reply to post by Soylent Green Is People
I wasn't trying to imply that the theories they are coming up with are all true, in fact I believe alot of them are very far reaching. However I
don't necessarily think they are making up their theories to cash in on a 9-11 conspiracy cash cow. They are most likely just passionately misguided.
Even with this topic and its video. As far reaching as holographic CGI edited plane UFO illusions are, I don't believe it was constructed solely to
milk the 9-11 cash cow. There is far too much research, effort put forth to merit the returns they could possibly get. In fact at the end of the video
I don't even remeber him trying to sell a DvD but I do remeber him saying to get the word out.
Im just trying to squash the general sweeping idea that conspiracy researchers are milking a 9-11 cash cow and are knowingly making up and presenting
wild ideas for monetary/publicity gain.
Alex Jones, I havn't made my mind up on him yet but I also try not to. I don't subscribe to everything he says but he has some very good points. He
does alot of research and more often then not has evidence to back up the claims/assertions.
Jesse Ventura, former navy seal and very constitutionaly oriented he obviously has some experience and a perspective on politics we don't hear from
alot. Do I subscribe to everything he says? Nope...but he too has some very good points.
Mr. Greer, Not sure what to make of this guy either although if you patiently sift through the wild far out claims and subtopics he as well has some
good points. He claims the governments of the world are in collusion? I find it hard to disagree. He says they are hiding technology that could vastly
change life on earth. I may not agree on the specific technology being available or existing at all, but if it did I definately agree they would do
everything in their power to suppress it as its in conflict of their power interests.
David Icke, again if you sift through the reptile people and hyperdimensional universal all knowing supreme consciousness of prophetic visions and
lucid dream states you can find some very logical concepts.
-The idea we live in a box with walls of fear of being ridiculed by peers/masses is real. I've seen it sway the beliefs of people away from their
true feelings and more towards the concensus.
-The concepts of power hungry nations and governments that drool over controlling the masses are not fantasy, they are very very real.
The 5-95% rule proves this. 5% of the worlds population controls 95% of its wealth and resources. If thats evidence of a consolidation of power I do
not know what is.
In the end you are right in saying NOT ALL conspiracy "nuts" are in it for the fame and money. I agree not everything they say is true or factual or
even possible.
Consider it fully before you dismiss it.
[edit on 16-8-2010 by Sly1one]
[edit on 16-8-2010 by Sly1one]