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Alien Abductions Threads are LIES (Mostly)!!!

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posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by kevinunknown
reply to post by freighttrain

Yeah I am not shallow, I am just incredibly judgemental and arrogant, how ironic was it though that you passed judgement on me eh?

I am not saying all “abductee’s” are lairs, just that allot of them are and for the rest there is a perfectly logical and earthly explanation that has nothing to do with UFO’s. And further to this is it perfectly reasonable that I dismiss these events in the absence of evidence.

PS, the signature is a joke, the ET’s must have stole your sense of humour

Every single thing in life hosts a counter-action. To every Yin there's a Yang.

Some people lie. Some don't.
Some spouses cheat. Some don't.
Some people kill. Some don't.
Some people are steal. Some dont
Some people are honest. Some aren't.
Some people are healthy. Some aren't.
What's your point?
Yeah, some people on forums (under protective anonymity) may lie about being abducted but I can almost assure you, no one would want to lie about it in public and risk their reputation unless they were deranged.

And....what are the 'logical' explanations to abduction claims? Sleep paralysis? Nightmares?
Having gone through it, I don't know whether to laugh at you people or feel sorry. Probably both.

Simple minded people tend to stand on simple minded explanations and use it as leverage.

I really have to question why people start these threads.

Listen, I don't believe in religions but I have absolutely no need nor desire to start a thread on it. For what? To rally up the audience? To feel vindicated? To see if others side with me?

Secure and sane people are typically okay in their beliefs and don't have a need to be a rebel rouser unless they're insecure or just an instigator. So OP.....?....which one are you?

[edit on 17-8-2010 by Human_Alien]

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 10:26 PM
You say you don't believe any of them. But I don't think that's a good stance to take. All it takes is one case to be true...

Who then does the true abductee turn too, you?

You have turned yourself into the school bully.

You should look at the bigger picture. Like the amount of stars, which could have advanced civilizations among them. Thousands of UFO reports dating back a millennia. Cow mutilations with no explanation and even human mutilations if there true. Pictures and video of strange happenings. Then there's ghosts, demons, lepricons, fairy's, cupachubra. Even extra dimensions, but I think I'm drifting off topic.

I think that you should not be so hasty to ignore this stuff.

[edit on 17-8-2010 by DomCheetham]

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by DoomsdayRex
While it may be impossible to sway KevinUnknown, it may be possible to sway others.

I fully understand what you're saying in most of your post, but this one sentence quoted above is part of the problem: we shouldn't be "swaying" anyone. This is not about belief, or educating anyone. It's not an ideology (although plenty of people in UFOLogy have turned it into that) - it's an experience.

Why is it that we need to sway anyone? For what purpose? Until such an event transpires for them, this will not be a part of their reality tunnel. Period. They'll continue to live in the fantasy/sci-fi world of anal probes and little spaceman doctors.

I'm all about discussing the issue, but swaying? I'd rather have 10 people with critical thought involved than I would 100 dyed in the wool believers with their own preconceived pedestrian notions.

Make sense?

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 11:43 PM
Well have a look at this vid and tell me what you think.

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by RainCloud
Well have a look at this vid and tell me what you think.

Oh man, that was really great up until the end.

If someone extracted a dead hybrid fetus from a human and KEPT it, don't you think this would make UFO history?

Come on people! That 'thing' was a frog.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 01:08 AM
Sorry, but as I do believe in ETs, I do not believe in even one abduction story I have ever heard about.

Reason: No evidence...

Why would I require evidence?
Beside the obvious? (Back up your claims.....)

Well, because I have had abductions as well. !!!!

What do I mean??
Well, I have laid in bed and watched strange shapes cross my floor while I have been frozen in bed in the middle of the dark, scary night. !!!

sleep paralysis.... Plain and simple... Very sorry. Nothing more.


posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by metalholic

i know ur gonna think how ur gonna think no matter what but i'm gonna dedicate some of my time to maybe talk a little bit of sense into someone for the hopes maybe someone will listen this time....

ok we can clone had the ability a long time but cloning isnt the same as the original if an alien took my dna cloned me on another planet do u really think that clones outcome would be me? if you say yes your thinking is flawed! ofcourse dna and looks would all be same but brain patterns thoughts and habits would not be the same why do u think we dont clone great whites and watch them in zoos to learn about them..

b/c u need the original in its natual habitat! as for them landing in wal-mart parking lot someone like u who have made clear u want to know there weaknesses and how to kill them then ask questions later are not thinking about the fragile feeble minds on this planet that would be ruined if aliens exposed themselves so that no one could deny it!!

all the skeptics that play hardball on the whole alien thing are wanna be believers but are so mad and possibly jealous of those who have seen or experienced that they have become haters...there parents drilled it in there head that aliens and ufos are hoaxes and they get on here and basically play there parents!

but like i said the world's consciosness as a whole is to fragile and feeble for the truth if it wasnt it wouldnt be hard for me to open up peoples eyes and i can explain it as simply as if i was teaching a baby and people seem to still not grasp it! people either are gonna believe or there not or gonna be haters

The fragile people that can't handle knowing there is Aliens is an excuse,
Why is it we blame Government Conspiracy and not blame the Aliens for hiding and being a peeping Tom?
What fragility really is it going to crush if we find out Aliens are proven? Religion? Cause Chaos? Like when we found out the world was round after thinking it was flat? Civilization didn't disintegrate then. And for religion it will adapt and evolve as it's done through the short time it has been. Afterlife is still and forever will be the great unknown.

The abductions are about the body or is it about the mind? What happens in an abduction. Do they prob you? If so is it to tell about the body or to see your reaction to the prob? If an Alien does not want to prob a clone then it is to see your unique reaction?

If it's about the body they can duplicate the body. If it's the mind/thoughts maybe they can duplicate that too. Maybe it's all about the mind.
The Aliens don't even have to come and snatch you, they could just do everything a million miles away as you sleep and take your mind/conscious to be probed, while your thinking they are probing your body.

Let's not think primitive, 2010 science is primitive, When we are in 200,000,010 what will we be able to do? Prob people after traveling farther than we can imagine today?

There is so much thought into UFO's going faster than the speed of light, warping space, worm holes, you name it, the mechanic/physic science with UFO's is incredible and unimaginable BUT these same Aliens become primitive in Biological science to the ratio of the physics they know.
Evolution evolves symmetrically and abductions as most describe do not fit the symmetry

Think what you want, but realize that if someone can make a craft to travel to earth from a far away place. They have things far greater than you and I can imagine and to know who we are with out probing/abducting us in a primitive way.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 02:03 AM
reply to post by mysteryskeptic

adavancement only goes so far yeah your saying alright if this and this exists then what are boundaries and i agree to an extent...u can only open that box so far b/c no matter how advanced and intelligent u r...ur still bound by the universe! at some point there is wall that is impenetrable

so you'd like to think they could do and find out all they need to know sittin at home...but i dont think it works that way! no matter the intelligence level!

hell for all we know people get abducted by these aliens b/c there checkin up on there experiement!

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 02:17 AM
Alien Abduction is an Astral Phenomenon, according to this author

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

This is a great theory, which I've also considered. I wish more people would look into the astral phenemona itself, not only the UFO/abduction relation.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 08:31 AM
So...where are these alleged implants that people get?
Do any of you have any documentation as to their absolute proof?
Pictures would help a lot too.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 08:31 AM
As you seem to think that all of the stories implicating alien abduction are lies, I will but of course object.

Based on personnal experience I can tell you, you have no idea what you are talking about. There is nothing I need to prove to you or any other person of this forum. And I hope those that are victims of such assaults, that try to find peace, while divulging their story, do not fall into fear because of you.

I hope that if you are victim of an abduction you never listen to the OP. And please ignore any other person that would make you doubt of yourself just because of their own very narrow point of view


posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by Matthew Dark
So...where are these alleged implants that people get?
Do any of you have any documentation as to their absolute proof?
Pictures would help a lot too.

hey man eventually i knew i had to get to this for ya watch to the end!

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by Matthew Dark

btw alot of people that are abducted dont know they have implants and if they think they might have one they dont know where its located as ur dealing with medical science well above our own so if they dont want to leave a scar good luck finding it!

alot of people get abducted and dont know it fantasy land keeps them ignorant to the fact

[edit on 18-8-2010 by metalholic]

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by defuntion
Sorry, but as I do believe in ETs, I do not believe in even one abduction story I have ever heard about.

Reason: No evidence...

Why would I require evidence?
Beside the obvious? (Back up your claims.....)

Well, because I have had abductions as well. !!!!

What do I mean??
Well, I have laid in bed and watched strange shapes cross my floor while I have been frozen in bed in the middle of the dark, scary night. !!!

sleep paralysis.... Plain and simple... Very sorry. Nothing more.


That's really a shame you feel that way although I sorta understand why.
But proof sometimes isn't possible......not just yet anyway.

I mean, If I were to tell you I had a real bad dream last night do you mean to tell me you won't believe me because I lack proof?

Again....sorry you need proof to something so real.
Please know, I am not empathetically saying abductions are performed by aliens. Could be the government screwin' with us too or a combo thereof. I sure wish I could find out for certain one day!

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by Human_Alien

eisenhower gave them the go ahead in excahnge for technology..dont believe me look at how far how fast we came since 1945...think about this most people think when a new technology is reveleaed that we jus discovered it...natta it had been tested and revamped for years before we hear about it!

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 11:40 AM

This Just In~

The threads posted by people who pretend to know all about everything.. are LIES! (mostly)

You know, the threads,

" abduction threads are lies!"
"all crop circles are made by man"
"aliens don't exist"
"there is no such thing as UFOs".

Yes, hard to believe I know...
but these are the real lies, by real liars/or real ignorance. lol

It just amazes me how soo many of you can claim such crap,
as if you ACTUALLY KNOW~

Yet, you are the ones who have never experienced for yourselves, anything truly extra-ordinary.

So, you PRETEND like you know all!
Because really , deep down, you know...
that you do not know. lol

Here is what ive found on ATS, and in the world in general,

The people who feel they know enough to be able to tell others,
that something that is a mystery to the world, is absolutely FALSE~
are the ones who really do not know much.
They are the ones who are soo quick to call "BS" on something because their little minds can't comprehend it.

Rather than doing what intelligent folks do,
and simply say, "well, maybe" or " hey, it's possible"
and try to open their minds to the possibilities,
without simply accepting things at face value.

instead of, "nope, sorry, FAKE" or " nope, totally impossible"
only because they, in their own little world, cannot imagine such possibilities.

So before actually using their brains to think before they pretend like they know everything,
They just have a "thought" and spit it out as fast as they can.
Totally dismissing anything that doesnt fit into their view of "reality".

and while they are the ones trying to make "believers" and 'experiencers" look silly,
they accomplish nothing but making their own selves look silly,
not to mention ignorant.

also funny how they are the ones who often yell the loudest 'DENY IGNORANCE", while they proudly display theirs,
without ever noticing it. lol

ohh yeah, the point~

If you think you can say for sure, things like "aliens are not real"
"crop circles are ALL made by man", "abductions are fake", etc etc,
all while pretending /acting like you are POSITIVE~
You are the truly ignorant ones living in a fantasy world.

Intelligent people know not to discount things simply because they sound "too far out there", and thankfully there are quite a few of them here at ATS.

Guess the balance must be kept somehow. lol

Enjoy pretending , "all knowing" ones.

[edit on 18-8-2010 by Ahmose]

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by metalholic
reply to post by Human_Alien

eisenhower gave them the go ahead in excahnge for technology..dont believe me look at how far how fast we came since 1945...think about this most people think when a new technology is reveleaed that we jus discovered it...natta it had been tested and revamped for years before we hear about it!

Oh...........I totally believe (in fact, almost KNOW) they're here either, visiting or among us. That is almost a given.

I just wish we/they/I could prove alien abduction.

Just look back (to ancient history) for signs alien presence. We knew more back then (or we openly acknowledged them) than we do currently.

Still don't believe in the PTB?

Someone (or some group) is in charge of doling and filtering out what we do and don't know. And you have to start asking, why?
It all sorta boils down to control. Control via religion and/or government!

Govern-take over
Mental - your mind.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

Govern-take over
Mental - your mind.

Very nice.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

ever heard of the majestic 12? i think that is the head to the government body..jus a theory though

[edit on 18-8-2010 by metalholic]

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