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'US kills civilians to intimidate people'

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posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 12:13 PM
Funny how some are so vocal against Obama, TPTB, NWO and so on and yet they are apologists of the action of their armed forces.

Deliberately targeting civilians is wrong, no matter which side is responsible.

Is it me or some just assume an entire neighbourhood must evacuate because some taliban hid somewhere?

Sickening, to all those with contempt for human lives, good luck on your judgement day.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by Section31
After reading this thread a little more, I think some of you 'anti-United States citizens' are setting yourselves up for sedition charges. You guys might want to rollback some of those comments.

Wow now that is a hard core intimidation tactic.

So just because they disagree with war, and say their personal point of view on it, they should be arrested?

You are making veiled threats against ATS members clearly, and this is just way uncalled for.

I do not take kindly to people using threats like this to spread fear in those they oppose in a silly argument on a silly forum.

I don't care who is wrong or who is right man. All I know is what you just did right there is wrong as hell.

He did set up his threats nicely though, so he can have a way out. Clever but I see right through it.

Anyways, I wasn't even going to get involved in this debate until I saw this garbage.

What if I had an opinion? I guess you will never know what it was because apparently opinions against the war are sedition now. And I might go to jail for posting a few stupid words on ATS about how I don't like war?

Weird part is no one made a single threat against the US at all. They were merely venting their anger about it....

The US Gov't is not going to arrest people for venting against the war on ATS. Sorry, hasn't happened in the last 10years, won't be happening now.

So take your sedition threats and put em where the sun don't shine. And stop using intimidation to shut your opponents up?

Such cheap debate tactics I swear. Learn to debate like the other posters on both sides of this maybe?

Anyways, continue with your opinions people. The US Gov't is really good at ignoring people. They are like the masters of ignoring dissenting opinions.

Trust me they don't care what any of us think, pro or con.

[edit on 13-8-2010 by muzzleflash]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by oozyism

you can't really be as stupid as you sound, just another trouble maker!

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by TheOracle
Funny how some are so vocal against Obama, TPTB, NWO and so on and yet they are apologists of the action of their armed forces.

Deliberately targeting civilians is wrong, no matter which side is responsible.

Is it me or some just assume an entire neighbourhood must evacuate because some taliban hid somewhere?

Sickening, to all those with contempt for human lives, good luck on your judgement day.

Agreed targeting civilians IS wrong. But...Hypothetically, if there was a village inhabited by 100 people and 2 of those 100 were openly part of a group that wants to terrorize the other 98 and start a war with a world super power wouldnt the 98 other people go to the world super power and say "here is the 2 guys youre looking for" or even just evicerate the 2 troublemakers all together???

The insurgents are able to mix in because they are allowed to mix in...They are harbored which turns the rest of the 98 villagers into accomplices

So kill 15 people including the high value target or dont kill and 1000 other people die? Its simple numbers that have to be played...

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 12:44 PM
Here is why I tend to sympathize with the Afghanis.

If Russia or China invaded the USA, and had soldiers marching down the street, would you just move outta the way and turn your neighbors in?

Would you help them?

Or would you be out there taking pot shots at them and setting up IEDs?


I know each one of you would be resisting to the bitter end.

Food for thought.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Do some of my nieghbors want to stone my wife to death cause she got her nails done?

Is the invading force here to capture/kill genocidal fanatics?

You can never invade the mainland USA...there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by BingeBob
reply to post by muzzleflash

Do some of my nieghbors want to stone my wife to death cause she got her nails done?

Is the invading force here to capture/kill genocidal fanatics?

You can never invade the mainland USA...there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass

Um, I don't care if they eat their babies honestly.

It's not worth a single US Soldier's life to save them from their own crappy system/government/nation/culture.

Having 1 single US soldier die to save them from their stupid selves is just BS man. It ain't worth it.

I'd rather US Soldiers live and come home.

Like I said let them eat their babies I really don't care. Not our country, not our business. Definitely ain't worth the precious blood of Americans.

Let them rot for all I care. Let's get the hell out and get our boys/girls back home and get the BBQ going and enjoy our wonderful nation. IMHO.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

STAR FOR YOU...I agree but thats not what this thread is about. Its about the fallacy of US soldiers purposefully targeting civilians to intimidate people.

We are there...I cant change that...I wish they would at least let our military do what it was intended for and leave this hippy, free love BS behind.

You use the Army for long operations in theatres of war. You use the US Marines to take regions and pieces of land that are occupied. You use the US Navy SEALS if you want certain people dead (or alive...for a while). You use the Airforce to soften up hard targets before you send in the Marines and Army. And you use the US Navy to defeat warships and to bombard land before the Marines get there.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by BingeBob

You use the Army for long operations in theatres of war. You use the US Marines to take regions and pieces of land that are occupied. You use the US Navy SEALS if you want certain people dead (or alive...for a while). You use the Airforce to soften up hard targets before you send in the Marines and Army. And you use the US Navy to defeat warships and to bombard land before the Marines get there.

Those days are gone. Today it is about winning hearts and minds.

IMO, a military shouldn't be used long term. A military is meant to go in, punish the enemy, and get out.

[edit on 13-8-2010 by jam321]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 01:28 PM
So are you telling me the terrorists are running around town shouting they are terrorists? How do you figure out some guy has just been fighting the americans when you were at work this day?
I don't know but where I live I barely know my neighbors, let alone people who don't want to be found.
So enough with the stupid logic of moving out of an area harboring fighters when the entire country is in a freaking war.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 02:35 PM
I think the word "terrorism" is thrown around rather loosely nowadays... It is war.. installation of fear or compliance through Intimidation is simply a part of any war... "All is fair in love and war". Innocent people die in war... but are they really innocent... It is no different for them, than it is for us... It is our fault our politicians are out of control, just as it is their fault they allowed a radical religious regime to take charge...

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by oozyism
They have not achieved anything to date, they haven't even got a proper and fair Democracy. Then again why would you install Democracy after spending billions of dollars to steal and occupy that land>? That's dumb.

You just contradict yourself non-stop. I would call occupying an entire country, and its resources, as quite an achievement.

You just come off as a limp wrist biased non-logical wimp to be honest with you.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 05:21 PM
My appologies for not reading this thread
Truth is that the government you voted for sent us soldiers into the following sittuations.,

Bosnia.. Serb forces would not release wounded... They mixed live people with the dead... They built huge trenches to fill nd had cattle trucks full of dead people mixed with live.,

Suffixe to say many serbian commanders died....

Bosnians were getting litterally crucified and women raped...

We stopped that... Coz we are hard moral bastards.. Your brother or sister...

Then came iraq and afganistan..

It is soo easy for you assholes to believe our wrongs but there are more people alive today because of us than not...

Yeah us.. Us uneducated pricks...

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by oozyism
They accepted responsibility, if you can remember the first report was robbers who killed the aid workers (Christian missionary aid workers).

They claimed responsibility.

Originally posted by oozyism
The odd thing is that you don't say US military is holding Afghan villagers hostage when you see them in those villages lol but when you see the resistance fighters you claim they are holding those villagers hostage.

US Troops don't hide and fight from villages, the Taliban do. That's holding those villagers "hostage" and using a "human shield". They don't care if any get killed because they know that brainwashed individuals like you will believe whatever BS excuse they have.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by BingeBob
reply to post by muzzleflash

Do some of my neighbors want to stone my wife to death cause she got her nails done?

Is the invading force here to capture/kill genocidal fanatics?

You can never invade the mainland USA...there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass

It seems you have been watching too much propaganda and do not have the ability to comprehend the situation and compare + contrast.

Let me help you.

If there are idiots in Afghanistan who want to stone, there aren't that many of them, but they are vicious like the American gangs. So yes, your neighbors, (depending on what type of neighborhood you are living in), will have people who would say it is ok to rape your daughter, wife, and even son. They would say it is OK to kill you for snitching, as that is their own gangster law etc etc/

So please, stop watching and do some more thinking.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by LooseLipsSinkShips

You just contradict yourself non-stop. I would call occupying an entire country, and its resources, as quite an achievement.

You just come off as a limp wrist biased non-logical wimp to be honest with you.

Sorry Mr. LooseLips, you don't get it.

Occupying a whole country and its resources is not an achievement. If that country has such a strong resistance then what do you think the out come is gonna be?

For you to say they occupied a whole country is also what we call here BS. Think about it, if they already occupied the whole country, why are they on the offensive? Ohh Duuuh,

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by jerico65

There was no independent confirmation of any Taliban role, or that the medical workers had bibles.

From your own link. As I said previously, the Taliban claimed responsibility.

US Troops don't hide and fight from villages, the Taliban do.

I already posted a picture showing US troops inside a village. What were they doing there>? What would happen if the villagers don't want them there? Isn't that holding the villagers hostage?

That's holding those villagers "hostage" and using a "human shield".

Let's make this a formula so you can see how brainwashed you are lol:

[Taliban + guns inside villages] = [village hostage]
[US + guns inside villages] != [village hostage]

See how they programmed you? (!) means (not) in programming language, and if you read that, and see how you are programmed, that way you can help yourself be something other than a tool.

They don't care if any get killed because they know that brainwashed individuals like you will believe whatever BS excuse they have.

Look who’s talking, I'm not defending the Taliban, and I’m just saying their actions are not much different than the US.

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 03:44 AM
being a vet i'd say we don't target civillians.... but by who knows what command they come at us like hostiles... i'll be darned if i die in a warzone heck in vietnam kids were armed.... in iraq a coke can can kill u... so what would u do op we not beast or none of dat we got bibles and we read em i know i do nightly... the devil can only speak for those who have already signed up... dis gets deep

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 01:59 PM
This is a ridiculous accusation. Yeah killing civilians for the purpose of intimidation goes back to WW2, and it didn’t work then or since. It increased military production and steeled the resolve of the civilian population. Fewer Brits committed suicide during the Blitz than before the start of the war and the same was the case for Nazi Germany, and they got it far worse than us.

Terror bombing is counter-productive, and that was proven in total war. We are fighting an insurgency within Afghanistan, I can’t even describe how foolish it would be to purposefully kill civilians in this situation. We do not want disgruntled, homeless, orphaned etc civilians joining up with the Taliban to get revenge, for a start.

Civilian deaths are the result of poor soldiering and poor intelligence, nothing more. Every single one is a step back, we have nothing to gain from it.

Look to the Taliban if you want to talk about people purposefully killing civilians.

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 07:06 AM
reply to post by oozyism

Sorry, complete fail on your part once again.

US troops might move thru a village, but they aren't setting up fighting positions in the village to engage the enemy.

The Tali-tards, on the other hand, do just that. Set up in a village, attack a US patrol, then when the US troops engage, they whine to the press about any civilians losses. That's called using a "Human Shield"

Understand, Pumpkin?

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